Eternal Existence

Chapter 4811: Seeking Help

This time, it was a huge harvest. One or two Hunyuan Above could not compare to this harvest.

After all, this was a life that surpassed the level of Hunyuan Above.

The two local Hunyuan Above were also a little shocked when they saw this scene. They did not expect that things would change so much.

However, they reacted very quickly and rushed forward to grab the benefits.

After all, the powerful life here surpassed everyone in terms of realm, and some powerful means were not something Chen Feng could understand.

A powerful original will broke out, and Chen Feng and others were all affected.

At the same time, a powerful force was drawn out from the depths of Guixu, locking one of the Hunyuan Above and directly wrapping the other party.

Then part of the body of this powerful life drilled into the body of this local Hunyuan Above.

When the other party appeared again, he had been possessed.

It was really surprising that he could still be possessed at this point.

At the same time, Chen Feng also understood that this time everyone used all means and all strengths but still could not get rid of the other party.

But being able to severely injure the other party was also a good result.

The final result was that this powerful life used part of its body to possess a Hunyuan Above.

He did not die, but his strength dropped significantly.

Without waiting for Chen Feng and others to chase him, he quickly fled to Guixu.

"I didn't expect that the other party would escape now. In this case, the other party may still recover, but it will not be able to recover to its peak state in a short time. It is only at a level above Hunyuan, and I don't know if the other party will continue to participate in the invasion." Tianyuan Saint said with a smile.

This time Tianyuan Saint was very satisfied.

If all the harvests are divided into a whole, then Tianyuan Saint got half.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong divided the other half.

"The harvest is huge, I am afraid I can't even use the regional area now." Jiaolong said.

"My origin area can be used, but my energy tower was finally released, and the combat power was suppressed again." Chen Feng said so.

This is somewhat different from Chen Feng's previous plan.

What Chen Feng thought before was to suppress the other party in the energy tower. The energy tower alone may have the hidden dangers that Chen Feng is worried about, so Chen Feng plans to use other magic weapons to unite.

But now only a part of the opponent's body is obtained, so the energy tower alone can completely suppress the opponent.

This is a good thing for Chen Feng.

This is because the origin area suppressed the existence above Hunyuan before, and now the energy tower has suppressed the existence beyond Hunyuan.

As a result, Chen Feng's combat effectiveness has been affected.

It takes a long time to refine the opponent, and it will be very troublesome to continue fighting next.

If the opponent has such a powerful existence again, Chen Feng and others really can't deal with it.

"So should we retreat next?" Chen Feng asked.

"Okay, then retreat first, and then find helpers from a distance." Tianyuan Saint said.

But before a few people left, another Hunyuan Above rushed over.

After this Hunyuan Above rushed over and saw so many opponents, he wanted to choose to retreat at the first time, but was quickly entangled by Tianyuan Saint. Chen Feng and Jiaolong hurried forward, and added another local Hunyuan Above.

Just dealing with one opponent, the opponent was quickly broken into pieces?

This time four people divided it.

"It's almost time. Let's go back and rest. It's not suitable to participate now. Fellow Daoists, hold on." Jiaolong said and began to retreat without looking back.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong did the same.

The two also understood that if they continued to stay here, they might be entangled.

After watching Chen Feng and others leave, the local Hunyuan Shang wanted to keep them, but in the end he didn't speak. After thinking about it, he returned to his previous position.

Chen Feng and the other two were very fast and soon left the battlefield. Even if Hunyuan Shang came, it would be difficult to find the three people for a while.

Or all the Dangguixu would find the three people after the real invasion.

"Leave the Abyss Valley first?" Jiaolong said.

"Did fellow Daoists really choose to go to the origin?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Of course it's true, because I know that once Guixu destroys the Abyss Valley, it will spread to other origin areas. I think this is also what you don't want to see, so asking for help is necessary." Tianyuan Sheng said.

Chen Feng nodded. It was indeed the case. In that case, let's pass the message to the Gate of Time and Space first. As for whether they will choose to come to help, that is beyond Chen Feng's control.

The three of them quickly left the Abyss Valley and entered the Yuan Realm.

Tianyuan Saint went to communicate with the powerful existence, while Chen Feng passed the message to the Gate of Time and Space.

Then the three of them waited here with peace of mind.

In the process of waiting, they were also refining the previous harvest quickly.

There are also existences above the level of Hunyuan that surpass Hunyuan.

Under normal circumstances, it would take a long time to refine, but now that the three of them have the Origin Area, the speed of suppression and refining is much faster.

And as the Origin Area increases for a longer time, the opponent's struggle will be less. In Chen Feng's view, even if he does not refine the opponent, he can use part of the power of the Origin Area.

So Chen Feng once again felt the magic of the origin area, and he already had various thoughts in his heart. He thought that when this matter is over, he must reopen his own origin area.

The first thing to appear was the Sword of Nothingness.

At this moment, Chen Feng and Jiaolong were frightened and wanted to turn around and run away.

Who knew that the Sword of Nothingness did not attack the two of them, but after communicating with the Tianyuan Saint, it rushed into the Valley of the Abyss.

Then Chen Feng thought more. The Sword of Nothingness appeared. What did this mean? It meant that it had not collapsed before. Even if the other party's brand was refined by the two of them, the other party's body was still there, and it seemed It doesn't seem to actually have much of an impact.

Although they didn't know what was going on, Chen Feng and Jiaolong knew that the Yuan Realm was not simple.

At the same time, the two of them were also glad that the other party did not take action, otherwise they would not be opponents if they joined forces.

The second person to appear was also a powerful being from the Yuan Realm. This time, Chen Feng and Jiao Long had not seen each other.

It is also a magic weapon type existence.

The third thing that appeared was the original ocean from the previous war. It was like a dark cloud that quickly disappeared after arriving.

"With these three people, the Valley of the Abyss can hold on for a longer time." Tianyuan Saint said.

"That's right." Chen Feng nodded.

These guys showed up, and their invasion of the Gate of Time and Space failed?

Just when Chen Feng was guessing, the Gate of Time and Space appeared.

In other words, it is the projection of their power from the Gate of Time and Space.

The Gate of Time and Space, the Source of Creation, the Swamp of All Evils, and some of the powerful beings who participated in the war have all arrived.

After seeing them coming, Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

Regardless of whether their previous invasion was successful or not, at least it seems to be going well now.

that's enough.

So Chen Feng told the news.

They also seemed a little solemn at the Gate of Time and Space, and they didn't expect this to happen.

"This is no longer a war between our different origins. This is a threat from outside the origin, so we should join forces to fight against it. That is something that does not need to be considered." said the Gate of Time and Space.

Next, they quickly entered the Ancient Abyss through the Gate of Time and Space.

"Things are so easy now, I thought I needed some persuasion." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's a pity that I can't communicate with the Well of Eternal Night. Besides, even if I can communicate, I don't know such a powerful existence." Jiaolong shook his head in frustration.

"Anyway, we can breathe a sigh of relief now. Let's digest it quickly before going to the war." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Since there are so many helpers this time, there should be no problem in resisting Guixu's invasion.

Even if it cannot stop the overall situation, it can still be delayed for a short period of time.

"But these special existences alone are not enough. Whether it is the Yuan Realm or the Gate of Origin, there must be many above Hunyuan. We should find them as well." Chen Feng and Tianyuan Saint said.

"Forget it, we don't need to worry about these things. They will naturally notify us. Let's release our combat power as soon as possible. Don't forget that we have gained so much in a short period of time. Now I hate to kill again. Go back." Tianyuan Saint said.

Chen Feng also laughed: "It is true, but the progress during this period is too fast. I am a little worried that I will not be able to suppress myself, and then enter the realm above Hunyuan."

You must know that Chen Feng is still just the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, but what he is refining is a being that is above Hunyuan, or even more powerful than Hunyuan.

This is somewhat unreasonable.

"Your current situation is indeed a bit weird. It stands to reason that you should continue to suppress it. After all, you have improved too quickly in a short period of time, which is not good for your future practice. But if you want to become stronger, you still need to enter Hunyuan. , I can even imagine now, once you enter the realm above Hunyuan, how will your own strength change? "Sage Tianyuan is also somewhat looking forward to how strong Chen Feng will become after his breakthrough?

Next, Chen Feng communicated with Tianyuan Saint, or Chen Feng asked Tianyuan Saint about his current state, hoping to get some advice from Tianyuan Saint.

The two parties had some exchanges, and Chen Feng had some new inspirations, and then he started practicing.

As for the dragon, it has already entered its origin area.

The next three people spent some time. Originally, according to the three people's original thoughts, it would be best to completely refine the previous harvest. However, powerful power fluctuations continued to pass from the depths of the Abyss Valley, making the three People are a little anxious.

Especially some Hunyuan superiors. After the appearance of the Yuan Realm, seeing these Hunyuan superiors excitedly rushing into the Valley of the Abyss, Chen Feng and the others became even more unable to sit still.

So he decided to enter the valley of the abyss, participate in the war, and plunder the benefits.

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