Eternal Existence

Chapter 4671 Sea Monster

"That's true, but let's rush out! If we alarm the entire Sea of ​​Origin and use more power, it will be a real trouble for us." Jiushi said.

"Then lock on the strongest power. The other party should have better things." Chen Feng said with a smile, and tore the space with just one sword, and then rushed out.

Jiushi and others followed closely, but they were still a little slow. Before they arrived at the place, they saw that Chen Feng had already injured a powerful life.

The other party fled in panic, and the scene was in ruins.

Chen Feng's face was not very good.

"The other party is really cruel. Before escaping, they destroyed all the good things that they didn't have time to take away." Chen Feng said.

The Destruction Demon Lord and others only then noticed that the chaotic energy around them was all life force.

"We can go find other resources."

"But now that there is a commotion, I don't know if it will attract more powerful existences. What I am worried about now is whether there will be above Hunyuan here? If so, it will be troublesome." Jiushi said.

"Since there are cracks here, and it is an opportunity to go above Hunyuan, then there will probably be Hunyuan. I just don't know if it is a life at your level, or something else." Chen Feng said.

After entering the Sea of ​​Origin, Chen Feng has been releasing his perception to explore, but so far, he has not detected the power fluctuations at this level.

Otherwise, Chen Feng will definitely rush up to take a look at the first time.

Even if the threat is very big, the Hunyuan must be seen, and then talk about the response method later.

"Although it is safe for us to gather together like this, the speed of collecting treasure resources is still a bit slow. Maybe other adventurers have discovered the Sea of ​​Origin now." Jiushi said.

"You mean we should act separately." Zhan Tiandi Zun asked.

"That's right! We don't need to separate too far, we must keep in touch with each other. Once there is danger, we can quickly meet up." Jiushi said.

"In that case, let's act separately!" Chen Feng agreed with the other party.

Zhan Tiandi Zun and Destruction Demon Lord looked at each other and nodded seriously. Maybe they didn't want to separate.

After all, it is safer to follow Chen Feng.

But since Jiushi proposed it, it would not be good if he disagreed.

And what Jiushi said made sense. If everyone gathered together, even if they could find it, the resources would have to be separated. Maybe the bulk of it would fall into Chen Feng's hands.

In this way, if they separated, they might find a better opportunity.

After practicing to this point, no one would think that they were inferior to other lives.

Besides, everyone came in early, which was indeed a bargain. There must be countless resources waiting for them.

Even if there were some dangers in the Sea of ​​Origin, if they did not appear on the Chaotic Source, even if they could not cope with it, there would probably not be a big problem.

Everyone had their own ideas in mind, and then they chose different directions.

As for the previous statement that they should not separate too far, this kind of words was temporarily thrown behind their heads.

The most important thing is to find the benefits first.

Chen Feng had the strongest perception and the fastest speed, and soon found another spiritual plant.

But Chen Feng looked at it and did not stop.

The things were good, but for Chen Feng, they were dispensable. Besides, he had already collected some spiritual plants before, so there was no need to stop for these things.

If he really couldn't find better resources in the next process, he could go back and collect some.

Chen Feng kept changing his position. Even if the surrounding water flow was very strong, it still couldn't hinder Chen Feng's speed too much.

Finally, Chen Feng found a mineral vein that was dormant in the water.

The deeper you go, the greater the pressure. From the perspective of Chen Feng's cultivation expenditure, a drop of water here is actually equivalent to the weight of a mountain.

Chen Feng has now dived to a very deep place. The pressure on his head can be said to be unknown, equivalent to how many stars.

Even a galaxy is pressing on his head.

Pressure is nothing to Chen Feng. Chen Feng is interested in this silent mineral vein in front of him.

The mineral vein that can be in this environment must be not simple.

At first, Chen Feng was still looking forward to whether there was a life vein here, but soon Chen Feng found that it was different from what he imagined.

This is a real mineral vein.

It is a kind of metal mineral vein that Chen Feng has never seen before.

Chen Feng took action to collect it.

Without other life guards, Chen Feng's collection process was very smooth.

Although the weight of this metal vein is unimaginable, it still fell into Chen Feng's hands intact.

After being compressed, it glittered in Chen Feng's palm.

There was a halo flowing on the surface, and the inside was an unknown metal, and there was some essence in the core.

Chen Feng didn't know what this was, but he could estimate the specific function and preciousness of this vein.

"It is indeed a good resource. It can be used to forge weapons and refine magic weapons. The basics are very good. It can be upgraded to the chaos level and can even be directly integrated into the origin level magic weapon." Chen Feng thought about it and cut off some of it and integrated it into the God Mountain.

To Chen Feng's surprise, it could actually keep up with the quality of the God Mountain.

In fact, this has already shocked Chen Feng a little. The quality of this vein is much better than he imagined just now.

"The harvest is not small, and the value is greater than the life veins collected before." Chen Feng said so.

This is naturally because Chen Feng is not so short of life veins.

If there is another life vein here for Chen Feng to choose, Chen Feng will choose to collect both veins.

"If possible, I even want to take away this sea of ​​origin completely." Chen Feng had such an idea, but finally shook his head.

With his own strength, he really can't do this, unless he uses the swallowing technique to collect the water flow here little by little without anyone disturbing him.

Otherwise, unless Chen Feng reaches the level above Hunyuan, he can use his magical powers to directly compress this sea of ​​origin.

After collecting this metal vein, Chen Feng was a little happy, and then the search direction changed.

I wondered if I could collect some more such veins.

During this period of time, what I got were some original attribute energy, but this kind of high-quality material that can be used to make weapons and magic weapons is rarely obtained.

This time it can be regarded as a surprise for Chen Feng.

Powerful power fluctuations were transmitted from afar, and even Chen Feng still captured some of them.

Chen Feng was worried that the Lord of Destruction and his men were in trouble, but the special power that came made Chen Feng know that there were probably other adventurers who had also entered the Sea of ​​Origin.

"The strength of the person coming is okay, but the other party's luck seems to be not very good. When he arrived, he encountered a local sea monster with equally good strength." Chen Feng said this, and then walked in another direction.

A group of black shadows appeared not far from Chen Feng. It turned out to be a huge sea monster.

Similar to a shark in the ocean.

The other party opened his eyes, and Chen Feng's figure could be seen in his pupils.

At this time, this monster was still a little hesitant. Should he chase after and eat this prey?

This sea monster is very powerful. Although he also saw that Chen Feng's strength was extraordinary, this sea monster still had some confidence in himself.

But after thinking about it, he gave up. Since it was not a sure thing, let's see the situation.

After the sea monster's idea of ​​chasing and eating Chen Feng disappeared, he saw that Chen Feng also disappeared.

In the eyes of the sea monster, the picture of Chen Feng could no longer be retained.

"It's really a powerful existence. Fortunately, I didn't act rashly before." The sea monster thought to himself and continued to swim slowly in the ocean. His huge body looked a little clumsy.

But his speed was really not slow.

A long sword silently cut through the water and stabbed the sea monster.


A ball of light flashed, and the indestructible sword edge did not succeed!

The sea monster turned his head and looked a little confused, but the figure of the attacker reappeared in his eyes.

"What a strong defense." The attacker saw that his proud sneak attack did not break the opponent's defense, and immediately knew that it was not good, and turned around to escape.

For his own magic movement, the attacker was still quite confident. How could this sea monster be so clumsy and catch up with him.

The opponent was strong only in defense.

But soon the air attacker was wrapped by a strong suction, and the magic movement technique could not work.

The face of the attacker changed drastically, and the power in his body burst out repeatedly, and the breath on his body continued to gush.

But it was useless.

It was like a mosquito trapped in a spider web. The more it struggled, the more it was bound.

In the end, the attacker was swallowed by the sea monster.

Everything returned to calm.

The huge body of the sea monster slowly swam to the side again.

Chen Feng appeared behind the sea monster silently, and the previous scene was under Chen Feng's attention.

"This guy is quite powerful. The move just now should be a natural magical power! A Hunyuan Jinxian with good strength was swallowed up so easily." Chen Feng thought so. His push was only a number. What if he compared it with the other party?

In fact, when the sea monster stared at Chen Feng before, Chen Feng knew it, and Chen Feng was ready to fight. Who knew that the other party restrained his killing intention.

Chen Feng did not intend to take the initiative to trouble the other party, but Chen Feng found that a sneak attacker was slowly approaching, and then he saw the scene just now from the hidden Wanzhong.

"Its defense is also very strong. It seems that this creature has been here for a long time. I just don't know if it is a local life." Chen Feng didn't think much about it. Since he didn't plan to take action, he chose to leave.

When Chen Feng really left again, the sea monster was still wandering, but it was a little more relaxed.

When Chen Feng appeared before, the sea monster actually knew it, but just pretended not to notice it.

Now that Chen Feng has left, the pressure in the sea monster's heart has really disappeared.

"The other party is not above Hunyuan, but it poses such a threat to me. It seems that the Sea of ​​Origin is not calm this time." The sea monster swayed his body and looked very harmless, but the power contained in his body burst out and I am afraid that everything he saw has been swallowed up.

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