Eternal Existence

Chapter 4547: Opening up a channel

The Taixu Land is still expanding. Every once in a while, the life on the Taixu Land will break through.

Later, even the powerful Hunyuan Jinxian made obvious progress.

This is only a short-term impact. If it continues for a long time, the overall strength of the Taixu Land will change dramatically.

This situation is more fierce than the previous invasion and plundering. This is a benefit that came from heaven.

Some cultivators on the Taixu Land have a sense of unreality.

"In this way, we only get benefits, but it makes people feel a little uneasy. Fellow Taoists should be ready to fight at any time." Iron Blood Emperor said.

"Of course, I also want to see how shocking that scene is." Shenxu Patriarch said.

"If you do this, Time Changhe and others should have opinions." The spiritual Taoist suddenly said.

Although the spiritual Taoist also wants Taixu to become stronger, the spiritual Taoist does not want Chen Feng to have any problems.

"Even if they have objections, it's not a big deal. What I'm sending now is not the power in the field, but the power plundered from the source of all sources, so I hope that all Taoist friends can focus on me. Next, our speed will slow down a bit." In fact, Chen Feng also knew that what he did was indeed unfair to the entire battlefield.

He was just enriching himself. If his strength was strong enough and he was at the same level as the long river of time, then it would not be a big deal to send out these forces, but he happened to be the weakest one in this group.

"Anyway, they are all invading Wanyuan's favorite, so it shouldn't be a big deal for me to do this." Chen Feng could only comfort himself in this way.

However, after a while, Chen Feng was a little unsure in his heart, so he took the initiative to contact the Gate of Time and Space and told him about his concerns.

"It doesn't matter. The battlefield over there is originally a small battlefield. It has little impact on us as a whole. It doesn't matter if the speed is slowed down. Since other beings don't say anything, you don't need to ask more." The Gate of Time and Space responded.

Chen Feng was more relieved. If the Gate of Time and Space said so, the other few people would not have much objection.

Besides, this invasion was originally initiated by me, so it is not a problem for me to get some benefits.

It's just some energy, and it comes from external aid.


The Taixu Land expanded to a limit, and then began to accumulate power in the core.

"Daoyou, do you want us to help?" At this time, the Shenxu Patriarch took the initiative to communicate with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng thought about it, and then agreed: "Okay, you can come over, and we really need you to help."

It was still a bit strenuous for Chen Feng to suppress the domain while dividing his power to plunder the source of all sources.

And it was not right for the Taixu Land to get benefits for nothing without paying.

Next, with the help of the power of the Taixu name, dozens of mixed golden immortals were quickly transferred.

The Taixu Land has long been a dominant one, but there is no need to worry about the dangers from the outside world, not to mention that there is the Taixu Gate to suppress it, and Chen Feng can sense it at any time.

This time, dozens of Hunyuan Golden Immortals came, and their main purpose was not to suppress the domain, but to continuously expand the territory.

Under Chen Feng's command, part of all the plundered power was added to the domain, and part was transmitted to Taixu Land.

"Daoyou know quite a few Hunyuan Jinxians." Yingsheng asked with a smile.

"These are people from the hometown of the spiritual Taoists." Chen Feng said.

"Spirit Taoist, I haven't seen you for a while and your strength has become much stronger." Shenxu Patriarch said involuntarily.

Although Shenxu Patriarch and others have made rapid progress, they are still not as good as the spiritual Taoist.

"Before leaving Taixu Land, I was the strongest one, and now I will naturally become stronger than before." The spiritual Taoist said with some pride.

Thinking that the vision of you people is still not as good as mine, I followed Chen Feng closely. Although there are many dangers, the benefits I get are also huge.

Of course, the spiritual Taoist only thought about these words in his heart and did not say them out loud, otherwise, some people would definitely be hit harder.

Even now seeing that the spiritual Taoist is so powerful, some people are still wandering in their hearts.

"Maybe we will find an opportunity to venture to other places next. After staying in Taixu Land for a long time, although the cultivation speed is very fast, it requires some special opportunities. The reason why the spiritual Taoist cultivates so fast is probably because of this." The Iron-blooded Emperor and the others thought so in their hearts.

Because of the group of Hunyuan Jinxian coming from Taixu Land, Chen Feng was much more relaxed, but the power to shuttle through Taixu Land was more.

After a period of time, Chen Feng slightly reduced the input power and opened another channel.

This time Chen Feng used the power of the Gate of Time and Space, and this channel led to the Savage Universe.

Chen Feng had a clone staying in the Savage Universe, so he naturally understood what was going to happen next.

Besides, he had been prepared before.

So the Savage King Universe also began to receive energy.

It can be said that the Savage Universe has developed very well during this period of time, but no matter how well it develops, it is only one universe, and the resources in it are not inexhaustible. As the number of lives in the Savage Universe increases and their strength becomes stronger, sooner or later the Savage Universe will be exhausted.

Although this is a very long time, it is possible that some supplements will be obtained during this process.

But the universe has a lifespan after all.

Chen Feng's doing this this time can not only better expand and develop the Savage Universe, but also extend the lifespan of the Savage Universe.

The lives living in the Savage Universe can also practice better.

Chen Feng didn't mind whether the existence of the Savage Universe would be exposed at this time, and in this process, Chen Feng used the power of the Space-Time Gate to deliberately change his position several times in the free space.

Although it is a bit troublesome for the Space-Time Gate, Chen Feng thinks that this is necessary.

Compared with the Taixu Land, although the Savage Universe has also received a lot of energy, its development speed is not as fast as the Taixu Land, and even many lives in it have not noticed this change in buying a house.

In fact, the Savage Universe is really too unlucky. Apart from Chen Feng, there is no Hunyuan Jinxian of its own.

The strongest is the Daluo Jinxian. Daluo Jinxian can feel the changes, but the life below Daluo Jinxian cannot feel it.

On the other hand, Chen Feng also deliberately restrained himself and did not expand the Savage Universe at a fast speed, but stored most of the power.

The Savage Universe itself is in a state of rapid development, and it does not need external forces for the time being. It is the best choice to store it first and slowly refine and absorb it.

If it expands rapidly in a short period of time, it will not be a good thing for the life in it.

Many people present can see clearly what Chen Feng did. Some people don't care, and some people envy it.

But now Chen Feng is the main body, and they can't ask for too much except to help.

Besides, the second party of the source of all sources has not completely collapsed.

Chen Feng is relatively relaxed, and the pressure on the long river of time is still increasing.

The acupoints in the source of all sources are constantly gushing out powerful forces, and the condensed long river of power is mighty.

The speed of their invasion slowed down long ago, and later fell into a stalemate.

"Hey, now the stalemate has begun. If we can't continue to advance, then we will either stop the invasion or find helpers to participate." Chen Feng thought to himself.

"It depends on their choice."

Seeing the stalemate, Chen Feng was a little anxious, fearing that something bad would happen.

Now the Taixu Land and the Savage Universe have not absorbed enough power. Besides, Chen Feng will not let the helpers who came to participate in the war come in vain. Qiansha and others can naturally absorb the power of the source of all sources.

"Fellow Taoists, in fact, it is most appropriate for you to enter the acupoints to collect benefits." Chen Feng talked about the acupoints, and everyone was surprised.

"Fellow Taoists, since you are here, I can't let you suffer. Let's do it in pairs and go to the acupoints to find benefits." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Don't worry, expanding the territory is the most important thing. We can also get enough benefits here." Shadow Saint said first.

Maybe the energy absorbed here is not as good as the energy in the acupoints, but don't forget that there are high-level beings here. Sometimes energy is not the most important thing.

"That's right, let's take a look at the situation here first." Others also said so.

"In this case, let's wait, but fellow Taoists still need to be prepared. There is one more thing. I think fellow Taoists have also understood my methods just now. If any fellow Taoist has his own territory, you can also draw some forces." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"Is it okay?"

"This is not appropriate."

Hearing Chen Feng say this, someone hesitated.

"No problem." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The reason why Chen Feng said this was that he received news from the Gate of Time and Space. It turned out that the confrontation between the two sides had reached a stalemate, and he also needed to mobilize more forces on his side.

Although Chen Feng's side extracted the power of the source of all sources, it was nothing for the entire source of all sources, but it would always be of some benefit.

"In this case, I won't be polite." Qiansha spoke first.

"Okay, fellow Taoist, tell me the direction." Chen Feng nodded.

So Qiansha gave Chen Feng the direction. This time, Chen Feng used the power of the long river of time to open a hole in Qiansha.

This hole directly probed into the source of all sources, and rolling power continued to enter it.

Chen Feng could see that in addition to Qiansha, the evil spirit, the real name, and they all had a share. Chen Feng immediately knew that these masters who came out of the Gate of Origin also had their own territory in the free space, and it was a large-scale territory.

I didn't know it before, but it's normal to think about it. If there is no territory, it's really unreasonable.

"I also need traffic." Guiyi Sanren said.

"No problem." Chen Feng nodded, and then another channel extended out.

"Let's try it too." Yingsheng also laughed.

Then there was another channel, and suddenly there were three more channels. It seemed that the speed of invasion had increased, but it was still not enough. Unknowingly, the area controlled by Chen Feng began to shrink.

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