Eternal Existence

Chapter 4705: Retreat

The three of them did not stay in the energy tower for too long, because there was a powerful opponent outside.

After coming out, it was easy to lock on the powerful Hunyuan Shang.

It's just that there is still some distance between the two parties.

The Hunyuan Shang was hesitating at this time, and it could be said that he felt a little depressed.

I originally thought that I would wait until Chen Feng and the others were both injured in the fight before taking action, but who knew that the battle would end so quickly.

In this case, if you step forward again, you won't be able to take advantage at all.

Moreover, this Supreme Hunyuan also knew that after Chen Feng and the other three defeated the Supreme Hunyuan, they would definitely plunder and divide up everything the other party had.

It is now more powerful than before.

So this Hunyuan Superior hesitated for a moment and then disappeared.

Chen Feng and Jiao Long had no intention of chasing after them, because they knew that they would not be able to catch up, and even if they could catch up to each other, they would not be able to do anything to each other.

The opponent is already on guard, and the next fighting method will definitely change.

"It's really a pity." Chen Feng said.

"That's right, it would be great if we could plunder some of the opponent's origins." Jiaolong said.

Jiaolong had already tasted the benefits of the previous two devouring techniques, and naturally thought that he could completely carve up the powerful Hunyuan Shang.

"Actually, our harvest is quite big." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Although it is a bit regretful, there is nothing we can do about it, and this result is already much better.

Think about it, at first, the two of them were killed by each other and had no way to escape, especially Chen Feng, who was almost killed by the other party.

Now the situation has reversed and the other party has taken the initiative to retreat, which explains some problems.

It's just that the other party is still alive and well, and this hidden danger naturally still exists. Maybe at some point, the other party will jump out.

This is also the reason why Chen Feng feels unsafe.

"Our Devouring Technique has at least robbed the opponent of several kalpas of mana and cultivation. The most important thing is that it has damaged the opponent's origin. I think it will not appear again in a short time." Jiaolong said.

"That's what I say, but for such a powerful existence, there are still means. Maybe the opponent has a lot of resources and can replenish them soon." Chen Feng said.

"Even if the other party has enough resources, it will take a certain amount of time to return to its full strength. During this time, if we want to leave, it is enough."

Jiaolong said.

In any case, the powerful Hunyuan Shang chose to leave, and the threat to Chen Feng and Jiaolong was finally lifted.

No one can tell what happened next.

The most important thing at the moment is to strengthen yourself and prevent the other party from coming.

The puppet Hunyuan Shang was hesitant to speak, and he was even more worried, fearing that Chen Feng and Jiaolong would suddenly attack him.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong were indeed hesitant, and secretly discussed whether to kill this Hunyuan Shang.

By killing each other, the two of them can share a lot of benefits.

If, after deliberation, this is still not done.

Of course, according to Jiaolong's idea, he would kill the opponent, but Chen Feng was a little soft-hearted.

"Forget it, since the other party helped us solve the dilemma before, let's give him a way out. Moreover, the other party is not strong and does not pose a big hidden danger to us." Chen Feng said.

Although Jiaolong was a little reluctant, he had no choice but to agree when he saw what Chen Feng said.

Besides, after the previous confrontation, this puppet Hunyuan had also consumed a lot of energy. Although it had been replenished, it had been transformed by Chen Feng and Jiaolong, and it would take some time to recover in the future.

Jiaolong only thought that he would soon be able to enter the realm above Hunyuan. Thinking about it this way, there was nothing to worry about.

"Don't worry, we won't break our word, but we can't let you leave now. We still need you to stay with us for a while. After all, no one knows when the other party will come back. I don't think you are willing to leave all at once." If you leave, you will be attacked by the opponent," Chen Feng said.

"That's true, so where should we go next? If we know a secret place where we can practice in peace, I think we can definitely avoid the other party's detection." The Hunyuan Superior thought for a while and said.

Chen Feng shook his head: "We came here, on the one hand, to avoid that powerful existence, and on the other hand, we want to practice here. I don't think fellow Taoists also practiced here before? In this case, let's Practice here for a while and let’s talk about when you leave. If the other party comes to you, you can just kill him in one fell swoop.”

In this way, the discussion was settled, so Chen Feng and Jiaolong continued to move forward. The Hunyuan Shang hesitated for a moment and then followed.

In fact, the pressure here is already very high. The three of them had previously plundered the power above Hunyuan, but they had not actually completely refined and absorbed it.

The best thing to do is to find a place to practice with peace of mind, but Chen Feng and Jiao Long have different ideas.

The two thought that if they practice under pressure, the effect will definitely be better.

As the force washed away, the injuries that had not recovered before were quickly repaired under the pressure.

Some of the power accumulated in the body is also being rapidly refined and absorbed.

The energy and blood in the body roared, and the body began to grow in size, and began to move forward with more powerful force.

At this time, the leader above Hunyuan was already feeling the pressure.

But Chen Feng and Jiaolong felt that their strength was not enough.

When the two sides are compared, the physical gap becomes clear.

This Hunyuan Shang was naturally shocked and a little helpless at the same time.

It is naturally impossible to say that this Supreme Hunyuan has no hatred in his heart. As long as there is a chance, this Supreme Master Hunyuan will definitely attack Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

But seeing how powerful the two of them were, the Hunyuan Shang was also thinking of retreating.

Thinking about his current situation again, this Hunyuan Shang sighed in his heart. Unless he became stronger, otherwise, if he really wanted to take revenge, he might be the one who would be unlucky.

But how to survive this time is considered the best outcome.

This person above Hunyuan started to practice with this thought. The most important thing is to become stronger.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong moved slower and slower, and finally stopped.

Not long after he stopped, he started moving forward again.

"Don't these two want to rush to the end?"

This Hunyuan Superior thought this way. This Hunyuan Superior had also tried it before, thinking that he would rely on his own strong strength to rush to the end and see what the situation would be like. But the result was not successful.

As a Hunyuan Shang, there are still some means, but these Hunyuan Shang do not rely on other means to impact, but want to rely on the strength of their own bodies to move forward.

Since you can't do it, you can only find a place to practice.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong only relied on their physical strength at this time and did not use other means.

It may seem slow, but the forward momentum is firm.

Moreover, their physical bodies have to become stronger and stronger, and this progress can be seen with the naked eye.

"These two can become the Hunyuan masters at any time, but they suppress their own strength. No wonder they can join forces to kill the Hunyuan masters. Once they break through this realm, they will become even more powerful. When the time comes, they will want to Revenge is simply out of reach," the Hunyuan Shang sighed.




Chen Feng rushed to the front. At this point, the gap between Chen Feng and Jiao Long began to become clear.

Although Jiaolong is also following closely, his strength is not as stable as Chen Feng's, and the frequency of some power fluctuations and tremors in his physical body is definitely not as high as Chen Feng's. Sometimes, even if he is injured, he does not recover as quickly as Chen Feng.

Therefore, this Jiaolong's physical body is still inferior to Chen Feng, which also makes Jiaolong a little depressed.

"Maybe after I break through, I will be able to match it." There is still a lot of power in the dragon's body that has not been fully absorbed, and it is also being rapidly refined and integrated into itself, focusing on integrating it into the physical body.

It's just that although the physical body is constantly getting stronger, it is extremely difficult to make a significant breakthrough in realm.

At least Jiaolong didn't touch this limit.

In fact, the same is true for Chen Feng. After cultivating to this point, it can be said that it is very difficult to make a breakthrough.

Chen Feng just kept accumulating and polishing.

In the previous confrontation, Chen Feng consumed a lot of energy. Whether it was the consumption of himself or the energy tower, a large amount of mana cultivation was needed to replenish it.

In fact, the pure energy can no longer keep up. If they had not used the Devouring Technique to plunder the other party's origin, then even if the two of them divided up a Hunyuan before, they might not be able to make up for their own shortcomings.

After Chen Feng's calculations, he came to the conclusion that overall, the previous fights had some advantages. If the swallowed energy was completely refined, there would be a huge improvement in mana.

"This time, my cultivation will exceed ten calamities, and my original will and physical body will also be greatly improved." Chen Feng felt the various changes in himself, and he was naturally very satisfied.

It's just that even if you consume this harvest, even if your own strength becomes stronger, you will still be no match once the opponent comes.

What's more, Chen Feng also consumed the power of Time Changhe and the others this time. If this is added to this, then Chen Feng would not have taken much advantage, and might even suffer some losses.

"It's really difficult to deal with, but this time the opponent's source is seriously consumed. How come it will take some time to fully recover? By then, maybe I will have left the Well of Eternal Night."




Just as Chen Feng was thinking, a huge wave swept over him one after another, and the momentum became stronger and stronger. The water flow here was almost indistinguishable from pure energy.

Not only does it contain its own powerful power, but it also contains the power belonging to the Well of Eternal Night.

Chen Feng found that, especially in terms of power, they were specifically targeting him. Chen Feng did not pay attention to it at first, but only discovered this after comparing with Jiaolong.

Chen Feng knew that the Well of Eternal Night was probably targeting him, not only because he did not belong here, but also because they had used the power of the River of Time before.

There was no outbreak at first, but now the consequences are coming.

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