Eternal Existence

Chapter 4726: Monk Yanyan

"I was expecting a powerful being to appear. I didn't encounter any Hunyuan above along the way, which was really boring." Jiaolong said.

It must be said that after seeing the powerful Hunyuan above, Chen Feng and Jiaolong no longer took the life of Hunyuan Jinxian at this level seriously.

This is the change in the three views caused by the change in strength.

The reason why Chen Feng released the light was to find out whether there was a fire of life here as soon as possible.

If there was really a fire of life here, it should bring some response when feeling his means.

However, as the domain controlled by Chen Feng continued to expand, he never found what he wanted.

"Maybe there is nothing here. It is impossible for us to get benefits by just coming to a place casually." Chen Feng said.

In fact, there was no disappointment.

This is also a normal situation in the adventure journey.

What Chen Feng thought was that the Well of Eternal Night was vast and boundless. As for not finding it, he would go to other places.

Some Hunyuan above must have fallen in the long years.

Besides, even if he couldn't find it, it didn't matter. At most, he could practice a little bit.

Anyway, during this period of time, I have made enough progress, and I should hone myself step by step.

And I have obtained the power mark before, and it takes Chen Feng a long time to understand and comprehend it.

The dragon has grown bigger and wandered in the darkness. Sometimes the energy released from his body directly shatters the space.

Compared with Chen Feng, the dragon is a little disappointed.

After all, the dragon has great hope this time.

However, if it can't be found, there is no good way. Although it is a little disappointed, it can only leave this place and go to other places to try.

After all, the scale of the Well of Eternal Night is vast.

Of course, this area in front of us has just begun to be explored, and there is still a large area to be explored.

Chen Feng also feels that he can cover it and can't hide no matter what, but as the dragon said before, it is indeed a little slow.

Chen Feng hesitated a little, but things have come to this point, can he stop again?

If it was only Chen Feng himself, it would not matter, but now the dragon is still watching.

That would be embarrassing.

"Let's separate, it will be faster this way." Chen Feng still said so.


The dragon nodded, sped up, and soon disappeared.

So far, neither of them felt the crisis, so they were not so worried.

Besides, with the strength of Chen Feng and the dragon, even if they encountered a powerful life, even if it was above the Hunyuan, they could fight.

If they encountered an ordinary Hunyuan, it would be hard to say who would suffer and who would take advantage.

Chen Feng continued with the previous means, but this time he involved some special means.

It was not to continue to mobilize more of the origin fire, but to slightly mix in some of the power imprints obtained before.

Of course, it was a single-attribute power imprint, and it was also the power imprint that Chen Feng refined and mastered.

This time, the expansion speed of the domain controlled by Chen Feng suddenly increased by more than ten times.

At first, Chen Feng felt a little out of control, but fortunately he recovered quickly.

After all, this was the power he mastered, and it was just the first time he used it, but Chen Feng could still feel the difference of the power imprint and its superiority.

Under the expansion of power, it seems that this area can't bear it. If it were a life, it would be a taste of surrender.

"Interesting, is this the proof? It has surpassed the existence of the Well of Eternal Night." Chen Feng said with a smile.

In fact, Chen Feng said this to ask the well, but who knew that the well had not responded.

The well has been like this since leaving the place where all the streams meet.

Chen Feng thought that the other party probably got the power imprint before refining and absorbing it.

"It won't become stronger than me soon." Chen Feng thought so, and he was a little worried, but it was useless to worry now. Could it be that he had to throw the well away or suppress it?

Chen Feng didn't want to do this.

However, since the power imprint is so useful, it is naturally a good thing. Chen Feng began to use this power to speed up the expansion of the library.

Wherever he passed, everything was under Chen Feng's control.

Finally, Chen Feng felt something unusual.


One of the areas exploded directly, revealing a hidden cave.

A breath of life rose up, and there was also a power fluctuation belonging to Hunyuan.

"I haven't met Hunyuan Shangshang for a long time. I wonder if this time I can bring some surprises." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Then he walked in.

Although there is the breath of Hunyuan Shangshang, it is not necessarily true that there is a living Hunyuan Shangshang here.

What Chen Feng wants to see most is the life fire left by Hunyuan Shangshang, and it is still a very pure life fire, so it is convenient to absorb and there is no burden.

But soon Chen Feng knew that what he expected did not appear, but the opposite direction.

There is indeed a life fire, and it is very powerful, which also has a great effect on Chen Feng.

But there is also a body of Hunyuan Shangshang here. It was originally a body that was about to die, but now it seems to be recovering.

It is still a good process.

In other words, if Chen Feng does not discover the other party, then as time goes by, the other party will gradually regain his previous strength.

In other words, Chen Feng had invaded the other party's retreat place.

The reason why the other party did not choose to attack Chen Feng immediately was of course because he felt how powerful Chen Feng was.

"Master Yanyan, I have met Taoist friend." The other party took the initiative to say hello.

Chen Feng had already figured out the situation here, sighed, made up his mind, turned around and left.

If Chen Feng takes action, he can completely eliminate the opponent and get everything useful.

It's just that this is not in line with Chen Feng's principles of life. Even if Chen Feng has practiced such a domineering technique as the Devouring Technique, it does not mean that this is the way Chen Feng behaves.

It can be said that except for Chen Feng, most other beings would take action.

"Fellow Taoist, is there anything else going on?" Chen Feng turned around, thinking that if I don't cause trouble for you, you won't be ungrateful.

However, Chen Feng knew that the other party would not be so reckless.

The opponent's huge body continued to shrink, and finally became the same size as Chen Feng.

After the two sides got closer, Chen Feng felt it more clearly.

It is indeed above Hunyuan, and it seems to be above Hunyuan with good strength. Of course, the premise is that the opponent is at his peak.

Now, it's just the weakest one, maybe not as powerful as the powerful Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

"Fellow Taoist being able to come here is considered a predestined relationship. I wonder if you are interested. Let's exchange a few words." Layman Yanyan said.

"It's okay to communicate." Chen Feng did not refuse.

"I have been sleeping here for two calamities, and I don't know what is going on outside." Layman Yanyan said slowly.

"Two calamities!"

Chen Feng called him a good guy, which was a bit exaggerated. It had only been so long since he was born, and he didn't even have a fraction of the calamity.

This also shows the seriousness of the opponent's injuries.

"Actually, I'm not familiar with the Well of Eternal Night. Speaking of which, it's just my first time to come to the Well of Eternal Night." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"First time coming to the Well of Eternal Night!"

Layman Yanyan was a little surprised and didn't believe it, but after observation, he finally saw Chen Feng's true strength.

"Hunyuan Golden Immortal, this is impossible."

Originally, Layman Yanyan thought that Chen Feng's Hunyuan Golden Immortal realm was deliberately disguised, but now it seems that is not the case.

"It turns out that fellow Taoist is not a being from the Well of Eternal Night. No wonder, where did fellow Taoist come from?" Layman Yanyan asked curiously.

Chen Feng secretly thought that since the other party is so old, he must know a lot, so he should communicate with the other party to avoid suffering any disadvantages.

After all, he is above Hunyuan. Even if he is injured, he is still qualified to talk to himself.

"I come from the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng said.

"The Gate of Origin, I know, I have been there." Layman Yanyan seemed a little excited.

"I also stayed at the Gate of Origin for a long time and made some friends." Layman Yanyan said.

"How did fellow Taoist get injured?" Chen Feng asked. This was also what Chen Feng was most interested in.

"I said that I don't know who the other party is, do you believe me?" Layman Yanyan said.

"You don't know either!"

Chen Feng was truly surprised.

How could he not know his opponent? After all, he was a powerful Hunyuan master. If he didn't even know who his opponent was, wouldn't it be a joke to tell him.

"I really don't know where the other party comes from. The being that injured me is very powerful. The other party can even kill me. The other party didn't do that because they don't take me seriously." Layman Yanyan said slowly.

"The other party does not belong to the Well of Eternal Night, nor does it come from the Gate of Origin, nor does it come from the Tower of Life. Although I have never been to the Source of All Sources and the Source of Energy, I know something about it. At first, I thought that the other party came from Guixu, but After a long period of calculation, I came to the conclusion that the other party is not from Guixu."

Layman Yanyan said this.

Chen Feng was unmoved on the surface, but was still a little surprised in his heart.

Sure enough, I learned some information from these old antiques that I didn't know before.

Guixu and the source of energy were something I had never heard of before.

However, Chen Feng's heart moved, and then he asked: "Have you ever been to the place where thousands of streams meet?"

"Of course I have been. It is a very strange place. I have also been to the source. The black hole there is very interesting." Layman Yanyan said.

"Fellow Taoist can go to the source, which is indeed impressive. But fellow Taoist has not gone deeper." Chen Feng asked.

"Okay, the place where all the currents meet is just a little mixed in energy. At that time, even the Golden Immortal of Hunyuan could reach the end. If you go deeper, I have been to the ocean of energy. That's it. It has nothing to do with the source of energy. Fabi." Layman Yanyan said.

"Fellow Taoist, don't you know about the power brand?" Chen Feng still asked.

"Power brand?"

Layman Yanyan was a little surprised, but still shook his head: "I haven't heard of it."

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