Eternal Existence

Chapter 4683: Finding a Solution

"It seems that our coming here will not be of any use at all." Chen Feng said.

"Yes, that's right, it really won't be of any use." Jiaolong said.

"Why did you choose to come here?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"Of course it's close." Jiaolong said.

"I don't think it's that simple." Chen Feng said.

"Well, I've suffered some losses here before, so I just took this opportunity to flatten this place." Jiaolong said.

Chen Feng smiled: "Since you've suffered losses here, it means that the danger level here is still okay. Maybe you can really stop the pursuers behind. I'm afraid that the other party's ancestors will stop us."

"In fact, I am the same. There is no way. I can only move forward randomly. These areas are relatively important areas in the Well of Eternal Night. If they are destroyed, they can attract the attention of the will of the Well of Eternal Night in advance." Jiaolong said.

Chen Feng sighed. Is Jiaolong still thinking about this?

If the will of the Well of Eternal Night really takes action, will it let me go?

Feeling the pursuers getting closer and closer, Chen Feng didn't have a good solution.

He could only take one step at a time.

A group of local creatures appeared in front of him, and they immediately activated the magic circle when they sensed the intrusion of foreign creatures.

They wanted to stop Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

Who knew that the two suddenly changed direction and passed through a special void.

"I am somewhat familiar with this place. I can find loopholes, but the one behind me will need time." Jiaolong said with a smile.

"I don't think the other party will spend time looking for loopholes." Chen Feng shook his head.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng's guess is correct.

Wherever the powerful Hunyuan Above passed, all obstacles were shattered.

It didn't even affect the speed of advancement.

Even if several Hunyuan Jinxian encountered it, it would be unlucky.

It's okay if you hide faster.

Those who hide slowly may be crushed to pieces.

"After all, it's also a powerful Hunyuan Above, why does the other party seem to have never seen a treasure?" Chen Feng felt a little strange from the beginning.

"Every life has its own personality. Maybe the other party just likes magic weapons." Jiaolong said.

"To put it bluntly, it's called greed. I really doubt how the other party has cultivated to such a level." Chen Feng sneered.

"That powerful Hunyuan above, as soon as he was born, he was close to the strength of Hunyuan Jinxian. After a long period of accumulation, he naturally possessed a powerful strength." Jiaolong said.

"If you put it that way, it's really enviable." Almost most lives can't reach such a level.

The other party surpassed the end point of others as soon as he was born, not to mention that the other party has a long time of cultivation.

"In this case, the other party should have a lot of treasures." Chen Feng suddenly remembered this.

"Yes, there must be many treasures, but it's a pity that we can't do anything to the other party, otherwise it would really be a huge harvest." Jiaolong said with a smile.

The two broke into an area full of corrosive energy.

The speed began to slow down.

"This kind of power is good, it's good for cultivation."

Chen Feng thought that staying here for a while could enrich his own avenue.

"There is a powerful being here. This is his base. Strangely, he has not come out until now." Jiaolong said in surprise.

"It is possible that he knows there is danger, so he hides and dares not come out." Chen Feng said.

"How can that be? He should jump out and cause trouble for us."

Jiaolong said as he opened his mouth and spewed a lot of flames, burning the four-sided space.

"At that position." Chen Feng punched out.

A passage appeared, then exploded, shattering a piece of space.

A creature appeared.

This creature was hiding well, but who knew that it was still discovered by Chen Feng.

However, even if it was bullied to the head, this creature did not go forward to argue, but turned around and ran.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng and Jiaolong felt that it was meaningless.

"In fact, the other party is quite powerful, and he can be regarded as a master among the Hunyuan Jinxian." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What if he is powerful? If he dares to show up, he will be smashed by the existence behind him." Jiaolong said.

"In fact, if we can find a group of powerful Hunyuan Jinxian to join forces, I wonder if we can resist Hunyuan Above."

"Yes, I have done this before. It's a pity that where can I find so many Hunyuan Jinxian now? And the one I met this time is stronger than my previous opponents. It will only be effective if it is a Hunyuan Jinxian of the same level as us." Chen Feng said.

The two continued to go deeper and encountered some powerful local life.

But these local life are not stupid. They already know what happened. Even if someone breaks into their territory, they will swallow their anger and dare not jump out to cause trouble.

This disappointed Chen Feng and Jiaolong.

But after all, they encountered a more powerful existence.

As soon as the other party appeared, he scolded Jiaolong and even attacked.

"Don't get entangled with them, hurry up." Jiaolong said.

Chen Feng also felt that the other party was difficult to deal with. He went in a short time and could not defeat the other party.

If he was entangled by the other party, the Hunyuan Above behind him would catch up.

Fortunately, the dragon was prepared, and with Chen Feng's magical movement skills, the two of them rushed over quickly.

The Hunyuan Shang caught up and met the powerful local beings.

"Get away!"

Strong will swept across.

Those powerful beings were also angry and took action to stop him at the same time.

The two sides actually fought for several rounds.

In the end, one local being's body was torn apart.

This Hunyuan superior was too lazy to tangle with them and continued to chase them forward.

However, for Chen Feng and Chen Feng, they still bought some time.

"I really have to thank those people." Jiaolong said with a smile.

"It's almost over." Chen Feng felt the pressure around him.

"That's right, it's time for us to stop and fight each other here." Jiaolong said.

There was a reason why the two of them dared to stop.

Because there was only one person above Hunyuan who caught up, even though he was the strongest one, but the two of them working together were much better than before.

What's more, both Jiaolong and Chen Feng are willing to use the strongest means.

"Then what are your plans next?" Chen Feng asked.

"Naturally go to other special areas."

"Is there a place where all currents meet?" Chen Feng asked.

"Yes, that place is quite stressful." Jiaolong said.

"Can it have an impact on the Hunyuan Superior?" This is what Chen Feng is most concerned about.

Jiaolong said: "I don't know about this. After all, I have never been to that kind of place, and I don't know how strong the end of the place where all the currents meet is. But in any case, that place is not really useful to us. It’s so appropriate, after all, the power there exerts a powerful suppression and impact on all life.”

"Not always."

Chen Feng shook his head: "The one in the back is indeed powerful, but the other party said that my voice is not necessarily stronger than ours."

"What you said does make sense, but don't worry, let's get through this first."

The Hunyuan Shang caught up with him.

The two sides fought together without saying a word.

Powerful power fluctuations affected the entire area, alarming those powerful beings who were practicing in hiding.

But under this situation, most of the beings would not dare to step forward.

Of course, that's not to say everything.

The strongest existence here is actually not much weaker than Jiaolong, otherwise Jiaolong would not have suffered a loss here.

The other party gathered together and was a considerable force, and they actually wanted to intervene.

But no matter how strong the power here is, it is impossible to suppress both sides, so they can only choose to attack one side.

Alliance with the weak to attack the strong is the most correct approach.

Although deep down they wanted to deal with Jiaolong and Chen Feng, after all, it was the two of them who caused the trouble.

But as soon as he took action, he still rushed towards the Hunyuan.

Three powerful Hunyuan Golden Immortals intervened, and Chen Feng and Jiaolong suddenly felt that the pressure was relieved a lot.

"Thank you fellow Taoists for your help. This is a good opportunity. If we join forces to kill each other, we can get huge benefits." Jiaolong said.

The other party ignored Jiaolong. In this situation, he did not curse loudly, which can be considered as a very restrained act.

"If this continues, these areas will be completely destroyed." After several rounds of fighting, an existence suddenly said this.

"There is nothing we can do about this. To get the benefits, just change to another place. There is no point in staying here all the time." Jiaolong said.

"What you said is simple. You are willing to leave your nest." The other party retorted.

"Not only did I leave my home base, I also burned my territory to the ground and blew myself up." Jiaolong said.

"I'm afraid it's a last resort." The other party sneered.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Let's still think of ways to see how we can cooperate to solve our opponents."

"This name is too powerful. Even if we join forces, I'm afraid we can't do anything to each other. This time, you have caused us big trouble."

"So in order to solve this trouble, we have to do our best, and I will give you a chance." Jiaolong also knew that it could not continue like this, and directly used the original will of the Sea of ​​Origin.

This is the will of a level above Hunyuan, and it is also the strongest method of Jiaolong.

Chen Feng also took out the sacred mountain.

The reason why Chen Feng did not take out the energy tower this time was to avoid unnecessary complications.

Who knows if those people would turn around and attack him if they saw his energy tower.

With the full strength of the two men, they were able to temporarily block the attack from the Hunyuan master.

This gave the three Hunyuan Golden Immortals a chance.

These three people used their own methods and actually left wounds on this Hunyuan.

This angered the other party, and the aura on his body began to surge.

These three local beings were different from Chen Feng and Jiao Long. They did not go all out, were hesitant about taking action, and did not use their combat effectiveness to the extreme.

So those who were killed kept retreating.

"You losers, since you have chosen to take action, why are you still holding back? If you can't solve the other party, you will be in trouble in the future." Jiaolong said.

"You don't need to say more, of course we understand."

These three Hunyuan Golden Immortals actually regretted it to the extreme and should not have intervened before.

But if you don't interfere with your own territory, it will be completely destroyed. Although the results of the current confrontation between the two sides are the same, the nature of the matter is different.

So these three local beings began to mobilize the power of this special area.

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