Eternal Existence

Chapter 4823: Light

"Are we going to escape now?" Chen Feng said.

"Continuing will actually have no effect. Even if we can kill some Hunyuan Golden Immortals, we can't change the situation." Tianyuan Saint said.

"And now the situation has collapsed. Even if we stay and don't leave, you see, the other beings have run away. If we stay, we will die."

Chen Feng took a look and found that it was indeed the case, and those who escaped were all those above Hunyuan, and those origin-level beings were still there to compete.

Even those from other origin areas came to support, but they did not leave.

Chen Feng knew that if they had to leave the Gate of Time and Space, there would be no hope for the Valley of the Abyss.

Even though they were being besieged now and the situation they had created before was collapsing, they still had to at least persevere.

"Even if we have to leave, we still have to find a way to deal with a few more opponents. At least it can reduce some pressure." Chen Feng said.

"Can you still eat it? Even if you can, I'm worried that if you stay here, you won't be able to leave again." said the Tianyuan Sage.

At this moment, the Valley of the Abyss suddenly began to fluctuate violently. Just when Chen Feng was imagining whether the other party was about to collapse, streams of extremely powerful energy erupted, and these energies poured towards them at the Gate of Time and Space. past.

Even Chen Feng and others were instilled with power.

"This is the original power of the Valley of the Abyss, accumulated over many years, and this time I am finally willing to take it out," said the Tianyuan Sage.

Chen Feng felt this power carefully. In the past, Chen Feng had encountered this kind of situation, but this time he received more power.

Chen Feng carefully calculated that if he completely refined and absorbed it, he could increase his cultivation level by nearly a calamity.

What a terrifying thing.

This was only obtained by Chen Feng. Jiaolong and Tianyuan Saint also received the infusion of power.

Existences at the origin level like the Gate of Time and Space get more things.

Chen Feng was wondering whether the Valley of the Abyss had taken out all the family wealth.

It can be said that since Chen Feng entered the Valley of the Abyss, the amount of mana he has consumed in fighting is not as much as what he gained this time.

So even the Tianyuan Saint was a little silent.

"I won't be able to leave the Valley of the Abyss simply when I do this. Just like you said, since we have gained the benefits, let's deal with some more opponents before leaving. I want to kill some Hunyuan Golden Immortals, or maybe some more It should be almost enough to deal with a few Hunyuan and above," said the Tianyuan Saint.

"There should be no problem with pure killing. What I'm thinking now is that if we solve the problem of Guixu's life, the opponent will be devoured by the Valley of the Abyss again after death. If the Valley of the Abyss instills a large amount of original power again, then we still have Do you want to stay?" Chen Feng said.

"If the Valley of the Abyss can maintain this state, then it means that the Valley of the Abyss has not reached the edge of collapse. Even if we stay and fight, I think it is normal." Tianyuan Saint said, urging The origin area once again enveloped Chen Feng and Jiao Long.

"Next, I will use all the power of origin to pull down the lives of Guixu. You two attack as much as possible and eliminate as many opponents as you can." Tianyuan Saint said.

"How about you take me with you?" At this time, Jiuji suddenly appeared.

It turned out that Jiuji also took the opportunity to escape before, but like Chen Feng and others, they also hesitated after being indoctrinated by the Valley of the Abyss. Seeing that Tianyuan Saint and the others were hesitant to leave, Jiuji knew their plan.

"It's okay, one more person will bring more strength." Tianyuan Saint did not refuse. In any case, Jiuji is also a Hunyuan master, so there is no problem in dealing with some Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

"We can only deal with some Hunyuan Golden Immortals." Jiaolong also said the same.

Although Jiaolong was a little embarrassed when he was besieged by Hunyuan Golden Immortal before, at least Jiaolong was powerful enough and he had already broken through to Hunyuan.

Next, we will join forces with Chen Feng and the others. It doesn't matter if we get injured a little, as long as we keep attacking. The only pity is that we are a little full, and I am afraid that I can no longer devour those Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

Moreover, Jiaolong also looked down upon beings at the Hunyuan Golden Immortal level, let alone destructive creatures.

Now that they have been blessed by the power of the Valley of the Abyss, Chen Feng and others will certainly not choose to leave. Even some Hunyuan above who are greedy for life and fear of death have stopped leaving.

It was previously believed that after accepting the power of the Valley of the Abyss, a deep causal relationship was established with the Valley of the Abyss.

Regardless of whether you choose to escape regardless of it, it will have some impact on your own cultivation of Taoism in the future.

Even the timid ones will want to help the Valley of the Abyss to kill some more invading opponents.

What's more, Chen Feng and others are already very daring.

Therefore, the Tianyuan Saint mobilized the power of the Origin Domain, as if teleporting, and directly came to the camp of a group of Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

There are hundreds of these Hunyuan Golden Immortals, all of them are destructive creatures.

With the expansion of the Tianyuan Saint's origin area, all these destructive creatures were directly pulled into the origin area.

This time the surroundings became empty.

Even some origin-level beings were very surprised by the generosity of the Tianyuan Saint.

"It's your turn to take action." Tianyuan Saint said.

Chen Feng immediately released his avenues, which extended in all directions, engulfing the creatures of destruction one by one and crushing them.

Chen Feng's current strength was too simple to deal with some Golden Immortals. Later, he felt that it was not enough and began to use boxing to kill these creatures of destruction.

Jiaolong and Jiuji were not idle either. They also tried their best to deal with these creatures of destruction in the shortest time.

It must be said that the burst of the Tianyuan Saints was indeed very powerful. The combat power displayed at this moment was completely comparable to some origin-level existences.

According to this situation, all these hundreds of creatures of destruction can be solved.

However, at this time, a beam of light shot out, like a long knife cutting tofu.

It directly cut a huge crack in the origin area of ​​the Tianyuan Saint, and almost split the origin area into two.

The origin area of ​​the Tianyuan Saint was affected, and the power was weakened, and the trapped creatures rushed out one after another.

Another beam of light appeared, and this beam of light was divided into three, locking Chen Feng Jiaolong and Jiuji respectively.

"Be careful, this is the power of the origin level." Tianyuan Saint urged the origin area to block, but was still pierced by these rays.

Chen Feng did not resist, but released the power mark.

This is a power beyond the origin, which directly dissipated the light.

On the other side, the dragon also offset this beam of light, but Jiuji seemed a little embarrassed.

"It's a bit bad." Chen Feng said with some emotion.

"This is a power above the origin." The dragon said.

After all, Chen Feng and the dragon both mastered the power mark and special energy, which are powers beyond the origin. Although they don't know where they came from, they were indeed stronger than the Well of Eternal Night at the time.

The light that appeared this time made Chen Feng and the dragon feel the same level of power.

This made the two of them secretly exclaim in their hearts.

In this case, even the Gate of Time and Space can't resist it.

"The power beyond the origin, no wonder it can break my origin area so easily." Tianyuan Saint was also a little surprised, but he was also surprised that Chen Feng and the dragon still mastered such a level of power, so he was not wrong before.

But now is not the time to be idle, those destructive creatures have launched attacks around again.

Moreover, there are still some in the origin area of ​​Tianyuan Saint who have not come out. Now the attack from inside and outside makes Tianyuan Saint feel pressure.

Not only that, because of the appearance of the light just now, or because it was blocked by Chen Feng and Jiaolong, a will quickly rose on the Guixu side, a passage appeared, and more destructive creatures rushed out, heading directly towards the direction where Tianyuan Saint and his group were.

"I think we are going to be surrounded again. Why don't we leave now, or avoid the sharp edge for a while and see what happens next." Tianyuan Saint had some intention of retreating.

But the light appeared again, directly tearing open the time and space, and piercing a passage, which led directly to the origin area of ​​Tianyuan Saint.

Those destructive creatures were directly teleported over.

In an instant, the origin area of ​​Tianyuan Saint shook, and there was a sign that it could not be suppressed.

"There are hundreds more Hunyuan Jinxians. In fact, if that powerful being wasn't watching us, even if there were more Hunyuan Jinxians, I could still kill them all." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"This can be regarded as encouraging myself. Even these Daluo Jinxians can tear us to pieces." Jiuji regretted now that he shouldn't have joined in. Now that he was surrounded by so many opponents, could he still fight his way out next?


Tianyuan Saint suppressed the Origin Area with all his strength, while two clones above the Hunyuan level rushed out from the core area of ​​the Origin Area.


Lin Feng knew that it was still in time to leave now, but now it was too late. When would he come back later?

And Lin Feng also wanted to see the power that surpassed the Origin again.




Chen Feng's avenues continued to impact and suppress. Each avenue could deal with one or several Hunyuan Jinxians. In the blink of an eye, Lin Feng cleared out the Hunyuan Jinxians around him.

But the next moment, a strong will locked onto Lin Feng.

"Not good, it's that Origin level, Daoist friend, you come to resist." Chen Feng shouted.

Just kidding, Chen Feng can fight with a group of Hunyuan Jinxian, and even go head-to-head with those above Hunyuan. Even if it is an Origin level attack, Chen Feng can fight to the death, but the impact of will should be left to the stronger Tianyuan Saint.

"I'm afraid I can't stop it." Although Tianyuan Saint said so, he still released his will.

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