Eternal Existence

Chapter 4621: Tomb

These cracks are very small and almost fleeting.

However, being able to create some cracks in such a solidified space not only shows that Chen Feng's attack power is strong, but also shows that this airflow is very strong.

Chen Feng secretly estimated that if other Hunyuan Jinxian came, they might be crushed to pieces once they were caught in it.

"It should be stronger, so that it can bring some pressure to my body." Chen Feng said so.

Sure enough, there were powerful and chaotic airflows next. They condensed into a vortex. They looked inconspicuous, but the destructive power contained in it was terrifying.

And it can tear apart perception.

This time Chen Feng did not break the opponent, but let the vortex wrap himself in it, and felt the power in the vortex.

In the end, Chen Feng came to a conclusion that the power was indeed very strong, but it still couldn't do anything to him.

Not strong enough!

In this case, let's go deeper.

Sure enough, more, stronger, and more chaotic power appeared. Chen Feng could somewhat understand the state of Qi.

Of course, who knows, if it was just this situation, Qi would not be trapped.

That means there should be other things that I haven't seen yet, at least it will be a closed space.

However, according to Chen Feng's calculation, with his current speed and the gradually stronger freezing power, it will take some time for Chen Feng to find the area where Qi is.

This also shows that Qi didn't seem to spend a long time entering this area at that time, and didn't move forward little by little like himself.

But it's normal to think about it. The outer area of ​​this frozen area can't arouse Qi's interest at all.

If you want to recover your strength quickly, of course you have to find the strongest place.

"In addition to the environment, there are other dangers, which naturally come from powerful lives. As long as they are not above Hunyuan, they will not pose a big threat to me, and the number of lives here is originally small." Chen Feng has nothing to worry about.

Even Chen Feng hopes to encounter some powerful lives to find trouble with him. Even if the two sides don't fight, Chen Feng hopes to get some information from the other side.

It is possible that the two sides will cooperate.

Chen Feng took a cold ice spirit bead in his hand. The quality of this cold ice spirit bead was one level higher than the previous one. If compared, it should be regarded as a treasure of chaos level.

It was already considered good. Chen Feng sealed the cold ice spirit bead slightly and then placed it in the cold ice road.

Chen Feng did not integrate into the cold ice road at the first time, which might cause chaos in the cold ice road.

Arranging some seals can release the power of the cold ice spirit bead little by little, and strengthen the cold ice road little by little. This is the best way.

After all, according to Chen Feng's intuition, there will definitely be other gains next.

Another point is that Chen Feng's devouring technique has not stopped, and he is still constantly stripping and collecting the sealing power and the cold ice power.

Even if it is not integrated into the road, Chen Feng can collect it first.

When the amount of cold ice power reaches a certain level, the value will exceed the cold ice spirit bead.

In addition to these, Chen Feng has not encountered other good things for the time being. If these things alone are enough for most lives.

It is also enough to stimulate many adventurers to take risks.

Of course, this area is relatively secretive on the one hand, and it is also relatively dangerous on the other hand. Even to enter the outer area, you need the strength of a Daluo Jinxian, so there are not many lives here.

Including Chen Feng believes that if the news about Hunyuan here is spread, it will definitely attract a large number of Hunyuan Jinxian.

Just like the situation encountered in the mutated flame universe, the goal of Hunyuan Jinxian excludes the long years, and naturally it is to enter a higher realm.

Nothing is more important than becoming stronger, especially for Hunyuan Jinxian, who is high above and thought to be the most powerful life.

Even if there is a little chance, you need money to venture and explore.

"In this case, this frozen area exists, and the time should not be too long. Otherwise, in the long years, there will definitely be enough lives to discover this place. Of course, there is another possibility, that is, there are lives coming here. They will not let the news out. Such a good place, of course, should be left for themselves to practice."

"But when it comes to practicing in seclusion here, the number of lives is still too small."

Chen Feng thought about it, and then noticed the fluctuation of the ice spirit bead.

Originally, the Ice Spirit Pearl would not emit power, but under the impact of other forces, it would still fluctuate.

This fluctuation range was captured by Chen Feng, and Chen Feng's eyes showed surprise.

In addition to feeling the Ice Spirit Pearl, Chen Feng also felt a strong blood force.

This blood force was not weaker than the aura of the Chaos Body he cultivated.

This surprised Chen Feng with some shock.

Chen Feng believed that in the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian, there would be no life that was stronger than himself in the flesh.

Chen Feng even thought that even above Hunyuan, it might not be able to surpass his powerful Chaos Body.

But the blood force he felt this time should belong to the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian.

From the vitality, it can be inferred that this is not a temporary release of a living being. In other words, this is the remaining blood and qi power from the past.

Chen Feng was very curious, and he smashed the chaotic airflow in front of him with a punch, and walked forward quickly.

First, he found a cold ice spirit bead.

Although the quality of this cold ice spirit bead is higher, Chen Feng no longer has too much attention. After collecting the cold ice spirit bead, Chen Feng quickly gathered the scattered blood and qi power.

Soon, the blood and qi gathered into a blood bead. Chen Feng carefully analyzed these blood and qi powers, and then started to move forward along the way.

Chen Feng kept speeding up, and he didn't care about the increasing pressure around him. Later, Chen Feng kept releasing the power of his heart to counter the extremely powerful ice power.

"Don't move around randomly, it's very dangerous here." At this time, Qi felt the trajectory of Chen Feng's rapid movement and couldn't help but remind him.

"I don't want to move fast either. But I found something good. Even if there is danger, I will rush in." Chen Feng responded. At the same time, Chen Feng also noticed that the communication between him and Qi became smoother, which meant that he was getting closer and closer to Qi.

"There are a lot of good things here, but you have to take care of yourself first. Otherwise, it is easy to get into trouble like me. I don't think you want to be trapped here for a long time." Qi said.

"That's true." Chen Feng nodded, slowed down the acceleration a little, and carefully sensed it. Only then did he realize that he had advanced a long distance in such a short time. It seemed that he had an impulse of being possessed and lost his calmness.

"I was just driven by some instincts under shock. As I said before, even if I knew there was danger ahead and I might be trapped, I would go in and try it. Besides, I am not without some means. At worst, I can use the power of the energy tower. I think I can still get out." Chen Feng still has his own confidence.

"In that case, you should be more careful. I still suggest you find a place to comprehend the laws of the land, which can make your strength improve enough. Of course, if you think you can move forward unimpeded here, then what I said before is in vain." Qi said.

This time it was not a chaotic airflow, but a storm of power.

There was the power of ice and the sealed land, but it was also mixed with the power of breath, the stronger blood power you collected before.

Chen Feng knew that he had found the right direction.

"Is there a dead and powerful body in front?" Chen Feng had to think of this.

Only in this way can the blood power be emitted.

But then again, even if it has been dead for a long time, the body will be well preserved at that time, not to mention that it is still in the frozen area, how could there be uncontrolled power emitted.

Chen Feng guessed and wanted to see the result even more.

The powerful storm of power still couldn't do anything to Chen Feng, and in order to see what he wanted to see faster, Chen Feng did not collect these powers, but directly broke a passage.

After going through storms of power again and again, Chen Feng finally arrived at his destination.

There was a huge tomb in front of him, which looked perfectly built and very domineering. The Qi and blood power was seeping out from this tomb.

This tomb originally had a strong sealing power, and the icy land of the surrounding environment still could not stop the power in the tomb from seeping in, as if something had happened in it.

Could it be that the life inside was resurrected? Or did the other party not die at all? It just relied on this special method to recover from injuries, or some other reasons.

Chen Feng looked at the tomb, and the more he looked, the more he could see the complex things contained in the tomb.

Putting these aside, Chen Feng's eyes penetrated the tomb and saw the extremely strong Qi and blood power in it, as well as the life force that was recovering.

"Sure enough, there is life resurrecting, so powerful that it shocked me, but it still has not reached the level of Hunyuan, but the invincible existences of the Hunyuan Jinxian I met before are not as good as the life that is about to appear." Chen Feng said in a low voice.

"That's because the other party's resurrection caused the power to leak. Now it seems that it will take some time for the real resurrection, but I think the other party should be able to communicate with the outside world." Chen Feng thought about it, and then tried to communicate with the other party.

The other party did not respond, but Chen Feng felt a warning sign.

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