Eternal Existence

Chapter 4692: Troublesome Guy

It was obvious that Jiaolong recognized the origin of the opponent's power, which was similar to Chen Feng's guess.

"To put it this way, it is indeed a bit troublesome, but the two of us can completely suppress each other by joining forces." Jiaolong said.

"When I was worried, did the other party have any other methods?" Chen Feng said.

"Even if we have the means, what can we do? Now that the other party says he didn't come, it is also a good opportunity for us." Jiaolong said.

"Well, if that's the case, let's give it a try. If we can take the opportunity to seriously injure the opponent, that would be even better." Chen Feng said with a smile.


So Chen Feng took out the energy tower.

The powerful force suppressed all directions, and the power of the stars immediately began to circle the source of the opponent's attack, and they were unable to get close to Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

The huge body of the dragon took the opportunity to rush forward and hit the Hunyuan, causing him to retreat continuously.

In terms of pure physical competition, this Hunyuan Shang, who was born as a weapon spirit, is really no match for Chen Feng and Jiao Long.

Without the help of other treasures, in the eyes of Chen Feng and Jiaolong, this Hunyuan Shang was nothing more than that.

Even if the opponent has some devouring magical powers, both Chen Feng and Jiao Long have deep attainments in this magical power.


Seeing the opponent retreating, Chen Feng took the opportunity to activate his energy, and it shrouded directly at How to Restore.

This time, Chen Feng was also very annoyed. Since the other party kept pestering him, it would be better to solve all the troubles at once.

This is just a weapon spirit. It has never been cultivated beyond Hunyuan. It is also the weakest kind.

Chen Feng was confident that he would join forces with Jiaolong to put the opponent into the energy tower and then completely suppress it.

It's just that Chen Feng wanted to take over the other party, but this Hunyuan leader also felt the crisis.

He actually escaped the suppression of the energy tower.

This made Chen Feng a little disappointed.

But it was also within Chen Feng's expectation. After all, the other party is a higher realm than you, and it is impossible for him to be so easily collected by magic weapons.

Since the other party avoided it, he didn't want to be put away by this magic weapon. Jiaolong took the opportunity to step forward again. This time, Jiaolong took out the spirit beads and transformed into the heavens to suppress all directions.

Then seize the opportunity to step forward and focus on the opponent again.

Speaking of which, when Chen Feng and Jiaolong cooperate, Chen Feng can also exert his most powerful combat effectiveness.

The cooperation between the two sides was indeed very good. Chen Feng activated the energy tower to lock the opponent firmly, and the dragon charged rampantly.

Completely suppressing this Hunyuan Shang.

The surrounding rivers of various origins have become completely out of shape, and dozens of powers with different attributes have blended together, turning into chaos.

Some adventurous beings were even escaping in all directions. The movement here was really too great.

Fights involving those above Hunyuan are life-threatening dangers for most lives.

In a battle of this level, it's best to stay away. Sometimes just watching the excitement can cost you your life.


The energy tower fell again, but this time it still failed.

It was Chen Feng who put away the energy tower, turned around and left with Jiaolong.

The two were extremely fast, traveling quickly through the intersection of Ten Thousand Currents. They quickly passed through the chaotic area where the two sides were fighting, and arrived at the relatively calm area where Ten Thousand Currents intersected.

The river here has returned to normal, but the Hunyuan Shang behind has never caught up.

The reason why they didn't continue to chase just now was because both Chen Feng and Jiaolong sensed something was wrong.

Moreover, Chen Feng also knew that even the energy tower used had not eliminated the Hunyuan Shang, and there was no point in continuing. It was just a waste of mana.

Although a magic weapon of this level like the energy tower is very powerful, Chen Feng's strength lies here, since he cannot suppress the opponent for the first time. This shows that there are preparations above Hunyuan, and naturally it will not be so easy to succeed.

Even if there is a dragon, it will be the same if it is entangled.

"Actually, the opportunity just now was quite good. I was almost able to suppress the other party. According to my idea, even if I injure the other party, it is still possible. I didn't expect that after not seeing each other for a while, Hunyuan Shang would become better than before. It’s even more powerful, which is really a weird thing.”

"In this way, it is possible that he got help. It couldn't be the powerful Hunyuan superior who helped him. It doesn't look like it." Chen Feng said.

"Actually, I have some ideas. Since the other party is a life that evolved from a weapon spirit, it once had an owner. It couldn't be that the other party's owner made him stronger." Jiaolong said.

"Well, if you say that, then this matter is a bit scary. Although the opponent says that his strength is far inferior to other Hunyuan masters, he has finally entered this realm. Then isn't the opponent's master even more powerful? It won't be more powerful than the one we met before. If that's the case, wouldn't we be in bigger trouble?" Chen Feng said.

"Things have reached this point. Even if there is trouble, what can we do? Besides, we have already provoked Hunyuan, and he is not a leader. Isn't this kind of trouble enough?" Jiaolong seemed not to care so much.

"It seems that we still have to find a way to get rid of the other party, but I didn't succeed even after using the energy tower, so I really have no way to do it next. As I said before, unless both of us can enter the realm above Hunyuan, but let alone not being able to enter Hunyuan, it is still possible recently. Even if I can enter Hunyuan immediately, I will not do it, which will affect my future practice." Chen Feng said.

"Yes, I think so too. Otherwise, my strength would have become above Hunyuan before in the Sea of ​​Origin, and I would not have waited until now. However, I did not use the will above Hunyuan in the previous fight. If the opponent wants to catch up this time, I will use the strongest means to interfere with the opponent, and then Daoyou will take the opportunity to mobilize energy and suppress the opponent." Jiaolong said.

"Okay, if you say so, I have to hope that the other party can catch up quickly." Chen Feng nodded and agreed.

Although the two said that they were going to deal with the Hunyuan, the speed of their advancement was not slow.

Feeling the increasing pressure, the two knew that they were now constantly going deeper into it.

"The speed is still a bit slow." Jiaolong said.

"It's not sold. It will take a long time to get here at my previous speed. What a good practice experience, but it was disturbed by that Hunyuan Above. I was thinking that I could use the pressure here to make a further breakthrough." Chen Feng said.

"What is it!"

The dragon suddenly swung its tail, and the power was violent, and a group of phantoms quickly fled.

At this time, the two thought that the phantom was just a life that they met casually.

But then they knew that things were not that simple.

"The other party is tracking us. So, this is the method of that Hunyuan Above. Could it be that the other party is going to catch up?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"This kind of entangled guy is the most difficult to deal with. It is obviously not our opponent, but he still wants to catch up and cause trouble. If there is no other threat, I really want to get rid of the other party at all costs." The dragon said.

"In this case, why don't we set up here and wait for the other party." Chen Feng suddenly suggested.

"Okay, but let's go forward a little bit. The pressure here is not strong enough and it doesn't affect us much." The dragon said.

"I'm afraid that the other party won't dare to catch up in a place with too much pressure." Chen Feng said.

So the two of them stopped after a while and set up a trap, waiting for the other party to take the bait.

But the person above Hunyuan never appeared, but some phantoms appeared instead.

"Life similar to Xu, this kind of little thing is actually quite difficult for life at the same level, but if it comes to find us, it's basically sending itself to death, unless it reaches the level above Hunyuan, otherwise, it will end up with death no matter how many people come." Chen Feng directly released a group of torches of origin, and the other party was burned cleanly.

The dragon swallowed the other party directly, and the remaining phantoms fled in panic. It must be said that the other party's ability to escape is still very strong.

The two wanted to catch them all in one fell swoop, but they didn't succeed.

"These little guys are indeed quite difficult to deal with, and the other party seems to be less affected by the pressure here, so can't they keep tracking us?" said the dragon.

"Then let's also arrange a circle of flames in the restriction. Once the other party gets close to us, they will be burned to ashes by the flames." Chen Feng said and began to put some original flames in the reincarnation field.

For most of the Hunyuan Jinxian, it is a fatal threat, not to mention that there is a dragon in it, adding some means.

"Not bad, although we don't know that the trap is a bit obvious, but if the other party wants to find us, they must pass through this place. I want to see when they can come." The dragon said.

"Then wait here, the premise is not to wait too long, so as not to let the other party find help or the more powerful Hunyuan above appear." Chen Feng said.

To the surprise of the two, the Hunyuan above appeared very quickly.

"Where does the other party get the courage and confidence? Why do I feel that the other party's brain is a little abnormal?" Chen Feng said speechlessly.

Of course, from the other party's point of view, this approach is actually normal.

Because the other party is above the Hunyuan, even if he can't do anything to Chen Feng and the dragon, he can leave at any time.

If Chen Feng and Jiaolong acted separately, the opponent could also defeat them one by one immediately.

The two just didn't expect that as a life form above Hunyuan, they would also use this trick to entangle, and they were not as good as their opponents.

"So this kind of opponent must be solved in one fell swoop, otherwise, it will cause us a lot of trouble in the future." Jiaolong immediately launched a large formation, and the spirit beads evolved into the heavens and suppressed it fiercely.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng also felt a little curious, that is, how many spirit beads did Jiaolong have?

After all, some spirit beads had been destroyed in the previous fight, and now it seems that no vitality was hurt at all.

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