Eternal Existence

Chapter 4695 Time and Space Stand Still

Chen Feng did not wait any longer, but immediately used the power of the energy tower.

Directly blasted this sealed space.

If it was just a simple sealed space, it would be fine, but it had already affected Chen Feng's strength.

If it continued, Chen Feng's strength would be greatly weakened, and in such a situation, it would be the most dangerous.

Chen Feng broke free from the closed space and saw that the dragon was also in a strange state.

It was a little different from Chen Feng. The dragon was under the opponent's illusion. Although it had been struggling, it could not break free for a while.

However, Chen Feng's move helped the dragon get rid of this predicament.

"I was a little careless. It is worthy of being a powerful Hunyuan. The means it mastered are really hard to guard against." The dragon said so.

The huge body whipped out fiercely, rolling up the storm.

Chen Feng's body was also constantly growing, turning into a chaotic body, and the whole body was shining with golden light.

These lights alone can be compared to a powerful protective armor.

Amid the roar, Chen Feng and Jiaolong used close combat techniques and attacked each other continuously.

This is also the strength of the two.

The two even thought that if this person above Hunyuan did not use other means and relied on close combat, it would not be a joint effort of the two of them.

But the other party's realm is very high, with many means and strong mana. On weekdays, he is considered a master in the level above Hunyun, and even sweeps other restorers.

In theory, it is really a simple matter to deal with two Hunyuan Jinxian.

If it is replaced by other Hunyuan Jinxian, even the top existence can be easily solved.

But Chen Feng and Jiaolong are different.

Their two bodies are extremely strong and have reached the level above Hunyuan.

And the magic weapon in Chen Feng's hand can also suppress Hunyuan.

As for Jiaolong, he also has the original will above Hunyuan.

So this can block the opponent's attack.

Of course, it can only go here. Chen Feng and Jiaolong are still just barely resisting the opponent's means.

It can be said that it is still a bit embarrassing.

But it is enough to achieve this step. It is also within the range that the two can bear in their hearts.

But the situation is not so simple, and the opponent will become stronger and stronger next.

Chen Feng and Jiaolong can be said to have used all means, and this Hunyuan still has an unfathomable feeling.

If it continues, Chen Feng and Jiaolong will only be in a more and more unfavorable situation.

This is also the reason why the two continue to flow out and move forward to the depths of the intersection.

Fortunately, the two of them joined forces and had some gaps.

For example, Jiaolong paid some price and entangled with the opponent, while Chen Feng took the opportunity to launch an attack.

First, he hit the opponent with a punch, but it was a pity that the opponent resolved it.

Then the energy tower suppressed it, which played a role this time and directly knocked the opponent out.

This scene was a bit unexpected by Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

Don't understand why it is so easy to succeed?

But anyway, the two of them fought for some opportunities.

Of course, this opportunity does not mean that you can continue to attack, but take the opportunity to move forward again.

Because if you continue to attack, it will only continue the previous fight.

"Is the other party deliberately showing weakness? Or is there something else going on?" Chen Feng asked.

"I don't know, but the other party's fighting power was indeed very strong before. Maybe he was careless, or maybe he deliberately took the attack of the energy tower so that he could use other means next. In any case, we can't be careful." Jiaolong said.

"That's natural. In fact, I was thinking, if we took the opportunity to put the other party in the tower, would we be sure to suppress the other party?" Chen Feng said.

"I can't say that, after all, it's not my magic weapon. But according to my speculation, even if we put the other party in the energy tower, it might be difficult to suppress the other party. It's just that we change places and face the other party again." Jiaolong said.

"In that case, it's possible that the other party will seize my treasure, and then the two of us will really die. It seems that if you use the energy tower, you still need to be more careful." Chen Feng said.

The two advanced for a distance, and the man above Hunyuan caught up again.

Interestingly, a powerful adventurer appeared in front, who was also considered to be the top among the Hunyuan Jinxian.

The other party felt the aggressive momentum of Chen Feng and Jiaolong, and immediately began to scold the two.

Because Chen Feng and the others disturbed his practice.

But then this powerful adventurer felt Hunyuan Shangshang chasing behind him.

His attitude changed at this moment, and he dared not say a word.

Chen Feng smiled and asked: "Daoyou are not interested in fighting with Hunyuan Shangshang? This will be good for your own practice."

"You two."

The adventurer asked curiously.

"Yes, this Hunyuan Shangshang was deliberately attracted by us. We just want to hone ourselves, so that we can improve our strength quickly." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"But the opponent is very strong." The adventurer was naturally a little hesitant.

"Of course he is very strong, Hunyuan Above, one level higher than us. Well, I won't say more to you. If you are not interested, you should stay away. This kind of scene is not something that ordinary people can participate in." Chen Feng said.

Then the adventurer joined in.

It's not that the other party is stupid, nor that the other party fell into Chen Feng's provocation.

After all, there are no fools who can cultivate to this level.

The other party really wants to fight with Hunyuan Above.

Of course, this Hunyuan Golden Immortal has fought with Hunyuan Above before, and he recognized his own strength and saw that Chen Feng and Jiaolong were also very strong.

So he gritted his teeth and joined in.

But then the adventurer saw the gap when the two sides fought.

The gap came out.

Just the power fluctuations of the battle made the adventurer feel fear, and the momentum of rushing up with great difficulty stopped again.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and launched an attack, but it was a pity that the powerful attack disappeared as soon as it approached Hunyuan Above.

"How can there be such a powerful Hunyuan Above? No, these two are obviously Hunyuan Golden Immortals, how can they be so powerful?" The adventurer had such doubts, and then he was knocked out by the simple move of the Hunyuan Above, his body kept breaking, and his original will was also affected.

So the adventurer took the opportunity to escape from here, and never dared to participate again.

It's really too scary!


Seeing this scene, Chen Feng couldn't help laughing.

Jiaolong was a little speechless.

In fact, Chen Feng's approach was correct, it's a pity that the helpers he found were not strong enough.

Of course, the adventurer who just came can be regarded as a master among the Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

It's a pity that the one he met this time was too powerful.

"There should be more adventurers ahead, maybe there will be powerful beings often, maybe we will meet a Hunyuan Above who is willing to help us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I hope so, I think most adventurers will not be willing to participate." Jiaolong said.

"That's not necessarily true. We are willing to come here to say that besides the strong pressure here, we also want to make the situation more chaotic. If there are no adventurers ahead, it's fine. If there are adventurers who can really come here, which one is weak, they must want to see the means above Hunyuan. Even if they get hurt, it's worth it. Seeing the existence of this level in advance will also be of great benefit to them." Chen Feng said.

Jiaolong nodded, and this time he agreed with Chen Feng's point of view.

In fact, the reason why the previous adventurer was willing to take action was of course for this reason.


Chen Feng was hit, and cracks appeared on his body, and healed again the next moment.

"Daoyou, your attack power is quite strong, but you actually caused me some injuries." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng can completely bear this level of injury.

What Chen Feng cares about is the opponent's difficult to resist and unexpected means.

For example, the attack of the original will came immediately, for example, it specifically locked Chen Feng.

Even Jiaolong didn't have time to resist for Chen Feng.

As a result, Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness was in chaos, and it was torn open one after another. The magic weapon used to suppress the four seas also began to fall all over.

There was no way.

Even though Chen Feng's original will had been constantly getting stronger, there was still a certain gap in the face of such a powerful Hunyuan.

In fact, Chen Feng was able to withstand the opponent's attack and was not killed on the spot under the opponent's attack. This was already the best situation.

The dragon rushed forward to attack, relieving Chen Feng's pressure.

And Chen Feng used the prepared sword formation to suppress the Hunyuan.

Before Chen Feng could adjust his state, the sword formation was broken by the opponent.

Then, Chen Feng put the long swords into the energy tower one by one, and his eyes flashed to perform the star field.

In just a moment, all the stars turned into bubbles and disappeared.

But Chen Feng performed the reincarnation field again.

This time the resistance lasted a little longer, but it was also broken by the opponent.

In a short time, the dragon had earned some opportunities, and the dragon's huge body rushed forward and collided.

At the same time, a number of spirit beads began to form an array.

In this way, the two sides fought back and forth, and Chen Feng and Jiaolong each had some injuries.

Chen Feng's injuries were slightly more serious, mainly because his sea of ​​consciousness had not yet completely calmed down.

So Chen Feng used a special method.

Although it was performed with the help of the energy tower, the power that burst out was the power of the Gate of Time and Space.

Of course, this is not the full power of the Gate of Time and Space, but the original power of the Gate of Time and Space, which was controlled by Chen Feng and blessed with the power of the energy tower.

Suddenly, the four directions of time and space were imprisoned, and Chen Feng and Jiaolong took the opportunity to leave this area.

When the Hunyuan above broke the imprisonment, the figures of Chen Feng and Jiaolong could no longer be seen.

"There are some methods, interesting, it is the power of other places of origin." The Hunyuan above was not in a hurry, but carefully sensed the surrounding power, and then slowly chased after it.

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