Eternal Existence

Chapter 4425: Place of Origin

Without the help of external forces, Chen Feng needs to search step by step with his own strength.

If Chen Feng is not in a hurry, he has plenty of time.

"It would be great if I could meet other lives." Chen Feng walked in the boundless free space from nothingness to nothingness, without direction, everything was vast and empty, just like walking in a dream after blinding his perception.

This feeling is a bit strange, although Chen Feng has walked like this in the travel space for a long time.

After walking out of the Gate of Origin this time, Chen Feng had a new experience.

"It feels good. In fact, it's good to practice like this. It seems that my energy on the road of practice has been affected, or I am a little tired. I didn't even think about breaking through all this. In fact, even if I break through the shackles of the Gate of Origin and enter a new world, who can be sure that it is not a new Gate of Origin?" Chen Feng shook his head and got rid of these unrealistic fantasies.

Looking into the distance, there are two lives fighting.

Daluo Jinxian

Chen Feng had just walked out of the realm of the universe, but now he was completely ignored by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng did not go forward to disturb the other party, and directly used means to explore the other party's memory.

Although it was a bit disrespectful.

But different life levels have to do this.

Chen Feng did not go forward to capture the other party, which was already soft-hearted.

However, something surprised Chen Feng. Chen Feng's will was blocked as soon as it entered the minds of the two Daluo Jinxian.

Two phantoms appeared separately.

In fact, Chen Feng did not expect this to happen. A master left something on the Daluo Jinxian.

But Chen Feng did not take it to heart. In Chen Feng's view, even the means of Hunyuan Jinxian could not find him.

However, Chen Feng still underestimated the other party. The other party could find Chen Feng, which meant that his will was not inferior to Chen Feng.

These two Daluo Jinxians are important figures.

Chen Feng had such an idea.

After all, he encountered such a powerful opponent just after he came out, and there were two of them. This had to be surprising.

After the two beings appeared, they did not launch an attack at the first time, but observed Chen Feng's strength.

Unfathomable, extremely powerful.

This is the judgment of Chen Feng, so they will not attack Chen Feng.

One of the beings said: "I am Huanlin, from the Land of Origin. I don't know what you call me. How did these two juniors offend you?"

"The Land of Origin, what a coincidence. I am going to the Land of Origin. Isn't this looking for someone to ask for directions?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's not necessary to directly explore the memory when asking for directions?" Another cultivator said dissatisfiedly.

"It's faster to do this. Is this fellow Taoist dissatisfied?" Chen Feng looked at the other person, and the look in his eyes changed slightly. The phantom began to tremble, and some couldn't bear Chen Feng's gaze.

"Fellow Taoist, please stop, we have no ill intentions." Huanlin said hurriedly, secretly complaining in his heart. What is there to argue with the other party at this time? He is not afraid of angering the other party. His two juniors are still here. He really thinks that the name of the Land of Origin can scare the other party. It's a joke. Such a master will not care.

And Huanlin has another guess, that is, Chen Feng came from the Gate of Origin.

Another person wanted to speak, but he still held back.

A good man never suffers a loss in front of him.

"Daoyou want to go to the Land of Origin, I can show you the way." Huanlin said with a smile.

"Thank you very much." Chen Feng nodded. Someone showing the way saved him some trouble, so of course he would not refuse.

As for whether the other party would cause trouble for him when he got there, Chen Feng did not care about that.

Then the three of them started to hurry on their way. After a while, Chen Feng looked into the distance.

There was a land of life there.

It was continuous and it was hard to tell how big it was.

"After all, this is not just one family. Overall, it must be much larger than the Tianxing Life Land. Maybe one family can surpass it." Chen Feng thought about the news he got from Tianhuo Xuandi and others, and he had some understanding of the life area in front of him.

"There are more than a hundred families in the entire Land of Origin, big and small, each of which has a land of life, and each of which has a Hunyuan Jinxian sitting in charge. There are thirty-eight families with a long heritage." Huanlin introduced to Chen Feng.

"How is this definition of long-term inheritance defined?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"More than ten kalpas." When Huan Lin said this, Chen Feng could hear the other party's pride.

"One kalpa lasts 6.5 billion years, ten kalpas." Chen Feng calculated in his mind, but remained calm on the surface.

"Do you know anyone here, fellow Daoist?" Huan Lin asked.

"The Demon Flame Tribe, how strong is the Demon Flame Tribe here?" Chen Feng remembered the tribe where Emperor Tianhuo Xuan was.

"Does fellow Daoist know someone from the Demon Flame Tribe?" Huan Lin was slightly surprised, but soon regained his composure.

Chen Feng nodded.

"The Demon Flame Tribe is one of the thirty-eight families, and its strength is very strong." Huan Lin said.

"Then what about the two fellow Daoists?" Chen Feng asked.

"Although the two of us do not belong to the thirty-eight families, we are not much different." Huan Lin said.

Chen Feng somewhat underestimated the other party. Not the strongest, what is there to be proud of?

But when you think about it, the two of them are quite strong, but they are not even in the top thirty-eight. It seems that the strength of this life area is still very strong.

This is somewhat different from Chen Feng's previous cognition. Before, Chen Feng also met a cultivator from the Land of Origin in the Gate of Origin, but the other party did not surprise him, or did not attract him.

In Chen Feng's view, this is just an ordinary existence.

Now it seems that we need to re-evaluate.

"Have you ever been attacked by the Destruction Spider?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Of course, I have encountered it, and more than once. In addition to the Destruction Spider, there are some other invading living beings, but our Land of Origin has always been passed down, and the power is getting stronger and stronger." Huanlin said.

"Have you ever encountered the cause of destruction and the origin beast?" Chen Feng asked again.

"Yes, but the number of times is very small. Have you encountered these two existences?" Huanlin asked back.

Chen Feng asked this just to confirm whether the source of destruction and the origin beast can leave the Gate of Origin. Now it seems that it can.

"I have had some dealings." Chen Feng nodded, thinking that these two existences were suppressed in his energy tower.

Of course, this cannot be said, otherwise, it may cause some trouble.

I need to be low-key when I come here.

Besides, I didn't come to the origin place to cause trouble, but to see it. It would be even better if I could meet my old friends.

"Do you want to come to our place? Our area has not been very peaceful recently, so you still need to pay attention." Huanlin said.

"I will pay attention. Since we are here, let's meet again later." Chen Feng said.

"Okay." Seeing that Chen Feng did not accept the invitation, Huanlin Huanling did not continue to force it.

After Chen Feng left, Huanlin said, "Di Xuan, what do you think?"

"What do you mean?" Di Xuan asked back.

"Do you want to cause trouble for him? I think you were a little dissatisfied just now." Huanlin said.

"Why should I cause trouble for him? The other party is very powerful and has a relationship with the Demon Flame Tribe. I don't want to provoke such a person." Di Xuan said.

"This is not your style. I don't think the other party has a deep friendship with the Demon Flame Tribe." Huanlin said.

"So what? Such a powerful existence comes to the door, no matter which family it is, they will win over. Didn't you communicate well with the other party just now? What do you mean by saying these now?" Di Xuan said.

"Nothing? I'm just saying it casually." Huan Lin said with a smile.

"Do you think I will believe you? You just want me to take the lead. You really think I'm too stupid. This little trick is useless." Di Xuan sneered.

Then Di Xuan disappeared, and the Daluo Jinxian took over the body again.

Huan Lin smiled and disappeared.

After the two Daluo Jinxians recovered, they wanted to fight at the first time, but after seeing where they were, they gave up the idea of ​​fighting, looked at each other, and then rushed to the life area.

"Do you want to go to the Moyan tribe?" Chen Feng was also a little hesitant.

This was the first time he came here. The forces here were very powerful, and there were countless Hunyuan Jinxians.

And the Tianhuo Xuan Emperor he knew was just a Daluo Jinxian back then. He was probably not a big shot in this life area.

If he went forward rashly, the other party might not believe it.

But it seemed inappropriate to walk around here casually. After all, this was a life area with an alliance nature, which was more or less xenophobic.

It's not that I'm xenophobic, foreign life here will definitely be noticed.

Especially I met two people before, although the two sides have communicated, but Chen Feng believes that this is not a friendship, maybe the other party wants to deal with me.

"But this place is so close to the Gate of Origin, even if there are some people coming and going, it shouldn't be so accurate, maybe I can hide it." After thinking about this, Chen Feng shook his head again.

I think too much, this is not in line with my personality, if the people here don't welcome me, the worst thing is to leave.

Although this life area is very powerful, so what? I'm not easy to mess with.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng no longer hesitated and decided to go to the Demon Flame Tribe.

Soon Chen Feng was stopped by the patrolling monks.

These are also two Daluo Jinxian, who are constantly patrolling the outer area of ​​the life area. Seeing Chen Feng, they took the initiative to greet him.

"Hello, fellow Taoist, I wonder what you are here for?" One of the Daluo Jinxian asked.

"Demon Flame Tribe, visiting friends." Chen Feng said lightly.

"I wonder if you can wait here for a while. I'll go ask a little bit." The Golden Immortal said.

Seeing Chen Feng nod, the other party flew away.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. The management here was stricter than he thought.

"Don't be surprised, Daoist friend. There have been some unrest recently, so it's more strict." The Golden Immortal who stayed here said with a smile.

"I wonder what the unrest is?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

This time Chen Feng did not search the soul. Who knows if the two Golden Immortals in front of him have been branded by masters.

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