Eternal Existence

Chapter 4659: Appearing one after another above Hunyuan

"If we had met a ruthless person, we could have waited until both sides were injured before attacking." Qi said.

"That means we can eat both sides. This is indeed a good choice, but it does not suit my character." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Xiaoyao and his opponent both have a lot of good things. In fact, Chen Feng and Qi are fully confident that they can eat both sides.

"The cold Hunyuan above was a bit strange before. What was his intention when he did not attack? Or did he not take our lives seriously? Instead, another Hunyuan above was scared away." Chen Feng said.

"Maybe there are other important things. I have a hunch that there will be more movement next. It seems that we can't practice quietly here." Qi said.

"First, we will get the benefits. At worst, we can leave the Well of Eternal Night and find a place to practice in seclusion." Chen Feng said.

"Without Xiaoyao leading the way, we can only rely on us to search little by little." Qi said.

"There are many lives coming in. I feel that the good things in this sea of ​​origin should be getting less and less. In this way, we can only snatch the benefits from other lives, but I feel that other powerful lives think so too." Chen Feng said this, and then waved his fist.

The space exploded.

A group of phantoms hidden in the dark quickly fled. Just when Chen Feng wanted to catch up, two long spears crossed on the left and right and attacked Chen Feng.

"There are really people hiding in the thousands, wanting to attack us." Qi did not step forward to help, but continued to explore the four directions, ready to attack at any time.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng and the opponent fought for several rounds, and suddenly punched out, one of the long spears was directly knocked out, but Chen Feng's fist strength did not disappear, but continued to explode, directly piercing the opponent's body.

Another adventurer saw this situation and not only did not escape, but instead gathered his strength to continue to kill Chen Feng.

The phantom that disappeared before actually appeared out of thin air. Not only that, there was another phantom, and the power it emitted quickly formed a cage, trapping Chen Feng in the middle.

Cooperating with the spear, he wanted to cause damage to Chen Feng.

Facing this attack, Chen Feng's expression seemed a little solemn, and he didn't dodge it, allowing the opponent's attack to fall on him.

Then the opponent was surprised to find that he didn't break Chen Feng's defense.

Chen Feng took the opportunity to break the cage, block the spear, and came directly in front of one of the opponents.

Facing Chen Feng's crushing fist, this life couldn't resist at all, and his whole body was torn into pieces.

The reason why Qi didn't take action was because Chen Feng was sure to solve these opponents.

However, in the eyes of the two, this is also a very normal thing. It is possible that the other party has no conspiracy, just to simply rob good things.

Maybe these lives have also sneaked up on other adventurers.

Of course, it is also possible that they have some other calculations, but Chen Feng and the others don't care.

After severely injuring the opponent, they didn't even chase the opponent when he ran away.

Of course, Chen Feng did not let his opponent have an easy time, but used the Devouring Technique to plunder the opponent's blood and vitality.

Chen Feng thought that he was soft-hearted for not killing them all.

"After all, they are Hunyuan Jinxian, and their vitality is still very strong." Seeing that Qi did not intercept them, Chen Feng said so.

"Forget it, after seeing the life veins and those powerful Hunyuan above before, I really don't like these ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian. Of course, if there is nothing to gain next, maybe I will attack these Hunyuan Jinxian." Qi said so.

As a dignified Hunyuan above, especially now that some strength has been restored, some of Qi's own pride has also appeared.

Now Qi's target is those Hunyuan above?

Of course, Chen Feng also knew that even if the two joined forces, they could not do anything to Hunyuan above.

It was good to be able to devour some of the opponent's vitality before.

"But maybe there will be a chance next time." Everything is hard to say now.

The two joined forces before and were able to hurt the Hunyuan above, so even if the opponent still has some means that have not been used. Then, when they met Chen Feng and Qi again, they were full of confidence.

After all, the two were improving their strength every moment.

Especially Qi, as long as he had enough energy, he could recover continuously.

Chen Feng thought about it, took out all the life spirit veins that had not been fully absorbed before, and gave them to Qi, so that he could recover faster.

Chen Feng himself had no shortage of resources. He let Qi recover first, and then he could go to a better place and grab more resources.

Then the two continued to look for resources, but not like before. Instead, they kept capturing the location of other lives. Once they could find other lives, they rushed over quickly, so that they might find resources.

Of course, it was also possible that they could not find anything, but in the eyes of the two, this was better than looking for resources without a clue.

"I felt the fluctuation of the law." Chen Feng also said.

"I felt it too. It seems that it should belong to the origin law of the Well of Eternal Night. This is a good thing!" Qi also laughed.

It can be said that the appearance of the law was somewhat unexpected by the two.

Similarly, if it is really the original law of the Well of Eternal Night, then its value will be huge, even greater than the previous gains.

"What will we gain if we refine a law of different origin?" Chen Feng said.

"The gain is great, but not as fast as the recovery of my life vein." Qi said.

In fact, Chen Feng and Qi knew exactly how important this most fundamental law was and what effect it had, so there was no need to say more.

"I'm afraid the two Hunyuan Above will get involved." Qi said.

"That's troublesome. It seems that their target is the origin law here. But since we have encountered it, it's really unwilling to retreat like this." Chen Feng said.

"That's true, let's go and see. We may not have no gain if we join forces." Qi had locked the position at this time.

The two disappeared instantly.


A Hunyuan Golden Immortal was hit by a powerful force just by getting closer, and his body was directly torn into pieces.

After reshaping his body, the Hunyuan Golden Immortal fled in a hurry.

It was Hunyuan Above who made the move.

It was also the cold Hunyuan Above that Chen Feng and the others had seen before.

The other party just floated quietly in the space, with a cold look, and the whole body really looked like a statue.

However, this existence brought a strong deterrence to all parties, and even Hunyuan Shangshang, who had fought with Chen Feng and others in another direction, became very alert.

Due to some special reasons, the origin law of the Well of Eternal Night has not yet fully appeared.

However, many lives have been attracted here.

But it is obvious that the origin law is predetermined by Hunyuan Shangshang.

Once those Hunyuan Jinxian-level lives approach, they are seeking death.

This is interesting.

Chen Feng and Qi quickly figured out the situation here and began to think in their hearts.

One-on-one, the Hunyuan Jinxians present and those who have not yet arrived are not the opponents of Hunyuan Shangshang.

Even two or three joining forces are not opponents.

Unless a sufficient number of Hunyuan Jinxians join forces to compete with Hunyuan Shangshang, even so, there will be many casualties.

Otherwise, the origin law can only fall into the hands of Hunyuan Shangshang.

Unless these two Hunyuan Shangshang fight to the death.

Also, are there only these two above Hunyuan in the Sea of ​​Origin? Will there be more above Hunyuan in the future?

"Even above Hunyuan has been attracted, which shows that the origin law that will be born this time is extraordinary." Chen Feng said.

The origin law also has strong and weak points.

Chen Feng also obtained the origin law in the Gate of Origin and the Source of Ten Thousand Origins, and even integrated it into the energy tower.

Chen Feng admitted that the origin law he obtained was very powerful, but Chen Feng had a feeling that the law that was about to appear could bring him some surprises.

However, it is still a bit unrealistic to snatch treasures from above Hunyuan.

"It's a bit troublesome." Even Qi said so.

"Let's see what happens next, maybe there will be some changes next." Chen Feng said.

Qi suddenly turned his head: "Changes are coming."

A black shadow floated over, it didn't seem to be fast, but it gave people an illusion that it had advanced a long distance in the blink of an eye.

In this process, two Hunyuan Golden Immortals were knocked out.

It can only be described as a collision, because there were so many lives present, and basically no one could see how the other party made a move.

"Another Hunyuan Above. Why do I feel that there are more Hunyuan Above in the Well of Eternal Night?" Chen Feng muttered.

"It's the Night Demon!"

Some people present recognized the new Hunyuan Above, but the will of this life just fluctuated and attracted the attention of the Hunyuan Above. A strong breath enveloped the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

The Hunyuan Golden Immortal suddenly felt that the blood in his body was frozen, and his strength and magic began to change.

But this Hunyuan Golden Immortal is not simple either. He is very powerful and has means. The fire in his body burned and quickly eliminated this uncomfortable feeling.

Fortunately, this Hunyuan Above did not attack with all his strength, but it made the Hunyuan Golden Immortal recover.

"Three Hunyuan Above, is this considered a change?" Chen Feng shook his head. This place is more dangerous.

If there is only one Hunyuan Above, everyone can force the opponent back together, or even injure and seriously injure the opponent.

But the three Hunyuan Above are too shocking. If they join forces, they can completely slaughter all the lives present.

"It's just the origin law. The attraction is too great. Is there something else?" Chen Feng said.

"I haven't noticed it yet." Qi said.

"When will the law be born?" Chen Feng wanted to calculate it, but as soon as the thought came up, he felt the pressure and knew that if he explored it himself, he might be attacked by the Hunyuan.

In this case, let's not touch this trend.

It would be great if there were other lives to try it again, Chen Feng thought.

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