Eternal Existence

Chapter 4747: Finding the Crack

"Then look for it carefully. I have a feeling that the Qingyun Master behind us may have seen our intentions and may attack us soon." Chen Feng said.

"I also feel that the other party may not be able to hold back any longer. Come on, we are not afraid of him." Jiaolong said.

"We can't deal with just the other party's clone, not to mention the possibility that the other party's real body will appear." Chen Feng was not so optimistic.

"It is really troublesome to offend a being stronger than oneself."

"This area feels familiar, as if I have found the place." Jiaolong suddenly said, then stretched out his hand and grabbed it, the space twisted, the energy gathered, and an empty area appeared in front of the two.

"This is the crack, it looks really big." Chen Feng suddenly remembered the situation when he was still in the Immortal God Universe. At that time, he encountered such a huge crack last year. Later, although the crack left the universe and entered the vast free space.

At first glance, the crack here is somewhat similar to the ones he encountered before.

It's just that there is an eternal night space here, which is different from Chen Feng's situation in the universe at the beginning.

The space here is more stable, and the energy turbulence contained in it is enough to destroy countless universes.

Chen Feng began to compare it with the situation in the free space.

Then Chen Feng found that he had been to many places in the free space, and it seemed that he had not encountered such a situation.

Even if he entered some special areas, he only found portals and passages, and he really hadn't encountered such a huge crack.

At first, Chen Feng didn't care too much, but the more he thought about it, the more strange it felt, especially after the comparison, Chen Feng discovered the difference between the two.

"Is it because the free space is more stable?"

After thinking about this, Chen Feng couldn't help shaking his head. Speaking of the stability of space and the viscosity of energy, the Eternal Night Space is still higher.

This may be a reason why the scale of the Eternal Night Space is not as large as that of the Free Space.

"It may also be caused by human beings, or other situations. In short, it doesn't seem to be acquired." Chen Feng thought so.

"Let's go. There are actually some lives living in this crack. When I came here before, I also fought with some local lives, but there is no powerful Hunyuan here." Jiaolong said so.

Just when Chen Feng and Jiaolong were about to enter the space crack, Master Qingyun, who had been following them, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He didn't expect that Chen Feng and Jiaolong actually found a huge space crack.

Although he didn't know where this led to. Whether it could lead to other origin areas.

But Master Qingyun didn't want to take the risk, so he chose to attack Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

Only seeing the space distorted, Master Qingyun actually started time and space shuttle.

Moreover, Chen Feng and Jiaolong had actually prepared for this kind of means of the other party a long time ago. Seeing that the other party wanted to catch up, the two also accelerated their speed.

Since Master Qingyun chose to take action, the more so, the more it can be said that this crack may really lead to other origin areas.

In a strange place, it is a new challenge for both parties, but for Master Qingyun, he doesn't want some unexpected changes to happen.

The breath released by Chen Feng and Jiaolong caused the surrounding space fluctuations, and the oncoming violent storm was directly melted and dissipated.

Although the environment here is very harsh, it does not cause much impact on powerful life.

Even if it is strong enough, if the life is willing, it can completely wipe out all of this.

For example, if Chen Feng and Jiaolong are willing to take action, they can fill the huge crack in front of them, or make the crack larger.

In this process, Chen Feng and Jiaolong also found something interesting?

That is, there is a clone of Master Qingyun who is the fastest and caught up with Chen Feng and Jiaolong first.

"His clone may be good at the method of divine movement. In this way, the clones cultivated by Master Qingyun also have their own characteristics, not just randomly condensed clones." Chen Feng said.

"I think so, but the opponent only has one clone to catch up. Can it also entangle us? Things are too simple." Jiaolong didn't care a little, and threw his huge body away fiercely.

The seemingly simple and rough attack locked the clone of Master Qingyun firmly. Although Master Qingyun's body shape method is very amazing, it still can't accurately dodge.

So there was a collision with Jiaolong.

With just this one move, Master Qingyun's clone was ejected, while Jiaolong just used this force to continue flying forward.

"Compared with the original body, the opponent's clone is still far inferior." Jiaolong said with a smile.

Jiaolong and the opponent had fought for a period of time before, and Chen Feng had also severely injured the opponent's clone.

The two of them were relatively familiar with Master Qingyun's current situation.

When Master Qingyun's original body appeared, Chen Feng and Jiaolong joined forces and used various means. In the end, they fought desperately and were killed by the opponent.

In particular, Chen Feng was locked by Master Qingyun and almost fell into a crisis. He couldn't get rid of the opponent even with the energy tower.

But now, although the opponent's clones have increased in number, the combat effectiveness of each individual is far less than that of the original body.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been dawdling with Chen Feng and the other two, and now he's using this method to entangle Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

"I always feel that there's something wrong with Master Qingyun. Although the energy tower in my hand is really good, there's no need to let the other party be so obsessed, or is Master Qingyun hiding something that we don't know about?" Chen Feng was actually very curious.

Chen Feng has a lot of treasures on him. In addition to the energy tower, the origin-level magic weapon alone is also a huge fortune.

Chen Feng did encounter some beings stronger than himself along the way.

And the other party is not blind to the treasure in Chen Feng's hand, but only this Master Qingyun is chasing him.

If every powerful being is like this when encountering Chen Feng, then Chen Feng may not be able to live until now.

After all, those old monsters who have practiced for a long time still have many methods.

"It's really a bit confusing, but speaking of the treasure in my hand, it's really enviable, and it's reasonable for the other party to be greedy." Jiaolong thought that Chen Feng's suspicion was not the most important reason.

In Jiaolong's view, the energy tower in Chen Feng's hand is a magic weapon that surpasses the origin level after all, so it is normal for some powerful Hunyuan to be tempted.

Of course, the fact that Qingyun has been chasing him relentlessly is also related to the fact that he was injured by the two people before.

Maybe the other party is very vindictive.

But no matter what, no matter what the reason, Qingyun has set his sights on the two people.

The result between the two sides can only end when one side is solved.

"Sometimes I think about entering Hunyuan directly, and then we will work together to solve the other party." Chen Feng said with a smile.

After practicing to this point, not only Jiaolong can enter the realm of Hunyuan at any time, but even Chen Feng can make an impact. After mastering the energy of a higher level, Chen Feng feels that he can probably successfully advance.

Once the two become Hunyuan, their strength will change dramatically.

It can be said that the two have entered a higher level, and the different life levels will lead to a transformation in all aspects of their strength.

The combat effectiveness will naturally double. At that time, even if Qingyun returns to the peak state of his original body, it may not be the joint efforts of the two.

As for these clones, the two can completely suppress and slaughter them.

So this is also an important reason why Chen Feng and Jiaolong are not panicked and afraid even though they have been chased.

Because the two have not reached the point of desperately fighting, at most they can break through directly in the end and then counterattack.

Of course, for better practice in the future, Chen Feng and Jiaolong are unwilling to break through unless it is absolutely necessary.

Because breaking through now will really affect future practice.

Perhaps for most lives, being able to practice to the level of Hunyuan Jinxian is the most satisfying.

Above Hunyuan is a legendary realm.

What else is there to consider when practicing to this level?

But for Chen Feng and Jiaolong, it is different. First of all, the two started very high, with full talent, opportunity, and hard work.

Now they have walked out of an extremely broad road, and there is no need to change their own practice direction for the sake of their opponents and cut off their own way forward.

Now as long as they accumulate slowly, once they accumulate to the point of being truly invincible in the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian, then they will become the best among them when they become above Hunyuan.

After reaching the level above Hunyuan, the scope of cultivation becomes more extensive.

"You are right, but I think you can still suppress it for a while. In fact, my current situation is about to break through. Even if I suppress it, I am afraid I can't hold on for long." Jiaolong said.

After all, the situation of Jiaolong and Chen Feng is somewhat different.

You should know that Jiaolong has reached the level above Hunyuan in terms of origin will, but his physical body has been delayed.

At the beginning, he practiced purely in the origin river because the origin river suppressed himself.

Now that he has broken away from the constraints of the origin river and adventured with Chen Feng, he has come into contact with a higher level of power. It can be said that Jiaolong's strength has been advancing by leaps and bounds.

Find a place to retreat for a while, and you can smoothly enter the realm above Hunyuan.

Now he just uses various means to suppress himself.

But Chen Feng is different.

First of all, Chen Feng's cultivation time is far less than Jiaolong. Although Chen Feng has many treasures, his cultivation of mana and the accumulation of long years are still not as good as Jiaolong.

And there are many origin-level magic weapons, so at most he can use the energy tower to suppress himself.

So by then the dragon Chen Feng will have a wider space to move around.

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