Eternal Existence

Chapter 4647: Progress Too Fast

"I need some more powerful life. In fact, the best thing is to find the original life spirit vein, just like in the frozen area before. The pure and strong life spirit vein is the easiest to refine and absorb." Qi said.

"In the long years, I don't know how many lives have come here to adventure, and I don't know how many resources have been plundered. So if we want to find good things, we have to go to some places that others have not been to." Chen Feng said.

"In this case, we have to go deeper, or search carefully over a large area, so that we will stay here for a longer time." Qi said.

"As long as there are benefits, it doesn't matter if we stay here. Besides, it is much better than the space outside. Practicing in any place here can make you progress quickly." Chen Feng said.

The two made up their minds and began to release more powerful perception and search in all directions, but soon there was danger.

In a broken cave, a group of destructive creatures came out.

The two found this broken cave from a distance and wanted to go in to see if there was anything to gain. After all, even a broken cave sometimes has some leftovers.

Even if there is nothing, it will make the two understand more.

Who knew that they would be ambushed by the other party before they even got close.

As this group of destructive creatures surged up, the broken cave in front suddenly cracked, as if a huge shell enveloped the two of them.

This change was somewhat unexpected.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng had set up a magic circle to ambush in the past, and had also encountered some other means, but this was really the first time he encountered such a situation.

If it were any other experience, the other party would have to wait until they entered the cave before launching an attack.

"Interesting, I'm just feeling bored, but this will make some big noise." Chen Feng said.

"It doesn't matter, I didn't want to make any noise, but it's impossible to be quiet all the way here." Qi said with a smile.

Although the two wanted to dive, since trouble was coming, they would not avoid it.

"But we have to fight quickly." Qi said, and a strange wave spread out, and a group of destructive creatures rushing towards them were enveloped one after another.

These powerful destructive creatures seemed to have entered a quagmire, their speed slowed down, and the destructive aura on their bodies was suppressed.

Chi chi chi! Chi chi chi!

As soon as Chen Feng made a move, the sword light shot out like a meteor, and the destructive creatures were constantly shattered.

Although it was a bit strange to encounter destructive creatures here, it was better to deal with them first.

Although there were many destructive creatures, they were only slaughtered under the joint efforts of Chen Feng and Qi.

Not only were these destructive creatures completely eliminated, but even the broken caves wrapped in them were torn into pieces by the sword light.

"There are also destructive creatures here, which are similar to those encountered in the Gate of Origin, but there are very powerful destructive creatures in the Gate of Origin, even close to Hunyuan. I was killed by them and fled. Since I have encountered them again, there must be more powerful destructive creatures in the Well of Eternal Night." Chen Feng said.

Seeing Chen Feng collecting all the destructive energy, Qi smiled and said, "You are helping the Well of Eternal Night by doing this, but it's hard to say. These destructive creatures were originally created by the Well of Eternal Night. Their purpose is to eliminate other lives. If they do this, they will be targeted by the Well of Eternal Night."

"But these destructive creatures are not strong, so the noise we made is not big. The only pity is that we didn't find the life force."

"Compared with destructive energy, life energy is indeed less. There are already many competitors, but if those competitors are also regarded as resources, the situation will be different." Chen Feng said with a smile.

As the two were talking, another destructive creature appeared.

There was a group before, but only one appeared this time, but the pressure was stronger than that of the group of destructive creatures.

"As I was talking, a destructive creature that was stronger than me really came. It was close to the Hunyuan. It looked different from the tentacle monsters encountered in the Gate of Origin, but the origin was still similar." Chen Feng was not in a hurry, and even had some surprises.

Such a powerful destructive creature, if killed, would also be of some benefit to me.

He has also cultivated the Great Dao of Destruction.

Of course, the opponent is not above the Primordial, otherwise Chen Feng and Qi might have to avoid him temporarily.

Already in the opponent's territory, the realm is not as good as the opponent, and the two sides will definitely suffer in a fight.

Besides, even if the two are not afraid, they are not sure to kill the opponent.

Then that kind of battle is meaningless.

The strength of this time is just right.

Qi used the secret technique to restrain the opponent at the first time, and Chen Feng rushed up quickly and fought in close combat.

Both sides played their own strengths, and the two cooperated with each other very well. After joining forces, the combat effectiveness was doubled.

He blocked this very powerful destructive creature.

In fact, to be honest, this destructive creature is still somewhat similar to the Destruction Demon Spider. To be precise, it is a strange beast that has cultivated the power of destruction.

It is huge but extremely flexible, with a deep foundation and many means. It is not like other destructive creatures that are not good at fighting.

It can be said that the opponent is very intelligent, and surviving in an environment like the Well of Eternal Night must be experienced.

Although not above Hunyuan, it is also the top existence among Hunyuan Jinxian, especially the opponent has an innate advantage. After a battle between the two sides, Chen Feng was unable to do anything to the opponent.

However, there were too many masters encountered during this period, and Chen Feng was used to it. At this time, he only thought about whether to fight quickly.

Although he did not defeat the opponent, it did not mean that Chen Feng and Qi really could not do anything to the opponent.

First, the opponent did have some strength, and secondly, the two wanted to see the opponent's strength and means.

"How do you feel?" Qi asked with a smile, still using his means calmly.

"Not bad, it is stronger than the strongest destructive creature I encountered before, but it is also limited, that is, it has rich fighting methods." Chen Feng said, and a few lightning punches dissolved the opponent's attack, and then his body swayed to the back of the opponent, and his five fingers grabbed, and the air flow surged, and several kinds of destructive forces flew out together, falling on different places on the destructive creature.

Chi Chi Chi! Chi Chi Chi!

The powerful destructive force broke through the opponent's defense, and then Qi's power drilled in along the crack.

Then there was a series of changes. The wounds on the body of this creature of destruction became more severe.

It looked like it was about to collapse.

However, this creature of destruction was also amazing. There was a strong energy of destruction surging in its body, which quickly repaired its injuries.

Chen Feng was too familiar with this method. He suddenly used the Devouring Technique and directly devoured a large amount of Destruction Energy.

Then he punched hard, and the power of destruction gathered together. The power was a little scattered, but it was more violent.

The cracks on the body of this creature of destruction increased rapidly and began to collapse.


Qi seized the opportunity, and a beam of light easily penetrated the body of this creature of destruction. The creature of destruction, which was already collapsing, broke into pieces with a bang.

Bang bang bang!

Chen Feng punched repeatedly, constantly wiping out everything on the opponent, and at the same time used the Devouring Technique to plunder the energy of destruction.

The Great Dao of Destruction that Chen Feng practiced emerged.

"Although the origin is different, the destructive energy here is still very beneficial to me." Chen Feng felt the changes in the Great Dao of Destruction and was surprised.

"What a powerful Great Dao of Destruction!"

Although he knew that Chen Feng had practiced many great ways, Qi still felt a little emotional.

The destructive energy was very pure and powerful, but Qi did not need it, so he just helped Chen Feng suppress the other party. A beam of light shot out, and the gathering destructive energy was dispersed again.

The result was that under the joint efforts of the two, this destructive creature was completely wiped out, and the destructive energy and some origins that were cultivated were all cheap to Chen Feng.

It can't be said to be cheap!

After all, this was the other party that Chen Feng and Qi paid a price to solve.

"Let's go, leave here!" Qi said.

The fight just now was still very loud, and Qi had already felt that other powerful lives were coming.

Although the two were not afraid, they had not figured out the situation yet, so there was no need to continue fighting.

Sure enough, after the two left, several beings as powerful as the destructive creature arrived.

The powerful aura was overwhelming, crushing everything around. Some of the later lives were frightened and fled quickly.

"This time the harvest is not bad!"

Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng and Qi stopped at a barren land.

This land has been blessed by power, and it is unknown how long it has existed here. There are also traces of civilization on it, but it has also been desolate for a long time.

If Chen Feng and Qi had not arrived, the power on this land would have dissipated completely and would eventually be shattered in the Well of Eternal Night.

In fact, this situation is really nothing in the Well of Eternal Night. For Chen Feng and Qi, it is just a temporary place to stay.

The reason for stopping is that Chen Feng needs to digest it, and Qi also needs to think about some problems.

Finally, Chen Feng stopped practicing when he felt that the Great Dao of Destruction was about to break through. The destructive energy obtained this time was too powerful, and it had a strong impact on Chen Feng.

"Why not take the opportunity to break through." Qi asked curiously.

"Don't worry, wait a little longer. I have a feeling that I may encounter a stronger destructive life next time. I will kill it and then achieve the next step of cultivation." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"This is the Well of Eternal Night, which has the origins of various attributes, just right for your cultivation." Qi said.

In Qi's opinion, since Chen Feng can absorb the power here, the power of other attributes should not be a problem.

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