Eternal Existence

Chapter 4607 Help

Let’s not talk about the imprisonment power of this chaotic river itself. Even if there are lives that happen to come out, they will die in the free space. It is better to stay in the chaotic river for safety.

“This chaotic river is unexpectedly long.” Qi said with some surprise.

The two have been walking for some time. With Qi’s eyes, they can’t see the source. This distance is enough to be equivalent to the distance between two universes.

“It is indeed a bit unexpected.” Chen Feng also nodded, but the more so, the more it gives people a sense of expectation. If the source is found just like this, it really seems a bit boring.

The two continued to move forward, and suddenly a life rushed out of the chaotic river, and a barrier appeared in the process of the other party rushing out.

This is the imprisonment power of the chaotic river, just like the outer membrane of the universe, but it seems to be more powerful than the outer membrane of the universe.

After the other party rushed out, a passage was broken, so several lives behind took the opportunity to come out.

Chen Feng took a look and saw that the other party were all Daluo Jinxian, with average strength, but since the other party could rush out, it must have paid some price.

Although this was just a small episode, Chen Feng and the other man did not mean to stop. They just took a look and then continued to move forward.

Chen Feng thought that whether the Daluo Jinxian could survive in the game space depended on their luck.

Of course, if they did not plan to leave the Chaos River too far, it would not matter.

If they really encountered danger, they would think of a way to return to the Tang River. If they could get out of the Chaos River and see the free space, some of the blockades on their bodies would disappear, and their confidence would become stronger.

This was also a good thing for them.

"We have now moved forward a distance. According to the previous comparison, it is equivalent to the distance between the two universes, but we still can't see the end. This Chaos River will not want to divide the free space into two halves." Qi said with a smile.

Chen Feng shook his head: "It should be impossible. Even the Origin River can't do this."

But then Chen Feng hesitated again. This Chaos River would not really be that level of existence.

If that were the case, it would be interesting, but it is completely unclear whether the two sides can communicate.

Otherwise, try to communicate.

After thinking about this, Chen Feng did not hesitate and began to communicate with this Chaos River with his own means.

But the other party did not respond.

Chen Feng communicated once every distance, and after several times, Chen Feng stopped.

There was no effect. Either this Chaos River did not have spiritual intelligence, or the other party did not want to pay attention to him for some reason.

Finally, the two saw the end of the river.

"It is actually formed by the confluence of countless tributaries, and these tributaries seem to be extracting the power of the free space. If so, it is disappointing." Chen Feng shook his head.

"Even if it is surprising, it is only temporary. After getting the answer, you will always have such an idea." Qi said with a smile.

"Indeed!" Chen Feng nodded.

The two of them kept approaching the source of the Chaos River while communicating. Chen Feng even came to a tributary and explored along the tributary with super perception.

"It is indeed extracting the power in the free space." Chen Feng said, stretching out his finger and a force ran through it, and this tributary collapsed step by step.

Then Chen Feng waved his hand, and the chaotic space calmed down. Soon the space fluctuated, and strands of power emerged, gathering into a torrent and merging into the long river.

A new tributary appeared.

"Huh, it's interesting. Could it be natural?" Chen Feng said in surprise.

Under normal circumstances, the destroyed tributaries should not appear again.

Chen Feng became curious and explored more carefully. Finally, he found that there was an invisible, powerful and very secretive force affecting all this.

The final source pointed to the Gate of Origin.

"I just don't know whether it evolved at the beginning or evolved later, but in any case, since it continues to be affected by the power of the Gate of Origin, there is nothing to be curious about." Chen Feng shook his head. Since the source was found, there was no need for the end.

Just when the two wanted to leave this place, Chen Feng suddenly received a response from this chaotic river.

The response was a little late!

However, Chen Feng was still a little excited. The other party's response represented that they could communicate, and it also showed that this chaotic river had born spiritual intelligence.

Such a large-scale Chaos River has given birth to spiritual intelligence, so it should not be too bad, at least it can be comparable to a universe.

But then Chen Feng's face became more and more strange.

The response from the opponent was too slow, and he had to wait for a long time every time, but Chen Feng calmed down and communicated with the opponent, and got some information.

"I didn't expect that this Chaos River was just one of its branches, and it was a branch that was broken up and stripped off and flowed out." Chen Feng said in surprise.

It turned out that there was an even larger Chaos River. If the river in front of him was a branch, how strong would the Chaos River be?

I don't know who is stronger or weaker than the Origin River. Everything I learned at this time once again exceeded Chen Feng's previous imagination.

"Follow this river to find the source and find the branch. I didn't expect that this Chaos River, which seemed huge in my opinion, was just a branch. It's really interesting." Chen Feng was shocked and deduced something.

That is, there is a problem with the Chaos River. However, since the branch can still respond, it means that although the problem is serious, it is not impossible to rescue.

Just like Qi at the beginning, such serious injuries can be gradually recovered, and the river in front of him does not look so serious.

After thinking of this, the rolling airflow surged out from Chen Feng's palm. The confinement barrier of this Chaos River did not block it, but quickly absorbed these airflows.

Although the airflow is rolling, it is really different from the Chaos River in front of him. The airflow rushing out of Chen Feng's palm is not even as good as the smallest tributary of the other party.

That's it. With the influx of airflow, the entire Chaos River shook slightly, and the rushing river water became a little boiling.

How big is the scale of this river? It can be compared with a large universe. In fact, the turbulence is very slight in Chen Feng's eyes, but overall it is more violent than the largest volcanic eruption.

What Chen Feng sprayed out of his hand is not an ordinary airflow, but a very high quality, and even contains the life force of Chen Feng's most core origin.

The reason why this long river responded slowly was because it had been severely damaged, which led to it gradually falling into a dormant state.

Although Chen Feng had awakened the other party before, he could not really recover due to his own reasons.

What Chen Feng is doing now is to help the other party regain vitality.

Don't underestimate the life force released by Chen Feng. You must know that Chen Feng is a powerful Hunyuan Jinxian. Even if a drop of blood falls out, it can smash a star, and it can pollute a large area in the Chaos River.

What's more, Chen Feng has not stopped yet, and the life force is still continuously integrated into the Chaos River.

The Chaos River is like a bottomless pit. Fortunately, there are some fluctuations, otherwise Chen Feng feels that his power seems to be wasted.

The Chaos River has been boiling, even if Chen Feng stops, the Chaos River is still boiling.

In Chen Feng's opinion, it will take some time for the turbulence.

But then Chen Feng received news from the Chaos River, and his face, which had just regained its calm, showed surprise again.

"In that case, let's wait a little longer." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The life force released by Chen Feng just now was actually very large, even Chen Feng himself felt a little distressed.

Although he could cultivate back, it would take time and consumption.

These life forces were a huge consumption even for other Hunyuan Jinxian.

Fortunately, Chen Feng had a solid foundation.

The key is that the Chaos River in front of him is worth investing. Once the other party recovers, it will be at the level of the Origin River. Even if it cannot recover, its strength should not be underestimated.

In addition, Chen Feng can afford this cost.

"You are lucky." Qi also understood and said.

"The other party is in a bad situation, I can't just stand by and watch him die." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The two waited here for a while. Perhaps because of the previous fluctuations in the Chaos River, some lives were attracted.

Chen Feng saw from a distance that more than a dozen Daluo Jinxians had come to the Chaos River, and several Daluo Jinxians were attacking the barrier, wanting to enter the river to find out.

Chen Feng thought about it but didn't make a move. These Daluo Jinxians wouldn't be of much use. Maybe entering the Chaos River would bring some benefits to it.

Of course, the Chaos River didn't ask Chen Feng for help, which means that the other party could handle it.

With such a large Chaos River, these Daluo Jinxians really couldn't make much noise.

It's hard to say if it's Hunyuan Jinxian.

Chen Feng thought about it and suddenly his heart moved. From a distance, he actually had the temperament of Hunyuan Jinxian.

It's obvious that the Chaos River will take some time, and there can't be any trouble at this time.

Daluo Jinxian doesn't care, but Hunyuan Jinxian is different.

"It seems that I have to make a move, but there are so many Hunyuan Jinxians." Chen Feng said with some emotion.

If the other party can't find anything and leaves, Chen Feng won't make a move.

"But since there are Hunyuan Jinxians here, then the other party didn't discover the Chaos River here early, or the other party didn't care about this Chaos River at all." Chen Feng thought.

In fact, I communicated with the other party on a whim before, and I have never done this before.

Finally, those Daluo Jinxian rushed into the Chaos River, and the other Daluo Jinxians also made their own choices.

Chen Feng ignored these Daluo Jinxians, and the one who needed attention was the Hunyuan Jinxian who had just arrived.

This Hunyuan Jinxian looked at the Chaos River in front of him, and there was a strange look in his eyes.

Chen Feng guessed correctly. This Hunyuan Jinxian had known about the Chaos River here for a long time and had explored it before. There was nothing unusual. Why did it fluctuate this time?

And the whole river was fluctuating. What happened?

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