Eternal Existence

Chapter 4805: Changing Location

"That's true. Practicing like this is the best way now. There's no need to create unnecessary trouble." Jiaolong also said so.

If he really took action just now, he might be able to keep the other party, but the other party is at least a Hunyuan. Without the Tianyuan Saint, who knows what kind of jokes he will come up with?

Chen Feng and Jiaolong have already opened up the origin area. If the other party destroys it, it will be a real loss for both of them.

Tianyuan Saint is back, but Chen Feng knows from the other party's appearance that this time he is probably unsuccessful.

Sure enough.

Tianyuan Saint shook his head: "Have you found out who the other party is? But I didn't solve the other party."

"Then what should we do next? Will the other party make trouble again?" This is what Chen Feng cares about most.

"I can't be sure of this at this time." Tianyuan Saint was a little unhappy.

I thought I could quickly solve the other party, but who knew that it took so long and there was no gain.

It's not to say that there is no gain, at least the other party should not take action again in a short time.

Tianyuan Saint returned to the core area to take charge.

But he didn't stay for long and came out again.

There was another riot in the Metaverse.

This time it was not a targeted will, nor was there a powerful life, but the area connected by the channel began to collapse.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"I extracted too much origin power, which caused this area of ​​the Metaverse to have no power to support it." Tianyuan Saint shook his head helplessly.

Although I had considered this before, I didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

This is also related to the fact that I have been continuously extracting a large amount of origin energy during this period.

So Tianyuan Saint increased his strength, and these broken spaces were also collected by Tianyuan Saint into the origin area.

"There shouldn't be any problem, right? Why do I feel something is wrong?" Jiaolong said.

"These things are not our turn to worry about. All we have to do is to expand the origin area a little bit." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Even if there is a problem, it is Tianyuan Saint who is worried.

At the beginning, Tianyuan Saint could collect some collapsed space, but later, because the scale of the space collapse was too large.

The expansion speed of the origin area opened up by Tianyuan Saint was too slow, so he had to extend the channel.

Originally, this was nothing, but the collapsed metaverse produced a powerful destructive force, and the Tianyuan Saint was unable to suppress it perfectly.

As a result, some energy eroded the origin area opened up by the Tianyuan Saint.

Tianyuan Saint was a little depressed. He had thought that if he had to leave this area and find a new place when it was absolutely necessary, it seemed that he had to leave in advance.

Of course, there are other ways.

So the Tianyuan Saint took back the channel and stopped plundering the origin power of the metaverse, and then concentrated more power to plunder the power of the Void Illusion and the Abyss Valley.

"This is also a good choice." Chen Feng said.

Anyway, these three places are all origin areas, and there is no problem in choosing a place to plunder the origin power, but in this way, I am afraid that the Abyss Ancient and the Void Illusion will also have the same situation as the original.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng's guess is correct.

Not long after, the area on the Void Illusion collapsed first, and Chen Feng had to move his own area.

Then concentrate on plundering more Abyss Valleys.

Naturally, the Abyss Valley did not last long and began to collapse.

"It seems that we really need to change places." Jiaolong said so.

So Tianyuan Saint urged the origin area to move far away.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong naturally followed closely, and at the same time they were constantly controlling the origin area, trying to make the origin area more stable in the process of not expanding.

"Can we find such a good place next?" Chen Feng asked.

"I'm afraid it's difficult. This area also took me a long time to find, but it doesn't matter. Since the origin area will collapse, let's plunder it little by little." Tianyuan Saint said so.

Then everyone didn't run far, and stopped again when they reached a place that didn't collapse, and then Tianyuan Saint spent means to open up a channel again.

This also takes some time and cost.

But in order to continue to expand the origin area, it is worth it.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong were not idle either, but learned the means of Tianyuan Saint and also opened up two small channels.

During this process, they compared the origin areas opened up by themselves and Jiaolong, which were less than one ten-thousandth of the origin area of ​​Tianyuan Saint.

This is just the scale seen on the surface. The core of the origin area of ​​the Tianyuan Saint is more solid and stable, which is incomparable to Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

This also shows that the Tianyuan Saint had laid a good foundation and made a lot of preparations before. Chen Feng and Jiaolong are just starting out, and it is not bad to have such an achievement.

Then everyone's luck seemed to run out.

Not long after the channel was formed, before they had time to collect much power, a strong will swept over.

This is the will from the illusion of nothingness.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong were the first to bear the brunt, but they couldn't resist it, which affected their control over the origin area.

Then Jiuji was also attacked. After all, he was above Hunyuan, but he retreated again and again under the impact of this strong will.

Although the impact on Tianyuan Saint was not too great, he could not continue to absorb the origin energy.

"Why is there such a strong origin will here? Is it because the other party has targeted it?" Tianyuan Saint said.

It seems that there is only this result.

After the other party launched an attack, it did not continue to appear, but Tianyuan Saint understood that if he continued to attack and continued to collect the origin power of the illusion, he would still be attacked by the other party.

"If you want to say, you can only change the direction."

Tianyuan Saint had no choice but to cut off the passage and then set his sights on the Abyss Valley.

This time, the luck was good. As the origin energy of the Abyss Valley was constantly plundered, that kind of situation did not occur.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly.

After learning from the previous lessons, the speed of collecting power this time was not fast, and Tianyuan Saint was also using the origin area to slowly merge with the time and space of the Abyss Valley.

This way, more origin energy can be collected without letting the other party collapse.

Constantly changing directions is also a huge consumption for Tianyuan Saint. This kind of constant running around also affects his own practice.

"I do have an idea. We can slowly go deeper into the Abyss Valley, just like the way you invaded the Gate of Origin, but we need to slow down and do it more secretly. Of course, there will definitely be hidden dangers, and it may attract powerful beings." Tianyuan Saint said.

"It's really an interesting thing. Originally, I just wanted to secretly collect some origin energy to expand my territory, but now it has become a large-scale invasion. Of course, the result is the same." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The reason why Tianyuan Saint chose the Abyss Ancient is because the Abyss Valley comes from Guixu, and the will here is more scattered. Compared with the illusion of nothingness, the threat is smaller.

And this is just an attempt. If there is really no way, use other means again.

"Invade one origin, or invade in this way? I really haven't thought about it. I thought this was what the origin existence wanted to do. Now we try it in advance." Jiuji said with a smile.

At first, Jiuji joined this group out of helplessness, and there were some thoughts in the later process, but after tasting the benefits, Jiuji's thoughts changed again.

Thinking that doing so is not a bad choice.

Moreover, the invasion this time was not to the Metaverse, so there was no need to worry about being targeted when returning to the Metaverse.

However, there were risks as well. Perhaps a powerful existence like the Long River of Power would appear in the Abyss Valley, and then everyone would need to work together to deal with it.

If the opponent was too powerful, it might crush Chen Feng and others directly, and even the origin area would be broken.

So the Tianyuan Saint and others then used various deception methods to invade carefully bit by bit.

They continued to absorb the origin energy of the Abyss Valley. Once a certain amount of energy was collected, they would continue to move, change places, and continue to collect.

In this way, the space of the Abyss Valley would not collapse. The premise was that they needed to move constantly. As more and more origin energy was absorbed, they had to keep going deeper into the Abyss Valley.

This was also a risk.

"It feels quite calm, but I don't know how long this situation can last." Chen Feng released some clones to explore the surroundings.

These clones acted as sentinels. If they could find some potential dangers, they could also make Chen Feng and others prepare in advance.

After absorbing enough origin energy, Tianyuan Saint stopped moving the origin area.

"Next, we need to digest it well, and then continue to move forward after we have fully mastered the energy we have absorbed." Tianyuan Saint said so.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong naturally agreed, after all, the two of them really need some time to digest.

Originally, Chen Feng and Jiaolong had not digested the gains in the Yuanjie before, and now they have collected so much origin energy and have mastered an origin area, which requires a lot of time to sort out.

On the contrary, Jiuji was a little impatient and wanted to leave here to venture into other places in the Abyss Valley.

In this regard, Tianyuan Saint did not stop him and let him leave.

"As long as he doesn't bring me some trouble." Tianyuan Saint said so.

"Maybe the other party will bring trouble." Chen Feng said.

"Anyway, I can't attack him directly. I believe Jiuji should be able to see the situation clearly and won't mess around." Tianyuan Saint said.

"This is the best."

Next, Chen Feng didn't say much, but was silent in his own origin area.

Jiaolong also fell into a state of cultivation.

As for the situation of the invasion of the Space-Time Gate, Chen Feng had no idea about it, and he had no intention to understand it. The most important thing now was his own situation.

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