Eternal Existence

Chapter 4639: Well of Eternal Night

Knowing that this is the direction leading to the Gate of Origin, in fact, if Chen Feng continues to use his means, he can make this causal line truly connected to the Gate of Origin, after all, Chen Feng also holds a fragment of the Gate of Origin.

But since he knows the direction, there is no need for Chen Feng to force it.

He began to put more power on another causal line.

This causal line naturally leads to the Well of Eternal Night. Under Chen Feng's full urging, this causal line seems to be able to pierce time and space. Although it did not burn like before, it also stopped. No matter how Chen Feng pushed it, the power could no longer move forward.

It can't even narrow the direction.

"You can only get a rough direction. In this way, you should be able to find the Evernight Scene from this area. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that your power does come from the Gate of Origin and the Well of Eternal Night." Chen Feng also came to a conclusion.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to end the causal technique, he suddenly found that an inconspicuous causal line actually extended in another direction.

Chen Feng was a little surprised.

It further proves that in addition to the power of the Gate of Origin and the Well of Eternal Night, there are other powers.

Of course, after all, this is a free space, and it is normal to have other powers.

But the power that can interest Chen Feng under the coverage of the Gate of Origin and the Well of Eternal Night is naturally not simple.

"Could it be that there are other behind-the-scenes masters? If there are really behind-the-scenes masters, I don't think it's so easy to find them." Although thinking so, Chen Feng still urged this causal line.

"It seems that something interesting has been discovered." Qi saw Chen Feng's current state, thought about it and took action, using means to cover the four directions.

This is to prevent other forces from interfering with Chen Feng.

After a while, Chen Feng's expression became a little solemn, and he obviously touched something.

"What did you find?" Qi asked curiously.

"In addition to the Gate of Origin and the Well of Eternal Night, there is also a third-party force. I haven't found the other party, and I can't even be sure what kind of existence the other party is. I just know that the other party is very powerful. This is also a strange place. Since the other party is so powerful, why didn't he take the opportunity to take away the power here? Instead, he just participated here for a while and disappeared." Chen Feng said with some curiosity.

"There are too many changes and speculations in the middle. I suggest you don't analyze and calculate. Since it is confirmed that these two powers are good things, let's keep it simple. We just need to collect these powers and leave this place." Qi said.

Chen Feng thought about it, and then nodded: "This is indeed a good choice, or the most correct way for us now is to take the benefits and leave."

In this case, there is no need to think too much.

"Let me try it." Chen Feng performed the swallowing technique, and a huge vortex appeared in front of him.

The powerful suction enveloped it, and the rolling energy poured into the vortex, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Chen Feng first swallowed the power of the Gate of Origin.

Because this kind of power is easier for Chen Feng to absorb.

And Chen Feng also wanted to see if there would be some changes in doing so. If there were no hidden dangers, Qi would also take action.

The two would divide the power here.

"It seems that there is no change." Chen Feng absorbed some energy himself and felt that everything was normal.

At least there is no hidden danger in the energy here.

That's enough.

Since this is a good thing, even if there are some other hidden dangers and changes, it is not a problem.

"Don't take it lightly. It's just the beginning. It will take a long time to absorb the energy here." Qi certainly knew that Chen Feng's swallowing technique was very powerful.

But even if you want to move the energy here, you need some means. After all, this is not ordinary energy.

"I didn't think about collecting all the energy here. I only plan to collect a part of it. If there are no other changes, or if the existence that I dare not appear does not appear, I will stop soon and leave." Chen Feng said.

"If you think so, maybe the existence in the dark will not appear." Qi said with a smile.

But as soon as he said this, the smile on Qi's face disappeared.

"Be careful, I feel something is wrong." Qi said.

"I also feel that there seems to be danger. Could it be that the black hand behind the scenes is going to show up? Then attack us, this is impossible. Could it be that it is really an existence above Hunyuan?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

Although he said that there was danger, Chen Feng did not intend to stop.

After collecting some power again, the energy vortex created by Chen Feng suddenly exploded, and a powerful force swept over from the area in front.

Although this energy fluctuation was very strong, Chen Feng could completely withstand it.

However, a strong pressure rose, which forced Chen Feng to retreat.

The shadow of the Gate of Origin appeared, and Chen Feng's soul began to tremble.

Although Chen Feng also refined some fragments of the Gate of Origin, he still couldn't resist it at this time.

Chen Feng even knew that if the Gate of Origin really attacked him, his end would definitely be shattered and he would definitely die.

Only then did he remember how lucky he was to encounter the scattered will when he was adventuring in the Gate of Origin.

However, Chen Feng became more and more curious. The shadow of the Gate of Origin appeared in front of him. Why was it stronger than before?

Is this area really more important? Or has the Gate of Origin been constantly gathering the scattered wills during this period of time, and it has gradually shown results.

"This is the Gate of Origin. What happened?" Even Qi felt that something was a bit strange.

Isn't it collecting energy?

How come the Gate of Origin was even alarmed? From then on, Qi thought that he could not resist the powerful pressure.

"I don't know what happened. It is possible that this area is closely connected with the Gate of Origin. Because of my actions, the Gate of Origin has been revived, or the energy that the Gate of Origin once left here." Chen Feng said.

But more surprising things are still to come.

In another direction, a dark passage suddenly appeared. This road kept stretching and leading to an unknown place.

Chen Feng just sensed it and felt that his soul was about to be sucked in. Moreover, Chen Feng had a feeling that once his soul entered that passage, he would never want to leave again.

Chen Feng was stunned for a moment, then he understood what was going on.

But before Chen Feng could speak, Qi said in shock: "This is the Well of Eternal Night."

"This is the Well of Eternal Night." Chen Feng thought to himself that it was indeed the case.

Since the shadow of the Gate of Origin had appeared before, it was normal for the Well of Eternal Night to appear.

After all, this was the power of both of them.

"Just absorbing some energy brought about such a change, so what will happen next?" Chen Feng was looking forward to it.

Although the pressure was great at this time, Chen Feng wanted to see how a stronger force existed.

He wanted to see what was going on, and at the same time, he wanted to wait and see if the third force would appear.

The other party did not appear, but Chen Feng was targeted by the Well of Eternal Night.

This was an inexplicable feeling, as if Chen Feng was locked by a superior with his Qi when he was weak.

The other party could attack at any time.

"I don't know if I can stop it." Chen Feng had secretly begun to communicate with the energy tower.

This was not a joke. If he did not use his full strength, he would most likely die.

Not only Chen Feng, but even Qi was secretly preparing, wondering if he could get out this time.

After all, the pressure in front of him was too great, and even Qi was not sure.

But at this moment, the shadow of the Gate of Origin suddenly emitted a powerful force, and actually rushed towards the Well of Eternal Night.

The Well of Eternal Night also began to fight back, and the two sides began to clash.

The pressure on Chen Feng was naturally relieved.

The two were equally powerful, and after many clashes, they actually reached a stalemate.

Chen Feng and Qi looked at each other. In this way, the situation was favorable to the two of them, and it was a good opportunity to leave now.

However, leaving now was really not in line with their personalities, and other cultivators would not leave if they were replaced.

Then, take the risk to participate.

"Join hands to attack the Well of Eternal Night." Chen Feng said.

"Do you want to go to the Well of Eternal Night? This is a good opportunity." Qi suddenly said.

"Go now." Chen Feng understood what Qi said.

"Of course, you can also take action now. The origin energy of the Well of Eternal Night is also a good harvest." Qi said.

"It's okay to take action now and collect some energy, but the final result is hard to say." Chen Feng actually wanted to take action, wanting to collect all the power in front of him.

But it was obviously unrealistic. In fact, pure energy was fine, Chen Feng thought he could collect it, but it contained the will of the Gate of Origin and the Well of Eternal Night.

This was the most difficult to deal with, and it was also the pressure the two felt.

"Then go to the Well of Eternal Night!" Chen Feng suddenly said.

"You won't regret it, even if you just see the new origin of life, it is the biggest gain." Qi said with a smile.

After the two finished speaking, they rushed directly to the Well of Eternal Night.

At this time, the Gate of Origin and the Well of Eternal Night were still fighting, and the two easily entered the dark passage.

Then Chen Feng felt that the whole person was about to be torn apart. The flesh could naturally fight, but the will of the soul was also affected.

This is the power of the Well of Eternal Night, although it is just some phantoms, only a small part of the power.

Qi was not feeling well, but it seemed that he could still hold on.

"Don't make too much noise." Seeing Chen Feng trying to release the domain, Qi said hurriedly.

If the two of them made too much noise, it would easily attract the Well of Eternal Night, and then it would be troublesome.

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