Eternal Existence

Chapter 4673: Life of the Spirit


A powerful force gushed out of the black hole like a volcanic eruption, and the two adventurers who had just rushed in were suddenly hit and rolled over.

Knowing that it was not good, the two adventurers wanted to rush out, but there was a barrier near the black hole that blocked them.

"This should be the barrier that just appeared." Chen Feng said, otherwise, there would be no power released before.

"Daoyou, help me!" The two adventurers have already started to ask for help.

Chen Feng ignored them, but carefully observed the changes in the black hole, wanting to see what was going on.

The power of the black hole was getting stronger and stronger, really, like a volcanic eruption.

Under the impact of this power, cracks began to appear on the bodies of the two adventurers.



In a critical situation, the two adventurers began to explode.

After all, they were also Hunyuan Jinxian, and they could naturally burst out with very powerful attack power when they tried their best.

But the effect was not very good.

Although they also made a big mistake, they did not break out of the shackles and did not change their destined fate.

The two adventurers were washed to pieces, turned into fragments, and then swallowed into the black hole.

Chen Feng sensed that the barrier near the black hole disappeared.

"It's solved like this." Chen Feng was a little surprised. After all, he was a Hunyuan Jinxian. The Hunyuan body was immortal and could block the attack of the origin-level magic weapon.

But in such a short time, it turned into ashes.

In Chen Feng's opinion, the two adventurers were probably dead and could not die again. Everything had been wiped out.

"According to what was said before, this should be the life in the black hole. It is indeed very powerful. It can't be above Hunyuan." Chen Feng said.

"It shouldn't be above Hunyuan." The huge sea monster shook his head.

"What do you mean by should?" Chen Feng asked.

"Because in the past, the other party was not above Hunyuan, but I haven't been here for a while. Maybe the other party has become more powerful." The sea monster said.

"You should understand this very well, so just wait here. Even if there is a chance, I'm afraid you won't get any benefits from it because the other party is so powerful." Chen Feng said.

"After all, we have to have a thought. Fellow Daoist is quite powerful. I think we can join forces." The huge sea monster said.

"It's not impossible to join forces, but I don't want to wait any longer. Who knows how long it will take?" Chen Feng said.

"That's true. If fellow Daoist is sure to rush into the black hole, then I will collide with the outer periphery from the outside. We can attack from both sides and maybe get some benefits." The huge sea monster thought about it and said.

"This is to let me take the lead." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"If fellow Daoist doesn't dare, let's wait here for a while and wait for the opportunity to appear, otherwise we will find more forces to attack together." The huge sea monster said.

"Okay, I'll go in and take a look first. I'll take the lead. I hope you won't let me down." Chen Feng said and walked directly towards the black hole.

Seeing Chen Feng so straightforward, the huge sea monster was also a little surprised, but what he was more curious about was whether Chen Feng could walk into the black hole.

In fact, the sea monster also guessed the result.

Since Chen Feng did this, he must be sure.

"It seems that we should be prepared to attack in advance." Such a huge sea monster thought so.

Then I saw Chen Feng entering the black hole.

Just like the situation encountered by the two adventurers before, Chen Feng walked to a certain distance and was also attacked by the energy erupting from the inside of the black hole.

At this time, Chen Feng personally experienced what the two adventurers were going through.

"In fact, it is just a simple destructive force. The attack power is really strong. Ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian can't resist it. However, the two adventurers were still a little hasty and careless. If they had prepared some defensive magic weapons before, they could still resist it." Chen Feng shook his body and endured the power falling on him.

These destructive forces did not do anything to Chen Feng, and seemed to be a little anxious, so a stronger force appeared.

Wrap Chen Feng tightly, and then wash it fiercely.

In fact, with this kind of attack strength, even if there is an origin-level magic weapon to protect you, you may be seriously injured.

And not all origin-level magic weapons can withstand it.

Think about how powerful the power that can tear the origin-level magic weapon apart is?

Chen Feng walked forward step by step, going upstream, as if he was facing a giant volcano that was erupting.

Finally, Chen Feng disappeared from the sight of the giant monster.

There was a roar inside the black hole, and one could imagine the impact and destruction that Chen Feng brought when he entered the interior.

"The strength of this existence is still beyond my imagination. Fortunately, I didn't attack him before, otherwise I would be the unlucky one." The giant sea monster thought so.

"Are you really going to attack?" Another local creature looked at the giant sea monster.

"Actually, I want to wait for an opportunity. It's not appropriate to attack in advance, but just now, I have already discussed with the other party. If I don't stop now, then it will be a violation of the promise, and the other party will come to trouble me in the future." The giant sea monster said so.

"So what? Maybe the other party will be trapped inside and can never come out. Even if the other party comes out, it may not be a match for you." said the local creature.

The huge sea monster shook his body: "It's not like that. The other party's strength is very strong, which is beyond my expectation. I dare not provoke such a person."

"So I still choose to take action, and since the other party has already broken into the interior, the opportunity has come for me." The huge sea monster said, and his originally huge body actually grew larger again!

A roar sounded, which was the power flowing in the body.

You can see a halo gathering on the head of the sea monster.

Finally, the huge sea monster hit the black hole hard.

It's a very simple attack method, but it is also the most effective means.

This collision seems to be able to smash a universe, and time and space will be fixed.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Originally, after Chen Feng entered, there was a barrier on the surface of the black hole that even the Hunyuan Jinxian could not open.

But under the impact of this sea monster, this layer of barrier appeared densely and many cracks appeared.

Before the second impact, this layer of barrier was broken.

But it seemed that the black hole was not affected.

So the huge sea monster hit the black hole again.




After three consecutive impacts, cracks appeared in the black hole, and strands of energy were released from the cracks.

This black hole was actually real, just like a magic weapon.

However, the impact of this huge sea monster was not as simple as it seemed. There was power that penetrated into the black hole.

There was also a will to find Chen Feng.

Soon, it established contact with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was fighting with a life at this time, and Chen Feng also confirmed the identity of the other party.

Weapon spirit!

But what surprised him was that since the other party was the weapon spirit of the magic weapon, what was the original law in the body.


Chen Feng suddenly retreated and avoided the other party's attack.

The other party is very strong. It was originally the spirit of an origin-level magic weapon. I don’t know what happened. It was separated and became an alternative life.

However, Chen Feng had seen even mutated cosmic life, so he was not surprised. However, the other party still possessed the magical power of the magic weapon, and later merged with an origin law in the Well of Eternal Night.

This is amazing, and the combat power has increased exponentially.

The reason why the other party emits power fluctuations through the black hole is, on the one hand, to attract life and devour vitality, and on the other hand, it is also because of cultivation, and some excess power needs to be released.

The two Hunyuan Jinxian who broke into the black hole and turned into powder were swallowed by the other party. Chen Feng even saw the impurities left by the two lives.

Chen Feng felt the power of the other party as soon as he came in. Although it was not above Hunyuan, it was not far away.

Maybe the other party could break through at any time.

"I am here to deliver it, but who makes me curious? Even if it wasn’t because of the past, I would come in alone to take a look." Chen Feng said.

"The means are good, but aren’t you afraid of attracting Hunyuan above, and then suppressing you." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"You are not above Hunyuan." The other party said.

Chen Feng understood what the other party meant. If he was really above Hunyuan, then the other party would not let him in.

"Although I am not above Hunyuan, you will find that provoking me is more troublesome than encountering above Hunyuan." Chen Feng said lightly.

"How shameless, just you, and the guys outside." The spirit life mocked.


But the next moment, a powerful force rushed in from outside, and at the same time Chen Feng received a message from the giant sea monster.

"It seems that you really want to join forces with me. This is good. The other party is strong and can help." Chen Feng said with a smile.


The huge power came in waves. Although Chen Feng could not see the specific effect, Chen Feng knew that it must have an effect on the existence in front of him.


So Chen Feng launched an attack, and instantly arrived in front of the other party, and slapped him hard.

In addition to the power of suppression, this slap also has the power of attack, and there is a swallowing power surging in the palm.

The trick that looks simple is actually not simple at all.

It can be said that this is not in line with Chen Feng's previous fighting style. This time, Chen Feng did this because the opponent was strong.

Chen Feng had not figured out the opponent's strength in the previous brief fight, so he would fight again.

If the huge sea monster could really help him, it would be even better.

Chen Feng thought that the huge sea monster probably had some understanding of the existence here.

Chi Chi Chi!

Cracks bloomed and blocked Chen Feng's palm. At the same time, cracks appeared behind Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's seemingly fierce attack suddenly withdrew, and then disappeared from the spot, without fighting the opponent.

Silently, more cracks emerged and covered the four directions. Chen Feng was trapped as soon as he appeared, and even his magic was seriously affected.

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