Eternal Existence

Chapter 4649: Take a short break

Everyone exchanged a little bit of information with each other, and then started to act.

Soon Chen Feng caught a strange force.

"The Sea of ​​Origin has appeared, fellow Taoists, speed up." The leading life said.

Chen Feng and Qi were also invited by the other party, and the other party was also the strongest one in this team.

"Is that the Sea of ​​Origin?" Chen Feng's eyes penetrated through layers of obstacles and saw a shadow that was not very big. The previous power fluctuations were transmitted from that shadow.

At the same time, Chen Feng also saw that there were other powerful lives approaching that shadow.

Suddenly Chen Feng felt some strong impacts, and his eyes kept shifting directions, and finally locked on a life.

But then the other party turned his head and looked at Chen Feng, and Chen Feng's eyes collapsed directly.

"So powerful, it seems that the next step is not as smooth as imagined." Chen Feng said.

"The other party has already involved the level of Hunyuan Jinxian, and this is in the other party's territory. We can't exert our combat power to the extreme. Just from this point of view, we are still a little disadvantaged." Qi said.

"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, we're on the other side's territory. In fact, even if we enter the Gate of Origin, we'll be suppressed. Besides, this level of suppression is acceptable. Of course, if we can practice here for a long enough time, comprehend the laws here, and absorb the power here, the suppression on our bodies will be weakened." Chen Feng said.

Qi nodded. This was indeed the case, but the two of them didn't have the time now. The Sea of ​​Origin in front was still waiting for them.

Maybe they'll be suppressed a second time after entering the Sea of ​​Origin.

"In that case, other adventurers will also be suppressed." Chen Feng said.

In any case, the speed of the crowd was very fast, and they were about to enter the Sea of ​​Origin.

Suddenly, the phantom disappeared.

"Will it disappear?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"It can't run far." The life that led the way had dazzling light in his eyes, and he swept back and forth and found the Sea of ​​Origin again.

Sure enough, the Sea of ​​Origin changed direction in a short time.

"Hurry in!" Another life took action and tore open a passage.

But at this moment, several powerful adventurers appeared and attacked Chen Yifeng and others without saying a word.

"We haven't even entered the Sea of ​​Origin yet, and the fight has begun." Chen Feng immediately knew what was happening, so he naturally wouldn't just sit there and watch, and chose to fight back.

Others were not idle either, and they all took action, and the two sides soon had a big fight.

Although the number of those adventurers was insufficient, they were powerful. They fought together for a long time before they beat the other side back. Even so, two people were injured.

Of course, Chen Yifeng and his friends didn't really use their full strength, and Chen Feng also understood that the others didn't move, using all their strength.

The two injured were just the weakest ones.

"Damn it, I don't know where the Sea of ​​Origin has gone."

"Don't worry, I'll look for it." The life headed by Ming didn't care, and continued to use his means to find it, sweeping his eyes back and forth, searching for a farther area.

Since the Sea of ​​Origin had appeared before, it was certain that the other party could be found, it would just take more time.

"From this, we can see how fierce the competition we are facing is. However, we must speed up. If others enter in advance, all the good things will be snatched away."

"Everyone should remember those people before. You will definitely meet them again when you enter the Sea of ​​Origin."

"I also hope that fellow Taoists will not hold back. Only by exerting all their strength can we gain more benefits."

Everyone was communicating with each other, but Chen Feng and Qi remained silent and did not respond.

Finally, the wretched life found the Sea of ​​Origin. This time, there was no accident.

A passage was directly broken, and everyone entered quickly.

"Just as I imagined before, there is indeed pressure here." Chen Feng secretly communicated with Qi.

"It's not a big problem. I feel the breath of life. It seems that I have come to the right place this time." Qi said.

"I hope we have enough gains." Chen Feng said.

"Fellow Taoists, I have a large formation here. We can work together to exert it. The power must be stronger than if we act alone." The leading life took out the formation diagram, and Chen Yunfeng and others quickly understood the mystery.

"It's really good. If the formation map had been taken out before, those adventurers wouldn't have been able to escape."

"Don't worry, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. The most important thing now is to find benefits."

"In that direction, I have already felt that there are good things." One of the lives said.

Chen Feng knew that the other party should have special means, or he was more familiar with the Sea of ​​Origin. Otherwise, how could he know where the benefits were as soon as he came in, and he hadn't had time to release his power to search.

Others did not hesitate, and they found a special area according to the direction provided by the other party.

Some spiritual root trees growing here are full of strange fruits.

"The things are not bad, but they are not very attractive to us." Chen Feng said.

"At least it's better than nothing, and it can more or less increase some cultivation." Someone said so.

Everyone stepped forward and cleaned up this area of ​​spiritual root trees.

The things were not too precious, so there were no twists and turns when everyone divided them up.

"I also found a good place, where there is a strong breath of life, and there may be a spiritual vein." At this time, another life said.

Chen Feng and Qiye looked at each other, but didn't say much.

In fact, the two wanted to leave the team and act alone, but now it seems that they still have to wait.

Let's figure out the situation of the Sea of ​​Origin first.

Besides, if there are really good things that are tempting enough, Chen Feng and Qi don't mind falling out.

And at that point, will this gang cooperate again? I'm afraid they would have used various means to grab the benefits.

"It's really a life spiritual vein." Qi was a little surprised after a while.

Qi needs this kind of thing more.

In fact, life spiritual veins are very tempting to almost all lives.

Even the life leading the way was a little surprised, and now he has some regrets in his heart. Such a huge life spiritual vein could have belonged to him, but now he needs to share it with everyone.

However, at this point, there was nothing to say. Everyone stepped forward and began to extract the life force from the spirit vein.

Although the life spirit vein was not small in size, if it was divided by everyone, the amount each person got would be greatly reduced.

"I really want to get rid of all these guys." Qi secretly said to Chen Feng.

"After all, they are all Hunyuan Jinxian, and some of them are very powerful. It is not so easy to get rid of them. Besides, we are companions now. If they don't take action first, we can't turn against each other." Chen Feng said.

"Then let's see the situation. This sea of ​​origin is indeed a little beyond my expectations. Although I thought there would be some benefits before, I am still a little surprised to have such a harvest just now." Qi said.

"I think it's better for us to act separately." One of the lives suddenly made this suggestion.

"Not appropriate!"

The leading life immediately refused.

"It's very dangerous here. I think the guides should be very clear about the situation in the Sea of ​​Origin. Only by joining forces can we survive to the end. Don't think that you have just gained some benefits because this place is just like this. In fact, the real crisis is still behind." The leading life said.

But no matter what this life said, some people still chose to leave.

Of course, they did not leave alone, but left in pairs or three.

It seems that they are in the same situation as Chen Feng and Qi.

Half of the people left in the blink of an eye.

Chen Feng looked and saw that the leading life and the other three should be together.

"What are your plans, fellow Taoists?" Seeing that Chen Feng and Qi did not leave, the leading life was a little surprised.

Speaking of which, this person had guessed that there would be such a situation before, but he did not expect that everyone would go their separate ways just after entering.

Although he was unhappy, he still wanted to try to win over Chen Feng and Qi.

"We are not familiar with this place either." Qi said.

"In this case, the two fellow Taoists should act with us. In fact, what I said before is true. This place is really dangerous, and most of the crises come from other competitors." The leading life said.

Qi nodded. He had some understanding of the Sea of ​​Origin.

"Except for competitors." Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"It's hard to say for now, but there must be danger. After all, benefits can't be obtained casually. In my opinion, it's better to be careful. If the two Taoists believe me, you can see how things develop next." The leading life looked leisurely and continued to explore the four directions.

Chen Feng thought about it and used his own means to explore.

Maybe the other party looked reliable, but Chen Feng believed in himself more.

"If I can find dozens of life veins like before, maybe I can restore my strength back then." At this time, Qi sent a voice message to Chen Feng.

"What? Dozens of life veins!" Chen Feng was a little numb. Is this a joke?

You have to know that the life veins encountered before are not the ones Chen Feng encountered in the universe before. These are the life veins that Hunyuan Jinxian has divided up.

If you refine and absorb them, you can increase a lot of mana cultivation, but Qi actually needs so much.

But if you think about it carefully, Qi is a being above Hunyuan. He was injured too badly at the time. It really takes a lot of resources to fully recover.

In this way, dozens of spiritual veins are nothing, but the key is that you have so many spiritual veins in your mouth, and they are also life attributes. It is difficult to find them.

"What about spiritual veins of other attributes?" Chen Feng asked.

"That's fine, but the effect is definitely not as good as the life spiritual vein." Qi said.

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