Eternal Existence

Chapter 4737 Life Zone

"My two Taoist friends, I have no ill intentions." This Hunyuan said hurriedly.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong did not believe what the other party said. If there was no ill intention, why would they block in front of them.

"I am just a little curious about the power that the two Taoist friends have." This Hunyuan Above said.

"What's so strange about this? We still have things to do. If you don't have anything to do, please get out of the way." Jiaolong said.

"My two Taoist friends should be from other places of origin." This Hunyuan Above asked.

"What a joke, you can see clearly, we are local life." After Jiaolong finished speaking, a strong breath emanated from his body.

Chen Feng also exuded the power of the Well of Eternal Night.

Although Chen Feng did not stay in the Well of Eternal Night for a long time, he even absorbed and refined the original power between the origins.

This Hunyuan Above felt a little strange.

Maybe Chen Feng still has some problems, but Jiaolong is truly a local life.

"It turns out that the two Taoist friends are really local life, so why haven't I seen the power that the two Taoist friends used before?" This Hunyuan Above said a lot.

"The Well of Eternal Night is so big, have you been there? There are many things I haven't seen, what's so strange about that?" Jiaolong said with some dissatisfaction.

"We have urgent matters, please get out of the way." Chen Feng said.

"Although these two are at the level of Hunyuan Jinxian, they are very powerful. I want to communicate with you two Taoists." The man above Hunyuan said.

"Why are you so troublesome? It seems that you have to force us to take action." Jiaolong said.

The man above Hunyuan hesitated for a moment, but still made way.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong left quickly.

Then, another man above Hunyuan appeared, who was the one hiding in the dark before.

"Why didn't you do it before?"

"I did want to do it, but I changed my mind. Forget it. It's actually meaningless. It's just that I have mastered special powers."

"That's not a simple special power. It doesn't belong to the Well of Eternal Night, but it's beyond the power we know."

"Maybe we'll meet again in the future. Now we should do business first."

Chen Feng and Jiaolong kept changing positions. They didn't know how far they ran before they stopped in a special place.

It's special because there are many lives here.

This is a continuous and endless area of ​​life. Chen Feng and Jiaolong used to find a clean place to retreat.

But this time, the two of them did the opposite and found a more lively place. Of course, according to their strength, they can open up an independent cave no matter where they are.

"I hope it won't affect this area." Chen Feng said.

"No, unless someone finds them now." Jiaolong didn't care.

Then the two of them found a place at random, opened up a cave, and entered the energy tower.

"This is the life suppressed in the energy ocean, which was catalyzed by the power imprint." Jiaolong asked curiously.

"Yes, that place is very dangerous, there are a lot of Hunyuan above, and I am lucky to say it." Chen Feng said.

In this regard, Chen Feng did not lie, but he concealed the news about the well.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong are already very familiar with how to kill a Hunyuan above.

But even so, the two still spent some effort.

"In fact, it is still a bit wasteful. We should use some means to suppress the other party firmly." Chen Feng said.

"In this way, wouldn't it leave you with hidden dangers? Maybe the other party will be able to break free at any time." Jiaolong said.

"That makes sense." Chen Feng nodded.

The two of them scraped a part of the power of Hunyuan above. In fact, at this point, the goal of two days has been achieved.

If they encounter Hunyuan above again next time, they may really capture another Hunyuan above if they are not careful.

However, Chen Feng did not let Jiaolong leave the energy tower immediately. Instead, with the help of Jiaolong's power, the two of them made some modifications to the energy tower.

More means were arranged in the energy tower.

So by doing this, Chen Feng was thinking about whether he could capture more Hunyuan Above and suppress them in the energy tower.

After all, the dangers that the two of them would face next, they could not determine how strong the opponent was.

Maybe they would encounter multiple Hunyuan Above, or even more powerful Hunyuan Above.

Of course, Chen Feng also refined the power imprints he had obtained before and used them to nourish him.

This can bring out the more powerful power of the energy tower.

Facts have also proved that the energy tower is very eager for this higher-level power. Even without Chen Feng's excessive urging, the energy tower is constantly absorbing this power.

"In this way, the energy tower can also become more powerful." Chen Feng's heart moved, and he began to imagine how strong the energy tower would become if it broke through?

Can it reach the level of the Well of Eternal Night or the Gate of Origin?

Finally, after some calculations by Chen Feng, he still shook his head.

This idea is really too big.

Even if it can break through in the future and become stronger, it will be a very long and difficult process.

"Perhaps I can completely collect all those energy oceans, but it's a pity that my current power is far from that. I can only simply collect some power imprints. Even when I become above Hunyuan, I still can't do this. "Chen Feng still has a clear understanding of himself.

However, although this idea is very slim, Chen Feng also wants to try it.

Anyway, I have gained a lot of energy during this period, which can be used for the energy tower to absorb.

Of course, the premise is that these powers must be completely controlled by oneself to avoid any changes in the future.

This time, the two practiced for a while.

Chen Feng was not only refining the energy tower, but also refining other magic weapons. Of course, Chen Feng himself refined the other magic weapons.

Since even a treasure of the energy tower level can become stronger again, let alone an origin-level magic weapon?

This consumes more thought and time, and Chen Feng doesn't even have time to cultivate himself now.

Of course, the process of refining the power brand is also a kind of practice.

And Chen Feng understood this more powerful force better, and understood more and more that this was really not a powerful force belonging to the Well of Eternal Night.

"Strange, where does the power that is more powerful than the place of origin come from? And where does the special energy obtained before come from?" Chen Feng couldn't help but fall into this state of thinking.

In fact, after some calculations by Chen Feng, he had some general ideas, and the road ahead was not unclear.

Just keep getting stronger.

Chen Feng believes that one day he will transcend his origin and reach the final point of power.

In fact, Chen Feng does not want his practice to end. In this case, even if he becomes truly invincible and truly controls everything, it will feel very boring.

"Perhaps it's because my adventure journey doesn't feel boring, but one day, the passion will run out." Chen Feng would become a little sentimental.

For a being who has a strong spiritual practice, this kind of emotion is wrong.

Chen Feng quickly adjusted, then released a clone at random, walked out of the cave, and started walking around.

Chen Feng also wanted to know about the situation in this life area.

The clones that Chen Feng created at will also have the strength of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Jiaolong is still practicing, or in other words, sleeping.

Chen Feng found that Jiaolong seemed to like sleeping very much. Not to mention when he was in the sea of ​​​​the hospital, even when he was waiting for him at the place where thousands of currents converge, he slept for a long time.

Then just wait.

Now that he had a clone to explore, Chen Feng was no longer in a hurry, thinking that if this life area was good, maybe he could leave a second-generation clone.

When talking about the second life clone, Chen Feng thought of the origin seeds in the energy ball. Chen Feng began to think about whether to cultivate the second life clone now.

But then Chen Feng shook his head. He had already left his second life clone in the Well of Eternal Night, and there was no need to leave too much behind.

Moreover, Chen Feng also wanted to find out what was going on with the origin seeds bred from the special energy.

After a while, Chen Feng received the news from the clone, with a look of interest on his face.

"This life area was established by adventurers from the Evernight Space, which is quite interesting." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng has been wandering in the Well of Eternal Night, and what he has seen is the situation in the Well of Eternal Night. Although the Eternal Night space also evolved from the Well of Eternal Night, his subsequent life is always somewhat different.

Chen Feng was quite interested, and Chen Feng originally planned to go to the Eternal Night Space to explore after leaving the Well of Eternal Night.

Now it’s time to get in touch with it.

A strong wave swept over.

The moment this energy wave appeared, Chen Feng took action.

Jiaolong also suddenly woke up from his deep sleep.

The quadrilateral area was still.

The wave of power that could bring disaster was extinguished by Chen Feng.

The dragon rushed out.

Chen Feng's clone quickly returned.

Because this time we are coming from above Hunyuan.

"Lead the other party away." Chen Feng quickly sent a message to Jiaolong.

Soon there were waves of fighting in the distance, very strong waves, and Chen Feng had no choice but to take out the sacred mountain to suppress all parties.

This also protects this area.

Some of the Hunyuan Golden Immortals in this life area were also alarmed, and immediately rushed out, looking around in horror!

Although they are both Hunyuan Golden Immortals, the gap between the two sides is really too big.

These people couldn't even bear the aftermath, but Chen Feng could participate in the battle head-on.

"Don't worry, we'll leave immediately." Chen Feng said, taking a step forward and disappearing.

To Chen Feng's expectation, the person who came to his door this time was not his previous enemy, and he had never even met him before.

But Chen Feng was sure that this powerful Hunyuan Shang was targeting the two of them.

"However, what can you do above Hunyuan? If you are the only one, you will die if you come here." Chen Feng said.

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