Eternal Existence

Chapter 4699: Calculation

This is a chain condensed from the original law in the energy tower. Although cracks appeared under the opponent's struggle, the chain was not broken immediately.

that's enough.

Jiaolong also has another mission, which is to continuously release the original will above Hunyuan.

Chen Feng mobilized the energy tower to suppress it.

I have to say that the cooperation between Chen Feng and Jiaolong is really tacit, especially since both parties have killed a Hunyuan Shang before.

It can be regarded as extremely rich in experience.

Especially the one in front of him was taken into the energy tower by carelessness.

It can be said that the outcome has been determined since the opponent entered the energy tower.

What Chen Feng and Jiao Long have to do is to eliminate each other in the shortest possible time.

Soon, the body of this Hunyuan Shang was torn apart, and the powerful force began to erase the opponent's life mark.

It's not that this Hunyuan Shang is not powerful, or that the opponent doesn't struggle.

But it didn't have much effect at all.

For example, the opponent's strong will can't actually affect Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

The opponent's physical body is not as powerful as Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

Of course, Chen Feng and Jiaolong did not attack each other physically. They just pulled each other into the energy tower and suppressed them.

This person above Hunyuan did reveal an origin-level magic weapon, and indeed made some noise.

For example, the chains on the body collapsed.

But it was useless. The next moment, Chen Feng and Jiaolong joined forces to fight back.

The self-explosion of the origin-level magic weapon actually did not cause much harm to Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

This Hunyuan Shang kept roaring, feeling not only anger but also fear in his heart.

Because this person above Hunyuan knew that he might be dead this time.

He died under the joint efforts of two Hunyuan Golden Immortals, although this was a very ridiculous thing.

But this is the fact, and the situation is getting worse and worse, but I still can't change it.

All we can do is keep working hard.

But as this Hunyuan Shang's injuries became more and more serious, many desperate measures could not be used.

Besides, some methods cannot change the situation even if they are used.

As long as you can't break out of the energy tower, everything will go back to the beginning.

"What are you two going to do? What benefits will you get if you kill me?" This Hunyuan superior began to beg for mercy.

"The two of us are just looking for a way to survive. It's only our fault that our fellow Taoist is unlucky. We blame our fellow Taoist for not being polite at all when he spoke to us before," Chen Feng said.

"Think about it. A Hunyuan superior died in our hands for no reason. In fact, I can't bear it, but there is no way. Everything is destined. Fellow Taoist is destined to die here." Jiaolong said.

"Of course, it doesn't mean that there is no other way to go. Fellow Taoist surrender now and become our puppet. Everything will obey our instructions. Next, we will do a big thing. After the matter is over, Fellow Taoist will probably still be able to Survive." Chen Feng said.

"Impossible." The Hunyuan Shang refused on the spot.

If you become a puppet, life will be worse than death.

"Then we have no choice but to wipe out fellow Taoists. In fact, this is indeed a pity and waste. If we cooperate with us then, there will really be a chance of survival, but now, we will definitely die."

"Think about it, how difficult has it been for fellow Taoist to practice till now? After so many catastrophes, it wouldn't be a pity to die here like this. Moreover, he died here for no reason and casually." Chen Feng said this.

Hearing what Chen Feng said, this Hunyuan Superior was even more angry.

What happened today was indeed unprovoked, but it was useless to say anything. The things in front of us were the most important.

"What exactly do you want me to do? I can agree, but you can't make me a puppet." This Hunyuan Shang said.

"In this case, once we let you go, you will definitely turn around and deal with us, so you still have to become our puppet. Of course, you are not the kind of puppet without independent consciousness. Friends, think about it well. We don't have much time. We are very I will regret it soon." Chen Feng said.

This Hunyuan above was a little hesitant.

During this process, Chen Feng and Jiaolong were still launching attacks, and the situation of this Hunyuan Shang was getting worse and worse.

Collapsed, the body became more and more shattered, and this new brand of life had to be erased bit by bit.

It can be said that this person above Hunyuan doesn't have much resistance anymore. Even now, even if he tries his best to burn all the sources, he can't change the outcome.

It's just to die in advance.

"Tell me what you want to do first." The Hunyuan Golden Immortal finally compromised.

"Right behind us, there is a powerful opponent staring at us. We need the strength of fellow Taoists to resist it." Chen Feng said.

"You guys can't deal with the existence. If I go there, I'm going to die." This Hunyuan Shang understood.

"Yes, you are indeed going to die if you go, but if you don't agree to die now, let alone let you go alone, we will join forces with you." Chen Feng said.

"Okay, I'm willing to cooperate, but you can't make me into a puppet." This Hunyuan master knew that he had no choice.

"It's not really a puppet, just some control methods." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Stop it, I agree." The Hunyuan Shang sighed.

Both sides stopped fighting.

Next, Chen Feng and Jiaolong began to use their methods on this person who is above the primordial chaos.

There are methods of soul seed, puppetry, methods of sealing the soul, and magical powers of taking over the will.

The two did not dare to be careless at all. This is a person who is above the primordial chaos. Although he was suppressed by the two, he only relied on the power of magic weapons.

The life level of the two is still not as good as that of the other party.

So it is indeed risky for Chen Feng and Jiaolong to do this, but there is still a certain degree of certainty.

Besides, in order to deal with the pursuers behind, this is the only way to do it.

In fact, at the beginning, the two thought about killing each other and gathering the other's power to deal with the pursuers behind.

Now it seems that it may be better to change their minds.

So after Chen Feng and Jiaolong arranged countless methods on each other, they began to take out some benefits.

Life force, pure energy, and some laws were integrated into the body of this person who is above the primordial chaos.

This person who is above the primordial chaos began to recover quickly, but his heart was still dead. This clearly regarded himself as a puppet.

But there is no way. If he didn't agree, he might be dead now.

"What a pity, there is not enough time, otherwise more energy can be added." Chen Feng said.

"The price paid this time is too high, I hope it will work." Jiaolong said.

The two of them not only refined some energy, but also some of the original power, and even the original sword light was integrated into each other's body.

In other words, this Hunyuan Above is stronger than before.

Feeling his own strength, as well as the work of Chen Feng and Jiaolong, this Hunyuan Above was also surprised and happy.

He actually became so powerful in the hands of two Hunyuan Golden Immortals. If he could escape and get rid of these two.

Thinking of this, this Hunyuan Above had ideas, but then these ideas were extinguished.

This is because of the soul seed technique.

Even some of the ideas of this Hunyuan Above will be sensed, so this Hunyuan Above can't turn over at all.

"Hey, I don't know if I can escape."

"Don't worry, as long as we can solve the other party, we will let you go. At our level, we won't lie." Chen Feng said.

"That's right, if we don't let you go at that time, maybe you will get some benefits." Jiaolong also said so.

"The enemy is catching up, fellow Daoist, be prepared for a fight." Chen Feng felt the situation outside.

So he left the energy tower with Jiaolong. This Hunyuan Above was a killer.

"Hey, our method is really good. It would be great if we could catch another Hunyuan Above. Under the siege, no matter how strong the Hunyuan Above is, he will not be able to escape." Jiaolong said.

Chen Feng nodded: "That's true, but it's a pity that we don't have enough time, and Hunyuan Above is not so easy to find. Alas, I really feel a little sad. I didn't expect that we were being chased by Hunyuan Above while thinking about hunting Hunyuan Above."

"It's really interesting." Jiaolong said.

The two continued to move forward while communicating.

I don't know when the place where all the streams meet will reach its peak. The pressure here has become even stronger.

"Fellow Daoist, why do you have to force us like this? You may not be able to do anything to us." Chen Feng took the initiative to say.

"The previous means were good, but that's it. To be honest, you really made me feel threatened. If I don't solve you, it will really be a big hidden danger." This Hunyuan Above said.

"It's your honor to be valued by me. It's not shameful to die in my hands."

"Haha, it's not so easy to kill us. Be careful that we won't let you get anything before we die." Chen Feng said.

"That's right, we will fight to the death to injure you severely." Jiaolong also said so.


It's useless to say so much. This Hunyuan Above caught up and the two sides fought again.

As before, this Hunyuan Above still locked Chen Feng and wanted to deal with Chen Feng first.

Chen Feng arranged many means, and layers of domains blocked in front of him to dissolve the opponent's attack.

The shadow of the energy tower was also looming, locking on the opponent, and it seemed that it would fall at any time.

Jiaolong still attacked crazily, as if he didn't care about his life.

After fighting until now, both sides knew each other very well, and there was no need to say more, but they still felt a little overwhelmed by the endless means of this Hunyuan Above.

Not an opponent!

Still not an opponent!

Chen Feng began to get injured, so all his defenses could not stop the opponent's attack.

And there was also a shock from the origin will. In addition to his own strength, Chen Feng was also constantly releasing the power of destruction, the strongest attack means such as the origin sword light.

The energy tower finally appeared. At this time, the energy tower was extremely powerful and could confront this Hunyuan head-on.

But knowing this step, Chen Feng did not dare to really suppress the other party, and even did not dare to get too close.

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