Eternal Existence

Chapter 4595 Success

With his own strength, the sharp sword domain, and the presence of the God Mountain, Chen Feng did not believe that the other party could do anything to him.

Boom! Boom!

The powerful force was still increasing, colliding with Chen Feng's power.

Chen Feng did not fall behind, but this way he could not collect the fire of life as before.

"I still have some tricks. I don't know how Qi and the others are doing, but I can't wait for them to make a move." Before, Chen Feng took the initiative to let the other party leave, and of course he wanted to get out by his own strength.


The God Mountain erupted, suppressing the four directions, and a sharp breath flashed and tore open the surrounding squeeze.

The next moment, Chen Feng disappeared from the spot, directly in front of a piece of fire, and performed the swallowing technique to collect it.

Then there was a strong pressure, but another layer of domain appeared on Chen Feng's body, and at the same time, the God Mountain and the sword domain were mobilized.

In this way, Chen Feng used this method to collect the fire of life one after another.

Finally, the remaining fire of life no longer besieged Chen Feng, nor did they stay in the place, but broke through the passage and disappeared.

Since they couldn't do anything to Chen Feng, they would block Chen Feng's purpose this time.

However, the other party still didn't let Chen Feng go easily, and the grinding wheel of heaven and earth around him was still squeezing him.


The will of the universe appeared, making Chen Feng feel a strong threat, which was even stronger than the last attack.

"Still can't do anything to me." Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness shook, and the magic weapon that suppressed it shook, and the origin fire shook. It seemed that Chen Feng had suffered some injuries.

But then under Chen Feng's suppression, the entire sea of ​​consciousness returned to normal.

"Since there is no life fire, there is no need for me to stay in the formation." Chen Feng said with a smile.

In fact, the gains just now were not small. After refining and absorbing those life fires, it was enough to make Chen Feng's origin soul much stronger.

And this kind of life fire is not only effective for the soul, but also for the body.


The sword domain suddenly compressed and turned into a long sword energy, which pierced a road fiercely.

Chen Feng continued to move forward along the road, and then drew the sword again. After several times, Chen Feng walked out of the formation.

Although he was still in the origin of the universe after coming out, Chen Feng felt that the pressure was reduced a lot.

Chen Feng carefully sensed it. In addition to the heavy chaotic energy, there was no breath of life fire.

"It won't be moved away, if so, it will be meaningless." Chen Feng's perception continued to explore the surroundings.

Although chaotic energy is a good thing, Chen Feng is not too lacking. Maybe there are some other treasures here, most of which have been taken away by Qi and others.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng still used the swallowing technique to plunder the surrounding chaotic energy.

Qi's figure flashed and came to Chen Feng.

"How is the harvest?" Qi asked with a smile.

"Not bad." Chen Feng nodded.

At this time, other adventurers came in. After wandering around here, they stared at Chen Feng and others.

"Two Taoist friends, are there any good things here?" One of the lives had patterns in his eyes and stared at Chen Feng.

"Aren't these origin energies good things?" Chen Feng said lightly.

"Only energy? I don't believe it. You came early, so you must have put away the good stuff. Take it out for us to see." The life's eyes changed with divine light.

Chen Feng was attacked.

"It is said that those who see it have a share. You haven't seen it, but you want us to take it out." Chen Feng said with a smile, his eyes flickering, and the other party screamed.

In terms of pupil skills, Chen Feng is not inferior to the other party, not to mention that Chen Feng also used other means.

"Kill him." Qi said.

"I want the other party's pupil." Chen Feng said.

"Simple." Qi made a move after saying that.

At this time, the other party felt something was wrong, but these lives were also powerful and had no intention of retreating. They actually joined forces to attack.

The result was that they were affected by Qi's attack. Chen Feng stepped forward and punched the life of the leader into pieces. He grabbed the other party's pupil in the broken pieces, erased the other party's mark, and directly swallowed the other party's pupil.

At Chen Feng's level, it is rare to be able to improve strength through this method.

The other party reshaped his body, but his eyes could not grow out, and then he turned around and fled.

Losing his pupils was acceptable, but if he left his life here, the price would be too high.

Several other lives were also injured and fled. The battle between the two sides was not long, but it brought some effects, causing this space to become more turbulent and even began to break.

Sure enough, with the chaos, this area of ​​the courtyard was exposed and blended with layers of the universe and stars.

Chen Feng felt a little strange, that is, this universe did not continue to attack.

"Is there a problem, or is the matter here settled?" Chen Feng thought.

Although there is still chaotic energy here, Chen Feng has no intention of collecting it.

"Go find other origins." Qi said, and Jiemie and the other three also returned.

Chen Feng got the fire of life, and Jiemie and others also had other gains, which was quite satisfactory.

"The universe has become smaller. Although the chaos collapsed, the pressure is greater." Qi said at this time.

"Indeed, it seems some adventurers are getting anxious." Chen Feng said with a smile, releasing his perception far away. Although the energy was chaotic, Chen Feng could still see some adventurers hesitating.

"Fellow Daoists." At this time, an adventurer greeted from afar.

"Hehe." Chen Feng smiled faintly, knowing what was going to happen next before the other party spoke.

"Fellow Daoists, this universe has changed. I wonder if we can join forces to fight against this mutated universe." One of the adventurers said so.

Chen Feng had long seen through the other party's strength, smiled and shook his head: "Sorry, we are enough, and I don't want to join forces with others for the time being."

Although the people in front of him were all Hunyuan Jinxian, they were still not qualified in Chen Feng's view. These Hunyuan Jinxians even had injuries on their bodies, and they only wanted to join forces to increase their strength.

The other party wanted to say more, but saw Chen Feng waving his hand, the space exploded, and these Hunyuan Jinxians were directly moved out.

"It seems that some people are anxious." Chen Feng said with a smile.


The space collapsed, and a strong force condensed into a storm, which actually tore the collapsed space into pieces.

There were powerful lives fighting in the distance.

"It's the universe guard."

"There are also adventurers, they are very powerful."

"Let's go and see!"

Chen Feng and his companions immediately made up their minds and soon arrived at the place, where they saw a group of fire monsters fighting fiercely with more than a dozen adventurers.

It was obvious that these adventurers had gathered later, but although they were not alone, they were attacked by the universe guards who had also gathered.

"Is this a complete war?" Chen Feng said.

"It should be almost done. If it continues, the situation may collapse." Qi said, waving his hand, the chaotic flame energy in front of him quickly dissipated, revealing an empty space, and the empty area was still extending.

Soon, a dead powerful life appeared in everyone's perception. This life had not been dead for a long time, but the vitality inside was constantly lost and integrated into the universe.

"This is just what we saw. This universe is more powerful than I imagined before. If you don't want to be enemies with each other, it's better to leave now." Qi said.

"That's right. Although I want to stay here and watch the fun, I can't do it if it endangers myself." Chen Feng said with a smile.

At this time, Chen Feng was about to lose contact with his clone outside the universe, so he had to activate his magical powers to increase his magic power. Later, he even borrowed a little from the power of the Origin River.

The Origin River did not refuse this.

"But the Origin River was summoned by another adventurer, and I can't borrow too much power." Chen Feng also had his own calculations in his mind.

"Try to see if you can break a path." Jiemie said, and he used the power of Jiemie, directly tearing a crack.

Jiemie's power is extremely strong, and this crack actually leads directly to the outside of the universe.


Jiemie was a little surprised. He was just trying it out, but who knew that he actually broke a path.

"Is it an illusion?" Destruction said.

"It's not an illusion, it is indeed a passage to the outside of the universe. It seems that this universe feels pressure and wants us to leave." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng contacted the clone who stayed outside, and naturally knew that he could leave through this passage.

"Why don't you go out and take a look." Jiemie said, and he naturally had some understanding of the passage he opened.

"Go out now?" Chen Feng was a little hesitant.

"It's good to go out and have a look. It's just right to feel it from outside the universe." After thinking of this, Chen Feng's divine movement flashed and he passed through the channel to the outside of the universe.

"It looks like there is no problem." Chen Feng said, and then this channel quickly healed.


Then the power of annihilation pierced through another channel, and annihilation also came to Chen Feng along the channel.

Standing in the vast free space, Chen Feng saw that this universe had indeed shrunk a lot.

Moreover, the entire universe was constantly shaking. In some places, there was no outer membrane of the universe, only energy rolled out.

There was also a flame burning from the inside of the universe, and the entire universe turned into a super huge fireball.

Chen Feng had some insights for a while, and strands of light flowed out of his eyes and slowly condensed into a rune.

It was the universe rune.

It was already a perfect universe rune, and it began to establish a connection with the rune of the wild universe that Chen Feng had condensed before.

However, after Chen Feng's comparison, it can be determined that this rune is naturally stronger, but it is not as perfect as the rune of the wild universe.

Chen Feng cut off the connection between the two, then looked at the universe in front of him and felt it carefully, and began to walk around the periphery of the universe.

At this time, Chen Feng only wanted to practice, and had no other thoughts.

Jiemie looked at it and did not disturb Chen Feng, but tried to break the passage. This time it did not succeed. The power of Jiemie was actually absorbed by the universe and disappeared, and it was impossible to break the passage.

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