Eternal Existence

Chapter 4544 Various Changes

There were many lives at the end of the Qi and Blood Acupoint before. Although the power here is very destructive, there must be top-level lives in the Origin of All Origins. Why can't we reach the end? Or is there another reason?

"Under the Hunyuan, no one can create an end." Qi said again.

"It seems that the power here is really exciting. I am more and more interested now." Chen Feng said with a smile.

This is also a challenge for himself. Of course, Chen Feng also hopes that the power here can exceed the limit he can bear.

"It won't be the same area as the intersection of all streams in the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng thought.

Just like the intersection is also a variety of forces, the area he came to is also the same.

It seems that the two sides have similarities, and the pressure is also great.

"Then we have to see which place has the greatest pressure." Chen Feng did not reach the end of the intersection of all streams, but he also had some guesses.

Seeing Chen Feng's eager attitude, Qi smiled and knew that Chen Feng would be interested in it.

"With such a talent for cultivation, he will definitely be able to reach above Hunyuan in the future, but it's hard to say. How many geniuses with abnormal talents have fallen on the road of cultivation." Qi thought to himself.

Boom! Boom!

Energy rolled in again. This time it was a simple energy storm, and because of this, the power seemed to be more pure.

Chen Feng still stretched out his hand to collect the long river of energy as before.

Just like before, he walked and stopped. When he encountered some interesting power, Chen Feng would take action.

On the contrary, Qi was a little low-key. Although he was also absorbing some power, he did not absorb much.

Although Chen Feng was a little curious, he did not ask much. Everyone has their own unique way of cultivation. Maybe Qi is adapting to something, or Qi does not like these powers.


Another rolling energy came, and this time it was different from the previous one. This piece of energy was full of extremely powerful killing intent. Not only was the energy so pure, but it also had a certain impact on the soul.

"This contains will." Qi said with a smile, then stepped forward and stretched out his hand to collect the long river of energy full of killing intent into his body.

Chen Feng understood. This is what he needed.

"Is there a suppressed ocean here?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"No, but it's hard to say now." After experiencing the situation in the psychological writing school, Qi didn't dare to guarantee it now. It was normal for him to change during the long years of being sealed.

"If there is, maybe I don't need to go to the orifice of will in the future." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's different." Qi shook his head.

"Isn't it a bit too much for the two Taoist friends to do this?" Just after Qi collected a long river of energy again, an adventurer chased up from behind with a bad look.

"Do you have anything to do?" Chen Feng asked in surprise.

"You will cause big trouble if you collect power indiscriminately, and it will be trouble for all of us adventurers." One of the adventurers said with a bad look, as if he wanted to take action.

In fact, if he didn't see that Chen Feng and Qi were not easy to mess with, maybe the other party would really take action.

"What kind of statement is this?" Chen Feng laughed.

The Wanyuan Acupoint is very large, and I just collected some energy. What does it count for? If the masters of Hunyuan Jinxian fight, wouldn’t the noise and damage caused be even greater?

"Even if it brings some trouble, what can it do? Our adventurers actually entered the wetland, and the danger will always exist. Fellow Taoists, if you are afraid, it is better to leave here early. It is safer to practice outside." Chen Feng continued.

Regardless of whether what the other party said is true or not, Chen Feng will not compromise, and the attitude of these people is not very good. It is good that Chen Feng did not attack them.

"It seems that you are determined. In this case, don't blame us for being rude." After the adventurer said this, he waved his hand, and the others actually dispersed. Not only that, several adventurers appeared from other directions, surrounding Chen Feng and Qi tightly.

"So you were waiting for people just now. I think what you said before should be an excuse." Chen Feng felt funny. This is a robbery, but it doesn't seem like it.

"Fellow Daoists, these two newcomers don't know the rules here and rejected my advice before. Now let's just take them down." The adventurer who was talking to Chen Feng said this. The others who came after him didn't refute, but instead looked at Chen Feng and Qi.

"Fellow Daoists are also beings above Hunyuan, but they were besieged by these juniors. I wonder what you think?" Chen Feng joked with Qi secretly.

"Hehe, I'm not a being above Hunyuan at all now, otherwise, no one would have been so presumptuous in front of me before." Qi smiled.

"So what happened this time?" Chen Feng asked.

"Maybe what the other party said is true, but since it has come to this point, even if it is true, we can't stop. Since these guys are looking for death, let's fulfill them. I think these adventurers haven't stayed here for a long time, and they must have refined and absorbed some of the power here." Qi said lightly.

Chen Feng's eyes were cold, and he understood what Qi meant. He wanted to eat all these adventurers.

It was really cruel.

But thinking that he had done the same thing before, Chen Feng didn't say anything.

Everyone is the same.

"Anyway, the other party provoked us first, so it's normal to attack them." Chen Feng said this, and then stepped in front of an adventurer.

The adventurer was also startled when he saw Chen Feng suddenly appear. Just as he was about to fight back, he was attacked by a strong will, and the whole person was in a state of chaos.


Then the adventurer was beaten into a blood mist by Chen Feng.

Next, Chen Feng appeared in front of another adventurer.

Then this adventurer could also be beaten into a blood mist.

When things developed to this point, the adventurers present certainly knew that the system had an iron plate.

So they began to think of ways to escape.

However, under Qi's attack, they could not recover in the shortest time.

And this little time was enough for success.

Punches fell one after another, and the final result was that all the adventurers were smashed by Chen Feng this time.

This process was very short.

All the adventurers turned into blood mist, and then the other party tried to condense. During this process, Chen Feng and Qi performed the devouring technique and plundered most of the blood and vitality.

These adventurers did not completely perish, and some of the origin escaped.

For them, it can be regarded as saving a life, and they can slowly recover in the future.

Of course, this is also Chen Feng and Qi deliberately showing mercy, otherwise, they can completely kill them with their means.

For Chen Feng, there is no need to do this step, and he has already collected enough blood and vitality.

Qi said before that he was cruel, but the result was still somewhat different from what he said before.

When these adventures were solved, the two continued to move forward. In fact, the process of moving forward was similar to the previous process in the blood and qi acupoints.

And the purpose of the two was very clear. In the process of continuous advancement, apart from collecting some power that they valued, they did not want to cause too much trouble.

Of course, if there was trouble, the two would not be polite.

"It's a bit strange. I can't be sure of my previous perception until now, but there are several possibilities. Either my previous opponent used means to deceive my perception, or it is a result of the original will here, but no matter what, it's not a good thing." Qi said.

"It's nothing more than fighting against the enemy and flooding the land." Chen Feng said indifferently.

Now there is still a long distance from the source. Chen Feng has gained a lot and is now looking forward to what kind of harvest will come next.

Even if he knows that there is danger ahead, even if he knows that the situation ahead is a life-or-death situation, Chen Feng will not give up.

But chatting with Qi doesn't affect anything.

"When can we reach the source?" Chen Feng asked curiously?

"The further we go, the greater the pressure and the slower the speed. If we fight with some powerful life objects, it will delay our pace, so I am not sure about the specific time." Qi said.

"Will there be a scene where my life is in danger?" This is what Chen Feng is most concerned about.

"Of course, but my strength is constantly recovering now. As long as it is not an opponent above Hunyuan, the two of us can handle it." Qi said confidently.

Chen Feng was infected by this confident attitude, and collected the power storm in front of him in one breath.

"Two Daoists, you will cause some trouble if you do this." A powerful adventurer said in the distance.

This can be regarded as a kind reminder. At the same time, the other party did not dare to approach. It is obvious that these two are not easy to mess with.

"What kind of trouble will it cause?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Of course, it is the suppression of local will, and some local life is targeted. It may also affect other adventurers. I just tell you directly. The two Daoists just know it." After the adventurer finished speaking, he rushed in another direction, and it seemed that he did not want to deal with Chen Feng and the others too much.

"It seems that there is really trouble." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Even if there is trouble, do we have to stop? But it is better to be careful. Don't collect the power here first. Let's go forward and collect those better quality powers." Qi suggested.

"This is also good. Although it is a bit regrettable, for the sake of safety, we still have to be low-key. Anyway, we have collected a lot of power so far." Chen Feng also agreed with Qi's statement.

Since the two of them were not collecting power, they also controlled themselves from attacking any power they were interested in.

In this way, they were able to move forward faster.

"Actually, I would like to know what kind of trouble it would be if there was any trouble." Chen Feng said with a smile.

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