Eternal Existence

Chapter 4421: Fighting Spirit

Tianxing didn't take many shots, and every time Chen Feng needed to mobilize all his strength to resist.

This is still with the help of Shadow Saint.

After the Shadow Saint recovered, he exploded with magical power, but even this did not have much effect.

Instead, Shadow Saint was instantly dispersed by Tianxing, which consumed a lot of energy.

Now there are attacks from the destruction storm back and forth, both from the enemy and ourselves, and for a while the whole scene is extremely chaotic.

Everyone cannot cooperate as perfectly as before.

Even the distance between Chen Feng and his group is getting farther and farther.

Suddenly Chen Feng turned around and no longer fought with Tianxing, but quickly came to the spiritual Taoist.

At this time, the spiritual Taoist is also in the midst of chaotic energy fluctuations, resisting the attack of the storm of will to destroy.

"It's time for us to leave." Chen Feng said and looked at the Big Mouth Monster.

There's nothing wrong with the Big Mouth Monster, but it's just a little far away from everyone. There are some cracks in the space there, and some Destruction Centipedes are getting in.

The Big Mouth Monster was soon entangled.

Chen Feng had no choice but to step forward. It seemed that the Big Mouth Monster was not in danger for the time being, but as time went by, it would fall into the siege of the opponent.

Chen Feng didn't care about the others. They were all powerful and there was no need for Chen Feng to take care of them. However, the spiritual Taoist and the Big Mouth Monster came with him, so there couldn't be any problems.

With such a chaotic situation in front of him, even his own safety cannot be guaranteed, so Chen Feng will not take risks.

But just when Chen Feng was approaching the Big Mouth Monster, a space crack appeared in front of him, and a group of Destruction Centipedes appeared, and Chen Feng rushed over in a dark way.

"These guys are quite troublesome." Chen Feng shook his head helplessly.

With one punch, a Destruction Centipede flew out.

These centipedes of destruction were like scarecrows in front of Chen Feng. What threat did they pose to Chen Feng?

Because of the cooperation of the Shadow Saint, Chen Feng only had to keep rubbing his hands.

In the previous battle with Tianxing, although the time was short, Chen Feng still felt the pressure.

After changing the opponents at this time, Chen Feng immediately felt relaxed, as if the opponents in front of him were so weak.

This is a very obvious gap comparison.

In this way, Chen Feng got through the obstruction and reached out to pull the big-mouthed monster over.

The Big Mouth Monster was seriously injured in a short period of time, and he breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Chen Feng.

Then Guiyi Sanren also kept getting closer.

Because the situation in front of them was too dangerous, Guiyi Sanren did not release the clone. This was because he remembered the scene where the clone was killed before.

Guiyi Sanren is still very strong and has many methods. Even if they are separated, they can still do well with their own methods.

At this time, one look at Chen Feng's movements and knew that Chen Feng was about to retreat, so he quickly moved closer to Chen Feng.

Tianxing could naturally see that the people in front were leaving, but Tianxing did not stop them, which also showed that Tianxing did not want to continue fighting.

"The other party is not absolutely sure, and is worried that both sides will suffer losses, so even if we push them away, we will not pursue or stop them," Chen Feng said.

"That's for sure. Even if we join forces to attack and destroy creatures now, I think Tianxing will agree." Guiyi Sanren said.

“Even if Tianxing agrees, we won’t agree, and even if I agree with Qiansha, they won’t agree.

What Tianxing did this time was a bit excessive. Although we also want benefits in our hearts and want to divide the land of life, no matter what, we have paid a high price from the beginning and have continued to help. Tianxing, although Tianxing also has means, don't forget, if we people hadn't taken action, the Land of Life might have collapsed last time. "Chen Feng said this.

Chen Feng gathered here, Qian Sha and the others also came close to each other, and the two sides communicated with each other.

"Although I'm a little reluctant, it's really time for us to leave." Qian Sha said.

"I'm not willing to leave like this. Let's find another opportunity in the future." Chen Feng was also a little helpless. He originally thought of finding Qian Sha and others. Together, we are a very powerful force, no matter what kind of opponent we encounter. It can be solved, who knew things had changed so much.

As expected, plans are not as fast as changes.

At this time, Tianxing was also gathering strength. Instead of dealing with Chen Feng and the others, he turned to target the source of destruction.


Qian Sha and Chen Feng made a prompt decision and left without much hesitation.

As expected, Tianxing did not block it and even opened a path.

What's interesting is that when Qian Sha and the others left, the Destruction Source Root side did not stop them. Initially, there were some Destruction Centipedes that attacked crazily, but then they retreated and dispersed. It was obvious that they had secretly received the order.

Not long after, Qian Sha and his gang left the battlefield.

"It came out like this. Isn't it too easy?" The Boxing Saint felt a little incredible.

It is a very strange thing that three parties fought and one party retreated so smoothly.

"There is someone ahead." Shadow Saint said at this time.

Chen Feng felt it for a moment, and then smiled: "It turns out we are acquaintances. It seems that it is not as simple as watching the fun. It should be that the two sides decide the winner and then take advantage of the situation. If we continue to fight, we may also become hunted by the other party. Target."

"They are indeed acquaintances. This is also a very powerful force." Qian Sha said.

It was the spiritual ancestor who came, or the other party had been watching the battle here.

The Soul Ancestor naturally saw Chen Feng and the others, and greeted them from a distance, then stepped forward alone.

"Hello, fellow Taoists." The Soul Ancestor said with a smile.

"Haha!" Chen Feng laughed.

"Fellow Taoists, you are not afraid of coming but not returning."

"I believe you will not attack me." The Soul Ancestor said.

"Fellow Taoists, this is to believe in your own strength, but what advice do you have for me this time?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"There is no need for you to be hostile to me. We don't have any grudges, and we even have room for cooperation." The Soul Ancestor said with a smile.

"No grudges, this is simply a joke. Did you forget the previous things?" Chen Feng laughed, thinking that the other party was really lying with his eyes open.

"But you also got my compensation. In fact, the root of the conflict also came from the Tianxing Life Land, but you just happened to get involved." The Soul Ancestor said.

"Well, let's not talk about these things. It doesn't matter whether it's a grudge or not. In fact, it doesn't matter. The most important thing is to see what benefits we can get from cooperation." Chen Feng changed his previous attitude.

Qiansha and the others did not say anything. After all, the side of the Soul Ancestor also had a very powerful force.

It is best not to become opponents unless it is absolutely necessary.

After all, there will definitely be injuries when the two sides fight.

Especially now, the situation is so chaotic, so many opponents are threatening here, and it is better for both sides not to tear each other apart unless it is absolutely necessary.

After all, Qiansha and the others can't do it at all, sweeping all directions.

And Qiansha and the others think further. Tianxing is so powerful that he must have discovered the existence of the Soul Ancestor and others a long time ago, and maybe he has some preparations.

Just rushed out of the melee, and everyone didn't think of leaving immediately. They also thought about whether they could take advantage of the situation from a distance.

Now that the Soul Ancestor has shown goodwill, maybe we can really have a good talk.

"My opponent is Tianxing. I see that you and Tianxing seem to have a conflict. Why don't we join forces?" The Soul Ancestor said.

"Tianxing is not easy to deal with. The opponent has too many means. Now he has controlled a group of destructive creatures. Who knows if there are other means? We are planning to leave this place. There is no need to stay here and continue to fight." Chen Feng said.

"Tianxing is indeed very powerful and has many trump cards in his hands. It just happens that he has some grudges with us. Such a powerful existence is a huge hidden danger. Don't you want to kill Tianxing? Otherwise, you must be careful when you venture into the Gate of Origin in the future." The old ancestor of the mind said lightly, as if he had determined Chen Feng's attitude.

"I still have means to protect myself, but if I can kill Tianxing, I don't mind taking action. I don't know if there is any way. Of course, although I have also stayed in the Tianxin Life Land for a while, I still don't know Tianxing. It's better for Daoyou to tell us about the nature. Knowing yourself and the enemy can better defeat the opponent." Chen Feng said.

"That's no problem. I still know a little about Tianxing." The old ancestor of the mind nodded, and then told everyone some information about Tianxing.

Chen Feng and the others looked calm on the surface, but they were actually communicating and thinking secretly.

"I didn't expect Tianxing to be so difficult to deal with. There is no weakness at all. In this case, unless we use a strong enough force to surround and kill the opponent, even so, we will have to pay a great price." Chen Feng said a little depressed.

"I didn't expect this guy to be so powerful, and he completely refined the Tianxing Life Land. No wonder, no wonder he gave us control so confidently, and no wonder he didn't care about the collapse of Tianxing creatures." Qiansha said.

"Being able to sacrifice so many powerful combat puppets is enough to show the opponent's strength. Now that the combat puppets have been broken, Tianxing must have taken the opportunity to take back the imprint in them, and its strength has become stronger than before. In this case, it is indeed difficult to deal with." Zhenyan nodded.

Although the people present were very confident, no one thought they were Tianxing's opponents. Even if we could join forces, we would not be very sure. After all, Tianxing would not stop there and act as a target for everyone.

"And the magical power that Tianxing has integrated into the fighting spirit is also very powerful. In this case, there is no need to worry about being besieged. Moreover, Tianxing has a lot of resources and does not care about consumption in a short period of time." Chen Feng remembered the previous fight with Tianxing.

It turned out that the palm that stretched out from Tianxing's body was not another helper, but the fighting spirit integrated into the body, which can also be said to be a special clone.

These clones are very powerful. Although they are not as powerful as Tianxing itself, they can block Chen Feng's attack in the previous battle and fight with the original beast.

Besides, according to the information obtained from the old ancestor of the mind, there are other powerful fighting spirits in Tianxing's body.

"Such a powerful existence is rarely encountered even in the Gate of Origin, unless some extremely ancient life can reach this level." Qiansha said.

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