Eternal Existence

Chapter 4786 Yin Yang Brand

"Then just collect these energies directly." Chen Feng also said so.

Let's try the situation first.

Next, the dragon took action first, opened its big mouth, swallowed the sky and the earth, and the rolling yin and yang energy turned into a long river and was swallowed by the dragon.

Chen Feng observed the situation here while quickly preparing his means.

As the dragon took action, this area was shocked and became chaotic and violent.

A strong will swept directly towards the dragon.

Chen Feng was slightly moved and knew that it was the same as the will of the Yin and Yang Roulette he encountered before.

This was also within Chen Feng's expectations.

In the final analysis, this is the real location of the Yin and Yang Roulette. The previous one was just a part of the power or a projection of power.

This is where the real imprint is.

If you want to solve the Yin and Yang Roulette, you have to completely break this area.

Otherwise, as long as the opponent's imprint is still there, unless this origin area is destroyed, the Yin and Yang Roulette will be restored.

Chen Feng is more familiar with this situation.

If the opponent's will is very strong, it has not reached the point of destroying everything.

In other words, with the current strength of the dragon, it can resist.

Chen Feng naturally did not step forward to help, but wanted to take the opportunity to see how many means the other party had.

Sure enough, the dragon blocked the opponent's will attack, and the swallowing process was also affected.

The dragon released the original spirit beads to suppress the four directions, forming a huge magic circle, so that its own power can be better released, and it can also help itself resist the attack from the action.

The power of yin and yang surged, sweeping towards the dragon.

And Chen Feng noticed that Chen Feng was not far away from the dragon, because he did not take action, he was not attacked by the other party.

"This means that the other party does not have too much spirituality, and this kind of existence is still relatively easy to deal with." Chen Feng said in his heart.

However, this is only a guess now, and Chen Feng dare not judge the specific situation.

After the dragon became above Hunyuan, its own strength did change greatly.

The original will, which was originally very powerful, has been improved, and it has a feeling of being reborn.

Not long after the breakthrough, the combat power is several times stronger than before.

Chen Feng also noticed that the opponent was more inclined to use energy to attack the dragon. After using his will at the beginning, he did not use his will to attack afterwards.

"Is it because he knows it has no effect, or because of other reasons, or because he is waiting for the opportunity?" Chen Feng has been observing, trying to find out the opponent's flaws and strengths and weaknesses.

In fact, Chen Feng knew from the beginning that the two of them could not do anything to the opponent.

It is simply impossible to destroy the opponent's brand.

It is good to be able to take advantage here.

Although Chen Feng's Yin-Yang Avenue has broken through before, it does not mean that Chen Feng does not need Yin-Yang energy.

On the contrary, more is needed.

Besides, Chen Feng also has treasures such as the Yin-Yang Ball in his hand. Whether it is himself or the magic weapon he owns, there is still a lot of room for breakthrough.




The dragon has been completely wrapped in energy, constantly tumbling and colliding, just like making waves in the ocean.

In fact, the dragon is bearing the opponent's attacks from all directions.

"It looks like it's surrounded, but it's not a big problem. The other party has no means to suppress the dragon." Chen Feng thought so.

If the dragon had not broken through to the level of Hunyuan, and was still the same strength as before, it would be difficult to rush out after being wrapped in the Yin-Yang energy.

But now, even if it is trapped, the dragon has the power to protect itself, and can even rush out.

"I'll go to the core area to take a look." The dragon suddenly became interested and rushed forward quickly.

The other party wanted to suppress the dragon, but after seeing the dragon's actions, they deliberately let go of the blockage and let the dragon continue to go deeper.

Chen Feng frowned a little, wondering if the dragon was too careless to do this, after all, this Yin-Yang energy area is still very powerful.

But since the dragon has already taken action, Chen Feng can't stop it, so he can only quickly mobilize his own strength and prepare to explode at any time.

Watching the dragon continue to go deeper, Chen Feng could no longer see the dragon's figure.

Only strong energy was transmitted from time to time.

At this time, another wave of energy rippled and shuttled, and Chen Feng noticed that the Yin-Yang energy in front of him had changed a little.

There is only so much power. If we support another battlefield, this place will be affected.

At this time, the power is shuttled to support, which is equivalent to the loss of some yin and yang energy here, and the strength will certainly decrease.

But it doesn't seem to be too large.

At least Chen Feng can still see it.

Besides, the other party knows that the enemy has broken into here, so they won't mobilize too much power.

"But I hope the war will be more intense, and the yin and yang power here will be lost more, even if only some marks are left." Chen Feng thought in his heart.

Although the yin and yang energy here is needed, it is okay for Chen Feng and Jiaolong not to have these energies.

Chen Feng is interested in the mark.

Such a powerful existence is imprinted in the origin space, and Chen Feng wants to see it.

Speaking of it, in the Gate of Origin, some powerful lives left their life marks in the Gate of Origin.

With this kind of imprint, even when you are out there, you can use the imprint to revive.

Even Chen Feng left some imprints in the Gate of Origin, maybe this will make the relationship with the Gate of Origin closer, and the cause and effect will be deeper.

But Chen Feng also knew that now is not the time to care about these things. To put it bluntly, Chen Feng is just a Hunyuan Jinxian, and it is still time to use the Gate of Origin.

If you want to transcend, this kind of thing is still far away.

Even if they want to get rid of the Gate of Origin from the Gate of Time and Space, it is not an easy thing.

Besides, if they really become powerful to a certain extent, the life imprint left in the Gate of Origin can also be removed.

And Lin Feng was originally a life born from the universe evolved from the Gate of Origin, and it also gave Lin Feng a chaotic body. Chen Feng can only thank the Gate of Origin for such a heaven-defying practice.

Transcendence does not necessarily conflict with the Gate of Origin.




Chen Feng thought in his heart, and the dragon burst out with increasingly powerful movements.

I don't know whether the other party discovered Jiaolong's idea, or pulled Jiaolong to a place where it is easy to attack.

At this time, powerful energy launched waves and layers of attacks on Jiaolong. Chen Feng used the pupil technique to observe and found that Jiaolong was covered tightly. Under this situation, he could not rush out at all.

"Is it trapped above Hunyuan?" Chen Feng was still watching.

After Jiaolong broke through to Hunyuan with his strength, he was considered to be at a medium level among beginners in this realm.

And it has just broken through. If Jiaolong is given some more time, he will become much stronger than now.

Unfortunately, there is not so much time.

Moreover, Jiaolong also relied on his courage after the breakthrough to keep moving forward. If he really stopped to practice for a while, he might lose his momentum.

"How do you feel?" Chen Feng asked.

"Although I am trapped, it's not a big problem. The other party can't do anything to me. Don't rush to attack now. Wait until I can't hold on anymore." Jiaolong said.

Hearing Jiaolong say this, Chen Feng also felt relieved and continued to wander around this piece of yin and yang energy as before.

While waiting, he practiced.

Some time passed like this.

Chen Feng noticed that this piece of yin and yang energy shuttled energy several times. After comparison, Lin Feng could be sure that this piece of yin and yang energy had become weaker than before.

Although the house was trapped, Jiaolong could also feel it.

"Have you found the core imprint?" Chen Feng asked.

"No, I'm still looking. I'm trapped now and I can't find it in a short time." Jiaolong said.

Chen Feng hesitated a little, whether to wait or take action.

"Take action, if you wait any longer, something might happen."

Chen Feng still made up his mind.

At this time, Chen Feng remembered the situation when he and Jiaolong were in the origin space. At that time, Jiaolong was exploring the way and encountered trouble, and Chen Feng attacked outside.

Now it seems that the situation is really familiar.


Chen Feng performed the swallowing technique!

This can also be regarded as an attempt to reduce the opponent's energy.

It can also reduce some pressure on Jiaolong.

Sure enough, a strong will appeared and locked Chen Feng directly.

You should know that Chen Feng had been wandering here before and had not been attacked by the opponent, but now he was targeted by the opponent as soon as he made a move.

Although Chen Feng had not broken through to the realm above Hunyuan, Chen Feng's strength was almost comparable to that of the realm above Hunyuan.

Besides, Chen Feng had encountered this level of attack before, so although it was a bit reluctant, Chen Feng still resisted it.

Then the Yin-Yang energy spread towards Chen Feng, just like the method used to deal with the dragon before.

However, Chen Feng was still not careless and directly released the energy tower to suppress it here.

The energy tower could not exert its full power at this time, so it did not attack, but only suppressed one side here to help Chen Feng resist the attack from the Yin-Yang energy.

Chen Feng continued to perform the swallowing technique.

As Chen Feng stirred up the wind and clouds, the dragon really became relaxed, and actually broke free from the restraints, and then continued to move deeper, and also to find the core imprint.

If the opponent's imprint can be destroyed, then the Yin-Yang Roulette can be severely damaged, and even the opponent can be controlled by it.

However, Chen Feng also knew that this idea was very difficult.




The Yin-Yang energy continuously impacted the energy tower, but the energy tower was always calm and there was no Yin-Yang wheel. Although the Yin-Yang energy here was vast, the concentration and change of power were affected.

Chen Feng's devouring technique was interrupted from time to time, but as time went on, he still absorbed a lot of Yin-Yang energy.

"I seem to have found the area where the core imprint is located." At this time, the dragon sent a message.

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