Eternal Existence

Chapter 4788: Dividing the Mark

"But." Jiaolong was still speechless.

In fact, not only Jiaolong, but also Chen Feng also knew that what he saw before and what he imagined, coupled with the reality, were still different.

Both of them had previously believed that this was the true form of the Yin-Yang Roulette.

Now that I'm in front of you, I realize it's not the case.

This is just the imprint of the other party.

It can also be said to be the core of the origin, but there is still a gap between it and the ontology.

Of course, if there is a change in the Yin-Yang Roulette itself, a new Yin-Yang Roulette can really be reborn through the imprint.

But even if it is possible, it will take a long time.

But what the two of them are facing now is not these things.

Since this is not the true body, where is the true body of the Yin-Yang Roulette?

The Yin Yang Roulette fighting against the Gate of Time and Space should be just a projection of power. Chen Feng and Jiao Long could still see this somewhat.

Another point is that if this place were not the Yin-Yang Roulette, it would be easier for Chen Feng and Jiaolong to deal with it.

"Will the other party attack us secretly?" Jiaolong said.

Chen Feng shook his head: "It is possible, but the possibility is not too great. Since Yin Yang Roulette has already participated in the war, there is no need to come up with these tricks. Besides, in the eyes of the other party, we are just small players. It’s not worth it for the other side to deal with us.”

"So anyway, it will be easier if we attack now. It's just the brand. We can completely destroy or absorb it. As for where the opponent's body is, we can't control that much."

"And judging from the previous situation, the power here is strong enough. In fact, it is not much different from the original body."

After Chen Feng finished speaking, he no longer stopped, but activated the energy tower and slammed into the Yin-Yang Roulette mark in front of him.

At the same time, Jiaolong took out all the original spirit beads this time, formed the heavens of all realms, and also suppressed the four directions.


The two sides collided, and the Yin-Yang Roulette brand in front of them began to shake violently, with countless cracks appearing on it.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng urged the Yin Yang Avenue to hit it hard.

There are more cracks.

The dragon was still suppressing the four parties and did not choose to take action, because at this time, the surrounding yin and yang energy was also sweeping towards the two of them crazily.

The power is much greater than before.

"I can't hold on anymore."

In a short period of time, the dragon activated the original spirit pearl and was constantly flooded with yin and yang energy.

In the chaos, Jiaolong felt the anxiety coming from the yin and yang energy.

Chen Feng naturally understood this and urged the energy tower to hit again.

At this moment, the imprint of the Yin-Yang Roulette was directly shattered into pieces, and the Yin-Yang Avenue quickly moved forward.

Chen Feng, the energy tower, and the dragon took action together to plunder the fragments of the Yin and Yang wheel.

This is equivalent to plundering the opponent's origin.

The origin of existence on the same level as the Gate of Time and Space.

Even if they just grabbed some fragments, Chen Feng and Jiaolong knew they had made a lot of money this time.

The fragments of the yin and yang roulette kept escaping around, but Chen Feng enlarged the energy tower to the extreme, suppressing the rioting yin and yang energy around him.

In this way, Jiaolong became more relaxed.

Under the suppression of the energy tower, time and space in all directions froze. Chen Feng and Jiaolong quickly collected the fragments of the Yin and Yang wheel.

Because Chen Feng knew that this situation was only temporary. Even if the energy tower could suppress one party and caused such a big disturbance, the other party would definitely have other means.

Where Chen Feng couldn't see, they were fighting with the Yin and Yang Roulette at the Gate of Time and Space.

Suddenly, Yin and Yang came together and started shaking violently. The originally condensed power of Yin and Yang also became a little frivolous. The Gate of Time and Space seized the opportunity and caused severe damage.

At this moment, the Gate of Time and Space established contact with Chen Feng again, and already knew what happened.

Of course you can't miss such a good opportunity.

One of the opponent's Chang He has been eliminated before. If he can solve another Yin Yang Roulette, then the current invasion deadlock can be broken again.

Although Chen Feng and Jiaolong were collecting benefits wantonly, they were also on alert, and they soon felt the crisis.

However, the sense of crisis is not too strong. Although they don't know what danger they will face next, they also understand that they still have to fight quickly.

Later, Chen Feng activated the energy tower to collect all the yin and yang energy in one fell swoop. As for the fragments of the yin and yang roulette, as long as they were divided between Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

Part of it was integrated into Yin-Yang Avenue by Chen Feng, and the other part was put away by finding a way.

According to Chen Feng's plan, these fragments will be completely integrated into the Yin-Yang Avenue. Maybe the Yin-Yang Ball will also absorb some energy, but it will definitely not be too much.

In contrast, Chen Feng believes more in the avenue he has opened up. Whether it is the Yin-Yang Roulette or the Yin-Yang Ball, they are just things outside the body.

The most important point is that these magic weapons are all from outside and are not refined by oneself bit by bit.

Chen Feng had a feeling that he had not yet truly integrated into the Yin-Yang Avenue, but was suppressed by the Yin-Yang Avenue, or that this was a conclusion reached after analysis.

After refining these fragments of the Yin-Yang Wheel, the Yin-Yang Avenue will still be able to break through.

At that time, among all the avenues, the Yin-Yang Avenue will be ranked first.

Chen Feng was also a little emotional. It was really changing too fast. He had never thought that this would happen before.

After all, the Yin-Yang Avenue was not very impressive among all the avenues before, and it was not even in the top ten. Now it has broken through one after another and has already rushed to the first place.

But this is a good thing. Although Chen Feng has cultivated a lot of attribute energy, they can all be classified as Yin-Yang attributes. For himself, there is a huge breakthrough, and he can also take the opportunity to influence other avenues.

Chen Feng now wants to find a quiet place to practice peacefully.

Compared with Chen Feng, Jiaolong seems to be in a better state, because Jiaolong has broken through to the realm above Hunyuan and can repeat more energy.

Even the existence of the Yin-Yang Wheel.

"These are just some imprints, not the opponent's body. Of course, it is because of the imprints that they are more helpful to my avenue. If it is the body of the Yin-Yang Wheel, then it must be integrated into the magic weapon." Chen Feng said.

At this time, the two of them already knew what the dangers were.

It is a group of Hunyuan Jinxian-level lives.

There are a lot of them.

This situation is really common to the two of them. It is just a small scene. Even if they feel some danger, they don't care.

"But there is still something wrong. Although there are many of these restorations today, they can't bring us a crisis. In this way, it is possible that the other party has deployed the Hunyuan." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"This level of fighting has constantly touched life, which also shows that the other party has no other means." Jiaolong said.

"That's not necessarily the case. Aren't we also considered life? It's normal to use life to fight life. The other party had this idea at the beginning, but the distance was too far and they didn't transfer life." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Anyway, we have to be prepared for the battle." Jiaolong collected the last piece of debris, and his body was full of rich yin and yang energy.

From discovering the other party to the other party coming here, the process is actually very short.

Some Hunyuan Jinxian will form a team and charge at Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

As soon as the two sides came into contact, Jiaolong was knocked out.

But soon the dragon readjusted its position, first emitting a powerful will of the Hunyuan Above, and then its huge body went up and crushed directly.

The team composed of more than a dozen Hunyuan Golden Immortals collapsed directly.

On the other side, Chen Feng put away the energy tower and the Yin-Yang Avenue, and stretched out the wings of the Divine Movement behind him.

Holding an origin-level long sword in his hand.

Facing these Hunyuan Golden Immortals, Chen Feng changed his previous fighting style.

After all, the energy tower and the Yin-Yang Avenue now contain too much Yin-Yang power, which is no longer suitable for fighting.

Now Chen Feng has to fight with his own means.

According to Chen Feng's strength, even if he simply uses the Divine Movement Technique, these Hunyuan Aboves can't do anything to Chen Feng, let alone Chen Feng's counterattack.

Unlike the fighting style of the dragon, Chen Feng's speed is extremely fast, and he solved two Hunyun Golden Immortals in the blink of an eye.

Chen Feng has not yet exerted his full strength, because Chen Feng is guarding against the opponent's hidden power.

In fact, the existence hidden in the dark soon appeared.

Just as Chen Feng thought, it was really a Hunyuan Above.

The opponent originally wanted to sneak attack Chen Feng, but Chen Feng's speed was too fast, and the opponent could not lock Chen Feng.

Or once Chen Feng was locked, Chen Feng would notice it.

In other words, the opponent's sneak attack could not do anything to Chen Feng, so he had no choice but to show up and quickly appear beside Chen Feng.

With the appearance of Hunyuan Shang, Chen Feng was entangled.

Although Chen Feng's current strength is much stronger than before, he still has to fall behind when he encounters Hunyuan Shang.

There is no way to do this, the realm between the two sides is here.

The two sides began to fight fiercely, and for a while, this Hunyuan Shang could not do anything to Chen Feng.

However, there are still a large number of Hunyuan Jinxian around, and they still brought some trouble to Chen Feng when they joined forces.

"Be careful, it's an origin area after all, it's impossible that there is only one Hunyuan Shang." Chen Feng still had the mind to remind Jiaolong.

Then Jiaolong was attacked by surprise, and his huge body rolled again, and a deep wound appeared on his body.

Sure enough, the second Hunyuan Shang appeared.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong Zhi both knew that they would not be able to wander in the void space like before, and they could not think of looking for benefits like the Yin-Yang Roulette Mark.

It was not certain whether they could get rid of their opponents.

"It's a good opportunity to spar with them and stabilize my realm." Jiaolong said.

"Then let's see what they can do. If it doesn't work, we can just go back." Chen Feng didn't care too much.

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