Eternal Existence

Chapter 4641: Everywhere

"I hope you won't disappoint me." Chen Feng said.

"I see fellow Taoist being a little anxious. This is the first plane we have come to. There may be better planes waiting for us next," Qi said.

"Then I will condense the clone again." Chen Feng said indifferently.

"If I had practiced this method back then, my recovery wouldn't be as slow as it is now." Qi still felt a little emotional and envious.

Think about it, if Kaiya had left some clones in other places like Chen Feng, then even if the main body was severely damaged and only some thoughts were left, once the clones were found, he could quickly make a comeback.

It's just that Qi's own cultivation has not yet fully recovered. Although he had the intention and wanted to keep some clones, he still didn't do so after thinking about it.

It's better to wait for cultivation and recover some before talking.

Then the two of them entered some planes one after another.

The initial surprise is gone. For Chen Feng, these planes are actually the same as the Fangfang Universe.

Of course, Chen Feng chose the right plane and left two more clones.

After all, the Well of Eternal Night is also a place of origin that can compete with the Gate of Origin. It is still necessary to leave more clones here.

However, Chen Feng cannot continuously condense clones in a short period of time. Doing so would also consume a huge amount of energy on Chen Feng.

After exploring a few more planes and visiting two special areas, I finally located the location of the Well of Eternal Night.

"It's almost time. It's time to go directly to the Corner of Eternal Night. There is still encryption this time. If you leave, you have to find a way." Chen Feng said.

The passage that I came in before has completely lost my sense of perception, and I don't know what happened in the confrontation between the Gate of Origin and Yongye, so it is also a good choice to leave from other places.

"Okay, let's go to the Well of Eternal Night." Seeing Chen Feng's anxiety, Qiye could only agree with Chen Feng's idea.

It was not difficult for the two of them to find the location. They quickly locked the direction and set off.

It didn't take long for the two of them to see a deep dark passage.

Just like what we saw in the free space, this is the Well of Eternal Night.

"It doesn't look like the scale is too big." Chen Feng said.

"There is a cave inside, just like the Gate of Origin. Do you think that from the outside, the wellhead looks huge and covers time and space? In fact, it does cover everything. This is just a shrunken shadow we see from the outside, and it enters eternity. It was much easier for you in Night Well," Qi said.

The two of them did not hesitate and entered the dark passage directly.

Sure enough, just as Qi said just now, after entering the dark passage, there is no longer the feeling of a passage, as if entering a boundless vast space.

Although there is pressure, it is not as strong as expected, at least not as high as the pressure of the channel that I entered in the free space before.

"It's almost the same as entering the Gate of Origin, but this also shows that the Well of Eternal Night is not targeting us, and we don't know the specific situation of the Well of Eternal Night. We already knew that the Gate of Origin was distracted and something happened. If If the will of the Well of Eternal Night is unified, we may take risks," Chen Feng said.

"Even if the will is unified, the other party will not target us. There are many more powerful beings in the Well of Eternal Night than us. There is no need to go against us unless we make some big moves, and the other party It’s obvious that we are outsiders, and since the Well of Eternal Night is vast and boundless, there are definitely no other powerful outsiders, so the chance of us being targeted is still very small,” Qi said with a smile.

"I hope so." Chen Feng could only say this.

Although he has cultivated to this point, he is already very powerful. Even if he encounters an opponent above the level of a member, he can still fight with Chen Feng. Even if he is not an opponent, he can still fight hard and be sure to escape. .

But once an existence like the Well of Eternal Night really targets Chen Feng, even if Chen Feng uses all his methods, he will only end up being wiped out.

Therefore, when Chen Feng entered the Well of Eternal Night, he lost his sense of security.

"Unless you truly enter the Hunyuan, you can have a chance of survival in front of such a powerful existence." Chen Feng thought this way. Of course, even if he entered the Hunyuan, he could not block the full attack of the Well of Eternal Night. .

"The power is somewhat limited, but the feeling is similar to that in the Gate of Origin. Of course, we are outsiders, so the pressure is still greater in comparison. The strength that explodes needs to be restrained again to avoid attracting some unhappiness. Necessary trouble." Chen Feng said.

"Actually, for the Well of Eternal Night, all those who come here are outsiders." Qi said.

Seeing Qi's unworried look, Chen Feng's impetuous mind gradually calmed down.


A huge claw suddenly shot out of the air and grabbed Chen Feng and Qi fiercely.

The power was so powerful that it enveloped all directions, making it impossible for the two of them to dodge.

"We just came in, and we encountered this situation." Chen Feng said in surprise, then punched out, his claws shattered, and he reached out again to grab a fleeing creature.

"Close to the Hunyuan level." Chen Feng roughly determined the opponent's strength.

"Even Hunyuan Jin Xian can't hide it from our perception." Chen Feng said.

"It seems that we have been deceived." Qi said lightly.

Chen Feng wanted to collect the other party's memory, but he got nothing. At the same time, he saw that the creature in his hand was burning in a special way.

Chen Feng could have suppressed it, but after thinking about it, he let the other party burn to ashes.

"At least he has cultivated to such a level, and it just disappeared like this." Chen Feng shook his head, a little speechless, and did not get any useful information.

"It seems that we are being targeted." Qi said.

"I don't believe this is not a coincidence. We have just entered the realm of eternal night. Isn't it more interesting next?" Chen Feng also said so.

"Anyway, we have come here, so we can't return empty-handed." Qi said.

"That's right! If you leave now, you will laugh at yourself." Chen Feng nodded.

Through the two people's deliberate means, they restrained their own breath. According to their strength, once they do this, even Hunyuan Jinxian will not be able to find them so easily.

But they didn't go far before another creature appeared and pounced on the people fiercely.

"It seems that I am really being targeted, but I don't know where the existence I don't care about is." Chen Feng reached out and grabbed the creature again.

It was still close to the strength of the Hunyuan Jinxian. This time, Chen Feng did not kill the other party, but immediately performed the cause and effect technique to find the existence behind through the cause and effect line.

Not to mention that Chen Feng really found the other party.

A little light emerged in the extremely dark space, and then it became bigger and brighter, and finally dispelled the darkness.

This is the other party's gaze.

A very powerful life.

"Hunyuan Jinxian?" Chen Feng muttered, still exploring the other party, trying to see more clearly.

But as Chen Feng continued to increase his perception, the other party's gaze became more and more blazing.

Chen Feng couldn't see the distance of the other party for a while.

"The other party is very strong." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

The other party's eyes contained a strong will, and some other things. It can be made clear that the other party is good at pupil techniques.


Chen Feng used the power of destruction, and the other party's gaze that could almost melt everything was shattered.

Chen Feng finally saw the other party.

A creature similar to a dragon, whose eyes were from the other's single eye.


Chen Feng also used pupil technique, combining illusion and destructive power, directly covering the space where the creature was, and then constantly shrinking it, trying to tie up the other in one fell swoop.

Who knew that the other's single eye suddenly glowed, melting Chen Feng's attack, and then disappeared the next moment.

Chen Feng wanted to track the other party, but there was no trace of him, even if he re-cast the cause and effect technique, he could not find the other party.

"There are some tricks." Chen Feng said lightly, retracting the cause and effect line and no longer tracking the other party.

"But I'm curious why the other party wants to deal with us, or is it a coincidence." Chen Feng said.

"It may be a coincidence." Qi thought for a while.

"If it's a coincidence, our luck is bad, but since the other party knows how powerful we are, I think it shouldn't appear again." Chen Feng said with a smile, but he didn't care too much. Although the dragon has some strength, think about it. This is the Well of Eternal Night, just like entering the Gate of Origin. Isn't it normal to encounter a master?

Besides, the dragon was no match for Chen Feng, otherwise he would not have chosen to leave.

And Chen Feng was sure that if the other party came again, he would go all out to capture the other party.

However, things were just as the two had guessed. The other party did not appear again for a while, as if he had really accidentally targeted the two of them.

"The strength was suppressed by nearly 20%. If it burst out with all its strength, it might be able to break this confinement in a short time, but I don't know if it will attract the attention of the Well of Eternal Night. After all, this is not the Gate of Origin, and we don't know the distance here clearly." Chen Feng said.

"So we still have to keep a low profile first. Although I have been here once before, a long time has passed, and I don't know how much has changed here. Besides, I just want to recover my strength." Qi said.

"Daoyou has lost his confidence. Even if you haven't recovered your strength, you are still a powerful master. Even the Golden Immortal of Daluo will come here to take risks. Daoyou has lost your enterprising spirit." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's normal. After all, I have lived for too long and experienced the suffering of death. It's normal to have some changes." Qi said indifferently.

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