Eternal Existence

Chapter 4654: No Fear

Needless to say, everyone knew that the other party was not calm.

"I didn't expect it to be like this, but there's nothing to be surprised about." Qi said with a smile.

Chen Feng nodded. Even the universe can be transformed into life, so in the origin place of the Well of Eternal Night, it is nothing to condense an avatar.

And who knows how strong the avatar condensed by the other party is, maybe it's just a wisp of will, maybe it's a strong will.

However, judging from the movement caused by the appearance of the Troll God just now, it should be a very powerful avatar condensed.

But so what, even if it's above Hunyuan, what can it do.

So this news is a bit surprising at first, but it's a normal thing to think about it carefully.

The only thing to pay attention to is that you may encounter the other party's avatar in the future, and everyone is now in the Well of Eternal Night.

Chen Feng's heart moved, and he knew that the Troll God had a sinister intention.

Now that he and others also know this news, it is equivalent to knowing the secret, so it is very likely that they will find the attack of the Well of Eternal Night in the next time.

The Troll God used a piece of news to drag everyone into the water, and then took the opportunity to escape. It can be said that he killed two birds with one stone.

Everyone is not stupid, and they soon figured it out.

"It's his luck." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"What a good opportunity, but he actually let the other party run away." Xiaoyao said a little depressed.

Just now, he was just a little bit away from killing the other party. This time the Troll God escaped, and he might leave the Well of Eternal Night, and it would be difficult to find another opportunity in the future.

"It's a bit regrettable. After practicing to this point, it really can't be underestimated. I didn't expect it to bring us some trouble." Chen Feng said.

"Hurry up and go to other places, and look for other resources. Maybe you can meet the other party." Qi said so.

Although he knew that this possibility was not great, Xiaoyao still nodded, thinking about where to go.

Maybe he can meet the Troll God again.


But before Xiaoyao determined the direction, a large piece of light fell, and the surrounding space was riddled with holes wherever it passed.

"Above Hunyuan." Chen Feng's eyes narrowed. He didn't expect that such a master would appear.

However, since he is above Hunyuan, it is reasonable that the opponent's attack has such power.

"Above Hunyuan, how is it possible!" A life shouted.

Xiaoyao looked solemn, but he was not too surprised. In fact, this situation was also expected by the other party.

After all, this is the Well of Eternal Night. It is normal to have such a master. This area is not simple. It is not a big deal to attract the other party. It's just that the other party actually targeted himself and others, and launched an attack, which makes people seem a little depressed.

It is obvious that the other party is coming for himself and others. Although I don't know who it is targeting, the other party attacks indiscriminately. This is everyone's enemy.

"Above Hunyuan, it's a bit troublesome." Qi also said a little depressed.

Originally, Chen Feng and Qi's strength was suppressed in the Well of Eternal Night, and they could not exert their full combat power.

Besides, even if the two were in other places, they would not be opponents above Hunyuan!

Chen Feng and Qi thought a lot, wondering if the other party had discovered themselves and Qi, and they were even more worried. After all, Qi had been attacked by the opponent several times during this period and wanted to be hunted.

"Let's join forces. Even if it's above Hunyuan, what can we do? We are not easy to mess with." Everyone thought a lot, but in fact, it took a short time to connect into a magic circle, and a powerful force was emitted, blocking the scattered light.

Since they joined forces, even if the opponent exerted his full strength, they could resist it.

However, the opponent did not stop after the attack failed, but continued to attack. A black shadow quickly condensed and fiercely enveloped the place where several people were.

"The opponent mobilized the power of the Well of Eternal Night." Xiaoyao suddenly said.

"No wonder the pressure is so strong." Chen Feng nodded. Chen Feng had fought with the existence above Hunyuan before, but this time he felt that things were a bit tricky.

But this was not his own business. There were helpers around him, and Xiaoyao's strength was also very strong. Everyone joined forces and was not afraid of the opponent.

It's just necessary to understand the opponent's true purpose.


The two sides fought hard again, and Chen Feng and others launched a counterattack.

The space was broken, and an energy channel swept back and forth, finally forcing the man from the Primordial Above out.

"Hun Gu!" Xiaoyao actually recognized the other party.

"Hun Gu, why did you attack us?" Xiaoyao asked.

"No reason, I just attacked when I wanted to." The other party said lightly, and the strong pressure swept like a tide.

However, the magic array that everyone had jointly arranged remained motionless.

"The other party should be on top of us." At this time, Qi sent a voice message to Chen Feng.

"I also felt it, and it should be that he saw that we don't belong here." Chen Feng responded.

"This is a bit troublesome. If it's just the two of us, can we deal with the other party?" Chen Feng said.

Although everyone is still working together now, Chen Feng and Qi have already calculated what will happen next.

Sure enough, after the two sides fought for a while, the man from the Primordial Above saw that he couldn't take down a few people for a long time, and after a little thought, he directly targeted Qi.

At this time, Xiaoyao and the others understood the purpose of the man from the Primordial Above coming here, and they were naturally entangled in their hearts.

If we say that they joined forces to snatch treasures before, Xiaoyao would not retreat even if the opponent was above half a step of Hunyuan, but this time the opponent was above Hunyuan, that was different.

Is it worth offending an extremely powerful above Hunyuan for these two monks who met by chance?

Although he was unwilling, Xiaoyao quickly analyzed the pros and cons and made a choice.

"Let's go!"

Xiaoyao and the other four left, and the formation collapsed naturally.

Only Chen Feng and Qi were left. Facing above Hunyuan, they only felt the pressure straight up.

"Sure enough!"

Chen Feng smiled, but he was not surprised. The other party's departure was within his expectations.

If it were him, he would probably make the same choice.

"But you still underestimated us." Chen Feng said lightly.

It's just above Hunyuan. The strength is indeed very strong. Maybe the two of them are not opponents, but they are also confident of self-protection.

What's more, who wins and who loses will be decided after the fight.

Since the other party is coming for the two of them, it is impossible to compromise. Only by hurting the other party can the hidden danger in front of them be solved.

"Quick fight, quick decision." Qi said.

"Then quick fight, quick decision." Chen Feng said as he released the Divine Mountain. Chen Feng immediately pushed the power of the Divine Mountain to the extreme.

Suppressing all time and space in all directions, and then concentrating his strength to capture and lock the Hunyuan Above.


Qi still disappeared.

Whether he can fight against the opponent this time depends mainly on Qi.

Although Chen Feng has many means, he is still one level behind the opponent in terms of realm.

Qi also changed the way of fighting this time. In the past, he used magical powers to interfere with the opponent from a distance, and then Chen Feng fought in close combat.

But this time the situation was different, and Qi also began to use stronger means.

In the blink of an eye, Qi and the Hunyuan Above fought in close combat, and suddenly withdrew after several rounds.

And the Divine Mountain had seized the opportunity and smashed down fiercely.

Before, the Divine Mountain could not accurately lock the opponent, but because of Qi's entanglement, it gave Chen Feng an opportunity.

Of course, Chen Feng knew that the Divine Mountain alone could not do anything to the opponent, unless the opponent stood still and let the Divine Mountain suppress it.

Sure enough, the other party got rid of the sacred mountain and wanted to rush towards Qi, but he saw a flower in front of him and was stopped by Chen Feng.


Chen Feng punched out, and the shadow of the road appeared like a long dragon, blessing Chen Feng.

On the other side, Qi appeared again on the head of the Hunyuan Above, and countless silk threads entangled with the Hunyuan Above.

Not only that, Qi also created a group of shadows, which were the original power left by the origin-level magic weapon.

Under Qi's control, it can still burst out with the previous power.

"It's a bit troublesome." The Hunyuan Above admitted that he underestimated his opponent, but he was more and more excited in his heart. The stronger the opponent, the more benefits he could get after capturing the opponent.

Although the realm of the Hunyuan Above was very high, in the eyes of the other party, he could still get what he wanted from these two outsiders.

That's right, the Hunyuan Above had seen the origins of Chen Feng and Qi, otherwise he would not have suddenly taken action.

The two sides fought again for several rounds, and Chen Feng suddenly stepped forward to block the opponent's attack.

This was to block Qi, otherwise, this attack would fall on Qi.

Although he was not seriously injured, it would definitely bring some trouble.

As for Chen Feng, although he was knocked out, he soon began to counterattack.

In this short period of time, this Hunyuan above wanted to capture Qi quickly, but unfortunately, no matter how he used various means, he could not do anything to Qi in a short time.

Although Qi also felt strong pressure, he was about to be unable to resist, and Chen Feng arrived.

The two joined forces again to fight.




The fighting between the two sides caused a lot of noise, which attracted the prying of other lives, but after feeling the breath of Hunyuan above, no one dared to approach.

The two sides fought and unknowingly changed the area. A space full of resources was directly torn into pieces by the fighting power of the two sides!

Originally, there were some lives here, but unfortunately even ordinary Hunyuan Jinxian could not participate.

If you run slowly, you may be torn into pieces.


Xiaoyao felt the movement from a distance and couldn't help but regret it.

His previous decision seemed to be wrong, but a Hunyuan Above was really not easy to deal with.

Even if Chen Feng and Qi were strong, Xiaoyao didn't think they could fight against Hunyuan Above. Besides, even if the two of them could fight Hunyuan Above to a draw, it would still be useless.

"What if we were included?" Xiaoyao had such a thought, but soon shook his head.

Forget it, since the decision was made before, there was nothing to regret next.

In Xiaoyao's opinion, he brought Chen Feng and Qi here, and they had gained a lot along the way. They should thank him.

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