Eternal Existence

Chapter 4429: I saw something

Although Chen Feng said that he came here to visit a friend, Chen Feng also wanted to see the situation in the origin place, which would at least help his practice.

But now it seems that Chen Feng is completely disappointed.

At least so far, there has been no help, but some troubles have been encountered.

But once he gets involved, he will be annoyed by others.

Chen Feng thought of the Huanlin he met at the beginning, thinking that if he accepted their invitation and followed them to another life place, would things in the future be more interesting?

Of course, this is just some of Chen Feng’s thoughts about the past. In fact, the previous practice has reached a saturated state.

The reason why Chen Feng did not return to the Gate of Origin immediately and stayed in the free space was to empty himself.

This is a kind of alternative rest.

So Chen Feng did not feel bored.

After a while, Wansheng Daodi received the news from Tianhuo Xuandi and came.

In addition to Wansheng Daodi, there is also Black and White Heavenly King.

At the beginning, everyone had been in the free space together. This time Chen Feng came here, naturally he also wanted to take a look.

Having also become a Hunyuan Jinxian, Chen Feng had to put away his previous thoughts of underestimating the origin of the land.

Think about yourself at the beginning, you couldn't even see the Hunyuan Jinxian.

Not to mention that you became stronger later, there are no traces of Hunyuan Jinxian in many life lands, and even in large universes, there may not be Hunyun Jinxian.

The three Daluo Jinxians you met at the beginning, not long after the two sides separated, all became Hunyuan realm.

That time still shocked Chen Feng a little.

This is not the means of masters to refine combat puppets, but the real cultivation of life into the Hunyuan realm.

Although the three of them are geniuses, there are too many geniuses in the entire free space.

Only those who can go to the end and become strong are geniuses, and those who die halfway are not counted at all.

In other words, Tianhuo Xuandi and the other three, in addition to their own talents and hard work, are also lucky.

In Chen Feng's view, even some Daluo Jinxians with good talents may not be able to break through to the Hunyuan realm. Many of them accumulate for a long time and then look for opportunities.

Compared with those veteran cultivators, the three Tianhuo Xuandi can be considered young.

After seeing Chen Feng, Wansheng Daodi immediately raised his fighting intention. Originally, because of Tianhuo Xuandi, Wansheng Daodi was a little uncomfortable with Chen Feng.

It was a good opportunity to learn from Chen Feng.

Black and White Heavenly King looked at Tianhuo Xuandi's calm expression with some surprise, and then looked at Chen Feng, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Originally, Black and White Heavenly King, you also wanted to challenge Chen Feng. Since Wansheng Daodi challenged, then I took the opportunity to see Chen Feng's strength.

When everyone was fighting together, these people were suppressed by Chen Feng. Although they didn't say it on the surface, they were a little unhappy in their hearts.

Seeing Wansheng Daodi attacking him, Chen Feng felt a little funny.

Didn't these two find out clearly before coming?

But think about it, those people in the Demon Flame Tribe probably don't like me either, and they won't tell me about my situation in detail.

If it was before entering the Gate of Origin, Chen Feng would have thought that he might have a fight with the opponent, but now Chen Feng didn't have that intention.

So Chen Feng ignored the attack from Wansheng Daodi and just stretched out his palm to grab it.

The knife light disappeared as soon as it approached Chen Feng's palm.

Wansheng Daodi's face changed drastically.

The Black and White Heavenly Kings who were watching the battle were also moved, and even Tianhuo Xuandi, who had seen Chen Feng's methods before, also had bright eyes.

Chen Feng's actions at this time were too casual, just like slapping mosquitoes, and he didn't take his opponent seriously at all.

And Chen Feng didn't slap, the speed of stretching out was not fast, or Chen Feng deliberately slowed down a bit.

Just want Wansheng Daodi to use more methods.

But no matter how many methods Wansheng Daodi used, they were crushed by the power emitted by Chen Feng's palm.

Finally, Wansheng Daodi fell into the palm of his hand.

Chen Feng still took care of the other party's face and didn't capture him directly.

Of course, the situation in front of us is also a capture, but it is a little more beautiful.

Chen Feng put away his palm, and Wansheng Daodi fell to the ground with an extremely ugly look.

The gap between the two sides is too big, so big that he can't estimate it.

"How is this possible?"

Black and White Heavenly King couldn't help but said.

"Nothing is impossible, the facts are in front of us. I thought we were in the realm of Hunyuan. After the realm of Hunyuan, it was the time for us to show our skills. Who knew that I have lost some confidence now." Tianhuo Xuandi smiled bitterly.

"I was also deeply shocked. I feel that what I barely saw was fake." Black and White said.

Wansheng Daodi was stunned and wanted to turn around and leave, but Chen Feng waved and kept him there involuntarily.

"I say, you two, we are old acquaintances. I came to your territory as a guest. You must treat me well. If you leave like this, it will be a bit unreasonable." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Although I am stronger than you, that is the result of my hard work and practice. Several fellow Taoists have also entered the realm of Hunyuan. The years of practice in the future are endless. There is still a long way to go. Maybe one day you will surpass me." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Don't say such comforting words. Your strength is much stronger than ours. Even if I break through, I'm afraid I'm not your opponent." Wansheng Daodi said bitterly.

"Your situation is a little bit wrong. Do you need my help?" Chen Feng stared at Wansheng Daodi for a while.

At this time, Chen Feng's strength was too strong, and his eyes were also very insightful. Naturally, he saw some of the situation of Wansheng Daodi.

Wansheng Daodi's face changed, but he still shook his head and rejected Chen Feng's kindness.

Because of some previous situations, the communication between the two sides was not too harmonious.

Wansheng Daodi and Black and White Heavenly King quickly said goodbye and left.

Chen Feng's eyes showed a thoughtful look.

"Did you see something? I also felt that Wansheng Daodi's situation was a little bit wrong before, but I couldn't say it specifically." Tianhuo Xuandi said.

"There are indeed some problems. Speaking of it before, Wansheng Daodi at least mastered a fragment of the Gate of Time and Space. He is also a person with great luck. His own talent is also good. It stands to reason that he should be stronger." Chen Feng said.

"Are you saying that Wansheng Daodi's cultivation speed is not fast enough?" Tianhuo Xuandi was a little entangled.

Everyone is a partner together, and they know each other very well. Even if someone is stronger, it won't be too much stronger.

It can be said that everyone advanced to the Hunyuan realm at about the same time, which is reasonable in the eyes of Tianhuo Xuandi.

However, Tianhuo Xuandi believed that Chen Feng would not speak nonsense. He could even say that, so he must have seen something.

"Okay, let's not talk about the speed of cultivation, let's talk about Wansheng Daodi. There is something wrong with him. Although I didn't watch it carefully just now, I can see some clues. According to my speculation, Wansheng Daodi should be hit." Chen Feng said.

"Is it serious?" Tianhuo asked hurriedly on the spot.

"If it continues, Wansheng Daodi will become a puppet controlled by others. Do you think it is serious?" Chen Feng asked back.

"What should we do? Can you help him?" Tianhuo Xuandi said.

"I want to help him too, but the other party doesn't cooperate." Chen Feng shook his head.

"I'll go find him and tell him how powerful he is." Emperor Tianhuo Xuan went to chase Emperor Wansheng Dao, but soon came back with a look of disappointment on his face.

"Emperor Wansheng Dao left the Land of Origin and went to the free space. I can't tell where he went. You think he won't get into trouble, right?" Emperor Tianhuo Xuan said.

"It's hard for me to say about this, but since my friend has been in this situation before, I think nothing will happen in the short term." Chen Feng said thoughtfully.

"Okay! I'll try to find him." Chen Feng thought about it and felt that he still needed to give it a try.

So Chen Feng used the cause and effect technique and indeed found out where Emperor Wansheng Dao had gone.

"We've found him. Do you want to catch up with him?" Chen Feng asked.


The two of them moved quickly, but were blocked when they left the Land of Life.

Of course, the other party didn't want Emperor Tianhuo Xuan to leave, saying that the situation was special recently and it might be dangerous if he left rashly. It's better to wait until the person in the dark was caught.

There was no lack of vigilance against Chen Feng in his tone.

Chen Feng didn't care. Emperor Tianhuo Xuan finally persuaded the other party and left with Chen Feng.

"It seems that your status here is quite high." Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"The power of our family is indeed quite large." Emperor Tianhuo Xuan nodded.

"Hey, the other party changed direction again." Chen Feng checked and said with some surprise.

At this time, Chen Feng also had to doubt whether Wansheng Daodi left the Land of Life because of himself? If so, he really had to take care of this matter.

Sure enough, not long after that, Wansheng Daodi really changed his position again, and Chen Feng felt a little abnormal.

"I was targeted by someone. It may be that Wansheng Daodi deliberately led me out, or it may be other problems. I can't tell for the time being, but the probability of the former is relatively high." Chen Feng suddenly said.

"Do you feel danger?" Emperor Tianhuo Xuan changed color slightly.

"It's not dangerous. I just feel some calculations. Maybe the other party will end up empty-handed." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Or let's go back. There is no need to take risks." Emperor Tianhuo Xuan didn't want Chen Feng to get into trouble on his territory.

"Don't we always like adventure? If we go back like this, Wansheng Daodi might be in trouble." Chen Feng smiled and shook his head.

Tianhuo Xuandi was a little entangled, and then said: "Otherwise I will find some helpers."

"What? You don't believe in my strength, don't worry, I know what I am doing, even if I encounter troubles that I can't handle, I am sure I can bring you back safely." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I still don't know." Tianhuo Xuandi frowned.

"This is not like your style. I even doubt whether you have encountered the same situation as Wansheng Daodi." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Otherwise you can investigate. I also feel that my state of mind is not stable recently." Tianhuo Xuandi said.

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