Eternal Existence

Chapter 4723: Guidance from the Well

Then Chen Feng saw the fight between Hunyuan and above.

It was not the Taichu Demon Lord and the others, which made Chen Feng somewhat disappointed.

However, Chen Feng could also tell that these two adventurers came from the Well of Eternal Night, and the aura on their bodies showed everything.

When Chen Feng was observing the opponent, both warring parties had actually discovered Chen Feng.

"I don't know which fellow Taoist it is? Come and help, let's work together to defeat the opponent, and then divide the power brand here." One of the creatures covered with spikes said this.

Now that the other party discovered Chen Feng, he no longer hid and walked out.

"How is it possible, Hunyuan Golden Immortal?" The two adventurers were naturally very shocked. They thought they were dazzled and there was an error in their perception.

If he wasn't paying attention, he would be hit by his opponent and he would retreat continuously.

Chen Feng had no choice but to step forward and get involved.

With Chen Feng's help, the local creatures began to fall behind.

As a result, these local creatures chose to escape.

"This is a bit interesting. The other party will not choose to fight to the end in the future." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"This is normal. The other party is also a spiritual being." said the Hunyuan Shang whose body was covered with spikes.

Another Hunyuan Shang also said hello to Chen Feng.

Although the other party was a little curious about Chen Feng's state of mind, Chen Feng's previous combat power explained everything.

The other party didn't ask any more questions.

The two parties had a casual exchange, and then began to receive the power brand.

From the process of collecting the power brand, one can also see their respective strengths and methods.

Therefore, these two will not underestimate Chen Feng.

"Fellow Taoist is also from the Well of Eternal Night." Hunyuan Shang, whose body was covered with spikes, asked curiously.

Chen Feng smiled: "Of course I come from the Well of Eternal Night, but I am a being from the Gate of Origin."

"Let me tell you, no wonder the aura on your Taoist friend's body is a bit weird. It turns out it comes from the Gate of Origin." These two Hunyuan masters understood clearly.

"Two fellow Taoists have also been to the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"I haven't been there yet, but I have heard about it. If I have a chance in the future, I can go and see it. But now that I have met fellow Taoist, can you tell us about the Gate of Origin?"

"Of course there is no problem."

Chen Feng did not refuse, but informed these two people about some information about the Gate of Origin.

"It does sound miraculous. It is said that the Gate of Origin is more powerful than the Well of Eternal Night. Now I have confirmed this after meeting fellow Taoist."

After hearing this, Chen Feng felt somewhat unable to refute.

According to the other party's wishes, the Hunyuan Golden Immortal at the Gate of Origin possesses the fighting power of Chen Feng.

Even if Chen Feng is the best among them, it can still explain some problems.

In addition, they have heard some rumors in the past, so they can only think that the front-end is not that powerful.

In this way, they have more yearning for the Gate of Origin.

But this is nothing to Chen Feng. According to the opponent's strength, even if he doesn't tell them about the Gate of Origin, these two can also find out clearly.

And it is not difficult for them to go to the Gate of Origin.

It was as if he could leave the Well of Eternal Night and enter again at any time.

Moreover, Chen Feng did not feel any malice from the two of them, which was also an important reason why Chen Feng was willing to communicate with them.

This is also related to Chen Feng's strength and other factors.

For example, Chen Feng did not take out the energy tower, or the two above Hunyuan were not the kind of bloodthirsty people.

"There are not many local lives here." Chen Feng asked.

"Actually, there were a few of them before, but I don't know where they went afterwards. It's possible that other adventurers came here, or maybe there were some changes in the previous power brand. I heard what you said, and it seems that I will go there too. Through other oceans of energy.”

"That's right, I came from another energy ocean. It really took some effort." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Fellow Taoist, you didn't come in from the place where ten thousand currents meet, right?" Another Hunyuan Shang suddenly asked.

"That's right, I came from the place where thousands of currents meet. Could it be that the two fellow Taoists are not like this?" Chen Feng was also curious.

"Ahem, fellow Taoist, you are really amazing. You can actually rush in from the place where ten thousand currents meet. We came in from another passage. After all, there is not only one passage where ten thousand currents meet, the body."

"There are actually other passages." Chen Feng was a little surprised. He really didn't know about it, and Jiaolong and the others didn't seem to know either.

"It's very secret, and it's not easy to find and capture. We also waited for a long time to find the passage, but even if I didn't tell fellow Taoists about the place, they might not be able to find it." said the Hunyuan Superior. .

"So that's the case. It's understandable." Chen Feng nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

He was actually able to rush in from the place where thousands of currents met. Later, his strength improved greatly, and it didn't take much effort to return.

The three of them are constantly extracting the power imprint here.

Jing actually took action this time, but he brought the brand of power he had drawn together with Chen Feng.

So no one noticed it.

This is also one of the reasons why these two Hunyuan Superiors are wary of Chen Feng.

After all, the scale of power Chen Feng devoured exceeded these two.

The final result was that the power imprint chose to disappear.

"Two Daoists, what are your plans next? Do you want to go to other energy oceans to try?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Forget it, it's quite safe here. We need to practice in seclusion here for a while. This time will be very long. I will continue to walk if you want." The man above the mixed origin said.

"Yes, I also want to stop and take a rest, but I don't like the kind of long-term practice. In fact, I have been in seclusion for a while before. Next, I will leave."

After Chen Feng said goodbye to the two above the mixed origin, he walked slowly in the energy ocean again.

In fact, the energy contained in the vast energy sea is the top level, which can be compared with the source energy of the Well of Eternal Night, and it is even purer.

But then after the power imprint, Chen Feng naturally would not take these energies into consideration.

There will be a gap only when the two sides have a comparison.

"How is Daoist's recovery?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"I am just nourishing myself now, and it is not time for real recovery yet." Well said.

Chen Feng didn't quite understand what he heard, so of course, he didn't continue to ask.

After all, the other party's level was higher than Chen Feng's.

"Next, you have to continue to move forward. In fact, according to your situation, the most correct way is to stop and practice for a while, and integrate the power and morality you have gained little by little." Jing said.

"You can also practice while walking. I'm doing it now." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"In fact, your practice method is not perfect." Jing said.

"Then please give me some advice." Chen Feng was not angry at the time, but took the initiative to ask the other party.

"In this case, I will tell you my opinion and let you listen. It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to practice according to what I say." Jing said.

So Chen Feng began to listen, and sometimes he would communicate with Jing.

It must be said that Jing's views did have a lot of great inspiration for Chen Feng.

Chen Feng could feel the suppression of the other party on his realm more and more.

In fact, Chen Feng also knew that his practice path was indeed a bit rough. If it weren't for the tyranny of the chaotic body, he would not have reached this point at all according to his own practice method.

It was even a question whether he could break out of the universe.

It must be said that Chen Feng gained a lot in the following period of time.

Sometimes a simple suggestion would inspire Chen Feng greatly. After a careful understanding, Chen Feng began to modify his cultivation path.

In this way, Chen Feng walked slower.

In the end, Chen Feng stopped directly and began to practice in seclusion.

This seclusion lasted for a long time.

Because after Chen Feng solved a problem, he would continue to solve other problems.

Just like some chain reactions, Chen Feng needs to make large-scale adjustments to himself.

Sometimes a special perception will also take a long time.

When Chen Feng came out of this state, the whole person did undergo earth-shaking changes.

After carefully comparing before and after, it felt a little incredible.

Unexpectedly, in a short period of time, he had undergone a huge change. If it was before, Chen Feng would consider whether it was a good thing to do this, and whether there were any hidden dangers.

But now it is different. Chen Feng also practiced after careful analysis and calculation.

Chen Feng thought there should be no problem.

Besides, the practice is his own, and the body is also his own. Chen Feng can control everything about himself, so he is not worried.

"I didn't expect to stay here for such a long time." Chen Feng calculated carefully and was secretly surprised. He understood those old predecessors who practiced in seclusion better.

"I have gradually entered this level." Chen Feng sighed.

At the same time, Chen Feng had further doubts about the origin of the well. He was not the life of the Well of Eternal Night. Even if the other party represented the Well of Eternal Night, he should not have such a vision.

Mainly, the spirituality shown by the well made Chen Feng suspicious.

However, Chen Feng quickly dispelled these thoughts. It was useless to think so much. As long as the other party had no malicious intentions, it would be fine.

Soon Chen Feng came to the barrier of the barrier.

This process was already very familiar, but when Chen Feng was halfway there, the power of the seal suddenly became stronger.

Chen Feng was trapped.

"What's going on?"

Chen Feng thought that someone was targeting him at the first time, but he activated the power of the barrier, which seemed to be something that ordinary life could not do.

"Is the energy ocean itself dealing with me?" Chen Feng said.

"It seems that there is indeed a problem. It should be that you have been constantly shuttling through the various energy oceans and have been noticed." Jing said.

"Who noticed it, the energy ocean, or something?" Chen Feng asked hurriedly.

The power of the barrier was still increasing, and Lin Feng also had a domain around him to compete with the other party.

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