Eternal Existence

Chapter 4411: Battle Puppet

The fist saint also looked solemn. Each punch seemed to be light and easy, but the explosive power was stronger than before.

The shadow saint's magic power ended this time, and the killing range caused by the two was wider than before.

The powerful annihilation creatures were swept away, and those with ordinary strength were directly shattered.

Just after the shadow saint's magic power disappeared, a beam of sword light suddenly appeared in the closing shadow energy.

The sword light exploded, and the shadow energy also exploded.

It seemed that the shadow saint was seriously injured, but then another group of shadow energy bloomed not far away, trapping a cultivator in the middle.

"I have been prepared for this trick of yours, but I didn't expect you to take the bait." The shadow saint said with a smile.

Chen Feng stepped forward and stretched out his hand to grab a cultivator in his palm.

The fist saint also entered Chen Feng's palm and stepped forward to fight with the opponent.

Originally, the three of them could attack more than a dozen annihilation creatures together, but this time they targeted one opponent alone.

If they can't take down the opponent again, then wouldn't it be a waste of effort this time?

If they could kill the other party, Chen Feng and the other two would consider it an honor for the other party.

Chi Chi Chi!

After being caught by Chen Feng, the cultivator knew that things were not going well. In fact, he began to struggle when he was trapped by Shadow Saint.

But it was useless. This cultivator was indeed powerful and could severely injure a Hunyuan Golden Immortal with a sneak attack.

But he still couldn't turn over under the suppression of Chen Feng and the other two.

In the fierce battle, Chen Feng's palm, as a battlefield, first had wounds and then began to collapse.

When it was about to collapse completely, he finally solved the opponent.

The palm re-condensed and grabbed a long sword.

The origin-level long sword.

"Good stuff." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"We have more powerful enemies." Shadow Saint said so.

"That can't be helped. They came to our door first. The stronger the enemy, the stronger our strength is. This is also a good thing. If we can kill all the opponents, it will be an interesting thing." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Can we lure out another swordsman hiding in the dark?" Chen Feng said.

"I think it's difficult. This level of existence is actually very difficult to kill. It can only be said that the other party is unlucky to meet us." Fist Saint said.

"I am beginning to lean towards luck now. If our luck is worse, we will die." Fist Saint said.

"Strength is still the most important." Chen Feng took over and said.

"We could have killed dozens of annihilation creatures, but now we have only solved one opponent. It seems a bit uneconomical." Fist Saint said with a smile.

"It's indeed a bit uneconomical. Can Daoyou still use his magical powers?" Chen Feng asked.

"Yes, I can only use it once. What do you two think? Do you want me to continue to use my magical powers, or wait a little longer?" Shadow Saint said.

"Then keep this opportunity. Maybe there are more powerful opponents waiting for us. After all, it's not time to fight desperately." Chen Feng said.

Without using magical powers, Shadow Saint is also a master, but he is not worried about these annihilation creatures.

Sure enough, after Chen Feng and the other two solved a swordsman, the other swordsman who hid in the dark did not appear again.

The crowd fought their way out and gradually approached the Tianxing Life Land.

At this time, the war in the Tianxing Life Land was still going on.

Chen Feng mobilized the power of the Life Land and led himself and others there.

After landing in the Life Land, everyone instinctively felt a little at ease, although there were also invaders here.

After landing, everyone immediately received the blessing of the Tianxing Life Land, and the previous consumption was quickly restored.

"What's the situation?" someone asked.

"Someone fell, and a master lurked in the dark."

"In this case, the two cultivators before don't suppress them, just kill them directly and serve as nutrients between lives."

At this point, it was already a situation of life and death, and there was no need to spend power to suppress the opponent.

Everyone agreed with this view, that is, to mobilize the power of the Life Land to wipe out the two cultivators.

The two powerful lives gradually merged into the Life Land.

Chen Feng had been observing in secret, wanting to see if he could draw out some opponents.

Who knew that the opponent was so patient, although he killed two of the opponent's existence, the opponent did not seem to react.

At least Chen Feng didn't see any clues.

Chen Feng and others also had another worry. This time, there was a mess in the Tianxing Life Land. Would the Soul Ancestor and his people take advantage of the situation?

"It's possible, but what? Even if the Soul Ancestor and his people have ideas, I'm afraid they will wait until both of us are hurt before they take action. It's a bit early to invest now." Chen Feng said.

"But things are not absolute. Maybe this animation is really related to the Soul Ancestor."

"In fact, I just want to use this place as a safe place to stay. Now it seems that the strength is not safe. It is worthy of being the Gate of Origin. There are disputes and dangers everywhere. As expected, strength is the most important."

Just as Chen Feng was daydreaming, there were some shadows in his heart. He originally thought that there was danger coming, but who knew that it was the huge eyes of Tianxing that appeared.

Only seeing the eyes sweeping across, those invaders were affected one after another, and the opponent seized the opportunity to attack them in a series of ways.

In the blink of an eye, all the creatures of Annihilation were wiped out.

Tianxing took action. Although the real body did not come, everyone had hope.

Moreover, Tianxing's actions like this can also enhance his side's strength on a large scale.

In fact, Chen Feng wanted to see how powerful Tianxing really was, but except for the previous battle with the spiritual ancestor, Chen Feng had never observed it up close.

But Chen Feng knew that among all the masters he knew, Tianxing should be the strongest.

No matter Qian Sha and others, some of the masters they have encountered before are not as good as Tianxing.

"The original evil beast and the Destruction Demonic Spider are, after all, another kind of life. If they were to face the Heavenly Star, they would probably not be opponents. They are worthy of being named after a life area. In addition to the long period of training, the most important thing is one's own. With talent and hard work, I don’t know when I will reach this level." Chen Feng muttered.

In fact, after Chen Feng entered the realm of Hunyuan, his cultivation speed has slowed down. Under normal circumstances, Chen Feng needs a long time to polish and accumulate.

That's why you need to find some special and dangerous places, plunder and devour them, so as to speed up your cultivation.

Even now, Chen Feng's cultivation and magic power are still the weakest, otherwise he would not have been attacked by the opponent before.

"Fellow Taoists, what are your thoughts next?" Chen Feng and Qian Sha were also communicating secretly.

"This land of life is quite good. If you can, it's best not to give up. As for the two waves of attacks in a short period of time, it actually makes sense. In any case, these destruction creatures and annihilation creatures are ours. All enemies of life will fight to the end even if they meet in other places." Qian Sha said.

"Of course, we have to see how things develop this time. If this land of life is really shattered, or robbed, then there is nothing we can do. Before, I was thinking about whether we could take advantage of the troubled waters and directly take advantage of it. The control of this land of life has been snatched away, but it seems difficult now, and we also lack enough power here. "

"That's true. Fortunately, the opponent this time is the Annihilation Creature. If it were another force, we would have to hesitate this time."

"Let's take a look at the situation first. Although the situation is critical, we can still resist it. If there is really danger, we will just find a way to leave."

Everyone was talking about it, but the overall meaning was the same. Chen Feng felt relieved and continued to fight.

The only thing that makes Chen Feng feel depressed is that his magic weapon suppresses enough things and stores too many resources, so he cannot suppress his opponents well.

Otherwise, what a great thing it would be if Chen Feng released his magic weapon and suppressed dozens or hundreds of annihilation creatures in one go.

But now Chen Feng needs to smash the opponent into pieces and completely wipe out the vitality mark in the opponent's body before he dares to put it into the magic weapon.

It's not that Chen Feng doesn't want to conquer the other person's world, but doing so requires spending some of his own strength.

In a word, Chen Feng has collected too many good things, and he has reached the point where he is full.

This is an incredible thing for most Hunyuan Golden Immortals.

After all, the resources that everyone gets will basically be used on themselves, and only the resources that are used are good resources.

It is extremely rare for someone like Chen Feng to not be able to use up all the items or even put them on his body.

"If the fighting continues like this, the invaders will be eliminated. Although there will be some damage to the land of life, we can afford it. At worst, we will recruit some other adventurers to come here, but I think Tianxing should I won't let this matter continue," Shadow Saint said.

If Tianxing wanted to take this opportunity to eliminate some potential threats, then this plan was wrong.

The strength of Chen Feng and others in the entire Tianxing Life Land is already at the top. If they really survive to the end, it will be Chen Feng and others.

Chen Feng looked at Tianmu Shenjun and Zhan and the others, and his expression seemed to become calmer than before.

So Chen Feng had some guesses in his mind.

It seems that they have received the summons from Tianxing, and they should be in a confident state now.

"Could it be that Tianxing still has means? Or maybe Tianxing took action himself." Chen Feng thought about this.

Of course, although the sky star in front of him used his huge eyes, Chen Feng believed that the other party's magical power would not be able to be repeated non-stop.

If this is the case, then this method alone can really change the situation, but Chen Feng believes that Zhenxin cannot be so powerful, and there will definitely be other methods and preparations.

To be able to cultivate to this point and control such a huge land of life, it is simply impossible to say that Tianxing is just an illusion.

Sure enough, the following events confirmed Chen Feng's guess.

A battle puppet with a golden light shining all over his body appeared. This battle puppet was huge in size and even more powerful in combat. The surging power contained in his body shocked even Chen Feng.

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