Eternal Existence

Chapter 4549: It never ends

"Fellow Daoists, be careful." Chen Feng said hurriedly, while restraining his strength. Since there was such a strong crisis, could it be that the other party had deployed Hunyuan again?

Chen Feng felt the location of Tiansha at the first time, and it was still suppressed well.

It seems that it is not that problem, the danger should come from other places.

Chen Feng was ready, but the danger did not appear. When Chen Feng was entangled, a little bit of starlight emerged in the depths of the wild universe.

Then these starlights flickered, jumped, and kept approaching. Chen Feng knew that this was the trouble he would deal with next.

It turned out to be a group of extraordinary beasts, which can also be said to be the same life as free creatures.

"They are all Hunyuan Jinxian, and there are many of them. It's good that they didn't come. Just kill them." Piaopiao Swordsman said indifferently.

In fact, everyone felt the pressure, but they couldn't say soft words now.

No one is afraid of one-on-one, mainly because there are many beasts coming this time, and there will definitely be a fierce fight next, which will have a great impact on everyone's expansion of the chassis.

"It seems that there are not enough helpers who have not been found yet." Yingsheng said.

"Fellow Daoists, it is most important to take care of your own safety." Chen Feng said.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

These powerful beasts began to attack from all directions. Chen Feng had seen this situation many times, and Shadow Saint and others did not take it seriously. They were not panicked at all. They just fought and killed each other.

The two sides began to fight fiercely. Under this situation, they naturally could not continue to invade, nor could they collect power to transfer to other places.


On the other hand, the Holy Land of Spirit Insects, which had been hiding and accumulating, finally participated.

The balance of the scale tilted more sharply, and the stalemate was completely broken. The territory created by the Changhe of Time and others was advancing in a very clear way.

"I didn't expect that the pressure on our side would become stronger this time." Chen Feng muttered, and punched a beast away. The sword light shuttled back and forth between the beasts, and they were cut into pieces in the blink of an eye.

Next, Chen Feng's eyes flashed, and another beast was fixed, and then it was also cut into pieces by the long sword.

Air gushed out from the top of Chen Feng's head, tying up another fierce beast. No murderer could stop Chen Feng's attack as the long sword passed.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Feng's strength has become stronger again." Ying Sheng sighed.

Originally, Ying Sheng was thinking about going forward to cooperate with Chen Feng, but who knew that in a short time, several fierce beasts were solved by Chen Feng.

"Hehe, I still need the cooperation of fellow Daoist." Chen Feng said with a smile, and came to a fierce beast, which was trapped by Ying Sheng.

The result is naturally self-evident.

Chen Feng's strength is very strong, but there are no weak ones among the few present. Of course, those cultivators who came from the Taixu Land behind should be excluded. Although they are also Hunyuan Jinxian, they are still a little weaker in comparison, and even need to join forces to deal with a Hunyuan Jinxian of Wanyuan.

If the two sides really want to compare, the gap between them is still very large.

"The other party should have more than just this little trick. Otherwise, even if there are more of these beasts, they are just here to die. It seems that there may be other killers. After all, these beasts do not pose a great threat to me." Chen Feng just had this thought, and then he felt an extremely powerful will washing over him.

It did not come from the source of all sources, but from the will cultivated by life, so this time the River of Time did not help Chen Feng resist.

The powerful will impact made Chen Feng's body slow and his eyes a little confused. Then Chen Feng was surrounded by several beasts.

Not only Chen Feng was attacked in this way, but also others present.

In particular, some Hunyuan Jinxian from Taixu Land could not resist it at all, and were directly hit hard, even to the point of death.

If Taixu Gate had not moved the injured monks away, they might really die here.

After Chen Feng woke up and saw this scene, he was also shocked. Fortunately, Taixu Gate took action, otherwise he really couldn't help in his current situation.

"I was a little careless." Chen Feng shook his head, ignoring the beasts that were attacking him frantically. Instead, he charged fiercely and smashed a beast into pieces.

The opponent's series of attacks just now did not even leave any wounds on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng rushed forward while urging the four origin-level long swords. He quickly solved the murderers around him and went to help others.

However, just as Chen Feng took a few steps, the space in front of him shook, and a phantom pressed towards Chen Feng.

You should know that Chen Feng's current location is still in the domain, which means that this is in his own territory, but he was attacked by the opponent's special magical power.

Could it be another will wash away?

Chen Feng had such an idea, but soon realized that it was not the case. The phantom in front of him was similar to the phantom of the Taixu base at the beginning, which means that there is a powerful existence behind the phantom.

And it is not just as simple as suppressing Chen Feng, but also sending out a suction force to move Chen Feng away.

"My fellow Taoists, be careful. The other party wants to separate us." Chen Feng said, punching the phantom hard.

The phantom in front of him was like a reflection in the water, shaking violently, but it did not break into pieces as Chen Feng imagined. Not only that, some strange tentacles quickly emerged from all around, and they were extremely flexible and entangled around Chen Feng in circles.

"What kind of method is this?" The long sword shuttled back and forth around Chen Feng, and soon crushed these tentacles into pieces.

However, the suction force became stronger and stronger, making Chen Feng feel more and more unable to resist.

Chen Feng was a little unable to resist, so what about others?

Sure enough, a cultivator suddenly disappeared, and he was moved away.


Chen Feng punched again, but still failed to break the phantom.

"This should be a fusion illusion, and the opponent's level is very high." Gu said so, and the field around him spread out, and began to stabilize the four directions.

Others present were also performing some special methods, in addition to stabilizing themselves, they also wanted to change this situation.

Finally, the phantom was broken up, and Chen Feng didn't know whether he broke it with his strength or with his magical powers.

Chen Feng couldn't be sure for the time being, but the other party delayed a lot of time, and the existence in the dark did not appear.

Chen Feng believed that he had not received the other party just now, so the other party must have some means hidden in the dark, and it is possible to find an opportunity to attack again.

Chen Feng looked at the beasts around him, and unexpectedly there were more.

He killed a lot before, but when dealing with this strange attack, the number of beasts increased again.

"In fact, for the source of Wanyuan, this is also a huge consumption. There is also either as I guessed before, the source of Wanyuan does not consume these lives, or even deliberately pushes them out to die, which can also reduce its own pressure. If so, it will be a bit troublesome, then the source of Wanyuan can promote more lives to appear."

Not long after Chen Feng had this idea, he saw the stars flashing in the distance, and some powerful lives appeared.

Unlike the fighting beasts, there are some human-shaped lives, which can be called cultivators.

Among them are some top masters among the Hunyuan Jinxian, and these cultivators will conduct joint operations and cooperate very well with each other.

Chen Feng already felt that several powerful cultivators had joined forces to lock onto him. Before they launched an attack, the origin fire in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness was beating.

"Some more masters have come, but they are still not as dangerous as I expected. So there is still a backup plan." Chen Feng said as his body became larger, with golden light blooming on his body. The armor appeared and covered his whole body, looking majestic. The wings behind him were constantly flapping, and there was a phantom known in time and space that kept flashing.

Chen Feng rushed out of the domain directly. This time Chen Feng chose to take the initiative and did not wait for the opponent to rush into the domain like before.

Chen Feng chose to fight in the space of the source of all sources, so that some of the damage caused would also act on the source of all sources, and perhaps it could make the expansion of the domain smoother.

Chen Feng was surrounded by several opponents as soon as he rushed up, but Chen Feng stared at one of the opponents.

This is also a method that Chen Feng often uses, to defeat them one by one.

Although the opponent seems to be very skilled in joining forces, Chen Feng has seen this scene many times.

Chen Feng's approach was to break it with one force.


Powerful force burst out from Chen Feng and collided with these opponents.

These powerful Hunyuan Jinxians actually shook their bodies, and their eyes were full of shock.

In the previous collision, everyone was outnumbered, and they even broke out together, but they didn't gain the upper hand.

Then these cultivators felt strong pressure.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chen Feng launched a crazy attack, and it seemed that he didn't care about defense at all.

In fact, Chen Feng didn't defend himself, and some attacks fell on Chen Feng during the attack.

The four long swords that were originally circling around Chen Feng went out silently.


A cultivator was stabbed, and then the other three long swords took the opportunity to fall, and actually cut the cultivator into eight pieces!

These four long swords were more successful than Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was stunned. He didn't expect to defeat an opponent so easily, but he would not miss this opportunity. The opponent's joint efforts had loopholes, and their fighting power naturally weakened. Chen Feng stepped forward and punched a person several times, causing him to retreat repeatedly!

Those who could block Chen Feng's punches were already considered masters. Chen Feng also saw that this was a tough nut to crack, so he moved to another cultivator.

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