Eternal Existence

Chapter 4761 Unbelievable

"It won't work if we keep going like this. The other party keeps using various methods to stop us. I'm afraid that if we can't find a place, we'll have already wasted our energy and our combat effectiveness will be affected." Chen Feng couldn't help but say.

"There is no good way for the time being, unless the Taoist's transcendence technique can be further improved, so that we can ignore all the obstacles of the other party." Master Qingyun said.

Chen Feng shook his head. It's not that easy. Now is not the time to stop and practice.

There is no time to delay.

"Then let's continue to move forward. Maybe there will be fewer obstacles ahead, but if you think about it carefully, this situation is not necessarily a bad thing for us. It also shows that the other party has no ability to block our attack, so how can they use this method to block our way forward." Master Qingyun said.

Originally, the three of them had made up their minds and were ready, but who knew that the next thing would be so calm.

No more troubles appeared.

This made the three of them feel unreal.

"Did we take the wrong road?" Chen Feng doubted.

Even Master Qingyun himself began to doubt himself. He continued to calculate secretly, and the result he got was that he was not on the wrong road.

"Or did I make a mistake in my calculation? The origin here misled me." Master Qingyun was no longer sure.

The three stopped.

In fact, Chen Feng and Jiaolong have been calculating. Although they are not as good as Master Qingyun in this method, they can still calculate some general directions.

In the eyes of Chen Feng and Jiaolong, this direction should be correct.

"Or is it that the other party is preparing a stronger force for us next." Chen Feng said.

"Since this is the direction calculated, let's go and see." Master Qingyun also had no good solution.

Then the three of them moved forward a distance.

"According to my calculation, this place should not be far from our goal." Qingyun Shaolin said.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong looked at each other in surprise.

"It's really strange. It's surprisingly smooth during this period. Or does the other party no longer want to consume too much power to stop us?" Jiaolong said.

"They must have saved their strongest forces for us, and wanted to concentrate all their forces to deal with us." Chen Feng said.

Master Qingyun was a little hesitant.

"Did you notice anything?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

Master Qingyun shook his head: "I do feel the danger getting stronger and stronger. It seems that if we continue to move forward, we will be in danger of death."

"Nine deaths and one life, there is still hope." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"At this point, is it necessary to fight for that ray of hope?" Master Qingyun said.

"But people have come to this point, do they want to retreat?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Do you know why you couldn't do anything to us in the Well of Eternal Night before? It's because you have lost some of your adventurous spirit and have been thinking about getting rid of us without paying a price. If you had used all your strength from the beginning, we might have been solved by you." Jiaolong said.

Master Qingyun's expression did not change, but it was unknown what he was thinking secretly.

In fact, Master Qingyun also knew that what Jiaolong said was correct. After being injured by Chen Feng and Jiaolong, he had already understood this.

It has to be said that sometimes personality can indeed determine the next trend.

Master Qingyun had to admit that he no longer had the adventurous spirit he had at the beginning of his practice.

However, this is also a situation that most practitioners will encounter.

This does not mean that he has become timid. If he had been adventurous and fearless all the time, he would not have lived to this point.

"Then the two Taoists are thinking about moving forward and fighting with each other." Master Qingyun said.

"Yes, that's right. Since we have come here, there is no reason to retreat. As we said before, even if we can't take advantage, we can still fight our way out with the strength of the three of us, and we can join forces." Chen Feng said.

"Well, actually I have been thinking about waiting for my body to come. I have made up my mind and I will no longer refuse." Master Qingyun said with a smile.

"If the Taoist's body really comes here, then it should be the two of us who are worried." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The clones of Master Qingyun are so powerful. If the main body appears and merges with the clones.

Then Chen Feng and Jiaolong are really not opponents. Once the other party changes his mind, the two will suffer a great loss.

After a while, looking at the gray space in front of them, the three knew that this should be the last layer of barrier.

Or this is the place to find.

"It reminds me of the situation when I attacked the sea of ​​consciousness. It is a little similar." Chen Feng said in his heart.

"In fact, it is still a bit strange. The opponent's will has not appeared. Is it waiting here? Or is it not there at all, but exists in an alternative way." Master Qingyun said slowly.

"From some of the situations we encountered before, the opponent's means are not many. It is still a bit disappointing. If so, even if we can get benefits in the end, it is far from what we imagined at the beginning." Chen Feng said so.

"No matter what, this trip is not in vain." Jiaolong said, releasing a force and attacking the space in front of him.

Who knew that this force was so powerful that it easily opened a path without encountering any obstacles.


Chen Feng and Master Qingyun also felt something strange, and each released their senses to investigate.

The result was just as imagined, the front was empty, and there was no powerful existence waiting for him.

"Come on, let's go in and take a look. Maybe there is a cave inside." Master Qingyun said.

Then the three of them came to an empty area. In fact, this area was independently enclosed.

But the outer shell is very fragile.

"This is the source we are looking for. Is there any mistake?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Chen Feng's expression changed, and his whole aura began to float.

"What happened?"

Master Qingyun asked quickly, thinking that Chen Feng was attacked, but then he became the same as Chen Feng.

Jiaolong was the last to change.

The bodies of the three people all became as if they were not there, and powerful wills emanated from their bodies, sometimes spreading out, and sometimes being absorbed into the body.

After a long time, Chen Feng was the first to get rid of this state, with a look of shock in his eyes.

The aura of the whole person has also become very unstable.

"I didn't expect it to be like this. I just don't know how the two of them chose." Chen Feng looked at Master Qingyun and Jiaolong curiously.

Interestingly, Jiaolong got out of this state before Master Qingyun.

Before Jiaolong could communicate with Chen Feng, Master Qingyun also woke up.

"It's so." Master Qingyun showed confusion in his eyes. This was completely different from his previous calculations or guesses, and this situation was almost unbelievable.

I definitely wouldn't do this if I were in it.

"What do you two think?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Fellow Taoist is the first one to enter this state. You should talk about it first." Master Qingyun said.

"Actually, the thing is very simple. This is indeed the core location of the origin of life, similar to the location of the original will of spiritual fire." Chen Feng said.

"It's a very magical experience. Just now, I was able to control the entire origin area. Of course, it was only a part. This should be related to my strength." Jiaolong said.

Just now, the wills of Chen Feng and the three people were connected with the special space here, and they entered a special state.

That is to be able to control the entire origin area, and even have a more detailed understanding of the entire body of this life.

You can mobilize the power and laws of this origin area, which means that this origin area becomes your own territory.

You can do whatever you want in your own territory.

From being suppressed at the beginning, he became the master of this origin area in one fell swoop.

Chen Feng and the three of them became suspicious almost at the same time, wondering if they had entered a special illusion.

Although the three of them thought they were very powerful, the opponents they faced once again were simply too strong.

So it’s normal to encounter some things that feel incredible.

"But the situation just now was too tempting." Master Qingyun said.

"I feel it should be real, not like an illusion, but I believe it is a trap. If we continue to immerse ourselves in it, we may be assimilated by this origin area, and everything we do will benefit this magical place. Fate area." Chen Feng said.

"This is indeed a very possible guess." Master Qingyun said.

"The key is that I don't know which guess is correct. If this time it is not a trap, and the other party has a real problem, download an empty shell for me to give to others later. If this is the case, if we don't grasp it, It’s not too much of a pity.”

"Then fellow Taoist can completely control this strange area and become the master here. By then, the strength will reach an incredible level and he can easily suppress the two of us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Master Qingyun also laughed. Even if his guess was infinitely close to the truth, he would not choose to do so.

As long as there is a little bit of uncertainty, the result may be irreversible.

"In this case, it seems that there is no point in staying here. We can either continue what we just did and try to control this origin area, or we can leave here, or return to the Well of Eternal Night, or go to other places Look for it," Jiaolong said.

"It is indeed a bit confusing. The great benefits that suddenly fall on your head will always feel a bit unreal, but it is really a pity to leave like this. I want to continue to feel the situation just now, but I'm worried about being affected by it." Chen Feng shook his head and said with some emotion.

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