Eternal Existence

Chapter 4614 Appears above Hunyuan

"Then I'm going back now. It's better not to get involved in the chaos here. Something feels wrong." The God of War said, thinking that he would go back to where he came from.

Since you have decided not to participate, there is no need to dwell here, it is better to make a decision immediately.

But just when the Martial God was about to turn around and leave, suddenly a powerful aura came from the distance.

This aura makes people like Martial God feel trembling in their hearts and have an irresistible thought.

"Above Hunyuan." The God of War opened his eyes in surprise.

Unable to walk away this time, he turned around and used the art of insight.

First he saw Chen Feng and Qi, and then he saw an extremely powerful being standing in front of them.

Looking around, the half-step Hunyuan Golden Immortal was surrounded by other Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

It was obvious that things were not going well for Chen Feng and Qi.

"Let me tell you, if you didn't leave earlier, it's too late to leave now." Martial God shook his head.

The Hunyuan has appeared, so it is not suitable to stay here now, because it can easily be affected.

But the God of War didn't want to leave. This was above Hunyuan, and the battle between the two sides could bring him great inspiration.

This is a great opportunity, and it would be a fool's choice to leave.

Not to mention the Martial God, even the ordinary Hunyuan Golden Immortal would not leave when encountering such a situation.

"Can these two people still rush out?" the God of War thought.

Maybe Qi was once very powerful, but now he is unable to exert his peak fighting power, not to mention that he is not just one Hunyuan, but half a Hunyuan, as well as several top-notch Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

It can be said that even if the God of War puts himself in it, he can't escape.

Even if he could escape, he would still be seriously injured.

"This organization is quite domineering. I didn't know much about it in the past. Such a domineering organization is not afraid of really offending some opponents that it can't afford to offend. But if you think about it, that's normal. There are many half-step Hunyuan and above in this organization. , even the Hunyuan Golden Immortal is the top existence, maybe there are other Hunyuan ones among them, so casual, if not arrogant and domineering, it doesn't make sense. If you say this, I would like to join them, this It can be regarded as a huge backer," the God of War muttered.

The God of War believes in his own strength. If you think about the fact that all areas of his life are named after the God of War, he must be very proud to be the first person in his life area.

So many places of life, so many universes, everything is under the suppression of the God of War.

The Martial God has always believed that he is an invincible existence among the Hunyuan Golden Immortals. Even if he encounters someone who is half a step above the Hunyuan, he can still fight.

So I knew about this organization before and didn't pay much attention to it, but this time I saw some masters appear one after another, and some of my pride was gradually dispelled.

It turns out that there are many more powerful beings than myself.

"If these two are eliminated, and one of the injured Hunyuan and the other is a Chaos Body, then this organization can become stronger, and maybe someone will take the opportunity to rush to the Hunyuan." Martial God sighed with emotion.

Then I saw a portal appearing in the distance.

Although it was just a shadow, this portal caused the space in all directions to tremble, as if this space could not withstand the opponent's power.

"This is the Gate of Time and Space." The God of War recognized the shadow of the Gate of Time and Space and was a little surprised.

"I heard that the Time and Space Stone Gate was severely damaged in the melee. Now it seems that it has recovered. This was caused by Chen Feng. I didn't expect that Chen Feng could find such helpers. If so, this fight would be even more serious. That's interesting." Martial God maximized his perception so that he could see more pictures.

"I'm really a little depressed. I didn't expect to find help in the end." Chen Feng said with some emotion.

"This is because the other party keeps showing up to help. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to reach this point. So where exactly do we want to go now?" Qi asked.

Chen Feng also had some hesitation: "With the help of the power of the Gate of Time and Space, can we kill the opponent? I think it will be difficult, unless the Gate of Time and Space goes all out, but this is also impossible, then we need to use the power of other helpers. This makes the movement louder, and who knows if the other party can also summon an existence of this level. At least it is above Hunyuan, so we must not underestimate it. "

"Since we have to get rid of each other first." Qi said.

"Then let's leave first, but what happened this time is really depressing. Even if we leave, we can't make the other party feel better," Chen Feng said.

The power of the Gate of Time and Space suddenly became stronger, mainly targeting the Hunyuan Shang.

"I didn't expect to be able to summon the Gate of Time and Space. It's not bad, but you still can't run away." The Hunyuan Master said lightly. Although his body was imprisoned by the power of the Gate of Time and Space, he quickly broke free.

At this moment, an evil force appeared. This force could not only corrode everything, but also corrode the soul.

The expression on the face of this Hunyuan Shang changed, and the alliance used all means to resist, because he knew that the few Hunyuan Golden Immortals under his command might not be easy to resist.

This is not just pure evil energy, it also contains the will of the evil swamp, which is the most difficult to deal with.


Chen Feng and Qi also attacked together. This time, Chen Feng secretly used the power of the energy tower to capture a Hunyuan Jinxian in the chaos.

Qi was responsible for blocking the half-step Hunyuan above.

The final result was that Chen Feng and Qi disappeared on the spot with the help of the Gate of Time and Space, and even the Hunyuan above could not capture the whereabouts of the two.

It was very simple, because Chen Feng and Qi entered the Gate of Time and Space.

The Gate of Time and Space can go anywhere in the free space at will, and even the Hunyuan above cannot lock the location of the Gate of Time and Space.

The face of the Hunyuan above was ugly. In the case of his own attack, there was still a Hunyuan Jinxian missing.

I think everyone knows what this means.

Although it is only a Hunyuan Jinxian, it is nothing to the entire organization, but face is the most important.

And the Hunyuan above also felt a little strange. According to the previous situation, even if the Gate of Time and Space and the Evil Swamp intervened, it would be difficult for Chen Feng to capture people.

At that moment, Chen Feng burst out with a power far beyond his own.

"Does it mean there are other means?"

"Fellow Daoist Chongtong has been captured by the other party."

"Hurry up and rescue him, otherwise it will be dangerous."

The Half-step Hunyuan Above did not speak, but the other several Hunyuan Golden Immortals became anxious.

Everyone's strength is similar, so there is a feeling of grief for the death of the rabbit.

I don't have the ability to chase, so everyone is really good, like this Hunyuan Above.

"I will chase the other party, you go back to the organization first." This Hunyuan Above thought for a while, then said, and then disappeared from the spot.

The rest of the people looked at each other, in fact, they also knew that the captured fellow Daoist Chongtong could not be rescued.

"I am the Master Shenghun, please come out to see you." This Half-step Hunyuan Above suddenly wavered his will.

The other party was inviting the God of War.

The God of War was about to leave, but who knew that he was locked by the other party, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

According to the strength of the God of War, he can leave this place, but he may be hated by the other party.

In this case, we might as well communicate. Anyway, the person above the Primordial Chaos has left, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Hello, fellow Daoist." The God of War showed up.

"It turns out to be the Taoist fellow Daoist." The person above the half-step Primordial Chaos actually recognized the identity of the God of War.

"I know what you want to ask." The God of War spoke first.

"I don't know those two either. I have no idea where they came from. After all, if I had any friendship with them, I wouldn't stay here to watch the fun." The God of War said.

"Is that so? Even so, thank you very much, fellow Daoist." The person above the half-step Primordial Chaos thought for a while and then said.

What was the person above the half-step Primordial Chaos still thinking about while waiting for the God of War to leave?

"We should have joined forces to keep the other party just now. The other party should still know some news." One of the Golden Immortals of the Primordial Chaos said so.

The Half-step Primordial Supreme shook his head: "The Martial God is very powerful, we can't keep him. Although he didn't say anything, I can still guess something. Those two are probably adventurers passing by here, but I don't know where they came from. Since they have a cause and effect with the Martial God, according to my calculations, they should have passed through the Martial God's life area."

"Even if we know where they came from, it's not very useful at all. So it's right for me to find them." A Primordial Supreme Golden Immortal retorted.

However, this time the Half-step Primordial Supreme did not speak again, but led everyone back to the organization.

As for the Primordial Supreme, of course he didn't track down Chen Feng and Qi, but he didn't return immediately, but continued to wander in the free space, searching for opportunities that might appear.

"It's still a bit troublesome. Even if I can find them, I still can't leave the Gate of Time and Space." The Primordial Supreme shook his head.

"This is the inside of the Gate of Time and Space." Qi looked around.

"Yes, this reminds me of the first time I came here. At that time, neither I nor the Gate of Time and Space were like this now." Chen Feng sighed.

"That's right. Although the time is not long, the changes are indeed very fast. I didn't expect that you have begun to touch the level above Hunyuan." At this time, the will of the Gate of Time and Space was shaken.

"Where are you going next? I can take you away."

"Don't worry, I want to practice a little here." Chen Feng said with a smile, and then entered the energy tower, using means to suppress the Hunyuan Jinxian, regardless of what the other party said.

The fate of this Hunyuan Jinxian is already doomed, that is, it will be slowly wiped out in the energy tower.

"Daoyou, feel it, maybe you will gain something." Chen Feng said to Qi.

Qi nodded, and naturally Chen Feng didn't need to say more. Although he had seen the existence of the Gate of Time and Space before, it was the first time to enter the interior.

After a period of time, the two finished their practice and returned to the free space again with the help of the Gate of Time and Space. Interestingly, the two still returned to the riot life area.

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