Eternal Existence

Chapter 4609: Violent Life Zone

Sure enough, there was another life stronghold in the next distance. It was also an ordinary city, but the number of lives in it was slightly more, but there was no powerful existence.

The two still did not stop, and then they encountered some life strongholds one after another.

Later, they found a life area.

It turned out that it was not the universe.

This life area was similar to the Xuantian clan or Pan clan that Chen Feng had encountered before.

It was incomparable with the previous Wushen Palace, after all, there was a Hunyuan Jinxian sitting there.

The life area in front of him looked large, but there was no Hunyuan Jinxian. The strongest was only Daluo Jinxian, and there was not even a half-step Hunyuan Jinxian.

This was also the most common life place in the entire free space, and it was also the most.

After all, the number of Hunyuan Jinxian was still a little scarce. The reason why Chen Feng could encounter it one after another was because Chen Feng's strength had reached this point.

Without taking a closer look, the two continued to leave.

It took a while to shuttle through another life area again.

The reason why it can be confirmed is that after encountering other Hunyuan Jinxians, Chen Feng got some information after the two sides communicated.

"The front is the riotous life area. I seem to have heard of this life area before. There are not many lives here, but they are very powerful. There should be a Hunyuan Jinxian. The reason why so many powerful lives come here is because this life area is a little special." Chen Feng said.

"What's special? Is it because it contains chaotic life energy?" Qi asked curiously.

"It seems that some chaotic energy was released when the Gate of Origin evolved into free space. To be honest, it can be said that this should be some fragments of the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng thought for a while and said.

"If this is the case, it is interesting. It seems that we can learn about the situation ahead at a high speed. Since it is an area formed by the fragments of the Gate of Origin, it will also be inspiring to me." Qi said.

"This is the best. I also want to see it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Although we encountered some life strongholds before, there was really nothing worth watching.

Although it is a little better than the boring situation all the time, it is just a decoration at most.


Before the two came to the riotous life area, there was a powerful force in front of them, and the wave soared into the sky.

This power fluctuation was very strong, and it reached light years away in an instant, and was then felt by Chen Feng and the others.

This was the power of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and the fighting between the Hunyuan Golden Immortals caused the power fluctuation.

"It is worthy of being the riot life zone. We encountered such a big movement just after we arrived. It seems that there are quite a few Hunyuan Golden Immortals in it." Qi said with a smile.

In fact, for Qi, the Hunyuan Golden Immortals are all juniors, and they just barely enter his sight. It's just that although the scale of the free space is huge, the chance of encountering Hunyuan Golden Immortals is still very small.

The situation like the previous Flame Universe is just a special case. This time, as soon as he arrived at the riot life zone, Qi felt some surprises. He hoped that there would be more Hunyuan Golden Immortals here, and most importantly, their strength would be stronger. It would be even better if they could bring some pressure to himself.

Chen Feng was also a little surprised. The development of things was indeed a little unexpected. Although he had collected some information about the riot life zone before, he thought that even if there were Hunyuan Golden Immortals here, he would have to wait until he went deep into it before he could encounter them.

It is also possible that the Hunyuan Golden Immortals here are looking for a place to practice in peace, and it is not certain whether they can be encountered.

Even before arriving in this area, I have already felt the battle between the Hunyuan Jinxian. If I enter it, I don’t know what surprises are waiting for me.

“Go and have a look.” The two quickly disappeared from the spot.




The further forward you go, you can feel the powerful force fluctuations quickly transmitted in some space.

The opponent’s power is very ostentatious, reckless, impacting and sweeping, superimposed explosion, not worried about what will happen to the surroundings.

Judging from the opponent’s situation, if the power is enough, it may tear the entire free space into pieces.

“Could this be the special feature of the riotous life area?” Chen Feng said with a smile.

Explosion, chaos, I have already felt the atmosphere here.

“Even if I don’t use the universe, I can take this opportunity to condense a special rune.” Chen Feng’s heart moved, and he did what he wanted to do, and immediately began to collect the power and laws here.

“The strength of the two warring parties is good.” Qi said.

Chen Feng nodded: "It can be regarded as the upper-middle level among the Hunyuan Golden Immortals."

To be honest, this level is not taken seriously by Chen Feng and Qi, but it is really good among the Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

And the opponent's combat power is very strong. Even if it is against the master of the level of Jiemie Mieluo that they met in the Flame Universe, they can fight.

Of course, they will definitely lose, after all, Jiemie and Mieluo are considered masters among the Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

As the two approached, they gradually saw more things.

It is true that two Hunyuan Golden Immortals are fighting, but in addition to these two, there are other Hunyuan Golden Immortals in other places.

They should be watching the battle.

There are five in total, plus the two fighting, that is, seven.

There are seven Hunyuan Golden Immortals as soon as they arrived.

Chen Feng even thought that if he had come here to take risks when he was still a Daluo Jinxian, he might have died.

It seems that his luck was really good before.

Chen Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Of course, the greater possibility is to stay away from this place.

However, the weak period has passed. Chen Feng now looks at everything with the eyes of the top existence among the Hunyuan Jinxian.

"The fighting style is a bit different, and he has indeed cultivated violent power, so that the fighting power can be improved. The destructive power is already very strong. Judging from the opponent's appearance, he doesn't care about the energy released at all. Could it be that the name of this area came from this?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

Just as the two were watching, a strong wave came from another direction.

Looking up, it turned out that there were two other Hunyuan Jinxians fighting.

In other words, there are two more Hunyuan Jinxians.

"Is it so chaotic here? It's really unexpected. I wonder if there are stronger existences." Chen Feng looked and moved his eyes away, and then explored in other directions.

Soon Chen Feng saw a huge life like a mountain in the chaos.

The other party also felt Chen Feng's gaze, then raised his head and roared at Chen Feng.

This was not a simple demonstration, but a direct attack.

Chen Feng's gaze was directly defeated, and then the other party's huge body seemed to be able to travel through time and space, and came directly in front of Chen Feng.

He pounced on Chen Feng fiercely.

Watching the excitement would be attacked, and casually spying on the other party would be more likely to be attacked by the other party.

So after Chen Feng discovered that his spying was noticed by the other party, he had already made such preparations.

But he didn't expect the other party to rush up without asking anything.

It was so brutal!

And the strength of this life was even stronger than those who were fighting.

In fact, think about it, otherwise the other party would not have noticed Chen Feng's spying so easily.

After thinking about this, Chen Feng swung his fist, and the fist force was superimposed and continuously expanded, forming a thick barrier, blocking the top of his head.

Then he was smashed to pieces by the other party.

Then the divine wings appeared behind Chen Feng, and he flapped slightly and reached the top of the other party's head.

From this point of view, Chen Feng's speed is faster than the other party.

Who knew that just when Chen Feng stood firm, a powerful red airflow burst out from the other party's head and rushed towards Chen Feng fiercely.

Chen Feng dodged again, and the afterimage emerged. He quickly circled around the other party, and then faced the other party head-on.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought for several rounds.

Of course, this is also because Chen Feng did not exert his full strength. Otherwise, even if this life force is very strong, it can't stop Chen Feng's punch.

Chen Feng is now only exerting a part of his combat power to communicate and exchange with the other party.

And Chen Feng also wants to see what is going on here.

As for Qi, he hid aside to watch the excitement and did not mean to help.


Chen Feng and the other party fought hard for a while, his body swayed, and the breath on his body was extremely violent. The huge creature mainly retreated a distance, looked at Chen Feng with some surprise, but then rushed up again.

This time there was no roar like before. It was huge, but silent, which could easily give people some illusions.

Although this creature's eyes contained strong murderous intent and confusion, it was not stupid. Naturally, it could see that this opponent was not easy to mess with.

Maybe he was stronger than himself.

But the more this happened, the more excited this life became. Its body swelled again, and countless whirlpools appeared around it. It was not performing the swallowing technique, nor was it releasing power, but merging with the chaotic environment around it.

In Chen Feng's eyes, the momentum of the opponent in front of him was rising steadily, his body was expanding in circles, and there was also a strong power in his body that was reviving.

In the short process of the opponent's pounce, the opponent's strength had undergone earth-shaking changes.

"It's really surprising." Chen Feng became interested.


Chen Feng was knocked out, but then he quickly appeared in the same place.

Chen Feng was not injured in the previous attack, and it can be said that he was deliberately beaten back by the opponent.

Chen Feng moved his body, and then he burst out with a stronger fighting power than before.

In other words, no matter how this life used various means to change his strength, the result of the fight between the two sides was still evenly matched.

This explains the problem.

The life watching the excitement in secret immediately had an unfathomable thought, where did this new Hunyuan Jinxian come from?

After repeatedly improving his strength, he still couldn't gain the upper hand. This life knew that things were not good, but he still didn't retreat, and still launched crazy attacks, as if he and Chen Feng would never stop fighting.

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