Eternal Existence

Chapter 4631 Collect all

"This area is related to the Tower of Life. The adventurer who was dealt with before also came from the Tower of Life. In this case, the other party should have come here specifically. In this case, there is a relationship between the two. Unfortunately, no useful information was obtained from the other party." Thinking about it at this time, Chen Feng did feel a little regretful.

Because the life veins obtained before, and the life force carried by the adventurer, these things are of great benefit to both Chen Feng and Qi.

Or it is good for most lives.

When Qi finished practicing, he could no longer find Chen Feng's trace. He only felt stronger power coming from the front in waves, thinking that this was probably the mess caused by Chen Feng.

"I don't know how strong the strongest place here is." Qi thought about it, and then went upstream. The sacred mountain above his head had long been refined into a clone by Chen Feng, and naturally followed.

Finally found Chen Feng.

From a distance, Chen Feng was shrouded and wrapped by layers of chaotic power. Chen Feng rushed left and right in it and could not break free.

The power was so strong that even Qi was a little shocked!

It can be said that Qi has been affected now. Even though he has recovered a lot of strength and his combat power is even greater than Chen Feng's, his physical body is still not as good as Chen Feng's chaotic body. At this time, just approaching some of his skin, there are signs of cracking.

This is only in the edge area. Think about how much pressure Chen Feng will be under in the center area.

"Can you rush out?" Qi asked.

"It's a bit difficult for the time being, but the power here can't do anything to me. It's just right to practice here." Chen Feng didn't say it was a tempering, because although the power here is very strong, although it trapped himself, it can't really hurt Chen Feng.

Chen Feng actually wants the power here to be stronger, so that he can temper his physical body.

It's just that his chaotic body is too strong, especially the previous breakthrough in the Avenue of Life, which makes Chen Feng's chaotic body become more compact and solid.

And because of the strong vitality, even if he is injured, he can recover instantly.

What Chen Feng is interested in is the various expected properties of chaos here, and the way he can be trapped.

Hearing Chen Feng say this, Qi could only nod and not move forward. In fact, Qi was still protected by the sacred mountain.

Although Qi could resist the chaotic power around him if he used his own means, it would be much easier with the sacred mountain covering his head.

Since Chen Feng did not need help, Qi began to explore the surroundings, thinking that since this was the most powerful place, there might be some good things.

Even if he could not find the life vein, there might be some other things left.

However, after walking for a while, Qi was still a little disappointed. In addition to the various forces of high quality and chaos, there was nothing too good here.

There was no other benefit for adventurers who could come here except practicing here.

Just when Qi was a little disappointed, there was a strong power fluctuation in the direction he came.

The power of blood and qi was extremely rich.

Qi knew at the first time that this was an extremely powerful existence, even more powerful than the adventurer from the Tower of Life who had been killed before.

What's interesting is that the other party is still in the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian, but such a strong aura made him think of the level above Hunyuan at the first time.

That is to say, it is a Hunyuan Jinxian with strength above Hunyuan.

"This is the life born in that tomb. I didn't expect it to be so powerful!" Qi, if you just heard Chen Feng talk about the situation of the tomb, you thought that no matter how strong the other party was, it would be nothing. Now it seems that it is far beyond your previous imagination.

It is obvious that this tomb has been successful.

Even Qi felt a strong pressure.

Not an opponent!

Qi has such a feeling since then, which makes him a little depressed, and at the same time a little worried. The aura burst out by the other party is not only powerful but also very domineering and arrogant!

There is a taste of not taking everything in the eyes.

Qi is a little worried that the other party will come to make trouble.

Chen Feng actually sensed it now, but he was still trapped and couldn't get out.

Just when Qi was a little worried, the other party's aura suddenly converged, and then walked towards Qi's direction.

"Is it really going to take action, but it doesn't look like it." Qi was alert in his heart and planned to take action at any time.

Who knew that the other party didn't pay any attention to Qi at all, but broke a passage in the chaos and walked towards Chen Feng.

Judging from the other party's appearance, he can walk freely here, just as if he is in a free space.

"No matter how strong he is, he should not ignore the chaotic power here. Could it be that he has been here for too long and has comprehended all the chaotic power here? If so, he can exert normal combat power here. Even if Chen Feng and I join forces, I am afraid we may not be his opponent." Qi analyzed this in his heart, and then saw this grave life walking to Chen Feng.

Qi was a little anxious, fearing that if the two sides fought, Chen Feng alone would definitely not be an opponent.

However, Qi could not arrive in the shortest time. Qi was anxious in his heart and naturally moved forward quickly.

However, before Qi arrived at the place, he saw that the grave life had left and went straight to another direction and soon disappeared.

Chen Feng returned along the original path and joined Qi.

"What happened just now? The other party gave me a feeling that it was too powerful." Qi couldn't help asking.

"It was that grave life. The other party has officially succeeded. Just now, he just had a simple exchange with me. The other party is indeed a little weird. It is possible that he has not completely integrated all his wills. Now I don't know what he is doing." Chen Feng said.

In fact, Chen Feng also wanted to communicate with the other party just now, but the other party seemed to have other things to do.

However, one thing is certain, the other party has no malice. Although Chen Feng doesn't know why the other party didn't attack him before, it is the best thing for such a powerful existence to become friends.

Just when Chen Feng and Qi were communicating, the surrounding area changed.

The chaotic power became more and more chaotic, but Chen Feng felt that the pressure was weakened.

Something happened.

Chen Feng and Qi immediately knew that this change should be related to the grave life.

How could it be so coincidental?

Chaos occurred just after the other party passed by here.

The noise was getting louder and louder, but Chen Feng and Qi were as steady as a mountain.

"Even a powerful Hunyuan Jinxian can't make such a big noise alone, right?" Chen Feng said.

"Yes! It is indeed a rather strange thing, but the other party is just a Hunyuan Jinxian, which explains the problem." Qi said with a smile.

"It shows that the other party is related to this area."

"Could it be that the other party is also from the Tower of Life? But it doesn't look like it."

"Then it is possible that the other party has completely comprehended everything here! Didn't you say before that there are other wills in the tomb? Maybe it includes the owner of this area."

The two communicated, although it seemed to be a guess, in fact, the analysis of the two was getting closer and closer to the truth.

However, for Chen Feng and the others, even if they knew the truth, it would be useless. They could only watch the changes in front of them.

"The power began to shrink, and the other party was collecting power." Chen Feng said, he could clearly feel the surrounding power flowing in one direction, and even saw that there was an area in front of him that was divided into a black hole, and the phantom of the life was emerging in the black hole.

It was indeed the other party who was collecting the power here.

Unlike the Devouring Technique that Chen Feng used, in fact, if he wanted to devour this area, even if Chen Feng's Devouring Technique was twice as powerful, he couldn't do it.

And the other party was not using a simple Devouring Technique, but a special method.

But he could collect the power here, as if this area was originally created by the other party.

The speed was getting faster and faster.

Even though the flow of power was accelerating, Chen Feng could no longer feel the strong frozen land.

As a result, those powerful lives hidden in this place for cultivation also showed up one after another.

Some lives were in a state of retreat, and they were naturally alarmed at this time, and they came out to see what happened.

There were also some adventurers who could not go deeper because of the changes in the environment here.

Although I knew that there might be danger next, I still wanted to see what was in the core area here.

"There are really some Hunyuan Jinxians that I haven't met before, and the number is also expected." Chen Feng's eyes swept back and forth, and saw the adventurers and ice beasts he had met before, as well as some unfamiliar auras, which he had never encountered before.

But it's normal. After all, the area here is not small, and the freezing power is very strong. Besides, those who can come here are all Hunyuan Jinxian, so they still have hidden means.

"Some people can only watch the excitement." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Some adventurers who had dealt with Chen Feng before were also surprised when they saw Chen Feng. They didn't expect Chen Feng to come here. This also shows that Chen Feng's strength is beyond imagination.

Some adventurers are naturally lucky, secretly saying that they didn't offend Chen Feng.

"Daoyou, what happened here?" The adventurer named Zhu communicated with Chen Feng.

"The matter is very simple, but there is a master who is collecting this space, which means that this frozen land will disappear after this incident." Chen Feng responded.

"What!" Zhu was shocked. The first feeling was that it was impossible. He doubted what Chen Feng said, but then he thought that Chen Feng had no need to lie, and he could see how things would turn out immediately.

"Could it be above Hunyuan?" Zhu asked again.

"It's possible." Chen Feng responded lightly. In fact, even if Chen Feng said that it was Hunyuan Jinxian who did all this, Zhu would not believe it.

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