Eternal Existence

Chapter 4539 Breakthrough


With a sweep of the sword, the attacks of the two Xianyou clan monks were broken, and then the Sword of All Evils was blessed by the Wheel Pot and fell again.

The two monks could not resist this sword at all, but the shadow of the Gate of Immortal Origin appeared behind them, directly deflecting the Sword of All Evils!

A trace of surprise flashed in Chen Feng's eyes. In fact, the situation just now was a bit interesting. The shadow of the Gate of Immortal Origin could have taken the opportunity to wrap and bind the Sword of All Evils, but the other party did not do so, but chose to deflect.

It seems that they don't want to have a head-on conflict with the Evil Swamp, or there is some relationship between the two sides.

But no matter what, the Gate of Immortal Origin still appeared, and Chen Feng began to think, do I still have helpers of this level?

At this level, it seems not enough to find some helpers at the level of Hunyuan Jinxian. You also need helpers at the level of the River of Time.

But Chen Feng thought about it and realized that he didn't have such a helper.

His strongest trump card, all the trump cards have been taken out.

Sure enough, we can't underestimate everyone. What we can do doesn't mean that others can't do it. Maybe others can do it better than us.

"The invasion speed can be slowed down now." In the chaos, Chen Feng also checked the situation of the Time River.

Although the scale of the occupation is much larger than before, it is still a bit slower in terms of speed.

"What is going on?" Chen Feng secretly communicated with the Gate of Time and Space, and soon Chen Feng got some news from the Gate of Time and Space.

In the end, Chen Feng could only shake his head: "It's really a mess."

In fact, what Chen Feng didn't know was that the Time River was actually communicating with the Gate of Immortal Beginning and the Wheel of Destiny.

In the end, they chose to reconcile, that is, to invite these two to participate in the invasion, on the premise that Chen Feng and the Wanjie Zhenjun also reached a reconciliation.

Not only that, Chen Feng and the Xianyou clan also had to reach a reconciliation.

The Gate of Time and Space passed the news to Chen Feng, and Chen Feng felt a little strange.

How can reconciliation be so easy?

However, since these big guys have made the decision, it is indeed a good thing from the overall perspective, but it is not so easy to reconcile with these two.

Wanjie Zhenjun must be dealt with.

Xianyou clan, even if you want to reconcile, the other party will not agree, and most of them want you to hand over the Taichu Divine Mirror.

Sure enough, things are similar to what Chen Feng imagined.

Wanjie Zhenjun wants to reconcile, because at first Wanjie Zhenjun wanted to get some benefits from Chen Feng. Since he didn't succeed, then choosing to retreat is the best choice.

In addition, after seeing Chen Feng's strength, Wanjie Zhenjun doesn't want to offend Chen Feng.

But the first condition of the Xianyou clan is to let Chen Feng hand over the Taichu Divine Realm. Although the Xianyou clan knows that Chen Feng is not easy to deal with now, the Xianyou clan is used to being arrogant on weekdays. In addition, this time the Xianshi Gate was dispatched, and they didn't want to reconcile with Chen Feng just like that, and they must make Chen Feng pay the price.

Then this is a bit interesting.

But now in the war, it is difficult for both sides to sit down and have an equal dialogue.

So they are still fighting.

The power of the Gate of Immortal Beginning was also blocked. Chen Feng did not mobilize the power of the Time River to suppress the opponent. The Wheel of Destiny and the Immortal Beginning could not use their power to deal with Chen Feng, so now it has become Chen Feng versus three.

In terms of numbers, Chen Feng is at a disadvantage, but Chen Feng is strong. If he continues to fight, he will definitely win.

The backstage of both sides was a little silent, and it seemed that they were also communicating something.

Chen Feng's originally peaceful mentality was once again dissatisfied. His opponent has been determined. If the Gate of Immortal Beginning and the Gate of Destiny get the benefits this time, they will definitely become more powerful. Wouldn't it be more stressful for him to face the opponent in the future?

But from a higher level, the joining of these two can even reverse the situation.

If these two continue to choose to fight internally, then they will entangle the power of the two existences. If these two choose to join as helpers, then the power will be directly doubled.

So it is normal for the Time River to choose to compromise.

Chen Feng also knows that the Time River has chosen to compromise, so it is useless for him to resist.

Although he was an accomplice, his level was still not enough. In the eyes of the River of Time, he was just an important hub.

Since he had invaded the Source of Ten Thousand Sources this time, if he forcibly opposed it, he might be suppressed.

Chen Feng thought of this, but he still did not stop, and continued to kill the three opponents and made them retreat again and again.

At this time, Chen Feng had a fire in his heart, and his endless murderous intent bloomed again, becoming even more powerful.

Even if Chen Feng did not rely on the power of the River of Time, relying on his own strength and the power of those magic weapons, Chen Feng's strength did not weaken much.

"Let's stop, and continue to invade the Source of Ten Thousand Sources. The most important thing is to continue." At this time, the Gate of Time and Space said to Chen Feng.

"What's the matter? There seems to be some chaos on your side. Do you want me to solve it?" Chen Feng then received another voice from Qi.

Chen Feng saw that Qi had actually left the environment he was in before and floated in the void of the Source of Ten Thousand Sources.

"Could it be that Emperor Wanfeng succeeded in breaking through?" Chen Feng was a little surprised and thought of this matter at the first time.

However, we still saw Emperor Wanfeng being besieged by Chaos, but judging from the attitude he showed, Emperor Wanfeng should be fine.

However, Chen Feng was far away from Emperor Wanfeng now, and he couldn't see the specific situation.

"Because of your invasion, Wanyuanzhiyuan compromised with Emperor Wanfeng. It won't be long before Emperor Wanfeng can break through." Qi said.

"That's it."

Chen Feng felt a little weird. The original reason was that Emperor Wanfeng wanted to break through, so he woke up, and then a series of things happened, but now he is going to break through!

Wanyuanzhiyuan chose to compromise.

No longer stop Emperor Wanfeng, but can mobilize more forces to deal with the invaders.

This is a trade-off.

Chen Feng still felt something was wrong. For an existence of the level of Wanyuanzhiyuan, the first thing to do is to find a way to suppress everything. If it were the Gate of Origin, it would definitely not make a trade-off.

Could it be that it is really impossible to suppress everything?

However, since the source of Wanyuan no longer blocks Emperor Wanfeng, Chen Feng's previous help is considered to be done.

But there is one thing, since the source of Wanyuan no longer blocks Emperor Wanfeng, then after Emperor Wanfeng becomes above Hunyuan, he will not help himself and others to continue invading the source of Wanyuan.

So will Emperor Wanfeng choose to stop these invaders? If he chooses, it will be a bit troublesome.

The Hunyuan above in the Great Accomplishment Realm is still very powerful. If Emperor Wanfeng really takes action, Chen Feng can't resist it anyway, even if he can't resist it with all means.

It will even bring some trouble to Shiguang Changhe and others.

But now Qi came to Chen Feng, and Chen Feng also guessed some things from Qi's attitude.

It seems that it shouldn't be a big problem.

"After Emperor Wanfeng breaks through, I'm afraid he can't help you, but I don't care. I can help you solve some problems." Qi guessed Chen Feng's thoughts and said.

Chen Feng was naturally surprised, and things were not the worst.

Although Qi did not recover all his strength, he became much stronger after what happened just now.

If the existence behind Wanjie Zhenjun and the others could take action, then Chen Feng and his friends would certainly not be able to do anything to them.

But under the circumstances where the Wheel of Destiny and the Gate of Immortal Origin could not intervene, it would be abnormal if Chen Feng still could not solve his opponent.

But then things changed again.

While Chen Feng was communicating with Qi, he continued to fight with Wanjie Zhenjun and the others.

Wanjie Zhenjun also knew that it would be difficult for him to reconcile with Chen Feng, so after persuading him for a few words, he stopped talking and tried to fight Chen Feng.

Wanjie Zhenjun was also a very arrogant person, and he also had his own strength and means. He thought that since Chen Feng did not know what was good for him, he would let Chen Feng have a taste of his means and power.

And he also had helpers, the two guys from the Xianyou clan, although they were not strong, they could also play some roles. Besides, there were some people in the dark who might be able to interact with him.

Just when Master Wanjie was thinking like this, another cultivator rushed out. This time, three people came out and went to Chen Feng.

Seeing this scene, Master Wanjie almost laughed out loud, thinking that Chen Feng had many enemies.

And today's events were a bit strange. Even though Chen Feng had many enemies, Chen Feng's side was obviously very powerful now.

Although the River of Time and the others could not attack Master Wanjie and the others, they could definitely attack other cultivators.

Aren't these guys afraid of death?

Or are they like Master Wanjie and the others, and there are powerful people behind them.

"If I had known this, I should have notified my friends to come. Do you really think I'm easy to mess with?" Chen Feng's anger was strong again. These guys really didn't know how to live or die. They really thought they were easy to bully.

If he had called Yingsheng and the others before, he would have solved Master Wanjie and the others long ago.

However, although Chen Feng did not find helpers, it did not mean that there were no helpers.

Qi took action.

As soon as he made a move, the three cultivators who had only rushed halfway were directly wiped out.

This scene made Wanjie Zhenjun's heart jump, wondering if he had missed something.

Although the three cultivators just now were just ordinary existences among the Hunyuan Jinxian, they were also Hunyuan Jinxian after all. How could they be wiped out so easily?

Even I couldn't do this.

Before Qi came out, Wanjie Zhenjun thought that Shiguang Changhe and the others had made a move, but after seeing Qi appear, Wanjie Zhenjun felt infinite fear in his heart, urging Wanjie Zhenjun to leave this place immediately.

Qi brought a strong threat to Wanjie Zhenjun, which was also a situation that Wanjie Zhenjun rarely encountered after practicing for so long. This warning sign made Wanjie Zhenjun know that escaping from here quickly was the best choice.

"What on earth is this existence? It can give me this kind of feeling. Could it be the top figure among the Hunyuan Golden Immortals? Forget it, there is no need to think too much for the time being. No matter where the other party comes from, he is definitely on the opposite side of me." After thinking about this, Wanjie Zhenjun performed several fake moves in succession, trying to withdraw from the battlefield.

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