Eternal Existence

Chapter 4676: The Second Layer of the Sea of ​​Origin

Hearing what Chen Feng said, the giant sea monster stopped talking.

However, Chen Feng still asked: "What is the name of that person above Hunyuan?"

"Zhaohua Zun, the other party is also a very ancient existence, born in the Well of Eternal Night, and became above Hunyuan a long, long time ago, but now I don't know where he has gone." The giant sea monster said.

"So are there any other good things in this sea of ​​origin?" Chen Feng asked.

"This requires fellow Taoists to discover it yourself." After the giant sea monster finished speaking, it shook its huge body and swam slowly away.

It looked very slow, but it disappeared completely from Chen Feng's sight soon.

"In that case, I will go find it myself." Chen Feng saw that the other party did not want to act with him, and of course Chen Feng did not want to act with the other party.

With such a large body, it always feels a bit inconsistent.

Although the other party knows a lot of things, Chen Feng still likes his speed.

Besides, didn't he get benefits just now?

It was too easy for Chen Feng to find useful resources. The simplest way was to find out where there was energy fluctuation and then rush over.

In Chen Feng's opinion, there should be outsiders entering continuously.

"Maybe resources are taken away by outsiders every moment. This Sea of ​​Origin may not be the first wave to come in. We just took the lead." Chen Feng said.

Although Chen Feng thought so, he did not gain anything in the following period of time.

Because the Sea of ​​Origin suddenly became very quiet, there was a kind of dead silence.

Chen Feng felt something was wrong. In any case, there were several people who came in with him before. Could they have made any noise?

Even if these outsiders were removed, the local creatures would make some noise.

There is also energy contained in the water flow in the Sea of ​​Origin.

This situation should not happen under various reasons.

"Or did something happen?" Chen Feng thought that even if there was a change, it should have happened when he fought with the spirit of the weapon before.

Chen Feng released his perception and continued to explore, moving very quickly, moving forward silently in the water.

Under this situation, Chen Feng did not dare to make too much noise.

He still had to figure out the situation first.

After a while, Chen Feng found nothing, but he did encounter some local sea monsters.

However, these sea monsters were not strong, and even if they swam in the ocean, they could not make too many waves.

This should be a life that was directly ignored. Chen Feng also explored the situation of these lives and even absorbed their memories.

Everything seemed normal.

It was because it was too normal that the matter itself was abnormal.

Chen Feng knew that there must be a problem, but he did not notice it for a while.

"Could it be that I entered some illusion? Even so, I should be able to detect it in advance. What kind of existence can affect me?" Chen Feng shook his head, and while calculating, he was also carefully recalling some of the things that happened to him as a school during this period of time.

After Chen Feng repeatedly recalled and calculated, he finally captured some traces.

Think about it, when traveling through the ocean, it is normal to have a little wave.

Chen Feng naturally did not care, but now Chen Feng knew that he had really entered a special area.

It is not that he fell into an illusion, but that this sea of ​​origin is a bit weird.

If you really say it, it can be regarded as a double-layer space.

"If that's the case, it's nothing. There is nothing good in this layer of the sea of ​​origin. In this case, it is really a waste of time for me. I still have to hurry back to the previous area." Chen Feng didn't care about how many layers of space there were in this sea of ​​origin, nor did he care about the mystery behind it.

Chen Feng only cared about whether he could get benefits here.

So Chen Feng began to return by the original route. With Chen Feng's memory, he could remember it clearly even if it was farther away.

Soon he came to the place where the waves fluctuated before, but Chen Feng didn't find it this time.

There was no trace of everything.

In other words, returning by the original route seemed to be a bit impractical.

Since returning by the original route could not return to the previous space, Chen Feng simply explored the situation here.

Since this is really the second layer of the Sea of ​​Origin, there is no reason why there are no good things.

With this thought, Chen Feng no longer thought about leaving, but began to explore the surrounding area.

Since it can be an independent layer of the Sea of ​​Origin, there must be supporting energy and laws. Now that there are no resources, it does not mean that there are no resources. It is also possible that he has not found them.

Chen Feng calmed down and searched for a while, and indeed found something.

Although he has not found the resources that satisfy him, he has also felt the increasingly strong energy fluctuations.

Following the energy fluctuations, Chen Feng finally found a spirit bead.

This surprised Chen Feng a little.

Because the huge sea monster sacrificed this kind of spirit bead before.

It’s just that the spirit bead that Chen Feng found is not as good as the other party in quality.

But this is normal. If you can reach the origin level by finding a spirit bead casually, then Chen Feng’s luck is really good to the extreme.

However, since this kind of spirit pearl can be found, Chen Feng has confidence in this layer of the Sea of ​​Origin.

And Chen Feng also has some guesses.

Did the spirit pearl refined by this huge sea monster also come from here?

Chen Feng collected the spirit pearl and continued to move forward.

Following the power fluctuations, Chen Feng soon found two more spirit pearls.

All of them are chaos level.

Chen Feng was not very satisfied. He thought that the good things here might have been taken away by the huge sea monster.

Outsiders don’t know the situation here, but the huge sea monster should know more.

"If that’s the case, then there’s no point in staying here to explore." Chen Feng really doesn’t like the treasures of chaos level.

Unless there are a lot of them.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to leave with some disappointment, he felt the breath of the origin again.

"Could it be that there are also origin laws here?" Chen Feng rushed over.

"It seems that there are too many laws in the Well of Eternal Night. What's going on? Isn't there any damage to itself with such a large amount of loss?" The more Chen Feng went forward, the stronger the origin aura became.

Chen Feng began to doubt again. Could it be that it was not the origin law, but the origin ancient well.

"I can't be so lucky?" Chen Feng also felt a little incredible and slowed down a little.

Finally saw a huge mountain in front of him.

Standing on the seabed.

Suppressing the four seas.

"It turns out that there is an extremely powerful life here. It seems that I have come here in vain this time." Chen Feng has seen that this is not a mountain, but a huge sea monster.

The origin aura is emitted from the other party.

Or there is really an origin ancient well here, but it is occupied by this huge sea monster.

Although the other party is as quiet as a mountain, Chen Feng can feel that the one in front of him is more powerful than the giant sea monster you met before.

Even more powerful.

"This can't be a life above the level of Hunyuan. If so, I'd better leave quickly." Chen Feng was also a little hesitant at this time.

He wanted to explore the opponent's strength, but was afraid of angering the opponent. However, he was unwilling to leave like this.

At this time, Chen Feng felt that he was locked by a strong will.

He immediately knew that the opponent had discovered him.

Then Chen Feng felt a strong hostility.

Chen Feng dodged instantly.

But there was a beam of light that came first.

The area where Chen Feng was collapsed directly, and the sea water evaporated directly.

The sea water pouring in from all directions also disappeared.

This was the opponent's original light, and the attack power was so strong that Chen Feng was surprised.

His powerful chaotic body really couldn't resist the opponent's attack.

Then came the will attack.

Chen Feng tried his best to resist.

Sure enough, the opponent's will and soul must be strong.

If Chen Feng still made some judgments, the person in front of him was not above Hunyuan.

But above Hunyuan, it was not much different.

The opponent's accumulation was too strong, and perhaps the opponent could enter the realm above Hunyuan at any time.

The opponent's double-layer attack could bring some threats to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng didn't want to stay. There was no need to fight with such a master.

So Chen Feng used the magic of walking to quickly leave the area.

But this huge creature still attacked Chen Feng. Even though they were far apart, the opponent's will and the light of origin had a feeling of ignoring space and came to Chen Feng in an instant.

Chen Feng was a little helpless. He dodged and dispersed the opponent's attack.

After several times, Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness was shaking more and more.

This was the situation when Chen Feng used the magic weapon to suppress it.

If it continued, Chen Feng would really be injured.

Chen Feng also understood one thing, that is, if he wanted to get rid of the opponent, he had to leave this layer of the sea of ​​origin.

Chen Feng thought in his heart that this layer of the sea of ​​origin would not be the opponent's territory.

Judging from the current situation, it was really the case.

Chen Feng used the magic of walking to the extreme, changing his position several times in an instant.

The light of origin in the north could be dodged, but the opponent's will attack was still a bit hard to defend against.

Especially since the other party had firmly locked onto Chen Feng, even if Chen Feng was very skilled in the art of walking, he could not completely dodge.

Chen Feng quickly looked for an opportunity to leave, and under the pressure of the other party, he had to search the surrounding areas as much as possible.

He still could not find a way to leave, and at the same time, he did not find any other powerful life.

"It's really troublesome, do I really have to fight with the other party here?"

Chen Feng shook his head.

In fact, it's not that Chen Feng couldn't leave this place, but Chen Feng needed time. How could he check so carefully in such a hurry?

And up to now, Chen Feng has not determined how large this layer of the Sea of ​​Origin is.

"Daoyou, I have no ill intentions. If you attack again, I will not be polite." Chen Feng was accidentally swept by a beam of the light of origin, and his skin cracked, and he felt a sharp pain.

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