Eternal Existence

Chapter 4581 Big Movement

"Of course it is in terms of value, but I think I need them all, but it doesn't matter. This law of destruction can complement my law of the universe." Chen Feng was naturally very happy.

This is the original law of mutation in the super large universe. Haven’t you seen so many Hunyuan Golden Immortals trying to snatch it away?

In fact, this law is of great value. The cosmic runes condensed by Chen Feng are incomparable to mine. Even origin-level magic weapons are at a disadvantage in the face of this mutated cosmic law.

But although this rule is also very important to Chen Feng, it is not as exciting as others.

Chen Feng has also mastered some of the power of destruction. Chen Feng also has laws of this level in his hands, and they are even of higher quality and value.

"But this law is really good. I wonder if it can be integrated into the energy attack. If it can, it can increase the power of the energy tower." Chen Feng had such an idea in his mind.

"Should we go back and take advantage of this opportunity?" Chen Feng put it this way. It would be great if we could snatch up another law. As for whether there is any danger or who we will offend, it is not Chen Feng's concern at all. middle.

Chen Feng knew that if he didn't leave, he would be besieged by a group of Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

"Now wait and see here. Since the things have been obtained, there is no need to rush to the front. We can indeed fish in troubled waters next, provided that we are given this opportunity." Qi said.

Although this place is far away from the battlefield, it is not a problem at all for Chen Feng and Qi. They can see everything clearly.

"Nie Mie is unexpectedly besieged." At that time, Chen Feng saw that Nie Mie was actually besieged by several Hunyuan Golden Immortals, including two beings he had never seen before. There was no need to ask whether the other party had just appeared.

"I don't know if it's because of me, but anyway, we can be considered allies. It's really not good to leave each other there now." Chen Feng said.

"I also hope fellow Taoists can help."

"No problem, a person of this level is qualified to be helped by me." Qi said.

The situation of Nirvana is really not good at this time.

Nie Mie was attacked before when Chen Feng and the two left. I don’t know what these guys were thinking. Anyway, they recognized Nie Mie, especially the two Hunyuan Golden Immortals who came out later were very strong, as if It's like having a grudge against Nirvana.

Nirvana is very powerful, but in this situation, it can only be at a disadvantage. Let alone snatching the benefits, its own situation is not good.

Seeing that Nie Mie couldn't resist, one of the opponents suddenly paused, with a look of struggle in his eyes.

Of course, Nie Mie seized the opportunity and took the opportunity to severely injure the opponent. Then another opponent also appeared in the same situation. Nie Mie already knew what happened. Someone was helping him. Of course he would not miss this opportunity to meet. , using the killer one after another, three opponents will be seriously injured in the blink of an eye, and the other opponents will disperse in a hurry, never daring to fight again.

Now that the crisis of Nirvana has been resolved, Kai will naturally not take action again.

"Sure enough, he didn't go far."

"So strong!"

Although no Hunyuan Golden Immortals had fallen, no one dared to step forward to deal with Jiannie. The situation just now was still terrifying. These Hunyuan Golden Immortals were attacked inexplicably and could not resist.

After getting rid of the trouble, Nie Mie also breathed a sigh of relief. Originally, Nie Mie was somewhat dissatisfied with the departure of Success, but now he no longer feels this way.

In fact, when it comes to the real Nirvana, we have to thank Chen Feng. After all, although everyone said they were joining forces before, Chen Feng did not rely on himself to obtain the law.

Thinking of this, Jiannian felt a little emotional.

"Then can we still grab this law next?" Ji Mie thought to himself.

After one law was missing, the Hunyuan Golden Immortals present burst out with more powerful fighting power, all focusing on the earliest law.

At this time, we can also see the strength of all parties. Some people fight alone, and some join forces.

Although Nie Mie's strength is top-notch, he still cannot find a way out. Besides, even if Nie Mie can do this, he will be targeted by everyone present.

"Two fellow Taoists, let's join forces to snatch this law. Once we get it, we will share the law." At this time, Chen Feng and Qi received the news from Qi.

"What do fellow Taoists think?" Chen Feng said with some interest.

Qi thought for a moment: "Wait and see, things are not that simple. Besides, we have already grabbed a rule, and it is not as urgent as before."

"Then just wait." Chen Feng nodded.


At this moment, a long river of power appeared almost out of thin air, and then washed over the area where everyone was.

Chen Feng felt strong pressure.

"This long river of origin is quite interesting." Chen Feng said with narrowed eyes.

Naturally, this long river of origin cannot be compared with the long river of time, but it should not be underestimated, especially in this aspect of the territory of the universe. This long river of origin not only contains powerful power, but also has full stamina and is endless, giving people a sense of wonder. A feeling that washes away everything.

What's more, this long river of origin still contains the will of Beiyuan, and there is also a law waiting ahead.

A crisis was felt.

"Are there any other means besides this?" Chen Feng asked.

Although this long river of origin is extraordinary, it is nothing in Chen Feng's opinion. It may cause trouble to some Hunyuan Golden Immortals, but it should not affect Qi.

"It shouldn't be this long river. No, or this long river is not that simple. There are other murderous intentions hidden in it." Qi said.

Chen Feng's heart moved, and he used the pupil technique to explore. Sure enough, he saw something in this long river of origin.

"Interesting, it will probably be very lively next. I wonder if those of us who are watching the excitement will be affected." Chen Feng said so.


The long river of origin came very quickly and collided with those Hunyuan Jinxian.

These Hunyuan Jinxians didn't want to leave because they hadn't grabbed the law yet. Besides, what could they do even if the long river of origin rushed over? Everyone still wanted to divide this long river.

After all, it was condensed by the energy of the origin, but the power of this long river of origin was unexpectedly strong, and a Hunyuan Jinxian who rushed in front of it retreated again and again.

Suddenly, a beam of light shot out from the long river and penetrated the body of this Hunyuan Jinxian.

"There is something in it." These Hunyuans only discovered today that there are other lives in this Hunyuan long river.

But it was too late. Several powerful creatures hid in their own long rivers and exploded together with the help of the cover of the long river of origin, which actually severely injured several Hunyuan Jinxian.

At this time, the law of the universe that could not escape quickly rushed towards the long river of origin.

"Don't let them merge." One of the Hunyuan Jinxians used means to block the two. The others naturally understood this truth and immediately divided a force to deal with the long river of origin.

For a while, the two sides fought together, and the scene became more and more chaotic.

"If this goes on, the law will escape." Chen Feng said.

"It may not be escaping, it may turn around and kill these adventurers." Qi said.

"It's interesting to say that those fire monsters did not appear, which is actually normal. They should be hiding in the dark to observe, let these Hunyuan Jinxian fight to a loss, or is there something else?" Chen Feng said.

So Chen Feng explored a larger area in the middle, but found nothing, that is to say, those flames went out and did not watch the battle.

"But it's normal to think about it. After all, those fire monsters are the guardians of the universe. If they really want to come, they can rush here quickly even if they are far away. Everything is allocated by this universe." Chen Feng said.

At this time, the dispute between the two sides had some results. A Hunyuan Jinxian was actually pulled into the Origin River. After struggling for a while, he disappeared.

But the Origin River also became a little chaotic and no longer as aggressive as before.

Chen Feng was concerned about that law. At this time, the Origin Law and the Origin River were closer and were about to merge together.

Suddenly, a beam of knife light fell. This knife light was so powerful that it actually cut off a section of the Origin River.

A huge claw swung and smashed the cut section of the Origin River into pieces.

Another magic weapon appeared and suppressed an opponent.

There are still masters among these Hunyuan Jinxians present.

The two beings that devoured matter and energy also joined forces. The two devouring whirlpools collided and the power that erupted not only distorted the origin river, but also tore one of the Hunyuan Jinxian into pieces.

However, the two did not take the opportunity to attack, but turned around and rushed towards the law of the universe.

The two whirlpools still collided with each other, and the powerful force exploded, directly submerging the law of the universe.

These two powerful beings joined forces to take away the law of the universe.

Seeing this scene, all the Hunyuan Jinxians present were stunned for a moment, and even Chen Feng and Qi who were watching from a distance were a little surprised.

Originally, I thought the two sides would continue to fight, but I didn't expect things to change so much.

"Is the opponent strong enough, or is there something wrong with this?" Chen Feng said.

The law of the universe disappeared, and the two whirlpools also disappeared. The Hunyuan Jinxians present tore the space into pieces, and only saw two shadows leaving.

Since the laws are gone, there is no point for the Hunyuan Jinxians present to continue fighting.

What's more, the origin river has also disappeared.

Overall, it was this universe that suffered the loss, after all, it lost two laws, but the Hunyuan Jinxians present worked in vain and got nothing, especially the seriously injured Hunyuan Jinxians who were even more unlucky.

In the end, they all dispersed.

Jiemie also wanted to leave, but received a message from Chen Feng, and changed direction after a little hesitation.

"What is the matter, fellow Daoist?" The two sides soon met, and Jiemie first expressed his gratitude, and then began to ask.

"Of course, I'm going to find the law that was robbed." Chen Feng said.

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