Eternal Existence

Chapter 4635 This is the end

Qi became a little anxious from his calmness at the beginning.

Because Qi felt that the power around him was still getting stronger.

"This is the power from the three universes. I shouldn't have come in so early before. I should have explored the surrounding situation first. Now I can't be sure how many universes there are here."

"If anyone knew that this would happen, it would be too weird." Qi now regretted it a little. If he had known this, he should have rushed out with all his strength at the first time.

Now there is a feeling of boiling a frog in warm water.

The pressure on Qi's side became stronger and stronger, and Chen Feng's side naturally changed.

In fact, under normal circumstances, Chen Feng should be more relaxed.

But things are not like this.

The number of universes attacked by Chen Feng has decreased, but the power has become stronger, as if the origin of the universe is constantly paying and has the wisdom of life.

In fact, think about it, these inner worlds were originally opened up by life, and naturally there is also the will left by life to control them.

This is not the simple instinct of the universe to act. Of course, it may be like this at the beginning.

But now the universe is recovering.

In other words, the more time passes, the more difficult it is to deal with.

The sword formation finally rushed to the front of that universe, and suddenly became larger, the same size as that universe.

Slightly different from the situation of the sacred mountain, the sword formation did not suppress the impact like the sacred mountain, but continued to concentrate its power to penetrate the universe.

Soon, the surface of the universe was torn into pieces. Even if there was power concentrated, it could not stop the power of the sword formation.

The attack power of the long sword is the strongest, not to mention that it is an origin-level long sword, and there are four of them.

No matter how weird this universe is, it cannot concentrate its power to the same level as a weapon, otherwise, Chen Feng would not be able to dodge it so easily, and it would not be possible to break Chen Feng's defense if it fell on Chen Feng.

With this, Chen Feng saw some situations in that universe. There were countless powers constantly gathering, like countless long rivers converging.

Chen Feng saw more pictures through the sword energy that penetrated into the universe.

There was a huge life that was tied up in the universe by chains. At first, Chen Feng saw only a phantom.

But as the sword energy continued to invade, Chen Feng saw more and more clearly.

Finally, it was confirmed that this was a Hunyuan Jinxian.

The vitality on his body was still there, but the life mark and original spiritual wisdom seemed to be erased or suppressed.

At this time, this Hunyuan Jinxian was floating in the universe, and the vitality in his body was flowing along the chain. There was no need to ask where it was flowing.

Chen Feng now understood the role of these universes here. It was similar to his previous guess, and it also devoured powerful lives.

Maybe this universe doesn't look down on lives below the Hunyuan Jinxian.

If a Hunyuan Jinxian passed by here and was interested in these universes and went in to check the situation, he would never be able to come out again if he was not careful.

Of course, whether these universes would attack the adventurers in the free space like they did to him, that was unknown.

"In this case, isn't Qi facing such a situation now? But he should be able to rush out." Chen Feng thought so.

There are already three universes dealing with Qi, and this time it is a small part of them.

If these universes only deal with himself or Qi alone, can they succeed?


Just as Chen Feng was thinking, the swallowing vortexes around that universe collapsed again.

Suddenly, a strong pulling force pulled the God Mountain in directly.

The God Mountain rushed through the universe, and the space collapsed wherever it passed, and even the chains extending from the surrounding collapsed one after another.

The purpose of this universe is very simple, which is to trap the God Mountain in the universe, just like trapping other lives.

But what Chen Feng wants to do is to use the power of the God Mountain to completely break this universe.

The God Mountain is not like other Hunyuan Jinxian, but has extremely powerful power.

Not to mention that it has been blessed by other magic weapons, and the life wisdom is different from other magic weapons after being refined by Chen Feng.

This is also the important reason why Chen Feng let this God Mountain rush into the universe.

"It's not that easy to trap the God Mountain? Then we have to see who can win." The battle has reached this point, and there is no reason to compromise.

Besides, even if Chen Feng wants to leave, these universes will not be willing.

Unless one side compromises.

Once that happens, the other party will definitely take advantage of the situation to chase and kill the opponent completely.

"It's not enough for me to just entangle the power of the three universes." Chen Feng thought so, and then he saw that the universe that trapped Qi was directly hit by a big hole, and the outer membrane of the universe around the big hole was constantly collapsing.

Chen Feng thought that Qi was about to rush out, but after Chen Feng and the universe fought for several rounds, he still didn't see Qi rushing out.

However, he received the news from Qi.

Although the distance is far, there is no blockade of the universe, and the two sides can communicate quickly.

The matter is the same as Chen Feng guessed, Qi is indeed trapped in the universe.

It's just that he can't get out for a while.

And the two came to a conclusion that it seems easier to disintegrate the opponent in the universe.

Of course, it is just a guess now, after all, Qi is not so easy to rush out.

The brief exchange made both of them have a way to deal with it. Chen Feng suddenly urged Shenshan with all his strength.

Shenshan roared and broke through the layers of blockades, rushed out of the universe, and then jumped far away with a flash.

This is to help Qi!

Chen Feng stayed in place and turned into a three-headed and six-armed Dharma body. Not only did he have more weapons, but also the phantoms of various avenues emerged.

Chen Feng's avenues had broken through before, and now they can be used to better fight the enemy.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The power from all sides of the universe was constantly broken by Chen Feng, and then Chen Feng quickly disappeared, and when he appeared again, he had already arrived above Shenshan.

Chen Feng's speed was faster.

But those universes controlled the four-sided area, and the heavy power barrier blocked them.

"Just relying on the change of power is not enough." Chen Feng said so, punched out, and the power of various magic weapons rushed up and smashed the blockage.

Seeing that Chen Feng and Shenshan were getting closer and closer to the universe where Qi was, suddenly a will came!

This will was so powerful that Chen Feng immediately thought of the situation of the mutant universe.

"Another existence of this level." Chen Feng sighed in his heart.

No matter what realm the other party was in before, when these universes developed to this point, the other party had successfully reached the combat power above Hunyuan.

This required Chen Feng and Qi to attack together, and it was really unclear what the result would be.

"Such two powerful Hunyuan Jinxians, no, one of them was still injured Hunyuan." The will that came saw the situation of Chen Feng and Qi.

But the other party did not attack immediately as Chen Feng imagined, but fell silent.

Of course, because of the blessing of will, these universes are still getting stronger.

In this way, Chen Feng deduced something, that is, the other party is indeed not here.

This will was also transmitted from a distant area.

"If the other party's body appears, how powerful will it be? I'm really lucky recently. I have encountered masters of this level one after another." Chen Feng was also a little depressed.

Qi suddenly walked out of the universe with a strange look on his face, and then quickly came to Chen Feng.

"The other party stopped attacking." Qi said.

Chen Feng nodded, and naturally felt that the power that was still attacking him had disappeared.

"Is it brewing some means?" Chen Feng said.

"The other party may be willing to compromise." Qi said.

"Hello, fellow Taoists. I'm sorry. It was all a misunderstanding before." A group of light and shadow appeared in front of the two, and the will wavered.

Chen Feng understood that this was because the other party knew that he could not do anything to him and Qi, but he chose to compromise.

This is too straightforward, why not try again and fight again?

But since the other party chose to compromise, what about the two of us, do we still have to fight?

Thinking about the previous situation, Chen Feng did not let me solve the other party, especially when the other party's will appeared, the strength that these universes can burst out next will naturally be stronger.

Seeing the other party's behavior, Chen Feng was unhappy in his heart, knowing that the other party was a bad guy, and he didn't know how many powerful lives he had swallowed here.

But then again, the law of the jungle is also a normal law, and it is also a common phenomenon for the other party to do this.

But Chen Feng still wants to solve the other party, provided that he can do this.

The final result was that the two sides exchanged some ideas, and then Chen Feng and Qi left the place, and those universes did not attack them.

Chen Feng and Qi relaxed only after they had been away from this area.

"The feeling before was a little uncomfortable." Qi said.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I have encountered such a situation. The opponent is very strong. In fact, the result of continuing to fight is hard to say. The opponent is not afraid of us, but does not want to lose both sides. The opponent has been setting up for so long, and does not want to be destroyed because of us." Chen Feng said.

"In this way, the opponent has made the right choice." Qi said with a smile.

The two turned their heads and looked again, and finally decided to leave.

The two also knew that continuing to fight would not benefit them at all. Even if they used external forces to kill or injure the opponent, so what, it was not worth it.

"That kind of cultivation method is actually not bad." Chen Feng thought about it. The previous tomb life devoured the powerful Hunyuan Jinxian, and the universe mutant life was the same. The universe encountered this time was even more so.

They all devoured and plundered by violent means. In Chen Feng's opinion, it was more domineering than the devouring technique he practiced. At least he did not take the initiative to devour life in this way.

"The other party will become a master above Hunyuan, and who knows how powerful he will be in the future." Qi said.

"Actually, I was thinking, the other party left some internal universes here, so is there such a layout in other places?" Chen Feng said.

"It's hard to say." Qi shook his head.

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