Eternal Existence

Chapter 4845: Strange Phenomenon

In any case, Chen Feng felt his malice from the other party, and the other party's strength continued to grow stronger.

In fact, this is another way of recovery. The more energy the other party absorbs, the stronger it will become.

Chen Feng didn't want to wait for the opponent to become stronger, so he quickly stepped forward and punched the opponent away.

Then Chen Feng turned and left.

It's just that this is the other party's territory. Unless Chen Feng completely leaves this area of ​​origin, he will still be in the other party's feelings.

So it didn't take long for Chen Feng's area to fluctuate, and the rolling corrosive energy began to riot, forming waves that washed and squeezed Chen Feng.

This familiar situation left Chen Feng speechless and reminded him of the dark area before.

Now that he has encountered this situation again, the corrosive energy area in front of him is larger. Chen Feng is not sure whether he can leave.

However, the other party has only just recovered, so the problem won't be too big.

So Chen Feng moved forward step by step, forcibly opening a path. Seizing the opportunity, Chen Feng used the magic of magic to move forward quickly.

There's nothing good to do here, and there's no point in staying here. It's just a waste of energy.

Soon the opponent in human form appeared again, and the opponent also punched Chen Feng.

It was exactly the same as Chen Feng's previous punch.

"This is a way to copy me, and the copy looks quite similar." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the other party also knows how to copy magical powers, which would be a bit troublesome.

But think about it, you have always been on the other side's territory, and it doesn't really matter if your every move is copied by the other side.

"In that case, let me see if you have any other tricks."

Chen Feng also blocked the opponent's attack with one punch. This time his opponent was stronger than before.

But he was still no match for Chen Feng and was smashed to pieces by Chen Feng with a punch.

This time Chen Feng did not plan to run away like before, but used the Devouring Technique to collect the broken opponent.

In Chen Feng's opinion, the other party's spirit should be contained here. If it is swallowed by himself, will the North no longer be resurrected?

However, Chen also knew that his thinking was too simple. As long as the origin area is still there, it will be difficult for the opponent to truly die.

So just leave before the other party is really strong.

Otherwise, he would not be able to establish contact with Time Changhe and the others now, and Chen Feng would still be a little worried about facing Yuanyuan alone.

After all, there is too much energy here. Who knows how far the other party can recover?

If the other party can mobilize some of its power, it will be enough to suppress and trap itself.

So Chen Feng continued to use the magic of magic to rush forward, and when he encountered obstacles, he immediately broke through them.

If you can't delay, don't delay; if you can't stop, don't stop.

When the opponent's transformed human form was able to block Chen Feng's attack, Chen Feng knew that real trouble was beginning to come.

After the two sides fought, Chen Feng still dispersed the opponent, but after taking a few steps, the opponent appeared again.

Not only that, a humanoid existence also appeared in another direction.

When the third humanoid existence appeared, Chen Feng knew that the other person had been resurrected to a certain extent.

"I won't really be trapped here, right? Then I will fall into an endless battle until I can't resist the opponent and be suppressed." Chen Feng calculated some of the things that might happen for me. result.

Then Chen Feng used all possible means to contact Shi Changhe and the others. At the same time, Chen Feng released the Great Dao and spent some effort to suppress these humanoid beings.

This time Chen Feng did not break the opponent or absorb the opponent, but used means to seal the opponent.

In this case, see what changes will happen to the other party.

The opponent did not break the seal of success, but the new humanoid existence gave Chen Feng a headache.

This time there were more opponents, and Chen Feng didn't even have time to continue on his way.

The previous speculation came earlier than imagined.

"Then how strong can you become?" Chen Feng couldn't help but ask.

"In the process of fighting with me, you are also wasting money. Although you are from the origin area of ​​one party, there is no need to waste strength like this." Chen Feng tried to communicate with the other party, but what he got was the other party's attack.

Chen Feng also released his will to try to capture the other party's possible will, but he was unsuccessful and the other party never responded.

It seems that these humanoid beings that appear are nothing more than puppets of those being manipulated.

"From this point of view, it is not as simple as just giving. It is really a scattered consciousness behind the scenes. Of course, it is also possible that like the previous dark area, there are other powerful beings controlling everything. It's just that I was in No living beings were found in the original area, so I still can't figure out what the situation is." Chen Feng suddenly stopped and let the opponent's attack fall on him, feeling a powerful wave of corrosion. The force drilled into his body and he wanted to assimilate himself. Although it was refined by Chen Feng, it did take a lot of effort from Chen Feng.

"If this continues, the opponent will continue to be destroyed, which is a bit troublesome for me. Although I can also swallow this kind of power, it is not as easy and simple to refine as other energies." Chen Feng felt it carefully. Now, the situation isn't too bad, but it won't be easy either.

"I don't know when I can get out." Chen Feng calculated carefully and felt that he might not be able to leave the corrosion area in a short time.

This is a bit of a headache.

After a while, the humanoid beings around Chen Feng had become dozens.

They surrounded Chen Feng, and because of the revival, the other party seemed to be more flexible and no longer as mechanical and numb as at the beginning.

This put more pressure on Chen Feng.

"The River of Time and the others didn't respond. It seems that they don't know what happened here. In this case, I will make a bigger noise. This area is too vast. Can the noise here be transmitted?" Chen Feng was also unsure in his heart.

But he still took out the energy tower.

This time, Chen Feng's attack was directly increased by more than ten times.

As soon as the energy tower appeared, it suppressed the four directions. The humanoid beings around were all unable to move. Chen Feng took out the long sword and quickly broke these humanoid creatures into pieces.

Then the energy tower shook violently, and the surrounding corrosive energy was immediately squeezed out, and soon the surrounding area became an area belonging to the energy tower.

Moreover, this area is still expanding, but after it expands to a certain extent, Chen Feng feels the pressure.

After all, no matter how strong the energy tower is, it cannot compete with one origin area. Even if there is a problem with the origin area, it is not so easy to deal with.

Chen Feng's mind moved, and the area that was originally expanding to the surroundings was quickly contained, and he broke through in one direction directly.

A long road extends out in the corrosive energy area.

Chen Feng moved forward quickly with the energy tower, and was about to be blocked by energy, and then urged the energy tower to burst out again.

In this way, Chen Feng kept shuttling back and forth with the help of the energy tower, and everything he got turned into his own domain.

This is indeed overbearing, but it is also very consuming.

However, Chen Feng has no good way, so he can only use this method to make some noise. He wants to let the Time River and others notice it.

Of course, Chen Feng also wants to rush out with his own strength, and he can't ask the Time River for help for everything.

Maybe the power of the energy tower is too strong, or it is possible that this area will not lose more power for a while, and Chen Feng has been constantly colliding with roads.

According to what Chen Feng thought, if he could continue to maintain this state, he could get out even if he spent some cultivation.

Who knew that the calm area suddenly had a riot, and groups of flames appeared in the radiation energy.

These flames spread and expanded rapidly, and soon Chen Feng was in a sea of ​​fire.

This time it was not just as simple as corroding energy, but also the power constantly infiltrating Chen Feng's mind, trying to influence Chen Feng's will.

At this time, Chen Feng felt some of the other party's scattered will, which was stimulated because of the burning flames.

Chen Feng was attacked from both sides.

"Guixu is indeed able to invade this origin area and keep the other party here. Obviously, he also saw the difference of this origin area. However, such a special energy, even before it was invaded, it would be difficult to give birth to any life." Chen Feng still had time to think of this at this time.

A mountain in front of him rose rapidly, which was the gathering of energy. As the mountain got higher and higher, it finally began to transform into a human form.

Finally, a giant came towards Chen Feng, and Chen Feng felt oppression from the other party.

So Chen Feng did not personally go forward to fight with the other party, but urged the energy tower to go forward and knocked the other party out with just one blow.

Seeing that the other party was scattered while falling to the ground, Chen Feng went forward to perform the Devouring Technique to capture the other party's broken will and some special spirituality.

Chen Feng waited in place, wanting to see if there was any change, but the other party did not recover.

Chen Feng understood that plundering the other party's will and spirituality still worked.

But how strong is the other party's will and spirituality? Once the scattered will and spirituality in such a powerful area are paid, I am afraid it will be inexhaustible.

And whether there are other lives behind this, Chen Feng has not seen any signs of this so far.

In this way, Chen Feng continued to rush forward with the power of the energy tower, and smashed it directly when he encountered an obstacle.

But this consumption really made Chen Feng's heart bleed.

This time he lost a lot.

Just opening up a road, it actually consumed so much energy and mana.

Obviously this is not worth it.

So after Chen Feng defeated his opponent again, he used some means to absorb some energy.

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