Eternal Existence

Chapter 4763: The Dragon's Enlightenment

"Fortunately, I have practiced here for a while and mastered the law runes of this origin space for a day. Otherwise, it would be really troublesome." Chen Feng said.

"I have a bad feeling. I don't know if we can get out of trouble next." Jiaolong said.

"We have thought of various results before. This situation is also within our expectations. It is impossible to have a smooth adventure at will, especially when we try to find the source of this origin area. The final result is to confront the opponent. It depends on who is the strongest and who has the better means in the end."

"But we are not completely at an absolute disadvantage. From the previous series of situations, it can be seen that the last existence of this origin land is not absolutely sure to solve us, so it keeps using various means. It is the same now, just using some special means to affect and interfere with us." Chen Feng said.

"Now we have separated from Master Qingyun, and now the opponent wants to separate the two of us. It seems that they want to defeat us one by one." Jiaolong also said so.

"So we can't let the other party succeed." Chen Feng suddenly released a more powerful force, and this instantaneous burst exceeded the sum of the mana of a long-term continuous burst.

The surrounding area directly became several times stronger, not only that, but the chaotic forces were also directly melted away.

In the blink of an eye, an empty space appeared between the two.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong had a short period of time to catch their breath, but soon more and more chaotic forces squeezed in again.

The two were submerged in it again.

"This is wearing away our strength bit by bit. This is not the first time we have encountered this situation, so we just open a channel and kill it." Jiaolong said.

"The most important thing is positioning. I don't know if the other party can continue to use means to trap us. Of course, the other party is consuming us, which is actually a kind of consumption for him." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng continued to urge his mana to guard the surroundings, while Jiaolong concentrated his strength to break the channel forward.

In this way, the two chose a direction and kept moving forward, trying to leave this area.

After a while, Chen Feng and Jiaolong suddenly burst out with the devouring technique, and the chaotic energy around them was forcibly plundered.

But this kind of power is not so easy to refine and absorb, and it is also a great burden for Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

But so far, the two have not had a good solution.

"If Master Qingyun is here, maybe we can be more relaxed, maybe he also has some special means." Chen Feng said.

"Master Qingyun sees our situation, and I don't know how he will deal with it. Maybe he will still stay there." Jiaolong said.

"The other party didn't catch up, which means he is helpless in this situation. Next, we can only rely on ourselves." Chen Feng urged the sword formation and began to cooperate with Jiaolong to open up the road.

After a while, there was still no hope.

Although Chen Feng and Jiaolong can still hold on, according to this situation, the two are clearly wasting their efforts.

"Otherwise, like before, let's stop and comprehend the laws here." Jiaolong suggested.

"This is also a way, but I don't know if it will work. After all, we have done this before." Chen Feng said.

In the absence of other good methods, we can only try this way.

So Chen Feng used the sword array and the sacred mountain to suppress the surroundings, and began to comprehend the laws here, trying to condense the runes here.

The dragon was not idle either, and was also capturing the energy here and analyzing and studying it like Chen Feng.

This time, the first to gain something was the dragon, which really surprised Chen Feng.

You know, Chen Feng has practiced many different attributes of the avenue, and Chen Feng should be more experienced in this regard.

"It's strange, the chaotic power here seems to be very suitable for me, no, it's like I've been exposed to it before." The dragon was actually a little curious.

"I think I seem to understand something, think about the feeling of controlling the entire origin area before." Chen Feng's heart moved, and he had this guess.

Sure enough, the dragon's eyes lit up: "Hey, it's true. Although the control time before was not long, it seemed to involve this area and touch this power. This is the important reason why we quickly gained some insights."

"It seems that it was not all traps before." Chen Feng understood a little.

"It's a pity that the situation is too dangerous. If it's a step later, it will be assimilated by the other party." Speaking of this, Jiaolong was very sorry.

If it wasn't a trap, it would be great. Even if it couldn't control the entire origin area, even if it could only involve a part and contact some special power, it would be a huge gain for itself.

In any case, Jiaolong had a breakthrough this time and soon condensed a rune.

Chen Feng was a little slower, but he also gained something. Later, Chen Feng gave the harvest to Jiaolong.

Waiting for Jiaolong to condense a law.

As the law moved around the two people, the pressure was reduced, and the surrounding dark energy melted.

In this way, it was much better than resisting it by oneself.

Although it is still impossible to find the direction to leave for the time being, with this rule, you can well resist the chaotic forces around you.

Chen Feng also relaxed and no longer continued to explode like before, but put away the sword formation.

"Next, I need to condense the second law. Then I may really be able to find a way to leave." Jiaolong was not satisfied.

The law just now brought great benefits to Jiaolong, so Jiaolong continued to comprehend it.

After spending some time like this, Jiaolong successfully condensed the second law.

The two laws were like dragons swimming around the two of them, and all obstacles in their path disappeared.

The space around the two of them became even larger.

At this point, it can be said that the two of them are almost invincible unless their opponents change their methods or increase their attack power. Otherwise, the surrounding environment alone cannot help the two of them.

Just lock a direction and keep moving forward, but the mana consumed to activate the law is still very little.

After a while, the two successfully escaped from this area and came to the vast void.

Returned to the origin space where he was before.

"It's finally out."

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Although he wasn't under much pressure before, he felt truly relaxed now.

"Then what should we do next? Should we fight back again and bring Master Qingyun out?" Jiaolong asked.

Chen Feng was hesitant and before he could speak, there was a constant fluctuation in front of the two of them.

It was sent by Master Qingyun.

It turns out that Master Qingyun once again entered the state of controlling everything before. By controlling the entire origin area, he finally discovered Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

After a brief exchange between the two parties, Master Qingyun withdrew his will.

Chen Feng knew that the other party did not dare to stay in this state for a long time, otherwise he would be assimilated.

Although the communication time between the two parties was very short, they also informed each other of news.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong explained the circumstances of their departure from that special area, and then Master Qingyun also gave instructions on the path they should take next.

"Should we believe them?" Jiaolong asked.

"It's better to choose to believe. Even if the other party wants to deal with us, it won't be easy, and this time can be regarded as an attempt and an adventure." Chen Feng said.

Then the two of them started to move forward according to Master Qingyun's instructions, and soon they came to a special space one after another.

This special space was completely silent, with almost no energy fluctuations.

It seems that someone has some means to collect half of all the energy here.

But the space here is extremely stable, much stronger than the most stable space I have encountered before.

Not only that, there doesn't seem to be much time power here.

It's like time has stopped.

Walking here requires more mana cultivation, but it cannot be replenished.

So even Chen Feng hesitated. Master Qingyun brought the two of them here, didn't he really have any intention?

After all, the environment in this place is so good that it can completely weaken and suppress the two of them.

"This kind of area is really special. Could it be that Master Qingyun said that we will gain something by coming here? I don't know if it is true or not." Jiaolong said.

"How about I go in first to check out the situation, and you wait for me here." Chen Feng said.

"Let's act together. I feel that if we separate, it will be more dangerous. Even if there are traps waiting for us here, we still have the means to resolve them. Don't forget that we have not encountered any dangers along the way." Jiaolong said. said.

Chen Feng nodded, and then spread the wings of Shenxing behind him, leading the dragon into this special area.

Sure enough, even though Chen Feng's detachment technique was very good, it was still affected here.

"It's less than half of my peak state, and my mana cultivation is consumed very quickly. It's really a special area. What we need to look for next is the core area and collect it. There are treasures that may exist here." Chen Feng released Stretch out your senses and constantly explore everything around you.

"I didn't feel the danger. Maybe Master Qingyun didn't deceive us. If we can succeed this time, then the two of us can have a special cooperation. The other party will give us guidance in that special area, and we will Let’s go look for possible treasures,” Jiaolong said with a smile.

"However, this will consume a lot of money for both of us. We need to keep running errands. This process is not easy. Master Qingyun will also face the danger of assimilation there, but Master Qingyun has several clones. Where? We can divide the danger equally, maybe the other party has his own attempts and ideas." Chen Feng said.

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