Eternal Existence

Chapter 4553 End

Sure enough, as time went by, the number of destructive creatures that surged up continued to decrease, while Chen Feng remained as steady as a mountain, and his sword formation was not affected much.

If this continued, no matter how many destructive creatures came, they would not be able to do anything to Chen Feng, and they would all be solved by Chen Feng.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The will of destruction appeared again, and Chen Feng frowned. He was thinking about resisting it, but was blocked by the will of the Origin River, which made Chen Feng feel much more relaxed.

"In this case, it's okay." Chen Feng said with a smile.

That kind of will attack is still quite difficult, at least it will affect Chen Feng's every move.

And Chen Feng, you feel the power of the Origin River again, and some of the power emitted casually can block the joint attack of dozens or hundreds of destructive creatures.

There is actually the Origin River to resist behind, so Chen Feng only needs to keep fighting!

The two sides fought again for a while, and dozens of destructive creatures were solved by Chen Feng's sword formation.

Seeing the number of these destructive creatures decreasing, Chen Feng began to look forward to whether the other party would have other means next.

But at this time, Chen Feng had some strange feelings in his heart. The whole world, or the area where he was, became slow.

At first, Chen Feng thought that he was attacked by a master, which made him feel this way.

But then Chen Feng knew that it should not be the case.

If Chen Feng made some analysis and came up with some strange results.

Then it was either that the place where he was was slowing down, or that something happened to the entire source of all sources. It should be said that the source of all sources was freezing everything.

Chen Feng knew that it was not just as simple as what he saw in his sight becoming slow, but his thoughts, his perception, everything became slow.

This was still seen from his own perspective. If the strength was not as good as his life, then it was not just slow, but became truly still.

"What is going on?" Chen Feng wanted to contact other friends, but he felt that his thoughts were a little slow, and they were getting slower and slower. At this speed, he might also be frozen and still. At that time, even his thoughts would not be able to function. Wouldn't that be the same as death?

"The Origin of All Origins and the Gate of Origin are facing each other." At this time, Chen Feng received the message from the River of Time, and then he knew what happened. At the same time, he also understood how powerful this level of existence is. He couldn't do anything to him before because he didn't concentrate his strength to deal with him, or he didn't take him seriously at all.

After all, the will of the existence of the level of the Origin of All Origins is sometimes not so unified. What he encountered before may be just some scattered wills.

"So will we be affected?" Chen Feng asked.

"Hasn't it been affected now?" said the River of Time.

Chen Feng noticed that the territory he was in was still expanding, but the speed had slowed down. This is what the River of Time said was affected.

"So what should we do next?" Chen Feng asked.

"Of course, we are waiting with worry. We can't intervene in the fight of this level of existence for the time being." The River of Time said.

Chen Feng's heart moved. He didn't expect the River of Time to say this. What did the other party mean by saying this?

Haven't they always wanted to transcend the Gate of Origin, but now they can't participate in it. There is still a big gap between this and the Gate of Origin.

Either they like the river and don't want to intervene, not that they can't intervene.

Furthermore, the battle between the Source of All Origins and the Gate of Origin is somewhat special. In any case, this is not something Chen Feng can understand for the time being.

Then it seems that he can only wait.

Chen Feng's thinking is still slowing down. No matter how Chen Feng uses various means, no matter how Chen Feng constantly urges the origin flame, he cannot change the current situation.

It's like a huge mountain, crashing from the front, even if a mortal uses all his strength, it will be useless.

Chen Feng feels like this now.

At this time, Chen Feng can't even move a lot. Although the divine wings behind him are still flapping, Chen Feng's speed is extremely slow.

Originally, Chen Feng wanted to take this opportunity to deal with his opponent, but now it seems that it is still very difficult, or it is difficult to do it at all.

However, Chen Feng also knows that if he has become like this, then other opponents are not much better than him.

Chen Feng tried to move forward, concentrate his strength, and a beam of sword light shot out, noticing that the speed of this beam of sword light is also extremely slow.

And in the process of moving forward, the power contained in the sword light is also weakening.

However, it still penetrated the body of a destructive creature.

According to Chen Feng's previous strength, this sword light could completely kill the opponent, but now it failed to do so.

Chen Feng thought about it and continued to attack. Then he dealt with several more destructive creatures before he really stopped.

He had to stop. Chen Feng's power was rapidly dissipating and the consumption was too great.

Of course, this was not the most important thing. The most important thing was that in Chen Feng's perception, if he continued to attack, he might be supported and targeted by outsiders.

So it was better to be careful.

Then all he had to do was wait with peace of mind.

I don't know how long I waited. At the beginning, Chen Feng was still thinking and guessing. Later, he became a little confused, his mind was fuzzy, and he couldn't even think.

Even though he knew that this situation was very dangerous, Chen Feng could not change anything, and who could know that even if he used all means, even if burning the origin would not help.

This very weak feeling made people very uncomfortable. Chen Feng realized that after years of practice, he was not even an ant in front of such a level of existence.

However, Chen Feng soon gave up this idea. It was not that Chen Feng quickly adjusted his mentality, but the current situation made Chen Feng unable to think too much.

Later, Chen Feng's thinking was basically unable to function.

I don't know how long it took, it may be a very short time, or it may be an extremely long time.

Finally, Chen Feng's thinking began to move, from slow to fast, and gradually returned to normal.

"The battle is over?" Although Chen Feng said that he had recovered, he was still a little confused, knowing that his will was affected.

"I hope there will be no hidden dangers?" I want to ask the long river of time.

But I saw that the long river of time and the long river of origin were expanding rapidly. In a short period of time, the territory you are in has doubled, and this speed has to be accelerated.

Chen Feng's heart moved, and he hurriedly looked at other places. Sure enough, whether it was the chassis he had previously controlled or the largest battlefield, they were all expanding rapidly.

The beings that were originally fighting with the Time River and the others were also withdrawing one after another, and the power in the acupoints disappeared at some point.

Those destructive creatures and powerful beasts were also retreating one after another. It was obvious that this was a situation of defeat.

Chen Feng knew without asking any more questions that the Gate of Origin had won.

"The winner was decided so quickly, so how will it change next?" Chen Feng said.

Now it seems that the Source of Ten Thousand Sources is not just retreating, but also has the taste of ceding land. It has taken back all its own power and allowed the other party to invade, which makes Chen Feng feel a little strange.

However, Chen Feng still guessed something, and the changes in the next things were indeed the same as Chen Feng guessed.

Because the Source of Ten Thousand Sources did not stop them, the speed of the invasion of the Time River and the others became faster again. In a very short time, the territory quickly expanded by twice.

And this momentum did not stop. Chen Feng was a little shocked. This invasion speed was too fast, but the Source of Ten Thousand Sources had not responded.

Although the scale of the Wanyuan Source is large, it is still a bit strange that there is no reaction to the invasion.

Chen Feng was not curious for long, the invasion speed slowed down and then stopped.

Chen Feng understood.

"So, this war is over." Chen Feng said.

It seems that after the two sides fought and the winner was decided, this is the lost territory.

For Shiguang Changhe and others, this operation now has enough territory.

Of course, it cannot be said to be enough, at least it shows that this time, their previous efforts are not wasted, and the gains are huge, enough to exceed the previous efforts.

The most important thing is that this is the new origin of the invasion, which is more precious than energy.

"But since it's over, there should be no problem to go to the Wanyuan Source." Chen Feng had such an idea.

Of course, Chen Feng was not thinking about himself, but for his friends.

Entering the Wanyuan Source to venture into it can still be rewarding, especially entering the school.

"Although they are all Hunyuan Jinxian, there are not many of them. For the source of Wanyuan, there should be no problem." Chen Feng said this, and then contacted Qiansha. Sure enough, Qiansha and Quansheng were still taking advantage of the caves and did not encounter any danger.

"Fellow Daoists, you can move freely next." Chen Feng thought about it and said so.

Although the invaded territory came from the source of Wanyuan, it will soon be assimilated by the long river of time. To put it simply, the place where everyone is will become a free space.

So there is no point in staying here. It is better to go to other places, such as the caves.

Hearing Chen Feng say this, everyone hesitated again.

There is no problem with doing this.

"Okay, I'm going to see the new origin, but it's better not to separate. If there is danger, we can deal with it." Zhenming said this.

If someone takes the lead to leave, the remaining cultivators will go faster. In the blink of an eye, only a few people are left.

"Do you have any other ideas, fellow Daoists?" Chen Feng looked at Yingsheng.

"Don't be anxious, let's wait and see, and I want to act together with my fellow Taoists." Shadow Saint said with a smile.

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