Eternal Existence

Chapter 4826: Dividing Resources

Chen Feng's return alarmed the high-level officials of the entire Savage Universe, but they did not have time to reminisce with Chen Feng before they felt the changes in the Savage Universe.

"I need more Hunyuan Jinxian to appear." Chen Feng said to Bingxing and others.

At this time, Chen Feng naturally did not desire the Savage Universe to appear above Hunyuan, after all, even Chen Feng himself had not broken through to this realm.

Although others have some talent, being able to cultivate to Hunyuan Jinxian is already considered the top level.

It is basically impossible to be above Hunyuan.

This is also something that makes Chen Feng depressed.

But it is also normal, after all, there are very few above Hunyuan in the entire free space.

Most of the life races have the existence of Hunyuan Jinxian, which can be passed down for a long time.

Besides, even if there is the potential to cultivate to above Hunyuan, it cannot be done in a short time. It takes an extremely long time.

Chen Feng will not think too much about the future. The most important thing at the moment is to improve the level of the Savage Universe and Bingxing's own strength.

If they can break through to the level of Hunyuan Jinxian, it would be great. If not, they also hope to be infinitely close to the level of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Then when the number of Hunyuan Jinxian reaches a certain level, even the extremely top existences above Hunyuan will be surrounded and killed by the joint forces.

This is also the situation Chen Feng encountered in the Abyss Valley before. After all, when the number of Hunyuan Jinxian reaches a certain level, even the existence of Tianyuan Saints will have to find a way to operate.

Chen Feng and others joined forces, and if they hadn't used some other means, they couldn't do anything about so many Hunyuan Jinxians.

To say that the resources Chen Feng took out before can allow all these people to use them for a long time.

However, as these tribesmen continue to become stronger, the resources needed will rise sharply.

Especially after the continuous appearance of Daluo Jinxian, Chen Feng knew that the endless resources in his eyes would not be as he imagined before. With the expansion of the Savage Universe and the strengthening of these people, the resources are also being consumed rapidly.

Especially when an old existence of the Changsheng Clan broke through to the level of Half-Step Hunyuan Jinxian, the resources needed became even more numerous.

This is because these people have opened up other universes and collected a lot of resources over such a long time, otherwise they would not have cultivated so fast. After all, although the resources left by Chen Feng are large in quantity, they are still a bit monotonous compared to what everyone has collected.

"Not bad, I was thinking whether I could put down all my gains this time? Now it seems that the effect is still quite good." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Then Chen Feng directly took out a corpse above Hunyuan and suppressed it in the core area of ​​the Savage Universe.

It was as if a strong source of power appeared. As the corpse above Hunyuan was constantly decomposed and continuously integrated into the Savage Universe, the Savage Universe would continue to expand.

Even because of the existence of this level above Hunyuan, some special powers and laws can be generated in the expansion of the universe.

If some people can capture it, it will be of great benefit to their future cultivation.

This can also be regarded as the inheritance above Hunyuan.

This is Chen Feng, otherwise, even those families with a long inheritance would find it difficult to do such a thing.

After all, under normal circumstances, only the Hunyuan can solve the Hunyuan, and it is impossible for them to take out the corpses of the Hunyuan to let these low-level beings practice.

I wish I could refine and absorb them all by myself.

Of course, there are still fewer Hunyuan.

So Chen Feng took out some Hunyuan Jinxian level. In short, according to Chen Feng's analysis, if the resources he took out can be fully utilized, the Savage Universe can be upgraded to another level, and the life here will actually undergo earth-shaking changes.

Maybe the number of Hunyuan Jinxian will not increase much, but the Daluo Jinxian and the existence below the Daluo Jinxian will definitely increase massively.

"Even if I take out enough resources, it will take a long time to become stronger slowly. If I ascend to heaven in one step, the hidden dangers are too great." Chen Feng looked at the changes in the Savage Universe and was quite satisfied.

After all, this change is still very stable, at least there are no accidents.

Some of the modifications who have gained some insights have entered a state of retreat, some are still confused, and some are quickly snatching energy and constantly improving their mana.

Chen Feng did not intervene in this situation, nor did he mean to instruct the other party.

Everyone has their own path of cultivation. Even if they have taken a detour now, once they return to the right path, it will be of great benefit to their future cultivation.

Chen Feng's guidance now may speed up their revision in a short period of time, but over time, their own weak links will definitely appear.

After all, no one can always instruct them in their cultivation.

And Chen Feng will not stay in the Savage Universe for too long.

After feeling that the Savage Universe is stable, Chen Feng continues to expand the Savage Universe while communicating with his second-life clone.

After feeling the situation of the second-life clone, Chen Feng summoned the clone that was first opened up and the most powerful one.

This is the first time that Chen Feng has summoned a clone in front of him since he released the clone.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to merge this clone with himself to see what changes would happen.

But soon Chen Feng hesitated again. Although the clone was very strong, it was still far from Chen Feng.

If the two merged now, it still did not meet Chen Feng's idea.

So Chen Feng asked his clone to suppress the Savage Universe, and Chen Feng also conveyed the message to other clones. Once a clone reached this point, it would return to the Savage Universe.

"I don't know when it will be truly integrated. It's all because my original body is progressing too fast." Chen Feng said.

In this way, Chen Feng took out a lot of the resources he had obtained before, most of which were left in the Savage Universe, and some were passed to other clones through special means.

In this way, whether it was some resources suppressed in Chen Feng's body or some resources suppressed by the magic weapon avenue, most of them were cleared at once.

This made Chen Feng a little emotional. He worked so hard, and the resources he got were just thrown away.

But Chen Feng did not regret it.

After staying in the Savage Universe for a while, he felt that there was really no problem, so Chen Feng chose to leave.

This time, Chen Feng did not rely on the power of the Long River of Time, but relied on his own means to comprehend.

Of course, Chen Feng established contact with the Long River of Time and learned about the situation of the Abyss Valley.

The Abyss Valley has not been completely destroyed yet, which made Chen Feng a little relieved.

Now it seems that the participation of the Yuanjie still plays a role, and other origin areas must have input a lot of energy.

Since the Abyss Valley can still delay for such a long time, it also shows that the power of Guixu has not really suppressed everything.

Since it can resist, it is enough.

Chen Feng hurried on his way in the free space. Before, Chen Feng thought that he must travel through the entire space after he became strong. Who knew that now that he is strong, he went to other areas to venture.

Chen Feng's magic of walking was brought to the extreme, and it took some time to enter the Yuanjie.

There seems to be no big change here.

Chen Feng found the dragon and the Tianyuan Saint.

The two of them are still practicing.

Chen Feng did not disturb them. After all, they had obtained too many things before, and it would take some time to slowly refine them. Chen Feng put the resources he had obtained before in the Savage Universe.

He felt relieved.

Now Chen Feng wanted to return to the Abyss Valley again to fight with the virtualized power.

Then he could get some benefits.

Of course, Chen Feng was just thinking about it. After all, he still had some resources, and Chen Feng had some other ideas for cultivation.

That was to continue to comprehend the origin area.

Chen Feng wanted to smash the origin area, but after considering his own strength, Chen Feng still had self-knowledge.

Now the smashed origin area must not be opened up. Even if it can be opened up, it is a defective product or a mess.

Chen Feng knew that only when he became above Hunyuan, this realm would have a free Qiyuan area.

So it still takes time to practice now.

Chen Feng tried his best to comprehend the structure of the origin area and all the mysteries, and at the same time, he also divided some power to repair his own road.

The power of the Great Dao is actually very strong, but it was torn into pieces by so many Hunyuan Jinxians, which also made Chen Feng know that the Great Dao is still not strong enough.

According to Chen Feng's idea, when it can suppress Hunyuan, it will be truly satisfactory.

In this way, Chen Feng practiced for a while, and was always disturbed by a strong force.

Only then did he find that an area of ​​the Yuanjie had collapsed.

At first, Chen Feng and the Yuanjie were attacked, but then he knew that this area was separated by itself and floated to the Abyss Valley.

"Is this considered a local battle?" Chen Feng knew that this was because the Yuanjie felt that the input power was not enough, so it directly cut the area, which contained some of the origin of the Yuanjie. In this way, it can also be regarded as a carrying place, which can play a better role in the Abyss Valley.

Not only can it serve as a resident base, allowing other lives in the Yuanjie to rest here, but it can also withstand more energy, saving the need to rely on a simple energy evolution area to serve as a territory.

"It seems that the war has not slowed down, but has become more and more intense." Chen Feng said.

"I'll go and see the situation first." Tianyuan Saint chose to enter the Abyss Valley.

Chen Feng was a little surprised that Tianyuan Saint did not invite himself and Jiaolong, but then he calmed down.

Maybe Tianyuan Saint had his own ideas, or Tianyuan Saint really just wanted to go and take a look, and was not ready to participate in the war.

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