Eternal Existence

Chapter 4790: Sword Mark

"It doesn't matter, let's keep looking. If we really can't find the brand, we might be able to find other things. Even finding some chaos-level resources would be good," Chen Feng said.

"We have been running for a long time. Even if we return the same way, we still need to reposition ourselves." Jiaolong said.

"Don't worry, compared to the entire origin space, it didn't take us long." Shen Zang said with a smile.

Even if Chen Feng is anxious, he is not worried, and Chen Feng can now establish contact with the gate of time and space.

With this, Chen Feng has confidence in his heart.

It also shows that they have the upper hand in the war at the Gate of Time and Space.

"Perhaps we should use the power of the Gate of Time and Space." Chen Feng started to think about it.

After talking about this idea, it turned out that the Gate of Time and Space gave Chen Feng some guidance.

After all, they are fighting at the Gate of Time and Space, and they can lock the opponent's body through some means.

However, the news from the Gate of Time and Space left Chen Feng speechless.

It turned out to be the direction where the Sword of Nothingness was.

"Ahem, you really have to face whatever you are afraid of. Although I also want to break through the Sword Way, I really don't have the confidence to face that person." Chen Feng said.

Jiaolong was also silent.

"Forget it, let's wait and see." Chen Feng made up his mind not to take too many risks, otherwise he might be torn into pieces.

After a while, the Gate of Time and Space once again sent news to Chen Feng.

What we are looking for this time is the imprint of a multi-attribute magic weapon.

Just what Chen Feng meant.


With almost no hesitation, Chen Feng and Jiao Long took action.

With the guidance of the Gate of Time and Space, the two soon came to an area.

Seeing the energy craze rolling in front of them, Chen Feng and Jiaolong looked at each other.

"Such an existence can also deceive people." Jiaolong couldn't help but say.

Chen Feng was communicating with the Gate of Time and Space.

Without him, there was a storm of sword energy in front of him, exuding the breath of the sword of nothingness.

The two of them finally arrived at the territory of the Sword of Nothingness.

He was obviously looking for the multi-attribute magic weapon.

It was obvious that he had not taken the wrong path, but had been deceived by the gate of time and space.

"What's going on?"

Seeing Chen Feng's constant frown, Jiaolong asked curiously.

"They need us to involve the Sword of Nothingness." Chen Feng said.

It turns out that the Gate of Time and Space also had a headache and was unable to deal with the Sword of Nothingness, but asked Chen Feng and Jiaolong to destroy the opponent's core.

"Just believe me." Chen Feng was also helpless.

He didn't want to come before, but now that he's in front of the other party, Chen Feng can't turn around and leave.

"Let's think about it again." Seeing Chen Feng's hesitation, Jiaolong secretly thought something was wrong.

"You wait here, I will go in first to check the situation." Chen Feng said.

"It's better for me to go, after all, I have a breakthrough now." Jiaolong said.

"I'm going to give it a try first. If it doesn't work, I'll quit. If it's too dangerous, there's no need to pay too much here." Chen Feng said and entered the sword energy storm ahead.

Seeing Chen Feng entering the sword energy storm, Jiaolong had no choice but to patrol around to prevent danger.

"What a powerful sword."

Chen Feng felt the pressure just after entering.

Of course, Chen Feng could still withstand this level, but it was only on the edge now. If he continued to move forward and went deep into the core, the power of the sword energy would increase exponentially.

The most important point is that Chen Feng is not sure whether the body of the Void Sword is here.

According to Chen Feng's calculation, he shouldn't be there, otherwise the other party would have noticed when the two came to this area.

A wave of power, or a beam of sword light flashed away.

Caught by Chen Feng, the other party was performing power shuttle.

This is the same situation as Yin Yang Roulette.

This would allow Chen Feng to better determine where the core area is.

After all, the scale of this sword energy storm is not small, and the walking process is not easy. Chen Feng may not be able to find it even if he spends a lot of time.

Although he locked the opponent's position, Chen Feng did not move forward in a hurry, but released the Avenue of Swords.

Chen Feng's Sword Avenue was actually very strong, but after it was spread out, Chen Feng felt strong pressure.

Chen Feng couldn't control it easily and seemed to dissipate at any time and merge into the storm.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. This was a little different from the previous Yin Yang Roulette imprint.

The current strength actually has a tendency to be assimilated by the opponent.

"It seems that it is a bit difficult to break through the Avenue of Swords." Chen Feng muttered, but did not put away the Avenue of Swords, but tried his best to continue to push the Avenue of Swords.

Now that the Sword Avenue has not collapsed, it is still under Chen Feng's control.

It would be good to improve a little bit.

Even if the avenue is damaged and collapses, Chen Feng can repair it and restructure it later. This is not a big problem.

However, in this way, Chen Feng spent a lot of time inside.

It's just that Chen Feng came here to plunder benefits, not to practice.

Of course, Chen Feng wants to practice here, but only if there is no war waiting for him.

The situation at the Gate of Time and Space seems to be a little bad, or there is nothing they can do with the Void Sword, otherwise they would not have used any means to lure Chen Feng and Jiaolong here.

Therefore, Chen Feng had to compress time and speed up.

In a very short time, the Great Dao of Sword was pushed to the extreme.

At the same time, Chen Feng walked forward step by step. As he went deeper, the Great Dao of Sword shook more violently, and Chen Feng could not control it.

So Chen Feng integrated four origin-level long swords into it.

They are the Sword of Origin, the Sword of All Evil, the Sword of Destruction, and the Sword of All Origins. These are all origin-level long swords.

In fact, Chen Feng still has several origin-level long swords. Among all the weapons, the number of long swords is the largest, and the quality is also top-level.

It’s just that there are too many weapons, and Chen Feng can’t use them at all. In the past, he only pushed four long swords to form a sword formation.

It’s not that more long swords can’t be integrated, but that way, it will also consume a lot for Chen Feng.

But this time Chen Feng decided to try what it feels like to reach the limit.

After all, if Chen Feng simply walks the Great Dao of Sword, let alone his own perception, as long as he can completely refine and integrate the common things in his hands into it, he can reach an extremely abnormal level.

However, Chen Feng's cultivation time was still a little short. Even if he had the intention, he didn't have time to take care of everything.

This method was a bit violent and a bit tricky, but the effect was very good.

As the long sword merged into the avenue, the avenue that was originally out of control began to stabilize, and continued to sweep forward.

It was like a small path turned into a wide road.

"In fact, I don't want to use such violent means, but I also need time. If there are benefits and insights, I will slowly digest them later." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Then Chen Feng continued to move forward, and the pressure he endured became greater and greater, and even the sword energy began to leave some scars on Chen Feng.

This also shows that if he continued to move forward, it would be beyond Chen Feng's own strength, and the opponent could already cause harm to Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng did not stop at all, and the wounds on his body healed quickly. Chen Feng concentrated on promoting the avenue of sword.

Unlike the previous Yin-Yang Avenue and Chaos Avenue, the avenue of sword is very pure and has not been integrated into other avenues.

In fact, it is not impossible to integrate, such as the avenue of destruction and the avenue of fire.

After all, the long swords that Chen Feng mastered also have their own attributes.

But overall, they all belong to the Way of Sword.

"I am used to smashing enemies with my fists. In fact, I have some talent in the Way of Sword. I should have been able to go further, or the things I am involved in are too complicated. Maybe for most practitioners, this is not a good thing. For me, this is my path of practice. What's more, this time, the pure Way of Sword is unfolded. I also want to see if I can break through. If I can't break through, I will be a little disappointed." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

More sword energy surged from all directions, trying to tear Chen Feng into pieces and penetrate the Way of Sword into a sieve.

Chen Feng controlled all this with all his mind. Chen Feng didn't care about the wounds on his body, but it became more and more chaotic. The violent Way of Sword had to make Chen Feng careful.

There was really sword energy penetrating the Way of Sword.

This is a kind of damage to the Way of Sword. If Chen Feng can feel the benefits from it, this kind of damage is worth it.

Finally, a corner of Chen Feng's sword path was cut off, but it was quickly covered again.

In addition to the powerful force, Chen Feng also wanted to experience something from it. Even if the time was compressed, Chen Feng still wanted to tap his perception talent to the extreme.


A beam of sword light came straight to Chen Feng's face.

This beam of sword light was more intense than the surrounding sword energy, and the destructive power it possessed made Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a sense of crisis.

But Chen Feng didn't dodge, and let the other party stab him in the center of his eyebrows.

This beam of sword light easily broke Chen Feng's skin, and then continued to penetrate, trying to pierce Chen Feng's head.

But at the center of his eyebrows, Chen Feng also burst out with a powerful force.

This is the origin of the sword light.

It is Chen Feng's proof of the sword path, and it is also the most powerful means.

The two sword lights collided with each other and annihilated each other.

Finally completely dissipated.

A blood hole appeared in Chen Feng's eyebrows, but it was flat again the next moment.

"This is the attack from the core imprint. It is indeed very powerful. However, if it is only this level, then there is not much danger this time. However, I think it should not be so simple." Chen Feng thought to himself.

If this is the opponent's strongest attack, Chen Feng will be relieved and a little disappointed.

The phantom sword should not be so weak.




Before Chen Feng's thoughts disappeared, a bunch of powerful sword lights began to appear, either locking Chen Feng or passing through the avenue.

Chen Feng naturally released the origin sword light to resist. Soon, blood holes appeared on Chen Feng's body, and big holes appeared on the sword avenue. If it were not for the origin-level long sword, it would have collapsed long ago.

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