Eternal Existence

Chapter 4799: Thoughts

Unless the Tianyuan Saint has a better way.

This is a person who is wrapped in the powerful origin will.

Originally, the opponent was very powerful, and his physical body and other aspects have reached the level of the above Hunyuan.

But he was also blessed by the will of the illusion of nothingness.

This makes him even stronger.

Chen Feng quickly observed the opponent and soon had a general understanding of the strength of this person above Hunyuan.

He is not an opponent.

The opponent is stronger than he imagined.

The Hunyuan Supreme was a little surprised to be blocked by a fist of a person whose realm is not as good as his.

But he did not rush to attack, but quickly looked at the situation in front of him.

Soon, the person above Hunyuan knew what was going on, and he couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

"I didn't expect that someone would open up the origin here. This is a senior master who is more powerful than me. Under normal circumstances, I would not provoke the senior, but now it's different. I have received orders and have also gained benefits. Naturally, I have to continue to take action. And the senior's actions are so against the sky that I am a little jealous. I can only find a way to destroy it." The man above the mixed origin said.

This is communicating with the Tianyuan Saint.

"If you retreat, I will naturally reward you in the future." The Tianyuan Saint is trying to get the other party to leave.

"Even if I leave now, there will be powerful beings next. I think you should understand this, so I have to take action next. Please forgive me." The man above the mixed origin said.

"Since you have made up your mind, I have nothing to say. I can only let me see your methods." The Tianyuan Saint said.

But next, Chen Feng and the other party still fought.

Every time Chen Feng exerted his full strength, even after four or five times, Chen Feng began to be unable to resist.

If Chen Feng could use the energy tower, he could fight with the opponent for a while longer.

Now Chen Feng felt the gap between himself and the opponent.

Even so, this Hunyuan Above was already very shocked.

"There is such a powerful life. Then wait for you to break through. I am really not an opponent. The life from the powerful origin area is not simple. It is stronger than the foundation of our small place." After the Hunyuan Above said this, the huge claws suddenly appeared in front of Chen Feng.

It looks like a simple attack move, which contains infinite mysteries. Chen Feng couldn't resist it this time. He was beaten back again and again, and his armor and skin were torn by the opponent.

It contains the power of strong will, and even tries to enter the body through the wound.

At this time, the sky suddenly turned and Chen Feng disappeared.

And the place where Chen Feng was became the Tianyuan Saint, and Chen Feng came to the place where the Tianyuan Saint was.

In other words, the Tianyuan Saint and Chen Feng changed positions.

Next, Chen Feng suppressed the passage of the Yuanjie.

"The battle between two Hunyuan is really eye-opening, but I don't know who will win or lose." Although Chen Feng said this, Chen Feng still believed in Tianyuan Saint.

In Chen Feng's opinion, Tianyuan Saint must be stronger, but he doesn't know whether he can quickly solve the opponent.

After all, the opponent is also a powerful existence. Being able to beat the opponent back does not mean that he can seriously injure the opponent.

Moreover, this is the territory of Tianyuan Saint. The battle channel just now has been shattered. Although the energy is more chaotic, it cannot be absorbed better.


Tianyuan Saint quickly solved the opponent.

Instead of beating the opponent away, he directly severely injured the opponent and then suppressed him in the core of the origin area.

Chen Feng was very shocked that the battle ended so quickly, but after truly understanding the situation, Chen Feng understood what was going on.

Because Tianyuan Saint used the power of the origin area.

According to the true strength of Tianyuan Saint, although he is stronger than his opponent. But it also takes a period of fighting to gain the upper hand or severely injure the opponent. It is very difficult to kill the opponent.

Because the opponent is not an opponent, he can choose to escape.

However, the Tianyuan Saint used the power of this origin area and suppressed the powerful Hunyuan above in an instant.

He did not kill the other party.

In fact, this Hunyuan above was struggling in the core of the origin area, but unfortunately the Tianyuan Saint had been prepared and had set up a cage before.

No matter how the Hunyuan above struggled, it was useless.

But in this way, the Tianyuan Saint only needed to spend more power on this Hunyuan above.

The expansion of this origin area also slowed down, or even stopped directly.

"Although things have changed a little, there are also benefits. As long as I practice to this Hunyuan above, it is enough to resist me absorbing a large amount of origin energy." Tianyuan Saint said.

"It is not easy to refine the other party. This is more troublesome than refining the origin energy." Chen Feng said.

"That's true. Fortunately, I am prepared. Killing the other party is not a problem." Tianyuan Saint said.

After the Tianyuan Saint finished speaking, a killing formation appeared in the core of the origin. Each formation had a clone of the Tianyuan winner sitting in it. These clones actually all had the strength of Hunyuan above.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong also felt this scene and were secretly shocked.

I didn't expect that Tianyuan Saint had prepared so much and had such a powerful clone.

If that's the case, why do you still need our help?

Chen Feng and Jiaolong both had this thought.

Regardless of what Tianyuan Saint was thinking, Chen Feng and Jiaolong were more cautious.

They were also worried that Tianyuan Saint would kill people to silence them afterwards.

With the strength shown by Tianyuan Saint, Chen Feng and Jiaolong couldn't resist those clones without Tianyuan Saint doing it himself.

"My clones are used to suppress the origin core. It's not that I can't come out, but it will be more troublesome and disrupt my arrangement. And you two are really more suitable to help me." Tianyuan Saint seemed to see what Chen Feng and Jiaolong were thinking, so he said this.

Although the explanation was a bit reluctant, Chen Feng and Jiaolong really had no choice but to believe it or not.

After all, things have developed to this point. Could it be that the two still want to withdraw.

"Can you kill the other party?" Chen Feng asked.

"It's no problem to destroy him a little bit. After all, the opponent has been suppressed by me. In my territory, the opponent can't turn the world upside down. This is also related to the opponent's carelessness. My clones and magic arrays exist to deal with this situation." Tianyuan Saint said confidently.

Since the Tianyuan winner is so confident, Chen Feng and Jiaolong can rest assured.

The destroyed channel was re-formed, and Chen Feng returned to his previous position.

"There won't be a second Hunyuan above." Jiaolong said with some concern.

"So I need to destroy the opponent faster." Tianyuan Saint said.

Chen Feng also noticed that the Hunyuan above, although struggling, but under the suppression of the magic array, the power in his body is constantly fading.

Those Hunyuan above level clones did play a big role.

The opponent's fall is just a matter of time.

"I hope to solve this Hunyuan above quickly, but I am really envious. Such a powerful life was solved just like this, and everything was swallowed up." Chen Feng was still very envious.

If such a powerful Hunyuan is refined by oneself, the harvest will be too great.

Not only Chen Feng thinks so, Jiaolong naturally thinks so too.

However, this is the spoils of the Tianyuan Saint, so the two will naturally not say much.

Tianyuan Saint has good luck. He has been wiping out the Hunyuan above completely, so everything has been integrated into the origin area, and no Hunyuan above has appeared.

Although Chen Feng and Jiaolong have also endured a lot of pressure in this process and have encountered some Hunyuan Jinxian, it is nothing for the two of them, and it is even better for Tianyuan Saint.

Chen Feng also pays attention. The origin area opened up by Tianyuan Saint is expanding in circles. The change in speed is not big, but it has expanded a lot of scale, and a lot of energy after the Hunyuan above is refined has been stored by Tianyuan Saint.

It is not completely integrated as it seems. Of course, it can also be said that it is completely integrated into the origin area, but it has not expanded greatly under the suppression of Tianyuan Saint.

"In this way, my internal universe can also store more resources. At most, it will shrink the universe a little." Chen Feng has some thoughts at this time.

You should know that Chen Feng's internal universe is very large. If it is just from the perspective of space, even if there are more resources, it can be placed, even if it is to collect some life worlds, or directly devour a universe, there is no problem.

What Chen Feng has to consider is the problem of carrying. After all, Chen Feng suppressed the existence of a magic weapon that surpassed the origin level. The origin of the origin area is better, and there is also a power imprint that surpasses the origin.

Even if Chen Feng's internal universe can carry it, it will take Chen Feng a lot of thought.

In short, this project is not small.

"I wonder if I can open up the origin now." Chen Feng suddenly had such an idea.

Then Chen Feng laughed.

Not to mention himself, even a dragon can't do this.

But this is really a good opportunity. If you can open up the origin, then with the help of the power of the origin here, you can lay a good foundation for yourself, and maybe you can directly expand the origin area to a certain extent.

"Daoyou, can I open up the origin now?" Although he knew it was impossible, Chen Feng still asked.

After all, the vision of the Tianyuan Saint is higher.


Sure enough, the Tianyuan Saint said directly.

Chen Feng was not disappointed, which was normal.

However, Tianyuan Saint said again: "I know what you think. This is indeed a good opportunity for you. Since you helped me, I can fulfill your wish. However, in this case, the other benefits I promised you before will be gone."

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