Eternal Existence

Chapter 4755: Joining forces

"That's true. I just don't know if Master Qingyun has faced the existence behind this land of origin. If he has, I don't know how he will deal with it. The two of us used very powerful means to barely get rid of it." Jiaolong said.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong felt that Master Qingyun was following them, and they were indeed helpless.

The most important thing is that the two of them didn't have a good way.

Fight and fight, but they couldn't get rid of it.

They could only take one step at a time.

Next, the two came to an area with special energy.

Unlike before, the quality of this energy area is higher and the scale is larger.

"Do you want to continue collecting?" Jiaolong asked.

In fact, Jiaolong's demand for these energies is far less than Chen Feng's.

"I'll collect it, you wait outside." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng certainly didn't want to let go of this kind of power, even if he only absorbed a little bit.

Another point is that since they had fought with each other before, the two of them were probably also being watched by the other party.

So now no matter how much energy they collect, they will definitely be noticed by the other party.

If the other party wants to attack, then Chen Feng also wants to grasp the extent of his energy collection.

It makes more sense for the two to separate. Think about the previous situation, this is to avoid being caught in one fell swoop.

Chen Feng began to use the devouring technique to plunder the energy here, and he could only store the energy after compressing it. In the opponent's territory, Chen Feng really didn't dare to refine and absorb it recklessly.

After collecting a part, Chen Feng felt that he was being targeted. If he continued, he would definitely be attacked.

So Chen Feng immediately stopped his means.

This is similar to the situation in the power ocean at the beginning.

As Chen Feng stopped, Jiaolong also felt relieved.

Just now, Jiaolong was also ready to fight.

In this way, as long as the energy collected does not exceed a limit, there should be no problem.

This is also the best result.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, Chen Feng and Jiaolong do not want to fight with the other party head-on.

"I think Daoyou means to collect all the attribute energy here. In this case, our project will be big and it will take more time." Jiaolong said.

"In fact, I also want to kill them directly, but I'm not sure. The most likely possibility is that we will be suppressed by them, and then we will be wiped out bit by bit." Chen Feng said.

"If that's the case, why don't we find a way to leave here." Jiaolong said.

"It's probably not that easy to find another crack or passage according to your idea, and then go to other areas. I feel that it was a coincidence that I was able to find the crack before." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Think about the vast free space and the eternal night space where you don't know where the edge is.

It's very difficult to find a passage to other origins in it.

"It's up to people, maybe we can find it." Jiaolong said.

"If I can find it, I would like to go to the new origin to have a look, or I may enter the origin area I have been to before. I have to say that the scale and structure of this origin area are too large and too complicated. I can't figure out how they coexist with each other. Maybe my current location is just a line away from the free space, and my current strength can't break this barrier." Chen Feng said.

"In the final analysis, it is still that our strength is not enough. If we can surpass the origin, then it will be easy to go to any origin area. In the past, I thought it was just a guess and there would be no such powerful life. But this time I saw that there is indeed a life that has reached the level of the Well of Eternal Night. If the other party is still in the peak state, it is several levels higher than us." Jiaolong said with some emotion.

Chen Feng was also full of emotion for a while. What Jiaolong said was indeed reasonable. He had this idea before.

But now he is still in the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian. I don’t know when I can break through to Hunyuan?

And when I reach Hunyuan, it will take a long time to practice. How to go on the road in the future, no matter how much I think now, it’s useless.

After all, before reaching that realm, all ideas are guesses and fantasies.

Even if Chen Feng can kill and fight against some Hunyuan above now, it is also a special means. Without magic weapons on him, Chen Feng is not sure to solve Hunyuan above.

Even the weakest Hunyuan above can’t do it.

A chaotic energy area appeared in front of them. Unlike before, this chaotic energy area had huge whirlpools.

Just like the black hole in the universe, it can swallow everything passing by.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong, who were far away, just checked and felt that their perception was distorted.

You know, the two of them are already strong enough to fight against the Hunyuan. This is the most powerful black hole, and it can't do anything to Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

Even if the two of them are willing, they can block a more powerful swallowing black hole at any time.

"The energy here is not simple. This is also the most powerful place we have encountered since we came to this origin area." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It really aroused my interest. Let's go in and take a look. We may encounter powerful life." Jiaolong said.

Chen Feng shook his head: "It's hard for us to meet powerful life here. After all, we met some Daluo Jinxian, and Hunyuan Jinxian were all dead."

The two of them entered a vortex. Although the power of the vortex here was very strong, it could not do anything to Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

Soon the two of them walked out easily, and the vortex that swallowed the two of them also dissipated under the interference of the two of them.

But there are more vortices here.

"Maybe it's just caused by pure energy, and there's nothing else." Chen Feng said.

Although the energy here is of good quality and powerful, it's only relative.

For the two of them, it doesn't really mean much.

It's just stronger than what they encountered before, so it's more interesting to the two of them.

"Otherwise, let's try the energy collected by the devouring technique here." Jiaolong suggested.

"Forget it, it might attract the opponent's attack, unless we are ready to find the opponent's lair." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Just as the two of them walked step by step in the chaotic energy, Qingyun Shangren appeared out of thin air.

Or four clones.

Seeing the other party appear, Chen Feng and the others were naturally ready to attack at any time.

It must be said that Master Qingyun's appearance this time was really elusive.

Maybe it was because the energy interfered with Chen Feng and Jiaolong, or maybe Master Qingyun used special means to conceal it.

In short, Chen Feng and Jiaolong did not notice it before Master Qingyun appeared.

Thinking that if the other party launched a sneak attack, there would be a chance.

Of course, even if the sneak attack could hurt Chen Feng and Jiaolong, it would not be able to cause further serious damage.

"Two Taoist friends, I came here with no ill intentions this time." Taoist Qingyun said.

"No ill intentions, I don't believe it." Chen Feng sneered.

During this period of time, Master Qingyun has been entangled, even if he changed the origin area, the other party was chasing him.

Now he said that he had no ill intentions, and no one believed it.

However, after the other party appeared this time, he did not choose to attack at the first time, and he must have come with a purpose.

"I want to join forces with you two this time. The target is of course the origin area. In comparison, the magic weapon in your hand is no longer important to me." Master Qingyun said.

"Not important? But the magic weapon is real in my hand. How much benefit can you get from what you said about this origin area?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

No matter what Master Qingyun said, even if the other party was telling the truth, Chen Feng and Jiaolong had to be careful.

"Whether we can get the benefit depends on whether the two Taoist friends will join forces with me next. Now I have a general understanding of this origin area. Only if the two Taoist friends are willing to join forces with me, then we can directly find the source, or find the other party's origin core. Not to mention the power that the other party possesses, which exceeds the origin, there must be some high-grade treasures, perhaps not inferior to the pagoda in your hand." Master Qingyun said.

"These words are easy to say. If it were that easy, the two of us wouldn't have to shuttle back and forth in the dark space all the time. Besides, even if you cooperate with us now, once you encounter something good, we are not your opponents if you turn against us." Chen Feng sneered.

"Since I know that you are not my opponent, I have chosen to compromise now. You two will naturally choose the right approach. Otherwise, we will fight here. Let's not talk about who can defeat whom. At that time, you will definitely attack this origin area." Master Qingyun said slowly.

"And I know much more than you do. If you cooperate with me, you will not suffer any loss. The most important thing is that you have no good choice now. Either get rid of me completely or leave this origin area immediately." Master Qingyun said.

"I have also made a lot of progress during this period. Your original body has not appeared. With just your clones, you can't do anything to us. I really want to fight with you now. Even if it causes trouble, we have to face it together." Jiaolong said on the side.

"It seems that you two are really unwilling to cooperate with me?" Master Qingyun said calmly.

Under this situation, Chen Feng and Jiaolong could not tell what Master Qingyun was thinking.

However, they also understood that if they really refused, there would definitely be a fight next.

In fact, the two of them could not do anything to Master Qingyun. In addition to wasting their efforts in vain, they might also be taken advantage of by this origin area.

"In this case, it is not a problem to join forces, but Daoyou took the initiative to find him, so you should show your sincerity, right?" Chen Feng suddenly said.

"Of course there is no problem in showing sincerity, so what kind of sincerity do you want?" Master Qingyun asked.

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