Eternal Existence

Chapter 4702: Plundering the Origin

The last resort mentioned by Chen Feng is to burn the puppet Hunyuan with all his strength and let the opponent self-destruct, which can explode several times the destructive power.

At least it can blow the opponent to pieces.

But it can't be done as a last resort. Chen Feng doesn't want to use such methods more often. Of course, at the beginning, Chen Feng and Jiaolong did think so.

But now it seems that this Hunyuan Shang can explode with such combat power with the cooperation of the two of them. If the other party knows that he wants to burn his power, then if he blocks it, the effect will definitely be greatly reduced. .

So it's best to use this method to deal with your opponent.

Even if you can't kill the opponent, you must at least hurt the opponent's origin and severely damage the opponent's true vitality.

Although it seems that the opponent has been beaten to pieces, it has not actually damaged the opponent's fundamentals.

In this case, the opponent can return to its full strength at any time, and even if its own combat effectiveness is slightly affected, it will be enough to kill Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

The opponent must be injured to the point where he cannot take action in a short period of time. This is in line with Chen Feng and Jiaolong's ideas.

"But this is not easy."

Chen Feng rushed forward quickly, but saw that the opponent was still using power to erode his energy tower.

Some forces have even gotten into the energy tower, trying to compete with Chen Feng for control.

Although these powers are nothing and the energy tower can be easily shattered, it still makes Chen Feng a little more wary.

Who knows if the opponent has any special means. Once he mobilizes so much power and enters the energy tower, even if he cannot snatch the energy tower, the attack power of the energy tower will be greatly reduced.

Chen Feng believed that the other party might really have such a plan.

The dragon also rushed out, its body began to become even larger, and then it hit the Hunyuan master fiercely.

At this time, the sacred mountain fell, and the energy tower also released laws one by one as before.

These laws turned into chains, trying to tie the other party up.

Chen Feng himself came to the opponent in a blink of an eye, opened his hands, and wanted to imprison the opponent.

But then Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and he appeared in the illusion. However, Chen Feng's reaction was also very fast, and the power in his body was released in the next illusion.

After Chen Feng came out of the illusion, sure enough, his previous decision on the spur of the moment still worked.

This Hunyuan Shang was injured again.

But the same dragon and puppet Hunyuan were also repelled.

In fact, at this point, the opponent could just walk away, but this opponent has no intention of leaving. He seems to believe that he can suppress everything. In other words, in this situation, it is not worth retreating at all.

Different from before.

This time Chen Feng has been trying to absorb the opponent into the energy hit, but the opponent has been avoiding this.

However, the opponent's power has been struggling against the energy tower.

"Since you like this treasure so much, why don't you come in and take a look? It might be in line with your wishes." After Chen Feng failed to succeed this time, he couldn't help but laugh.

However, this Hunyuan Superior did not respond. He just calmed down and dealt with the fight in front of him.

During the incident, Chen Feng also felt that there was life here being attracted.

Those who can come here are naturally not ordinary beings, but the other party is only watching the battle from a distance. Even in such a chaotic situation, it is impossible to see what is happening here.

Chen Feng didn't care at all. Under this situation, anyone who dared to participate randomly would be seeking death.

And without a certain amount of strength, I'm afraid I can't even get close.

Then both sides felt an aura above Hunyuan, which was a powerful being.

The other party was also practicing here originally. Who knew that after being alarmed, he actually wanted to get angry, but he still calmed down after seeing the fighting.

One cannot rush into such a powerful battle, but what surprised this Hunyuan superior was that one of the parties turned out to be two Hunyuan Golden Immortals who were leading all this.

This Hunyuan Shang saw the state of the puppet Hunyuan Shang and became a little shocked and angry.

It is simply an incredible thing that these two Hunyuan Golden Immortals are controlling the famous Hunyuan.

But after careful comparison, this puppet is actually more powerful than himself.

Doesn't it mean that if you fall into the opponent's hands, it will be like this?

Thinking of this, this Hunyuan Shang pushed back a distance silently.

I really can't afford it.

In this case, it's better to stay away and don't get involved.

However, after seeing the two sides fighting so fiercely, this Hunyuan superior actually put some thought into it, wondering if both sides would suffer, and then show up to take advantage.

Looking at the energy tower, the Hunyuan above who was watching the excitement also had greedy thoughts.

After all, the level of the energy tower is too high, even the powerful Hunyuan is still excited.

Otherwise, Chen Feng and Jiaolong would not be in this situation.

But the Hunyuan Shang who was watching the excitement also knew it. You can't get involved rashly now. If you accidentally get involved, it will be difficult to get out.

Generally speaking, if the two sides are fighting, if some weak people are watching the battle from a distance, then it is impossible, what else will they do.

If there were the same threat watching the battle from a distance, the warring parties would definitely change some strategies.

Or they may join forces to kill the third party.

The fight between the two sides is still fierce, and everyone is constantly injured.

It depends on who can't hold on first.

In fact, this is also a very good situation. At least for Chen Feng and Jiaolong, it is much stronger than before.

The only pity is that they didn't make more preparations before, otherwise, they might really be able to kill this Hunyuan Above.

Speaking of the fight to this point, Chen Feng and Jiaolong are already proud.

This opponent is not an ordinary Hunyuan Above. At the beginning, the two of them had nowhere to hide.

Especially Jiaolong told that he paid a great price, even the Sea of ​​Origin collapsed.

It has only been a short time, and they can fight with both sides and both sides are injured, and even think about killing the other party.

However, Chen Feng has already understood that although he has a powerful helper on his side, he still can't get rid of the other party.

Perhaps one more Hunyuan Above should be about the same.

Although the other party is also injured, the destructive power once the other party's destiny erupts is too powerful.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong didn't dare to take the attack head-on, because if they were not careful, they would be hit out of their bodies.

Moreover, the opponent's attack also supported the origin, which was also a frightening place. If the origin was damaged, no matter how much legal cultivation was, it could not be replenished.

The most important thing was that it would take a long time.

"At this point, you still don't retreat?" Chen Feng shouted, and stepped forward to entangle the opponent tightly.

Since it has come to this point, there is no retreat at all. Chen Feng is also trying to give others some opportunities.

Or to say, to give the puppet Hunyuan a chance, after all, only he can burst out a fatal attack.

Jiaolong took out the spirit bead to cooperate with himself to block the opponent.

Finally, the puppet Hunyuan urged the mountain to suppress it.

This is a good opportunity, using a suppression method, and did not smash the opponent away like before.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng immediately used the energy tower to suppress it.

The spirit bead that Jiaolong took out was also suppressed.

Under the joint suppression of the three parties, this Hunyuan Above was finally sealed in an independent space, and the other party could not get out for a while.

"Hurry up and put it in the tower." Jiaolong shouted.

"I have tried it, but it can't succeed. The other party has means to counter it." Chen Feng said helplessly.

"Then attack his origin quickly." Jiaolong shouted.

Time is short, so don't waste it.

"It's difficult to lock his origin." The puppet Hunyuan Above also said so.

"In this case, how to attack as much as possible." Jiaolong said.

At this time, you can actually continue to use means to seal the other party here, just like before in the Sea of ​​Origin.

But even if the other party is sealed, it will be useless. It can't hurt the other party at all. It won't take long for the other party to open the seal again.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

Although saying this, Chen Feng and Jiaolong still released the origin sword light, piercing the other party into a sieve.


The puppet Hunyuan Above took action, and the other party was directly shattered.

But the next moment, a stronger force burst out, and the Hunyuan above re-condensed his body, and began to infiltrate the power with the help of the attack route of several people.

He was about to break free from the restraints.

Chen Feng waved his hand and used the power of the Long River of Time again.

The opponent's struggle was extremely slow, as if he was sealed again.

But then the power that appeared from all directions quickly wiped out the power of the Long River of Time.

Not only that, there was another force that washed Chen Feng along the breath.

Chen Feng knew that this was the power from the Well of Eternal Night. Chen Feng used the power of the Long River of Time, but still alarmed the local will.

This is not good.

Chen Feng changed his position repeatedly, and then dodged, but he never dared to use the power of the Long River of Time again.

If he was really targeted by the Well of Eternal Night, it would be more dangerous than facing this Hunyuan above, and he might not be able to run away at that time.

"I found the other party's origin." At this time, the puppet restored said.

"What are you still standing there for? Attack quickly." Chen Feng and Jiaolong rushed to attack, piercing a big hole in Hunyuan's body, and continued to destroy the other party's body along the wound.

Suddenly, the two of them burst out with the Devouring Technique, and the rolling Origin Energy was pulled out along the wound.

Just defeating the opponent's Origin cannot achieve the greatest result. Only by absorbing the opponent's Origin and turning it into one's own power can we make up for the previous consumption.

After all, since confronting this Hunyuan, Chen Feng and Jiaolong really paid too much.

Not only did they pay a huge price in mana cultivation, but they also lost some magic weapons. The biggest loss was of course Jiaolong, who didn't even have a layer of the Sea of ​​Origin.

Now that we have seized the opportunity, of course we must replenish it as much as possible.

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