Eternal Existence

Chapter 4715: Black Hole Enlightenment

At this point, the three of them were a little worried.

Even the magic weapon of the origin level could not last too long.

Once there is no magic weapon and magical power to protect them, it can be said that the three of them will be shattered in an instant.

Even if they use means to reshape their bodies, it will definitely consume a lot of energy.

In the long cultivation speed of the three people, it is extremely rare.

Now they are getting closer and closer to the source, and the picture they see is getting clearer and clearer. The three of them will go to the end no matter what.

In this way, the three of them take turns to guard the four directions.

Unlike before, the further they go, the shorter the time they can hold on.

Sometimes they just take out an origin-level magic weapon, or use a defensive magical power. But they can't hold on for long, and they have to change people soon.

Otherwise, the origin-level magic weapon may be shattered.

The energy here is not only of extremely high quality, but mainly fused together, and the flow rate is very fast.

This kind of flushing power is comparable to the scene in the depths of the long river of time.

It is even more terrifying.

"It's almost there, everyone hold on a little longer." Chen Feng said.

Just now, Chen Feng deliberately stretched out his palm, and the palm was visibly withering and then shattered.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng quickly retracted his palm and dared not try again.

"The consumption is too great. Even with my powerful mana, I can't bear it." Taichu Demon Lord said.

"It's really painful." Chaos Beast said.

"I hope all the results are worth it." Chen Feng said.

"I'm afraid I won't get anything." Taichu Demon Lord said.

"Even if I don't get anything, as long as I can see what the situation is and end the obsession in my heart, it is also a huge gain." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Daoyou, this is true, but even if there is a little breakthrough in spirit, it may not offset the consumption along the way." Taichu Demon Lord said.

After all, these two have reached the realm above Hunyuan, and it is still very difficult to break through again. There is only endless years of accumulation.

In order to break through to the source this time, I am afraid it will take some time to slowly recover the vitality.

But at this moment, regret is useless, and I can only move forward.

I have already walked ninety-nine steps. No matter how dangerous the last step is, I have to take it and take a look.

At this time, I don’t need to sense it anymore. I can see the black hole in front of me with my eyes.

It is huge.

Black holes are stacked on top of black holes.

For a moment, I can’t determine how many black holes there are.

Energy is erupting in each overlapping black hole. Energy of different attributes gathers together, or merges, or mutates, or sweeps, and then turns into a place where thousands of streams converge, and a huge and mighty river rushes out.

"Finally, we have arrived at the source."

At this time, the pressure is not constantly stacking as imagined before. The three of them keep moving forward, approaching the black hole little by little.

"Fortunately, it is not the power of devouring, otherwise, we can't stand at all." Chen Feng said.

"Even now, if we are not careful, we may be washed away." Taichu Demon Lord said.

"But the impact here is slightly weaker than before. It seems that if we walk forward a little more, once we really enter the black hole, the impact will become more severe." Chaos Beast said.

"That's right. After all, the power of the black hole has not been completely integrated. So, this is the source. No, this is not the real source. It can only be said to be the source of the place where all the streams meet. For the real source of attribute power, we still need to look through the black hole. According to my speculation, it is mostly from the energy ocean." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Even if it is the energy ocean, it should have flowed away in the long years. Is it really vast and boundless, or can the energy ocean be supplemented by other methods, such as a special cycle." Taichu Demon Lord said.

"Mostly so, then the two Taoist friends have come here, do you want to go through the source to take a look? I'm afraid that we will see some unexpected pictures at that time, and it may be difficult to come back at that time. I wonder if you will leave the Well of Eternal Night directly?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"In this way, there are indeed infinite possibilities. My curiosity has been mobilized. I want to go over and take a look. Moreover, the impact of each layer of black holes is not too strong, and we don't have to join forces like before." Chaos Beast said.

"In that case, let's go our separate ways." Taichu Demon Lord also said.

Chen Feng nodded, and naturally did not refuse. Since they had already come to the source, there was no need to continue to join forces.

If they really returned along the same route, they would not have such strong pressure as before.

"I choose this direction." After the Chaos Beast finished speaking, a barrier formed by a layer of chaotic energy appeared on its body.

It rushed towards the black hole quickly.

It disappeared in the blink of an eye.

I don't know whether it continued to go deeper or had already entered the overlapping black holes?

"Daoyou, we will meet again later. It is possible that we will meet again soon." After the Taichu Demon Lord finished speaking, he also rushed towards the black hole.

Chen Feng did not want to stay either. The pressure here was still quite high.

However, after Chen Feng looked at the black hole in front of him, he suddenly had an idea and stopped.

On the one hand, since Chen Feng came here, of course he wanted to take a good look and could not just leave casually.

On the other hand, Chen Feng had some insights.

The black hole in front of us sounds simple, but to be really complicated, there are countless black holes stacked on top of each other.

In fact, it’s nothing.

But think about it, the energy erupted here can tear even Hunyuan into pieces.

Even if it is simple, there should be countless variations.

Even if there is no change, it can still give people endless inspiration.

Now Chen Feng captured some mysterious feelings, and a huge black hole emerged in his body.

This is a manifestation of the swallowing technique practiced by Chen Feng.

Although the huge black hole in front of him did not emit any swallowing power, the power it erupted could be said to be completely opposite to Chen Feng's swallowing technique.

But now it resonates with Chen Feng's swallowing technique.

So Chen Feng used magic weapons to protect the four sides.

To avoid trouble, Chen Feng not only took out the sacred mountain, but also arranged a sword formation around it.

Here are five origin-level magic weapons.

The energy tower in Chen Feng's body is even more ready to move. Once there is danger, it will appear at any time and envelope Chen Feng.

This is done so that Chen Feng can practice better.

At this time, Chen Feng's understanding became deeper and deeper, and the black hole in his body gradually emerged on the surface. Seeing Chen Feng's whole body turned into a black hole.

This is not only Chen Feng's own Devouring Technique, but also some magic weapon fragments from the black hole magic weapon that he killed before, which was suppressed to the ground and swallowed the avenue, also emerged.

After all, he is also a being above Hunyuan level.

Although it was only in the form of a magic weapon at first, it later mutated. It can be said that from a certain level, it has surpassed the same level.

This is also of great inspiration and benefit to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng had some insights before, but after all, the magic weapon fragments were at the origin level, and it would definitely take time to slowly refine them.

Now it was taken out by Chen Feng and the refining speed was accelerated.

Tangible objects turned into invisible power and merged into Chen Feng's Devouring Avenue.

The huge black hole is constantly expanding and shrinking, looking unstable at all, and seems to explode at any time.

Moreover, the power inside the black hole is also hesitating, seeming to be swallowing and erupting.

All in all, very weird.

This situation has been going on for a long time.

The magic weapon that originally enveloped Chen Feng turned into a stream of light and was put away due to damage.

But at this time, Chen Feng turned into a black hole, and as soon as the washed energy approached the black hole, it was either swept away or swallowed up.

Chen Feng did not need to use magic weapons, and the energy here could no longer affect Lin Feng.

In other words, in Chen Feng's current state, he can act at will at the intersection of thousands of currents.

Chen Feng was even confident that even if the powerful Hunyuan Golden Immortal came, he would be unable to do anything to him.

Of course, Chen Feng will definitely not think so much now, because Chen Feng is completely immersed in the state of cultivation.

Devouring Avenue breaks through.

Chen Feng's original black hole is also constantly undergoing various changes.

Finally, the black hole stabilized.

Chen Feng walked casually and felt a great sense of freedom. The energy here did not offer much resistance at all.

If Chen Feng is willing, with just one thought, he can swallow up the energy here and turn it into his own use.

Chen Feng had some breakthroughs of his own, and Chen Feng also resonated with the black hole here.

In other words, Chen Feng can control and mobilize various energies here.

After staying here for a while, Chen Feng suddenly felt something in his heart and looked at the way he came.

Someone came unexpectedly again.

Chen Feng had some expectations. The people who could come here were all top-level beings, most of whom were above Hunyuan.

"These are two beings. It's interesting. The power of these two is actually a fusion of yin and yang. It's so powerful." Chen Feng glanced at it and saw two masses of energy in the thick energy.

These two masses of energy exchange and circulate with each other, forming stronger energy to resist the erosion of surrounding energy.

Not necessarily yin and yang, but similar opposing energies.

After some time the other party appeared.

One man and one woman!

They are all above Hunyuan!

"It turns out he is a Taoist monk, a Taoist monk above Hunyuan. No wonder!"

Chen Feng understood, thinking that they had been cultivating this kind of power with different attributes a long time ago.

However, since they have both cultivated to the level of Hunyuan, the strength of the two sides is almost the same, which is really surprising.

The other party also breathed a sigh of relief after arriving. Although he broke into this place, although the yin and yang blended together, it was not easy.

Suddenly I saw someone here and was shocked.

After seeing Chen Feng's strength, both of them had strange looks on their faces.

Hunyuan Golden Immortal?

How is it possible? This is not a mistake.

The man and woman looked at each other and saw the confusion and shock in each other's eyes.

But then the two of them knew that they were right. The person standing here was indeed a Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

"I have never seen such a powerful Hunyuan Golden Immortal. It could be that the other party is too strong and used a trick to hide it from us."

"No matter which one it is, it shows how powerful the other party is."

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