Eternal Existence

Chapter 4644: Seeking for Life

Even under Chen Feng's deliberate suppression, this clone has the strength of an immortal golden immortal as soon as it is born.

This naturally surprised Chen Feng. If he did not suppress it himself, but directly used means to catalyze it, wouldn't he be able to become a Daluo Jinxian?

Of course, Chen Feng would not do this. The foundation is the most important. In this way, he can find a suitable place here and leave the other party behind after the clone breaks through the Daluo Jinxian.

Although the Well of Eternal Night is dangerous, it is large enough and there must be a suitable life area.

Sure enough, Chen Feng really found a life area next.

This life area is very large and there are many lives. From low to high levels, the cultivation system is relatively complete, which is almost comparable to a large universe. The most important thing is that there are also powerful Hunyuan Jinxians here, so it is still very safe in the Well of Eternal Night.

The clone cultivated by Chen Feng used the previous origin seeds, coupled with Chen Feng's means and the scale of this life land, so he was not worried about being discovered by the other party.

Besides, even if the other party discovered it, Chen Feng's clone had the power to protect himself and could leave completely.

After leaving this land of life, Qi smiled and asked: "I'll leave the clone here, so you don't worry."

In Qi's opinion, Chen Feng's clone is still very precious, after all, Chen Feng has paid a lot.

If Chen Feng wants to cultivate an ordinary clone, he can improve the clone to the level of Hunyuan Jinxian in a very short time.

But now Chen Feng has left it here to take risks. His future cultivation will definitely be full of crises, and he may die at any time.

Once he dies, all Chen Feng's previous efforts will be in vain.

"Of course I'm worried, but it's useless to worry. Since I'm practicing this secret technique, I have to take risks. Fortunately, the origin seed came for nothing. If I condense it myself, the price I paid will be high. I hope I can find some more origin seeds next time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"This is the Well of Eternal Night, the origin place, even the origin seeds of better quality can be found." Qi said with a smile.

Chen Feng needs these things, and Qi also needs some origin treasures to recover himself.

Qi's recovery speed is already very fast, but it is not enough. When thinking about the enemies in the past, Qi has a strong sense of oppression.

For so long, he has been hovering on the edge of death. After experiencing the long years, those opponents in the past must have become stronger.

And they will continue to find ways to deal with him.

When he was in the source of all sources before, Qi was attacked, and he still teamed up with Chen Feng to solve a series of troubles.

The biggest reason why Qi went to the free space later was that he was worried about encountering troubles caused by previous opponents in the source of all sources.

However, even so, Qi still did not feel at ease. At the level above Hunyuan, the opponent can enter various origins to hunt him down.

If he is found by the opponent again, it is hard to say whether he can survive. It is also possible that this is his last chance.

So he must recover his strength as soon as possible, preferably better than before, otherwise, he may still fail when facing the opponents of the past.

"Since we want to find benefits, we have to take risks. In this case, it is very likely to alarm the Well of Eternal Night. Even if the other party does not care about us, we will provoke other opponents, such as powerful local life. The level of Hunyuan Jinxian is fine, but those above Hunyuan can still pose a threat to us." Chen Feng said.

"Danger also means gain." After thinking it through, Qi also changed his previous cautious attitude.

Of course, the two did not appear to be as ostentatious as before, but compared with the previous amplification of perception, naturally speeding up.

After a while, the two clashed with other lives, and the two sides had a melee. In the end, Chen Feng and Qi won, but the two did not get any benefits.

But they also have some understanding of the fighting methods here. The life they encountered before was the local life in the Well of Eternal Night.

The fighting power is not bad, of course, it is still not the opponent of the two.

"There is a strong vitality ahead, it may be a good thing." Qi said.

"I also felt it. It won't be a place of life. If so, Duobai will fight again." Chen Feng said.

To their surprise, there was a scattered spiritual vein in front of them.

"This is a life spiritual vein. Although it is not as good as the one we encountered in the frozen land before, the quality is not bad, especially the power of origin. However, this life spiritual vein is obviously broken up, which is a bit strange. Why didn't the other party take it away? This is a good thing! Could it be that the other party doesn't like it?" Chen Feng said curiously.

"It is indeed a bit strange. It may also be that both sides are hurt in the fight." Qi said with a smile, observing the surrounding situation, and then took action to collect these scattered spiritual veins.

Who cares what the situation is? Get the things first, and the two did not find any ambushes around!

The result is that this scattered life spiritual vein was divided up by the two.

Qi refined and absorbed it on the spot to restore his confidence.

Chen Feng collected it, and the life spiritual vein he had obtained before was not completely used up.

"We know that the life we ​​got before came from the Tower of Life. In comparison, the Well of Eternal Night seems to be a little worse in terms of vitality. Of course, there may be better life veins here, but we haven't encountered them yet." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The two had collected all the things, and there was no danger or hidden danger.

Although it felt a little strange, the two chose to leave after getting the benefits.

However, not long after the two left, a vortex appeared in the previous area, and a murderous life came out of it, looked around, and then roared in exasperation.

The benefits were taken away.

It's a pity that this life could only roar, but couldn't find out who took it away.

Chen Feng and Qi didn't know what happened later, and even if they knew, they wouldn't take it seriously.

If the other party caught up, they would just solve it, and even ask what happened to the life energy.

"How is Daoyou recovering?" Chen Feng asked curiously. At this time, Chen Feng couldn't see Qi's situation at all.

In fact, Chen Feng still underestimated Qi at first, after all, Qi's situation was not good, but as Qi continued to recover his strength, Chen Feng began to face him squarely.

Above Hunyuan, it is above Hunyuan.

With his current strength, he is really not an opponent, and even unpredictable.

But even now, Chen Feng has made rapid progress, and he knows that he is not Qi's opponent. Although Qi has not shown too strong combat power before, he has a feeling of moistening things silently.

"The recovery speed is very fast, but there is still a long way to go from my peak period. In fact, this is good. If I can keep this recovery speed, it won't take long."

"Of course, since I came to the Well of Eternal Night this time, I naturally have my own ideas. If I can find some treasures here, such as the power of origin and the power of life, I can recover faster." Qi said.

"What if I find the good things left above Hunyuan." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That would be even better. Maybe I can recover in advance." Qi said with a smile.

Snap! Snap! Snap!

As the two men were talking and laughing, a space crack bloomed like a spider web, just covering the area where the two men were.

"The power of destruction is very strong, but it still can't do anything to us, but there is no need to resist it." Chen Feng said, using the magic of movement to dodge, while Qi followed Chen Feng, following him like a shadow, and seemed to have dodged those cracks without any effort.

"It's not an attack, it should be the power fluctuation of the Well of Evernight." Qi said.

"This situation also exists in the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng said.

The two did not take it seriously.

The two had good luck, and after a while, they found an extremely ancient holy tree.

Such a holy tree is more powerful than the Tree of Life cultivated by Chen Feng, and the power contained is even stronger, but the two did not take it from the other party, but got two holy fruits from the holy tree.

Unlike the fruit of life and the fruit of Tao, the fruit of this holy tree contains some of the law aura of the Well of Evernight.

In other words, after Chen Feng and the others took it, they could better venture into the Well of Evernight.

"Sure enough, the suppression on my body has been reduced a little, which can be regarded as an improvement in strength." Chen Feng sensed his own situation and was still very satisfied.

"Not bad." Qi also nodded.

In addition, there are some other effects, of course, Chen Feng and Qi don't care too much.

"What I hope most is a strong vitality." Qi said.

"I hope to find some destructive power, but fellow Taoist can use some special means to directly strip the life force of other lives." Chen Feng said.

"This method is a bit evil." Qi shook his head, seemingly disagreeing with Chen Feng's suggestion.

Chen Feng smiled, thinking that it was because he didn't meet the right life, otherwise Qi would definitely take action.

In order to restore his own strength, evil things are not evil. Besides, everyone can cultivate to this point. I don't know how many lives have been destroyed along the way. I'm afraid it's too many to count.

Not long after, Qi overturned what he said before and used means to plunder the power in a powerful life.

This life was captured and suppressed by Qi, and he couldn't struggle at all. He could only feel the power in his body rapidly passing away. He was extremely frightened and a little regretful in his heart.

"It's your bad luck. We were walking peacefully, but you had to jump out and attack us. I really doubt how you survived until now." Chen Feng said.

Qi quickly let the other party go, but only plundered a part of the other party's life force. Even so, the other party's vitality was seriously injured, and it was unknown how long it would take to recover.

But compared to death, this end is much better.

"I still feel a little soft-hearted." Qi said after watching the other party leave.

"After all, we are outsiders, there is no need to kill these local lives." Chen Feng also said with a smile.

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